Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1783 trick him out of retribution

"Mr. Mori seems to have called Ms. Koshimizu before. He said that he would solve the case as soon as possible, and then bring the children over so that we don't have to wait for them." "However, I was still thinking that if it was a dinner party with only acquaintances, I might be able to taste the delicacies cooked by Mr. Chi again. If possible, I would like to learn from Mr. Chi."

Chi Feichi agreed very simply, "I will teach you another day."

"How about tomorrow, how about it?" Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes harmlessly, "I've also been doing morning exercises recently, if you are free tomorrow, you can go for a morning run together, and then have lunch at my place or the doctor's. "

Haibara Ai:"!"

Edogawa also said that this guy is not suspicious? She keeps getting close to her brother every day!

"I'm free tomorrow," Chi Feichi thought for a while, then asked, "When are you going to go for a morning run?"

"Five or six in the morning doesn't matter."

"Then I'll call you at six tomorrow morning."


Early the next morning.

Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru met at the door of Dr. Ali's house. Just as they were about to set off, Huihara Ai opened the door and came out. He had already changed into a running attire, followed by Dr. Ali who looked confused.

After turning around and closing the courtyard door, Hui Yuan Ai looked calmly at the two people who were looking at her, "Let's go, don't you want to exercise in the morning? I want to exercise today, and the doctor should have exercised long ago."

She had to keep an eye on the guy next door so he wouldn't hurt her brother, and besides, the doctor really needed to get some exercise.

Okiya Subaru smiled indifferently and said, "It's better to exercise together, but if there are two children now, let's go to the nearby park."

Dr. Ali was forced to run to the park. Even if Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru slowed down, they were still out of breath, so they decided to rest aside with Huibara Ai.

Okiya Subaru saw that Chi Feichi ran with his baby for a long distance without looking exhausted, and was aroused to be competitive, but he also felt sincerely, "Mr. Chi's physical strength is really strong, not worse than that of professional athletes." .”

"It's the same for you," Huiyuan Ai tried to expose someone's suspiciousness to Dr. A Li and Chi Feichi, and said while sitting on a chair and looking at Okiya Subaru, "Looking at your physical strength, it's really hard to imagine that you just A university graduate."

"University graduate students can also have good physical fitness. Isn't it the same for Mr. Chi, a university graduate? Frankly speaking, I have always paid attention to physical health issues," Okiya Subaru explained without changing his face, and then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, how about we continue? What do you usually do after running to the park?"

"In the past, I would practice the basic skills of martial arts." Chi Feichi used Hiroki Sawada as a weight-bearing prop, and threw it up and caught it. "But today, just practice casually."

Okiya Subaru didn't want to expose too much of his skills, so he readily agreed. Watching Chi Feichi Diwa exercise his arm strength, he couldn't help turning his eyes to Huiyuan Ai.

Huihara Ai felt a little bad, looked at Okiya Subaru with a cold face, looked away, watched Chi Feichi throw Hiroki Sawada high, and couldn't help reminding, "Brother Feichi, be careful , if it falls, Xiao Shu probably won't be able to wait for the ambulance to arrive."

"That's right..." Okiya Subaru looked at a two-and-a-half-year-old child who was about to be thrown into a tree, with a black thread on his head.

He suddenly felt that the child's parents were really big-hearted, and they were so relieved to leave such a small child in Chi Feichi's care.

Chi Feichi caught the falling Sawada Hiroki. Seeing that so many people were worried, he didn't intend to throw it down again, but suddenly found a familiar figure on the side of the road outside the park.

Seeing Chi Feichi looking at the side of the road, the other three followed Chi Feichi's line of sight.

"Baked sweet potatoes... delicious baked sweet potatoes..."

In the pickup truck, the loudspeaker played the same sentence over and over in a drawn out tone.

The old man in the red hat stood by the car, smiled and bent over to accept the money from Conan, and handed a wrapped baked sweet potato to Conan, "Thank you for your patronage, it's delicious."

"Really, you think you can solve everything just by crying..." Conan muttered in a low voice, pulling away the paper tape wrapping the baked sweet potato.

Haibara Ai who walked behind Conan was taken aback, and reached out to pat Conan on the shoulder.

"Okay, I see, just wait a moment, the sweet potato is very hot, you need to cool it down before eating... Huh... Huh..." Conan took the sweet potato and blew it, turned around and handed the sweet potato forward with a smile, "Come! Eat!"


Chi Feichi, Dr. Ali, Okiya Subaru, Haibara Ai, and Conan who baked sweet potatoes looked at each other.

Conan: "!"

How could these four people be here? !

"I said..." Hui Yuanai looked around, but didn't find Conan's communication target, "Who are you talking to?"

Chi Feichi looked at Conan and asked uncertainly, "Hearing hallucinations?"

When they came over just now, they saw Conan picking up sweet potatoes and started talking to himself, as if he was talking to someone, but there was no one beside him except the old man selling sweet potatoes.

Although he knows that Conan is not really split personality, but maybe Conan tricked him out of retribution...

