Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1780 The way to disappear out of thin air

"Those five people are not real robbers. The real robbers have sneaked into the hostages," Conan immediately acted as a righteous and innocent child, pointing at a certain Lak and the confused face in front of him. The police explained and shouted loudly, "That big brother took the risk of sending the bomb to the door to detonate. He also said so, so it's better not to let everyone leave!"

Ease your own dangerous situation and find a reason for yourself - he is not targeting the rake, but targeting everyone in the bank. No one can leave until the real robber is found!

In the crowd outside the door, Dr. A Li vaguely heard Conan's voice, but he couldn't hear what Conan said clearly. He broke into a cold sweat for Conan, looked nervously at the man in black at the door, and then was taken aback.

The black smoke dissipated, and a little dust slowly fell in the pale winter light.

The young man in black stood quietly, with his head slightly lowered, his eyes closed, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Huiyuan shrank behind Dr. Ali, feeling that everyone around him seemed to be an accomplice who organized those people. He even subconsciously relaxed his breathing, staring at the figure at the door with a pale face.

The guy is laughing...

He was clearly surrounded by the police, but that guy was still smiling...

After confirming that his left eye was connected to the ark, Chi Feichi opened his eyes, turned his head to look at the crowd on the right, and the smile on the corner of his mouth also subsided.

Since all detectives would stop him if they took risks, he would try by the way.

Let's see if the method he has trained before, and the method of blocking the blind spot of sight, can make him disappear in the crowd!

"I see, this gentleman..." The policeman in front of Conan turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, and suddenly found a figure of a man in black flashing sideways, and when he turned his head to look over, he was not at the door. The mobile team members outside and the crowd in the front row saw the slightest shadow of black clothes, "Eh? Eh..."

In the crowd outside, Dr. Ali only saw a certain Lak approaching the mobile team next to him, but when he looked intently, he didn't catch the figure in black again, and looked around blankly.

Andre Cameron was also crowded in the crowd, and he kept scanning the crowd with his probe. His eyes swept over the faces, but he found that he couldn't find the figure he was looking for. Breaking out in a cold sweat, "No, it's gone..."

On a nearby building.

"Lack has already arrived at the door, but he seems to be stopped... I don't know what's going on here!" Chianti caught Chi Feichi's movement from the scope, and immediately followed him to look over, but found that Chi Feichi should have appeared. There was nothing abnormal in Chi Renying's mobile team, he was taken aback for a moment, "Hey, what's going on..."

The direction of the sight is constantly changing.

The mobile team members on the outside seemed to be very puzzled, turning their heads to look at each other, and the crowd on the outside were still whispering, and outside, there were ordinary people who didn't know what was going on and looked around curiously.

no, no, no...

"No, no, not here..." Chianti kept observing the crowd with a scope, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and kept murmuring nervously, "Still not..."

"Chianti, what happened?"

Gin Jiu's cold questioning sound came from the earphone.

"Disappeared, disappeared..." Chianti gave up observing, murmured in disbelief, and hurriedly explained, "Lack suddenly disappeared!"

On a nearby street, Gin was sitting in the car, frowning as he listened to Chianti's reply. He really wanted to ask if Chianti was still in his head, but thinking that a certain Lak had some magic tricks and was used to being well-prepared in his actions, he still didn't know. Ask the words out.

"Jingle Bell……"

When Vodka heard the ringtone of his mobile phone, he took out the mobile phone in his pocket and took a look. He was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and said, "Brother, it's Lak..."

Gin directly reached out to take the phone, pressed the answer button, and put it to his ear.

The hoarse voice over there was accompanied by the noise of the crowd, and it was very low, but the words were clearly pronounced, "Gin Jiu's phone is busy, tell him to pick me up by car as originally planned."


Gin responded, hung up the phone, threw the phone to Vodka, picked up his phone, and said to Chianti over there, "Chianti, the original plan will continue. Next, we will monitor the street intersection at point C. There is something abnormal. Contact me again."

"But Lark disappeared..."


"Hey, gin...Damn it!"

On the roof of the building, Chianti heard the busy tone from the headset, gritted his teeth angrily, put away the sniper rifle, walked to the other side angrily, and set up the gun to observe.

She wasn't joking, Lark really disappeared, according to the original plan...

In the scope, there were not many passers-by on the street. People on the road were attracted by what happened to the bank and gathered near the bank, so that a certain black Porsche driving to the intersection was not blocked by anything.

At the intersection, the black Porsche 56A stopped. In the alley next to it, a figure in black just walked out, went straight to the car, and opened the rear door to get on the car.

The black Porsche 56A didn't stay long, and drove away quickly. After turning around the intersection, it drove all the way to the distance.

