Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1781 There is something in my heart that I don't know...

"Generally speaking, crowded and crowded places are more conducive to hiding," Chi Feichi said in a soft voice, insisting on speaking. This is the result of his energy and Ark's calculations. Afterwards, I will review it like this , which will help me sum up my experience, and I can use it myself when I leave the Ark in the future. I can only speak softly, "Although there are many people, as long as people with the same habits are grouped together, the amount of calculation will be much less..."

Gin interrupted loudly, "If you feel tired, you can shut up and take a good rest."

"No, if I fall asleep, I won't be able to wake up for a while," Chi Feichi said that he didn't want to go to sleep, and he just wanted to explain the situation clearly before he fell asleep, and chat to distract himself, so that he can feel comfortable when he returns After falling asleep, he continued, "In fact, this can also be regarded as a magic trick. It also uses speed and human inertia to deceive people's eyes."

"Excessive brain power consumption can seriously lead to sleep disturbance, neurasthenia, or brain dysfunction. Don't you not understand your mental state?" Qin Jiu said, "Actually, you can wait for our people to create chaos and then take the opportunity to escape. "

"When everyone noticed me, something happened nearby, and I took the opportunity to leave, which might arouse suspicion afterwards," Chi Feichi explained patiently, "Although it's strange that I disappeared from everyone's sight, But because it is difficult to understand, people will find reasons for themselves, and finally blame me for my speed, or too many people blocking everyone's sight, and there is no major incident. At most, those passers-by thought it was strange that I walked straight away, but at least I helped the police avoid casualties, and the police would eventually know that I had nothing to do with the robbery, which could also be explained that I was just a For those who don’t want to be entangled by the media, or who don’t want to be overly concerned, tomorrow, I will also find relevant online forums, post a lot of analytical comments and approval replies, and guide everyone to think in that direction... Also, I met in the bank When it comes to FBI investigators, there may be their companions inside and outside the bank, and the chaos you created may divert the attention of passers-by and the police, but they may stare at me regardless."

The most important thing is that today's environment is so suitable for practical training, and Conan is so generous that he is stared at by so many people, and he does not want to be rude. He also wants to give Conan a little 'surprise' by the way.

If something goes wrong in the middle, he still has the little pill of 'black humor' to remedy it.

If it wasn't too surprising that his whole body turned black under the eyes of everyone, he really wanted to try the medicine by the way...

"Are you really not going to shut up and rest?" Gin couldn't bear to ask again, his voice was cold and threatening, "like you, you can make your brain work quickly in a short period of time, but just a few minutes is like staying up for two days. Same night, if you don't shut up and rest, I'm really worried that you will suffer from brain damage and become stupid, and you won't be able to get out of Qingshan No. 4 Hospital in the future!"

"Don't say such vicious things," Chi Feichi said, "I haven't reached that level yet."

" have a chance to rest, but you are still holding on. I can't think of any other explanation except that you have a penchant for self-torture..." Qin Jiu bit a cigarette silently, took the cigarette lighter on the car and lit it, "Let's go to your safe base in Kuboto-cho first, and vodka and I will leave after the follow-up is confirmed."

"You guys can handle the matter of contacting the programmer later," Chi Feichi insisted, "I'm going back to the apartment."

It's not that he is too picky and doesn't want to take a nap in the car, but that his left eye consumes too much energy, and he will definitely fall asleep as soon as he takes a nap, and he can't even wake up with a knife stabbing him. For an hour, gin would never wake him up.

Sawada Hiroki has Xiaomei taking care of him, so he doesn't worry too much, but he can't wake up after sleeping for more than ten hours, which is enough for Gin and that person to think wildly. It might be suspected that he fell into a coma or turned into a vegetable...

He didn't want to wake up and find himself lying on the experimental bench being studied.

"I'm worried that no one will collect your body after you die," Gin said maliciously, "If you don't think it's good to be in your safe stronghold, I can also help you find a laboratory with brain testing equipment, I think That one will agree with me."

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "Ginjiu, when you feel unwell in the future, it's best not to let me find out."

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu sneered, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you, you won't have that chance!"


The sound of the roaring engine of the car approached quickly, and a blue Dodge Viper sports car caught up from behind, with the windows down.

Chi Fei woke up late, ready for Rachianti to talk for a while, and continued to suppress his sleepiness.

Qin Jiu suddenly accelerated and made a sharp turn, and the car turned into the intersection at a high speed.

Chi Feichi: "..."

There is a sentence in my heart that I don't know whether to say it or not.

Chianti drove past: "..."

What's happening here?

