Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1816 Learning from Cats

The dishes are on the table, and the dinner party begins.

The dining table was not big enough, so a group of people simply changed to two low tables and sat together on the wooden floor next to the sofa. Each person had a plate of cold noodles. Osaka snacks and other two dishes were placed in the middle, and only juice was placed on the table. bottles and other excess food.

A group of people are reflected on the glass door, the dim balcony outside the door is illuminated by warm lights, and thousands of lights are lit in the night in the distance.

Mori Kogoro cheerfully moved the beer to his side and piled it up. He took Chi Feichi to eat and drink while watching Yoko Okino's latest talk show on TV. After drinking a can of beer, he smiled and bluffed.

"It's great—! The slightly spicy cold noodles and beer are a perfect match!"

Wuming squatted aside and ate the canned food slowly, shaking his ears when Kogoro Mori quarreled, looked up at Kogoro Mori, worried that he would be crushed by the drunk uncle in a while, stretched out his hand to pull the cat bowl to the side, and Don't forget to push Feichi a little further away.

Seeing that the atmosphere is so good today, Mao Lilan didn't complain about Kogoro Maoli anymore, but just reminded with a smile, "Dad, don't drink too much!"

Chi Feichi looked down at the beer can in his hand, then raised his head to drink up the little beer left in it.

Xiaolan, this is a 'symbolic reminder'. Although his teacher's drinking capacity is poor and his wine quality is not very good, he drinks much faster than him.

"I know, I know..." Mori Kogoro put down the plate of cold noodles that he had eaten up with a smile, "Okay! Next, let's try Osaka's food paired with beer~"

"Yes," Hattori Heiji also rolled his eyes with a smile, and enthusiastically handed beer to Mori Kogoro and Ike Feichi, "Uncle, Brother Feichi, here it is! This kind of beer is most suitable for drinking when eating Osaka delicacies. In Osaka But it's well-received!"

"Then you have to try it! In addition, you can watch Ms. Yoko's show..." Kogoro Moori happily caught the beer, pulled the tab, looked up, and found that the talk show on TV had ended , couldn't help muttering, "What, is it over so soon?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned to look at the alarm clock on the wall, "It's almost eight o'clock..."

Chi Feichi looked at the TV thoughtfully.

Japanese TV station? He remembered that he mentioned it to Yue Shui in the morning...

"Uncle, can't you just change the channel?" Hattori Heiji smiled, "I remember there will be a TV series starring Okino Yoko tonight!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned around and saw Mori Kogoro holding the remote control, a little anxious, "Wait, wait a minute..."

"Don't you want to watch the advertisement?" Chi Feichi turned to look at Mouri Kogoro, and helped Koshimizu Nanatsuki explain the matter.

"Huh? Commercials?" Mori Kogoro was taken aback for a moment, "Has Miss Yoko made any commercials recently?"

"She didn't shoot it," Chi Feichi looked away, and pulled the tab of the beer can. "The advertising plan I made mainly featured an old lady, a dog and two cats."

Well, he doesn't have to worry about it, someone will help.

"What, since it wasn't Miss Yoko's commercial, then..."

Kogoro Mori was about to press the remote control, but Mitsuhiko quickly grabbed the remote control in his hand. When he looked up, he saw three children looking at him seriously.

Yuan Tai said with a serious face, "No, this ad must be watched!"

Ayumi put on a serious face, "This is the effort made by Brother Chi and the animals for other animals..."

Mitsuhiko put on a serious face, "So, please watch carefully!"

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Just watch it, watch an advertisement, and ask him to watch it 'seriously'?

"I support," Hui Yuanai heard the sound of the piano coming from the TV, looked up and reminded again with a bad taste, "You have to watch carefully."

"Got it," Mori Kogoro looked at the TV speechlessly, "It's just an advertisement anyway, it won't take a few minutes..."

In the background of the brisk piano sound, a group of old ladies were sitting together, talking and laughing in the sun, and an old lady with wrinkled face reached out to tease two cats, one black and one white. The picture of the family laughing, hugging and feeding the cat flashed by.

The camera then zoomed out, and outside the house where the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, a line of words in Japanese and English was revealed in white fonts—the learning of cats.

"Feichi, is this an advertisement?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help but turned his head and asked Chi Feichi, "Why do I feel..."

"Hush!" Mao Lilan gestured to Kogoro Moori and whispered, "The piano music is very nice."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Don't let him finish the sentence, why does he feel like a movie?

In the ad, the old lady put a cherry blossom in a vase with a smile, and arranged the photo of herself and her husband on the cabinet, and placed it neatly with the portrait of her husband.

The ethereal female voice sang softly.

"The flowing wind builds a bridge of clouds."

The absent-minded Hattori Heiji looked up at the TV in surprise after hearing the singing.

Wait, is that Miss Chiga's voice?

Should he say that it is indeed an advertisement planned by Brother Feichi? Even a famous artist like Ms. Qian He sang a song as the background music.

On the TV, two cats, one black and one white, were lying on the mat. They turned their heads to watch the old lady turn around from the cabinet. After watching the old lady go out, they jumped onto the window sill and looked outside.

In the distance, a golden retriever with shiny hair and a strong figure ran quickly along the road. The square scarf tied around its neck was printed with the Cheetah Delivery Service logo. It came to the front of the house with a box in its mouth, and saw two cats Finally, put the box at the door.

