Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1782 The Illusion of Tranquility

"Don't worry," Conan smiled, "He asked us how we knew that Mr. Judy was the FBI, and I told him that it was because I was almost kidnapped before, and Mrs. Judy rescued me, that I found out about Judy inadvertently." The teacher is an FBI investigator, and he doesn't seem suspicious... The FBI investigator who came to Japan was nosy and rescued a kid. After revealing his identity, he asked the child to keep it secret, but he found out by accident. Not surprising, right? I don’t think they would care about a few children, but if they suspect Uncle Kogoro, as long as Teacher Judy and the others don’t interact with Uncle Kogoro, they won’t take it seriously after monitoring for a while. "

Haibara Ai saw that Conan was relieving himself, but felt that it was necessary to let the famous detective know that the organization sometimes did not tell evidence at all, and reminded, "It's better not to take it lightly, last time they were just suspicious, no, they are still prepared to deal with it." Has Uncle Maori made a move?"

"Yeah, I know." Conan also put away the smile on his face, nodded seriously, and looked at Judy and the three of them again, "In short, Mr. Judy, let's separate here. If there is any situation, I will call you again, of course, if it is not necessary, it is better for us not to meet again recently."

Lark wine is a powerful enemy in every aspect, no wonder it occupies a high position in that organization.

Facing such a person, he certainly wouldn't take it lightly.

It's just that it's useless to be nervous now. It's better to be tight and tight, and live a normal life on the surface. After returning, he will tell the person who lives next door to the doctor's house. The two of them will cooperate to monitor the surroundings. Once the organization is found nearby If there are traces of action, they may still be able to use their tricks, or use other methods to seize the opportunity.


After midnight, the weather turns warmer.

Before two o'clock in the morning, the snowflakes accumulated on the street had all melted. In the morning, the people who had finished their vacation and got off work wore thick coats and walked across the street just like the day before.

"Five robbers have been arrested in the robbery at the branch of the Imperial Capital Bank in Mihua Town yesterday, and there have been no casualties so far..."

In a clean alley, the curtains on the windows of a family's living room are drawn tightly, and the news is broadcast on the TV in the house.

Vodka looked at the clock on the wall, "Brother, it's past nine o'clock in the morning, is there still no movement from Lark?"

Qin Jiu was sitting on the sofa, looking down at the information on the computer, with smoke rising from the cigarette in his mouth, floating in front of his eyes with calm eyes, "If there was any movement, he would have come out a long time ago."

"It's been almost sixteen hours, right?" Vodka paused, "The one who can open the door of the underground passage, do you want to..."

"It's not surprising that there is lethargy," Gin said with a casual attitude. "If there is anything abnormal, that person will send another email to let us go down."

"But, there is no surveillance in Lark's bedroom, right?" Vodka was a little worried that a major member of the organization died in the underground bedroom without anyone knowing.

Qin Jiu decided to temporarily put down the work at hand, and explained clearly to his younger brother, "The one said that Feichi woke up early, and after an hour of morning exercises downstairs, he crawled in and out again, and it seemed normal. Sometimes, animals Feichi's sensory perception is much more sensitive than that of humans, and Feichi's IQ is no worse than that of a child. When its owner can't move, it will be coiled at the vital point to protect it. If Lark's life is in danger, Feichi can't be so leisurely."

So don't worry too much at all.

"That's right..."

Vodka nodded, and when he heard the sound of the door opening, he turned his head and looked over, looking up and down Chi Feichi, who was as indifferent as usual, with the look of "too lazy to care about you" except for the disguised face. , said hello, "You're awake, Lark."

"Morning," Chi Feichi turned his head to look at the broadcast screen on the TV, and walked towards the cabinet with Feichi in his hand, "Shouldn't I need my help in the follow-up?"

"We contacted a programmer last night, and sent the memory card to that guy this morning," Vodka said truthfully, reminding, "Luck, there is still breakfast in the insulated box, and my brother and I have already eaten it." gone."


Chi Feichi opened the insulated box on the table and took a look. After finding that there were pasta and cream soup inside, he started to make coffee from the cup.

Gin raised his hand and extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray, "Eat slowly, if there is any action, I will contact you again."

"Aren't you guys having lunch here?" Chi Feichi turned around and asked.

Gin recalled the delicious Chinese dishes, and was silent for a while, suspecting that Chi Feichi was trying to seduce them, and expressed his attitude, "If you don't mess around."

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, picked up hot water and made coffee, "Gin Jiu, what you said is ambiguous, what can I do to you?"

"Hmph...I'm worried that you overused your brain yesterday and are not clear today."

That being said, Gin still gave up on taking the computer and leaving, and at lunch time, he pulled vodka to help, and kept an eye on the ingredients by the way to prevent someone from poisoning.

After having lunch in the living room with the curtains drawn, Chi Feichi locked the door and left after the gin and vodka left. After getting used to the bright light outside, he took a taxi at the intersection to go back to see his baby.

In the evening, it was the opening dinner of the "Seven Detective Office". Originally, Koshimi Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi didn't plan to make such a big show, but among the pet owners who lost their dogs, there was a couple who opened a restaurant and offered to help hold the dinner. Many plans were also made.

