Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1786 Okiya Subaru: What's wrong with me?

Maori Detective Agency.

Conan and Okiya Subaru frowned, carefully read the 100-person list twice, but found nothing worth noting about this person in the mountain, and began to search for relevant information on the Internet with their mobile phones.

Chi Feichi read the list sent by Takagi She, and did not call out any more, just searched for some people's information casually.

As he expected, because Ishikawa Shigeko needs to take care of young children, she will not travel too far, and she will not go to unfamiliar places for safety, so customers are also concentrated in this area, and there may be old customers who take care of Ishikawa specially. Moko is a mother with children alone, so there are more than one or two repeat customers on the delivery list and cleaning list.

In this way, the most suspicious person is indeed Mr. Yamanaka. The gender, age, handedness, address, occupation, situation and other information are all matched. If no one else meets the conditions, then the target can be directly locked.

Dr. A Li sat aside, watched the three of them staring at the phone seriously, and couldn't help saying, " you want me to help?"

"No need, doctor."

Chi Feichi replied, recalling the information about Mr. Yamanaka, stopped searching the Internet forums, and used his mobile phone to call the landline of the pet shop.


The phone rang for a long time, and was only connected when it was about to hang up. The male voice on the other end sounded hesitant, "Hi, hello, this is the Shanzhong Pet Shop..."

"Are you Mr. Yamanaka?" Chi Feichi said, "I was on the life forum of Mihua Town and saw that you had a large birdcage for sale. I wanted to buy one to keep pigeons, so I called to ask. Is there any for sale?"

"Ah..." The man over there seemed to be in a daze, and he quickly came back to his senses, returning to his true nature as a businessman, and said politely and sincerely, "If it's a bird the size of a pigeon, I still have a lot of birds that can be locked up to ten." There are various types of cages, and there are no larger bird cages for the time being. I haven’t purchased them recently. If possible, I still suggest that you don’t keep a large number of birds together, even if they are of the same species and different They are relatively gentle pigeons, and it is best to keep them in groups. Of course, if you insist on a large cage, I can also provide it, but it may take a while."

Next to him, Conan lay beside Chi Feichi, leaned close to the phone, listened to the two people's exchanges with each other, and teased Chi Feichi in his heart that he wanted to establish a good relationship with the suspect first and wait for the next ruthless reaction. Dorsal stabbing.

"A cage that can hold up to ten pigeons..." Chi Feichi purposely remained silent for a moment, creating the illusion that he was hesitating and thinking, and then said, "I want to go to your store now and have a look at the cage first, is that okay?" ?”

"Ah, sorry, I'm not in the store right now."

"...Then when are you free?"

"Around eight o'clock in the evening, all day tomorrow."

"I'll contact you tomorrow morning."

"Okay, then I will contact you then."


After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi put down the phone and immediately called Mu Mu Shisan.

"Officer Megure, have the police arrived at the pet shop?"

"Brother Chi?" Mu Mu Shisan was a little surprised, and said truthfully, "I have already asked Sato to rush over. The cleaning company she went to is not far away, so it should be here soon."

"Please ask Police Officer Sato to hurry up," Chi Feichi said in a calm tone, appearing very determined, "I called the pet store just now, and it is likely that I have alerted the other party."

Conan: "!"

Okiya Subaru: "!"

Dr. Ali: "!"

"What... what?!" Mu Mu Shisan on the other side of the phone raised his voice instantly, "Brother Chi, you said you might have alarmed the other party? What's going on?"

Chi Feichi explained calmly, "I called the pet store on the landline, lied that I wanted to buy a bird cage, and asked if he could visit the pet store, but he said he was not in the pet store."

"Ah?" Mu Mu Shisan was puzzled.

"He said he wasn't in the pet store."

Chi Feichi reminded again.

He called the landline of the pet store, and the other party answered, but said he was not in the store.

Even if an extension is installed, due to distance restrictions, it is impossible for the extension to be outside the store.

What was it that was talking to him on the phone? ghost?

He proposed to come to see the birdcage, just to hear how the other party would respond and whether he would show any flaws that could prove that he did not find the wrong person, but the other party's flaws were really exposed.

Once the other party reacts, he is likely to be worried that his 'guest' will notice something abnormal, and then worry about his crime being discovered and his own safety. Sometimes, the kidnapper can't be stimulated...but he is really innocent.

It wasn't that he said something strange, it was that the other party said something strange.

He just continued the words naturally, and he did his best.

"He said he wasn't here..." Mu Mu Shisan came to his senses, and was speechless for a while, before asking, "Brother Chi, have you... have you..."

"I pretended I didn't realize it, and made an appointment with him tomorrow morning, and then I called you," Chi Feichi paused, "When I called, it took him a long time to answer the phone, and he was a little upset at first. Ning, if you tell such a lie again, I can basically be sure that he is the kidnapper. Besides, since he is in the pet shop but he doesn't want customers to come and see the bird cage, he should lock Miss Ishikawa Shigeko in the pet shop. The police went to When it happens, be more careful and look for opportunities to rescue people."

