Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1787 He swears that he didn't lie this time

"No, Uncle Kogoro called just now, saying that he and the police have rescued Ms. Moko and will be back soon." Conan stared at the phone without looking up, "The kidnapper is selling birds and fish. The owner of the pet shop, Ms. Maozi, went to him to clean the house. Because the shop was not well managed, it was about to close down and owed a large amount of debt. He went to Ogasawara to commit suicide, but caught a pet that was not allowed to be sold but could be sold at a high price. Honey-sucking bird, his creditor also likes this rare bird, so he brought the honey-sucking bird back with great hope, and not long after, when Miss Maozi went to deliver goods to him, she put a honey-sucking bird at his door Bird toy, and smiled at him when he left, he thought that Miss Maozi found out that he was going to sell honey-sucking birds and caught him."

"What about the truth?" Hui Yuanai took the paper cup on the table and turned to fetch water, "Miss Maozi still has a young child waiting for her to take care of, even if she finds out the kidnapper's secret, she won't provoke her in person." kind of thing?"

"Yeah, it's actually because of Christmas. When Ms. Maozi took her there before Christmas, the shopkeeper gave her candies. She also likes to give gifts to friends. That day, she went with Miss Maozi, and she took the little ones she received from others. The bird model toy was placed at the shopkeeper's door." Conan found that there was no information about 'Temo' in the game forum, and frowned. A neighbor who took good care of Christmas gave it to Christmas, but the paint around the eyes of the bird model peeled off a little and turned black, which looked like a honey-eating bird.”

"Little bird, I gave it to my uncle, and the candy to my brother," Christmas said with a smile, reached out to touch his pocket, and looked up at Chi Feichi with an aggrieved expression, "There's no more candy..."

Hiroki Sawada took out the candy from his pocket and stuffed it all into the pocket of his Christmas clothes.

He is a ten-year-old, not a three-year-old. If it weren't for the fact that Miss Yueshui stuffed these candies into his pockets, he really didn't want to do such a naive thing as 'carrying candies with you', and gave them to his favorite candies. No matter how small he is, Miss Yueshui will definitely support him.

Christmas laughed from ear to ear, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Sawada Hiroki, kissed Sawada Hiroki on the cheek, then lowered his head, took out the candy in his pocket, and stuffed it into Chi Feichi's coat pocket.

Sawada Hiroki was expressionless for a moment.

He was sneak attacked by a kid...Damn it.

Dr. A Li was very happy to watch, and stopped flipping through the forum with his mobile phone, and said with a smile, "Speaking of small trees and Christmas, I think of Christmas trees!"

Sawada Hiroki, Chi Feichi, Okiya Subaru: "..."

Really cold.

Huiyuan Ai also felt frozen for a while, took a sip of water, and then walked to Conan's side, looking at the search page displayed on the screen of Conan's phone, "Temo... what is this?"

"Don't you know?" Conan seriously suspected that Chi Feichi was fooling himself, "This is the note that Brother Chi gave me. He said that this is a character from a certain game. He is small but powerful, but he couldn't find it at all. Well!"

Hui Yuanai looked up at Dr. Ali, calmly ignoring a certain pink hair, "Where is the doctor? Are you also looking for this?"

"No, I was checking the remarks Feichi gave me. He said he was also a game character and a great inventor. Mr. Subaru checked Sacco." Dr. Ali looked at Chi Feichi with a puzzled expression, "But I have checked, and there is absolutely no information about such names on the Internet."

Conan Banyue looked at Chi Feichi and asked expressionlessly, "Brother Chi is not lying to us, is he? There is no such game at all, right?"

"I didn't lie to you," Chi Feichi looked at Conan calmly and said, "This world doesn't have this game, but I played this game in my previous life."

Hui Yuanai raised his right hand to cover his face, blocking his complex expression of not knowing whether to smile or helplessness.

She had already foreseen what would happen next.

Conan was taken aback, "Last, last life? This... what does it mean?"

"I remember things from my previous life..."

Chi Feichi saw that the other people had complicated expressions, so he didn't say any more.

He swore that he didn't lie this time, it's just that no one believed him when he told the truth.

"Yes, is it..." Dr. Ali smiled dryly.

Conan stared blankly at Chi Feichi, his right hand holding the phone trembled a little.

So, just because of the remark left by Chi Feichi's imagination, he foolishly took his mobile phone and checked it curiously for a long time?

The smile on Okiya Subaru's face froze, looked at Conan who was stunned, and silently put down the phone.

I almost forgot, Mr. Chi used to have hallucinations and hallucinations, and he probably isn't getting better now...

They were so taken out of rhythm that they almost ignored the kidnapping case, which was really hard to guard against.

However, it seems that they don't need to worry about the kidnapping case. While they were still thinking about where to start, Mr. Chi found the kidnapper like a bamboo shoot.

It is said that there is only a thin line between a genius and a lunatic, and this sentence is indeed true.

"Huh?" Christmas looked at the silent people around him, quickly let go of the doubts in his heart, and stretched out his hand to pull Sawada Hiroki with a smile.

Sawada Hiroki immediately used both hands and feet to climb to Okiya Subaru's side, and because he climbed too fast, he almost slipped off Okiya Subaru's knees.

Okiya Subaru was taken aback, and quickly reached out to grab a certain little one. He noticed Haibara Ai's glance, and guessed that he reacted too quickly and aroused suspicion, so he could only pretend to be kind, squinting his eyes and smiling. Sawada Hiroki warned, "Be careful."