She didn't believe that Gin didn't see her car, she just wanted to ask how Lak did it before, without offending Gin?

There is a sentence in my heart, I don't know whether to say it or not!


On the other hand, Conan chased out of the bank gate but did not find a trace of Lark. Shocked and disappointed, he could only deal with the matter in front of him first, and designed for the police to find the five robbers who had sneaked into the hostages.

When the dust settled, the hostages walked out of the bank safely. Some stood on the street calling their families, some comforted each other with their companions, and no one was in a hurry to leave.



The three children smiled and ran towards Dr. Ali and Hui Yuanai who were waiting outside. Not only did they not have the slightest fear at the thought of cooperating with Conan's routine to catch the robbers, but they were also faintly excited.

Conan looked around, and finally found Judy's figure in the crowd on the side of the road, and walked over.


Judy asked in astonishment, "The rak appeared here, and then disappeared under the eyes of hundreds of people?"

What happened during her coma?

"Yeah, when we were waiting for you outside, for some reason, there was an explosion at the entrance of the bank. At that time, black smoke was everywhere at the entrance of the bank, and Rake took the opportunity to walk out of the bank," Andre Cameron said in a low voice. Then, he raised his hand to wipe his profuse sweat, and looked at Conan who walked to Judy's side, "It seems that a child in the bank yelled 'wait a minute', and the police found the rake, so he couldn't leave... ..."

"Ke, Conan?" Judy turned her head to see Conan, stunned for a moment, and asked anxiously, "What's going on? Why did people from that organization appear in the bank?"

In the bank before, she saw Akai Shuichi with burns on his face, but no matter how she asked, the other party didn't respond, as if he couldn't speak because of the injury, and he didn't remember her at all.

When she first came out, she saw that the other party was leaving, and was about to catch up, when she was stopped by her panting boss and colleagues, saying that 'the rake wine disappeared'.

The appearance of raki here is related to the appearance of Shuichi Akai? If he was seen, wouldn't Akai Shuichi's current situation be very dangerous?

Conan didn't hide anything, and told the story before and after he met the raki, from finding someone in the third compartment of the toilet to the disappearance of the raki, including some of his own analysis.

He came to find Teacher Judy, originally to communicate the information and clues at hand.

When Judy heard that the rake might be here by chance, she breathed a sigh of relief, "But how did he disappear from everyone's sight?"

"This is not clear yet..." Conan thought for a while, looked up at Andre Cameron, and asked with a frown, "Investigator Cameron, you and Mr. James seem to have searched nearby, but there is no evidence at all Did you see his figure?"

"That's right, after I found out that he had disappeared, I squeezed through the crowd and ran over. I searched around the road and looked everywhere, but I didn't see him," Andre Cameron said truthfully, and He looked at James Black, "Mr. James was worried that he hid in the crowd and did not leave. He turned around and searched in the opposite direction, but..."

"I still haven't found him," James Black sighed. "I paid attention to the pedestrians along the road. At that time, everyone and the police also thought it was weird. They looked around, but no one saw him again. The black ghost disappeared. So grotesquely lost in the bright light of a winter day, out of sight of a hundred people."

Conan agreed with James Black's statement in his heart, staring down at the ground solemnly, and the face of the young man appeared in his mind.

The figure of the other party was shrouded in black mist, like a ghost born in the darkness, blue eyes stared at them with indifference, and there was an arrogant smile that seemed to be mocking at the corner of his mouth.

Just like the smile standing at the door of the bank, it seems to be condescendingly announcing:

You can't stop me, everything you do is useless...

"Cool boy," Judy bent down and approached Conan, and when Conan looked up in surprise, he said seriously, "You have been noticed by him, right? He knows that you and those three children know FBI investigators, And the child who got him noticed by the police should be you, right?"

"It's dangerous."

A slow voice came from behind Conan.

"Huihara?" Conan looked at the two people behind him in surprise, "Doctor? How could you..."

"Seeing that you came to Mrs. Judy, we guessed that you guys wanted to discuss the matter of raki, so we wanted to take a look," Dr. Ali said, turning to look at the three children who ran into the convenience store next door, " They went to buy snacks, and it may take a while to come back, so let's hurry up and communicate."

"So, what should we do now?" Hui Yuanai's face was still lacking in color, but his mentality has recovered his composure, and he analyzed, "He found out that you know FBI investigators, and with a little investigation, you can know who you are. The children who live in the Maori Detective Agency, and then suspect Uncle Maori, at that time, not only you and the children, but Uncle Maori, Miss Xiaolan, the doctor who is close to everyone from the Maori Detective Agency, and I may all being targeted." (To be continued)

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