"I understand, Brother Chi, I will call Sato to explain the current situation," Mu Mushisan said in a serious tone, "Also, Brother Maoli and I will rush over now, if you find anything over there, Please be sure to contact us in time!"


After Chi Feichi hung up the phone, the Maoli Detective Agency fell into silence.

Conan, Dr. Agasa, and Subaru Okiya thought about Yamanaka's wrong answer, and wanted to complain about something, but they didn't know what to say, so they could only remain silent with complicated emotions.

After a while, Conan put Yamanaka's mistake behind him and asked curiously, "But how did Brother Chi confirm that the kidnapper belonged to Mr. Yamanaka? Although it was said on online forums that his store has recently encountered difficulties in operation and is facing bankruptcy, but……"

"The kidnappers didn't kidnap Ms. Moko to extort money, did they?" Okiya Subaru took the words, staring at the phone with his head down and squinting, "And in that list, it's not just Mr. Yamanaka who has financial problems. For example, Mr. Yamanaka This restaurant is located in Mihua Town 1-chome, and the owner once asked Ms. Moko to clean the house, but the restaurant seems to be not doing well and is about to close down."

Chi Feichi thought about explaining a lot, and couldn't help being silent for a while, "It's a long story."

Okiya Subaru waited for a while but didn't hear the following, and looked up at Chi Feichi in doubt, "Then..."

"Long story short..." Chi Feichi paused, feeling that he couldn't explain clearly, and said, "It's better not to say it."


Okiya Subaru: "..."

He just wanted to know how Chi Feichi locked the kidnapper, what was wrong with him, and why did he have to face such an answer?

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched slightly, but he understood Chi Feichi's perfunctory habit of not wanting to explain, so he didn't ask further, and asked another question that puzzled him for a long time, "Then, why did Brother Chi give me a note of 'mention? Mo' huh? What does Teemo mean? And Mr. Okiya's note and why is it 'Sacco'?"

He pondered over the method of locking the kidnapper for a while, is it okay to ask this?

Chi Feichi: "..."

Because he felt that 'team battles can be lost, but Teemo must die', how could he say such a malicious answer?

Conan Banyueyan said, "Is this a long story? Isn't this a word with a bad meaning?"

"Timo is a small but powerful hero." Chi Feichi reluctantly replied.

"Hero?" Conan tried hard to search the knowledge reserve in his brain, "Is there a hero with this name?"

"A game character." Chi Feichi said again.

Conan had a clear expression on his face and gave up his memories, he laughed dryly in his heart.

It turned out to be a game character, no wonder the name is so strange, no wonder he didn't know it, but using the name of the game character to give notes to people with corresponding characteristics around him is indeed something game fans like Chi Feichi can do.

Of course, he was skeptical about whether this game character was as good as Chi Feichi said.

"Mr. Chi, isn't Sacco also a game character?" Okiya Subaru asked speechlessly.

Chi Feichi nodded frankly.

Dr. A Li was interested in Chi Feichi's brain hole, "Feichi, then what kind of game character is Sacco?"

"I'm just making notes." Chi Feichi said perfunctorily.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Since Conan's remarks correspond to the characteristics of the game characters, there is no reason for his remarks to be randomly selected.

He is skeptical about whether this character is good or not, and whether it has any strange attributes.

"Then what about the note you gave me? What is it?" Dr. Ali asked curiously.

"Heimerdinger," Chi Feichi replied without hesitation this time, "is a great inventor who likes to play with instruments."

Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes and Conan looked at each other, and they both lowered their heads and started searching for 'Sacco' online on their mobile phones.

When it comes to his remark, he is very perfunctory. He seriously doubts that this is not a good game character. Check it, you must check it!

Dr. A Li saw the two men staring at the phone seriously, smiled helplessly, and continued to question Chi Feichi with interest.

"Feichi, what about Xiaoai's remarks?"


after an hour.

Hui Yuanai yawned, and walked downstairs slowly with two sleepy-eyed little ones alone, and found the door on the second floor open, and went straight in.

In the office on the second floor, Dr. Ali and Conan are sitting side by side on the sofa, and Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru are sitting side by side on the opposite sofa. The four of them are quietly staring down at the phone, and even Feichi is also poking his head. Chi Feichi's cell phone.

Hui Yuanai was taken aback for a moment, paying attention to the dignified expressions of Conan and a certain pink hair.

Christmas didn't feel that the atmosphere was not right, and he walked in front of Chi Feichi, smiled and stretched out his hand and said, "Hug!"

Hiroki Sawada's face collapsed, but thinking that Christmas was a little girl, he decided to let it go, and tried his best to climb onto the sofa next to Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi put away the phone, took a baby in each hand, picked it up and put another on his lap, then turned to ask Hui Yuanai who came over, "Have you had enough sleep?"

Hui Yuan Ai has black lines all over her head, and her brother asked this kind of question indifferently. If she doesn't know, it is really easy to misunderstand it as an accusation. Fortunately, she understands that this is just a daily question without malice, "Enough sleep, What's wrong with them? Is Miss Moko's situation dangerous?"

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