"Hey? You are all here, where are the children? Are you okay?" Mori Kogoro walked into the door, but did not notice the strange silence in the atmosphere. After looking around, his eyes stayed on Christmas, and he was stunned for a while.

Xmas lay on Chi Feichi's lap, stretched out his hand to reach Hiroki Sawada's leg, and was wearing a dress that Haibara Ai helped change. Hearing his name, he looked up at Mori Kogoro blankly, and followed Shigeko Ishikawa, who came in from Mori Kogoro, immediately sat up with a smile and waved his hands, "Mom! Mom!"

"Christmas..." Ishikawa Shigeko also stepped forward with a smile, bent down and hugged Christmas, "Did you obediently listen to your brothers and sisters?"

Xmas lay in Ishikawa Moko's arms, and said with a smile, "Xmas is very obedient."

Mori Kogoro walked to the sofa with black hair, "What are you doing? Why did you change into this kind of clothes for Christmas?"

"What a beautiful little dress!" Moko Ishikawa looked down at the clothes on Christmas, and asked in surprise, "Did my brothers and sisters buy it for you?"

"Yeah!" Christmas nodded proudly.

Chi Feichi put aside Hiroki Sawada, who had climbed back, and got up to go to the window, "Her clothes were dirty before, and they should have dried after washing them outside the window."

"Thank you, I have troubled you!" Ishikawa Moko hurriedly hugged the child and bowed slightly.

"Miss Moko, you're welcome, they have to take care of the little tree anyway, so it's okay to help take care of Christmas," Mori Kogoro hurriedly waved his hands, and looked at the skirt on Christmas with a strange expression, "But..."

"Didn't uncle find out?" Conan reminded with a smile, "She's a girl for Christmas!"

"Ah...ah?!" Mori Kogoro looked at Christmas smiling at him with horror.


In front of the window, Chi Feichi held the returned clothes in one hand, and picked up the phone to answer the call in the other.

Ishikawa Shigeko saw it, and quickly stepped forward to help take the clothes.

"We're at the Maori Detective Agency..." Chi Feichi asked Ishikawa Shigeko to take the clothes away, and when Koizumi Hongzi said that he didn't want his housekeeper to have anything to do with the Shinigami team, he turned his head and looked out the window, "Then Half an hour later, I will take Xiaoshu to wait for him downstairs."

Kogoro Mori saw Ishikawa Shigeko sitting on the sofa to fold clothes, so he also sat down, ready to talk to Ishikawa Shigeko about the kidnapping case.

Unfortunately, for a single mother, Ishikawa Shigeko has an irresistible addiction to the topic of raising children.

[A book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s really easy to use. I use it to read and listen to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

"Huh? Is the old butler of Xiaoshu's family coming to pick him up?"

"It's a pity. Chunxiang often works with me and rarely plays with children of the same age. It's rare to have a friend who is about her age..."

"Huh? Isn't Xiaoshu's home in Tokyo? I'm still thinking, if Mr. Chi is free tomorrow, I would like to invite you to bring Xiaoshu to my house as a guest..."

"Xiaoshu is only one and a half years old this year, so she is half a year younger than Chunxiang..."

"My Chunxiang can only speak simple words now? Is this normal?"

For this kind of topic of raising a baby, Chi Feichi was able to answer the conversation, and Mao Li Kogoro answered the conversation without any problem at all.

"It's normal. My daughter was like this when she was two years old. My older friend also said that she is already very smart to be able to speak clearly and express her needs clearly when needed. The same goes for Chunxiang," said Mao Li. Goro looked at the well-behaved Hiroki Sawada speechlessly, "It should be said that this kid is abnormal."

Hiroki Sawada glanced at Kogoro Mori, and continued to play games with Chi Feichi's mobile phone.

"Children as smart and quiet as Xiaoshu are really rare," Shigeko Ishikawa felt that he saw indifference and disgust from Hiroki Sawada's face, smiled, and said worriedly, "But children still have to be happy and happy." It's better to be more energetic, this child is too quiet and sensible, which makes people worry."

"His personality is like this," Chi Feichi said that there is nothing wrong with his godson, "he can't be lively."

"Oh, that's how parents are," Mouri Kogoro sighed, "If the child is naughty, he worries about whether he is too indulgent. If the child is too sensible, he worries about whether he is unhappy."

Conan listened and found that Haibara Ai, Dr. Agasa, and Okiya Subaru listened seriously. They swayed to Haibara Ai and teased in a low voice, "I thought you were not interested in these topics."

Hui Yuanai lowered her voice very softly, and looked seriously at Shigeko Ishikawa, who was sharing her experience in raising children, "In the future, when Brother Feichi has a child and he is too busy, I will help take care of the child, right? Know something in advance Knowledge, be prepared.”

Conan: "..."

Please Huiyuan wake up: your brother doesn't even have a girlfriend.

Dr. A Li also joined in the fun, and said in a low voice with a smile, "I am the same, it's good to know in advance, no matter whether it's right or wrong, you or Xiao Ai, if you leave your child to me, don't worry."

Conan looked at Okiya Subaru speechlessly, casting a questioning look.

Then what? Mr. Akai listened so seriously, who do you plan to help raise the baby in the future?

Okiya Subaru: "..."

He just wants to learn about relevant knowledge and experience, and has not yet considered the matter of raising a baby... But if everyone has a baby in the future, it is possible that he can help with it when he is free.

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