Soon, Qin Jiu also called.

"Chianti, Lark has already received it. There are no suspicious cars or people following us, right?"


"Then you observe it for half a minute and evacuate as soon as possible. It's the same as before. Go around outside a few more times, and be careful not to follow your tail."


Chianti heard the sound of the earphone cutting off the communication, fell silent for a moment, looked down at the scope, thought that the scope could not be broken, and then held his temper and continued to observe the situation of the nearby streets from high altitude.

She stood on a high place and observed with a scope, but she didn't 'keep up' with Lak. She also knew that it was impossible for someone or a car to keep up with Lak...

Gin is also real, she wants to withdraw now, drive after him, and ask how Lak disappeared!


In the Porsche 56A that left, Chi Feichi leaned against the back of the rear seat, calmed down his heartbeat that was still fast, reached out and handed the small box he got, "Come and confirm, I'll take a rest."

"Ah, good," Vodka took the small box sideways, feeling sincerely, "It's really hard for you this time, Lark."

Gin raised his eyes to look at Chi Feichi from the rearview mirror, and was somewhat surprised to find a trace of tiredness in Chi Feichi's blue eyes after his disguise.

In his impression, Lark would not show a state of 'tiredness' that could become a weakness, be used, or be attacked after two days of staying up.

"When the brain is consumed excessively, excitement will turn into inhibition, manifested as fatigue, inattention, hearing loss, sluggish thinking, memory loss, hot ears, and may be accompanied by nausea, headache, and vomiting," Gin said in a deep voice Slowly said, "Luck, looking at you, it is obviously a sign of excessive mental consumption..."

Vodka turned the laptop out and put it on his lap. He was not busy linking to the reading machine. He turned his head curiously and asked, "By the way, Lark, what happened before? Chianti said you were stopped by the police, How did you get away? She said you suddenly disappeared..."

Chi Feichi leaned against the back of the rear seat, his expression remained calm except for a trace of tiredness in his eyes, and he explained softly in a hoarse voice, "When people follow a moving target with their eyes, they will predict according to specific rules. After moving to the right for a while, the human eye will predict to look further to the right. As long as I move faster, let the actual moving track quickly move to the right for a certain distance, and then quickly go back, I can temporarily escape the sight of others , mixed into the mobile team members who are closest to me..."

"Those two mobile players can find a little afterimage from the back of my clothes to the corners of their eyes, and they will turn their heads to look at the place they feel. At the same time, their eyes will keep moving in parallel instead of looking down. I As long as you squat halfway, you can seize the opportunity and pass by their side..."

"After finding that the target is lost, people will search in a certain direction according to their own habits. Some people are used to shifting their eyes from right to left, while others are the opposite. The habit of finding out what you need..."

"When the line of sight is about to move, people's eyes will react in advance, that is, the eyeballs start to deflect. In addition, there are a large range of blind spots in the human field of vision. Although there are many people present, most people with the same observation method have blind spots. coincide……"

"As for the people in the other three directions, it is easy to deceive. In fact, the human eye also has focusing problems like a camera. When moving the line of sight quickly and wanting to quickly search for a moving object, sometimes what is captured is not enough. Generate information that feeds back to the brain..."

Vodka: "..."

Understood, to put it simply, Lark is using the habit of observing with human eyes, using his own observation and judgment, using his own body speed and reflex ability to deceive other people, causing the effect of 'sudden disappearance', and letting No one can be found.

But it's hard to imagine whether you understand it or not.

The thoughts, observation habits, blind spots of the people passing by...

The thoughts of people nearby, observation habits, blind spots of sight...

The thoughts, observation habits, and blind spots of people in other directions...

The brain needs to receive, judge, and analyze so much information, and issue instructions to allow the body to respond quickly. In less than a second, the brain needs to complete a large amount of information receiving, analysis, and transmission.

And as the body or line of sight of oneself and others moves, the same huge amount of information must be updated at all times to make a new trajectory movement plan.

It's really not easy for Lak to come all the way. Even if Lak enters the alley in the plan, he doesn't need to count down the alley, but the entrance of the bank is not too close to the alley. It is said that Lak still has to turn back in the crowd and change his trajectory, it is impossible to walk in a straight line.

After following Lak's train of thought for a while, he felt dizzy and nauseous.

Just listen to it, he can't learn it, if he doesn't learn it, he shouldn't torture himself so much.

Gin: "..."

In fact, Lark needn't say anything.

Leaving aside the issue of whether they could imitate, he heard that Lak's voice became weaker and weaker, and he was a little worried that Lak did not die in action, but died in his car afterwards. (to be continued)

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