Of course, this kind of thing can't take advantage of others, Koshimizu Nanatsuki simply booked a small restaurant, and invited acquaintances and Mihuacho to have a meal. Because too many people were invited, the dinner became a "network expansion" meeting, which was more formal.

When Chi Feichi arrived with his baby, he found that Suzuki Sonoko had not only arrived ahead of time, but also brought an exaggerated and arrogant congratulatory gift from Suzuki Jirokichi. In addition, besides Dr. A certain fan who lives next door to Dr. Ali's house.

Huihara Ai followed Koshimizu Nanatsuki, together with Mori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, and chatted with a few familiar faces of women. A certain pink hair and Dr. Ali were also sitting at the table, looking at a drawing and talking in a low voice.

Chi Feichi entered the door and took a look, then walked to the table with Sawada Hiroki in his arms, and was company with the only two men so far.

"Feichi, you're here," Dr. A Li smiled when he saw Chi Feichi approaching, raised his head and stretched out his hand, "Xiaoshu, come and hug me, grandpa!"

Chi Feichi lamented that Dr. Ali entered the role of "grandpa" too smoothly, and handed Hiroki Sawada to Dr. Ali.

Under Okiya Subaru's blank gaze, Sawada Hiroki stretched out his arms and hugged Dr. Ali's neck, looked at the blueprints on the table, and turned his head to Chi Feichi and said softly, "Godfather, it's chess... ..."

"Yeah, recently there is a chess game that is said to be completely impossible to win on the Internet. Mr. Subaru and I are researching it, and it is almost cracked!" Dr. Ali carefully hugged the human cub in his arms, and confronted Subaru. He laughed and said, "This is Xiaoshu, the godson of Feichi. The little guy should take care of Xiao Wai and call him auntie. After thinking about it, I can only upgrade to the grandpa generation!"

Chi Feichi sat down beside him and looked at the chess game marked on the paper on the table.

Watching the black players eating leisurely, watching TV, and watching dramas in the morning, and seeing the red players sitting in the restaurant drinking tea, chatting, and studying the chess game in the evening, gave him the illusion of "time is quiet".

"Hey..." Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes, trying not to frighten the children with his calm gaze, and joked, "Every time I see Mr. Chi, I always bring some cute beings over."

Chi Feichi didn't look at the chess game on the table again, "Didn't Mr. Chongya reply earlier that you have something to do today?"

"The person who made the appointment was temporarily busy, and the appointment was cancelled, so I came to Ms. Koshimizu's opening dinner." Okiya Subaru raised his hand and pushed his glasses, his voice was still gentle, "And what I said to the doctor is impossible to win The chess game is very interesting, so I came here early with him, and by the way, see if there is anything that needs help..."

How could he say that it was because he agreed to a certain little detective - when the little detective was away in the past few days, he was responsible for observing whether there were any suspicious people around other people?

Dr. Ali is here, Shirley is here, and Chi Feichi, who has been noticed by the organization for a long time, is also here. After a while, Kogoro Moori and others will come over. Maybe there will be people you don't know very well at the dinner today. There may be people who sneaked into the organization inside, so he has no reason not to follow and take a look.

And this time, the person who may cause trouble, the bank robber's intention in a blink of an eye, and the rake wine that suddenly disappeared from the sight of hundreds of people, is just like the "impossible chess game" in front of him. Would also be of great interest.

"I don't need help at all!" The middle-aged woman in an apron stepped forward, bent down and brought a cup of tea to the table in front of Chi Feichi, and said with a smile, "Whether it's the restaurant decoration or the meal later, everyone I have already helped to prepare, everyone and Detective Yueshui can enjoy the joy of having dinner together today!"

Chi Feichi suspected that a certain fanmao suddenly changed his mind because he appeared as Lak yesterday and frightened a detective, but he didn't tell the truth. He said "thank you" to the woman, and found that it was too dark, so he turned around and asked Dr. Ali, "Doctor, are Conan, Mitsuhiko, Genta and Ayumi still here?"

Haibara Ai looked at Okiya Subaru from a distance, walked to the table, climbed onto the chair, knelt on the chair, stretched out his hand to tease Hiroki Sawada in Dr. Agasa's arms, and pricked up his ears to eavesdrop.

She wondered what a famous detective was thinking.

It was just discovered by Lark that the children knew the FBI investigators. Recently, the organization may send people to investigate. There is a very suspicious guy next to them. But he suddenly changed his mind, no matter how you looked at it, it was suspicious...

In the end, the famous detective actually said, "Didn't you say that, Mr. Okiya is not a bad guy", it was too careless!

"They encountered an incident," Dr. A Li said helplessly, "Towards the end of the afternoon, Mr. Maori was going to the barber shop to shave before coming to the restaurant. Xiaolan came to see if he could help, and asked Conan to find him, but the result was a haircut. The owner of the shop was killed, and since the dinner party was still early, Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi went to a nearby park to relax. The park they went to happened to be at the back door of the barber shop. They were also very important witnesses. Just stay at the barber shop and cooperate with the police investigation." (To be continued)

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