"No, I'm following..." Conan turned his head to look around him with black hair, his expression suddenly changed, and he began to scan the nearby streets again, "Oops!"

"What, what's the matter?" Dr. Ali said sweatingly.

"Doctor, where did you come from? Did you see a two-year-old child when you came here?" Conan hurriedly gestured, "It's about this tall, with short hair, wearing blue clothes and green pants, and its name is Christmas. .”

"Christmas?" Dr. A Li was confused, but turned around and pointed at the park, "Speaking of children, when we left the park, a child walked in by himself, wearing blue clothes and green pants... Eh? New... Ke, Conan?"

Conan ran quickly to the park without looking back.

Before the others caught up, Conan had already reached the high platform outside the woods in the park, reaching out to hug a child who was about to fall, and his face was wiped with dust by the child's black hands.

Seeing Conan with a painted face, the child giggled happily.

Conan sighed speechlessly, pulled up the child and turned around.

"Where did this child come from?" Hui Yuanai looked curiously at another baby.

"Uncle Kogoro asked me to take care of him first," Conan said with a look of lovelessness, "His mother, Ms. Ishikawa Shigeko, works in a cleaning company and usually delivers things part-time. Not long ago, on the way to deliver the goods, someone wearing a safety helmet Uncle Kogoro just happened to see him, and there seemed to be suspicious people around his mother recently. Uncle Kogoro was worried about their safety, so he helped investigate and protect his mother personally, so he left it to me. Taken care of."

"Where's the child's father?" Dr. Ali asked curiously, "Isn't he at home?"

Conan looked at the child who ran away in a daze, stretched out his hand to hold him, and said in a low voice, "His father passed away last year."

"So that's how it is," Hui Yuanai bent down to look at the little one, and asked, "Is your name Christmas?"

"Yeah!" The child smiled and nodded, waving his muddy hands, "Christmas!"

"So how old is Christmas this year?" Dr. Ali also bent down and asked.

Christmas looked down at the palm of his hand, gestured a 'V', and smiled sweetly, "Two years old!"

"It's two years old." Dr. Ali stood up straight and looked at Hiroki Sawada in Chi Feichi's arms, and said with a smile, "That's half a year older than Xiaoshu!"

Christmas looked up, and when he saw a child who was similar to him, he happily ran to Chi Feichi again.

Conan saw that there were so many of his own people here, and he didn't worry about the children getting lost, so he let go of his hand, letting Christmas run to Chi Feichi's side, and sighed helplessly, "A child of about this age, I used to only I have come into contact with Xiaoshu, and I thought it would be well taken care of, but I found out that I am a little confused. Uncle Xiaowulang said before that if he is not sure, he can ask Brother Chi for help. I just planned to call Brother Chi..."

Chi Feichi just squatted down and asked Christmas to say hello to Hiroki Sawada. Hearing this, he declared, "I'm only good at handling little trees."

Facing Christmas's curious look, Sawada Hiroki reached out his hand and touched it from his pocket, took out a candy that Koshimizu Nanatsuki put in his pocket, and handed it to Christmas.

"Thank you!" Christmas smiled and took the candy. After thinking about it, he took out a somewhat melted candy from his pocket and handed it to Hiroki Sawada.

"After all, Xiaoshu is so smart and precocious that he doesn't look like a one-year-old child." Conan watched the two little milk babies interact, and began to complain with black lines, "Xiaoshu speaks fluently, expresses clearly, and doesn't run around. , will not cry, and will tell others when going to the toilet, no matter who is carrying it, he is very good, but Christmas does not speak many words, and he will cry when he wants something. I bought him baked sweet potatoes just now, and he always It disappeared in the blink of an eye, and there was really nothing I could do."

Comparing the damage, seeing Chi Feichi taking care of the baby with ease, he thought it would not be too difficult to take care of a child, but in the was too difficult, it was too difficult for him.

"That can't be helped. Precocious children like Xiaoshu are very rare. It's probably because his parents are too busy, so they often leave him to others to take care of." Hui Yuanai reached out and touched Sawada Hiroki's face. On the top of my head, thinking of my brother's godson, the little milk baby who should call himself "Auntie", I suddenly felt very relieved and proud, and I didn't forget to tell Conan, "However, since Christmas is entrusted to you to take care of, then you can't dislike him , children are sometimes very sensitive, take care of him carefully, he can feel it."

"I know," Conan looked up at Chi Feichi, and cast a look for help, "But I think it's better to have someone help to watch him, so that you don't have to worry about him running around and getting into any danger."

Chi Feichi thought about it, and looked at Okiya Subaru, "That's right, Mr. Ya, you said you wanted to learn Chinese cuisine, so how about going to the Mori Detective Agency?"

He's supposed to handle a two-year-old, but he'll need someone to do the lunch.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

How does he feel that he is taking a vacation to relax by feigning death and lurking?

I usually chat with my neighbors, have a meal, and occasionally help others take care of their children. Thinking that Judy and the others are busy fighting against the organization, I feel a little guilty for some reason. (to be continued)

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