"It's so cute!" Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly rolled their eyes with a smile, and whispered to Mao Lilan and Yue Shui Nanatsuki.

Hui Yuanai watched the two cats run towards the box, his eyes softened.

Fresh and clean background sound, plus cute cats and dogs, this ad is superb!

The ethereal female voice still hummed softly.

"Meet the continuation of the dream."

The two cats ran forward, and soon the box was opened, several booklets were spread out, and the two cats were piling up and flipping through the books in the cozy cabin.

There are many illustrations of cats and humans on the pages of the book. You can vaguely see the angles of the cat's tail swinging, the structure of the cat's paw, and the picture of the cat's paw pressing on the back of the human neck.

"You speak to me softly."

"Will always be by my side."

In the background music, when it was night, the white cat turned to look at the room, jumped out of the nest secretly, put a CD into the DVD player, and jumped onto the table with the black cat, looking at it with a cute and serious face in the dark On the TV, the program is also a picture of a cat's paw pressing on the back of a person's neck, with a pink love heart shining beside it.

On a rainy day, the two cats were still watching TV with great interest, staring at the picture of the cat wagging its tail, stick figures showing surprises and red hearts popping out on the TV.

"Sad memories can already be told with a smile."

It was fine, and after the old lady went out, the two cats squatted on the windowsill, trying to wag their tails irregularly.

At night, it was time to watch TV and study again. The two cats stared at the picture of the kitten climbing the cabinet on TV. On the next day, they started to practice with the cabinet at home again.

"Today is the happiest day."

"Are they learning how to make humans happy?" Ayumi asked curiously in a low voice.

"It looks like this." Hui Yuanai whispered, turned to stare at Wuming who just came over from dinner, stretched out his hand into his arms, stretched out his hand to pat Wuming with a smile, and continued to stare at the TV, "I heard that cats will mess around at home. The thing that turned over the table was because of this..."

Next, the two cats began to climb cabinets, washing machines, window sills, and flick their tails at home during the day. At night, they continued to watch TV and learn, and continued to learn to stand upright and lift their paws.

The learning of the two cats was not smooth, their tails were thrown at different angles, and they always slipped down accidentally when they climbed the table. Is it not done well, but it still gives people a naive and cute feeling.

In summer, the fan was blowing a cool breeze in the house, and when the two cats were sleeping on the mat, the old lady's children and grandchildren came.

After returning from vacation, the children left a picture of the whole family for the old lady on the table.

In autumn when the leaves are falling, the dog wearing a cheetah delivery scarf came again, and also brought a box to the two cats, and the two cats began to read books and study, and look at the scenery in the yard in their spare time.

"The gurgling stream seems to be speaking softly."

"Bringing the breath of spring."

"The fragrance of flowers that was once forgotten."

"A deep dive into the time the two of you have spent together."

This kind of repeated life fragments, in the light female voice, does not make people impatient at all, but makes people feel the ordinary happiness and the leisurely passage of time, which makes people calm down unknowingly, with a little warmth.

In the snowy winter, after the old lady went out, the two cats got under the table that was plugged in, looked at the card book with the cat's paw prints, and went to the window to wait for the old lady to come home.

At night, light snow kept falling outside the window. The old lady was sitting at the table drinking hot water. She suddenly got up and went to the cabinet where the photos were placed, and stretched out her hand towards the photo of the two of them with a lonely expression.

The background music became more and more exciting, and with the monophonic singing, people's hearts were suddenly tugged.

The old lady picked up the photo and stared intently at her husband next to her in the photo, with a sad and sad look on her side face, put the photo back with trembling hands, and wiped her tears with a tissue.

All the background music suddenly disappeared, and the old lady's sad cry was also very clear.

The two cats watched the old lady cry. One white and one black had no expression on their faces, and even their eyes were as crystal clear as ever.

In the next second, the two cats jumped onto the cabinet, put on two hats, one blue and one black on the table, looked up at the old lady who was wiping tears, jumped off the table, and ran towards the old lady.

The background music returned at this time, the same light female voice, but it seemed excited together with the accompaniment.

"Sad memories can already be told with a smile."

When the old lady heard the movement, she turned her head in a daze, and seemed to see her husband wearing a black hat and herself in a blue hat walking hand in hand in the photo.

"Today is a happy day."

When the two cats came in front of the old lady, the hats on their heads fell aside, but they just turned around and flicked their tails at the old lady, stood up and walked upright with their front paws raised, using the way they learned that can make human beings feel happy, Trying to coax the old lady to be happy.

On one side are two cats who have practiced their movements day after day, and on the other side is an old lady who was so moved that she was so moved that she was so moved that she was amused. Several girls were holding back tears in their eyes.

The black cat patiently pressed its paws on the shoulders of the old lady. The old lady hugged the two cats with a smile and said "thank you". Finally, the close-up shot showed the express box on the window sill, and the advertising text of Cheetah's TA-Q-BIN appeared again.

Mori Kogoro's touched and moved eyes suddenly froze, and became resentful.

When he thought that this was actually an advertisement, he didn't know what to say.

His apprentice is so good at it, why doesn't he go to shoot a movie, what kind of commercial...

Yes, he didn't want to be reasonable anymore, he almost got sand in his eyes, it was all his apprentice's fault. (to be continued)

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