Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1817 That stinky egomaniac

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Other advertisements were played on the TV, but a group of people were not in the mood to watch any more.

"No, no?" Mitsuhiko rubbed his red eyes.

"Hmm..." Ayumi's eyes were still shining with tears, she turned to look at Chi Feichi, "But, I want to watch it again."

Hui Yuan Ai thought about the song "Sad memories can already be told with a smile", lowered his head, sniffed, and looked up at Chi Feichi.

Looking at the group of people with red eyes, Chi Feichi picked up the beer can speechlessly, "I still have a backup here, but we'll wait until after dinner."

Nanatsuki Yueshui lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes, muttering softly, "It's too much..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He was worried that he wouldn't be able to eat... Forget it, sometimes he can't reason with women.

"Yeah yeah……"

"It's really too much to tantalize..."

Yuan Shan, Ye, and Mao Lilan followed suit, and even the three children couldn't help but groan in a low voice before bowing their heads and eating noodles quickly.

In less than ten minutes, it was originally expected that the dinner party would end after ten o'clock in the evening.

The three children unceremoniously entangled Chi Feichi, preparing for the second advertisement.

Chi Feichi went downstairs to the car to get the laptop. After confirming that there were no suspicious files and some accounts were logged out, he went upstairs with the computer. He found the advertisements in the folder and showed them to the children. He continued with Kogoro Mori. Sit around and drink.

Hattori Heiji and Conan watched for a while, feeling that they couldn't stop the red-eyed girls from swiping again, ran to the TV, watched TV programs with Chi Feichi and Mori Kogoro, and chatted for nothing.

"In this way, Miss Qianhe's singing for the commercial is not bad at all..."

"Yes, Miss Qianhe will become more famous in the future."

"By the way, Brother Feichi, will that song be released as Ms. Qianhe's song?"


"Why, why?"

"That's a commercial dubbing."

Mori Kogoro, Conan, Hattori Heiji: "..."

On the side, Hui Yuan Ai, who had read the advertisement several times, also felt a little overwhelmed, turned his head to discuss with others in a low voice, and went to Chi Feichi with his laptop, "Brother Feichi, we want to watch other videos Adjust your mood, it’s okay to use your computer to search, right?”

"It's okay." Chi Feichi replied.

A group of people gathered around again, and Hui Yuanai used her account to log on to the UL video website and started searching for 'Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss'.

She was very sad just now, and she had to watch all kinds of organic dance videos to be happy again.

"Wow, the dance videos at the top of the ranking are all from big stars." Yuan Shan and Ye sighed softly.

Mao Lilan laughed, "Really, the new mother's video ranking is very high!"

Conan: "..."

Since his mother has retired, why don't he come out to film and dance, really, and post it on the Internet, so his father doesn't say anything?

Hui Yuanai stared at the name of a certain female star in the top ranking, her face darkened.

Now that the woman in Belmode has retired, she still came out to shoot some dancing videos, really, and posted them on the Internet. Is this allowed by the organization?

"By the way," Yuan Shan and Ye looked at the video in the front row, "I was curious about how those videos of organic objects dancing and small animals dancing were made?"

Seeing that a group of people were interested, Haibara decided to put the video of the organic matter on the air. Under Conan's speechless gaze, he clicked on Yukiko Kudo's dance video, and explained, "It is made with computer software, and you can design and build it yourself. The corresponding model, and then use the software to put the image into the dance. In fact, it was the first video THK tried and released at the beginning. After that, some people tried it. Now it can be very realistic, not only the dance, but also the dance. Of course, there are more convenient software, just upload the photos, the doctor specially designed one, let me make dancing videos of various organic objects, do you want to try it? For example, upload the photos of Kudo Shinichi, It would be even better if there were full-body shots from all angles.”

Mao Lilan looked down at her mobile phone thinking, "Would it be better to take a full-body photo... I remember there are some in the school club."

Conan: "???"

Hui Yuan cheated him!

Toyama and Ye looked at Hattori Heiji, trying to hide the expectation in their eyes.

She thinks it's okay!

Hattori Heiji:"……"

No, he doesn't want to.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki also quietly glanced at Chi Feichi.

She has a bold idea...

Chi Feichi pretended that he didn't notice Koshimizu Nanatsuki's glance after glance, also pretended that he didn't notice the eerie and quiet atmosphere, and drank beer with his eyes down.

He knew this day would come.

It’s not that he never thought about making ghost videos of Conan, Xiao Ai, Fenmao, including members of the organization, but he couldn’t be found if he did it, so he lost the fun of sharing, and he didn’t really practice it in the end.

If I don’t make videos of people like Conan, I’m worried that the doctor’s interest in writing software will be used by Conan to ‘counter’ him.

The video of not being a member of the organization is because he is worried that that one and others will not do other things, and takes killing him as the first goal...

"Heiji..." Toyama and Ye said expectantly.

"No," Hattori Heiji quickly said with a dark face, "I will never agree!"

"If you want to do it, then let's all come together," Chi Feichi turned to look at the group of people, and suggested calmly, "Don't forget to call the doctor, and finish all the portraits on the same screen, and then post the video on the website How about it?"

As long as Conan and Haibara don't mind their faces being used on the Internet, he will have no objections.

Isn't it the face? If he dares to do it here, he will send the video of the members of the organization dancing to the Pure Land of Bliss to that person tomorrow.

Come on, let's hurt each other, don't even think about running away, he doesn't even have to die, and he is afraid of losing face.

Conan was taken aback, and quickly said with a dry smile, "I don't think it's necessary. Using other people's photos without permission is a violation of other people's rights."

"So, after I finished the organic dance video, the doctor seems to have deleted the software," Hui Yuanai lied without changing his face, and made up his mind to delete the software in the doctor's computer after returning, "and If you don’t get the person’s consent, it’s a prank, and people might get angry.”

Mao Lilan and Yueshui Nanatsuki thought about it and were convinced.

Yuan Shan and Ye felt sorry, but after thinking about not being able to spoil the children, they didn't insist anymore, and seriously told the three children that they couldn't do that.

Hattori Heiji always felt that he was the most dangerous, trying to divert Toyama Kazuha's attention, "Kazuba, didn't you say you wanted to ask Brother Feichi about that person?"

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot!" Yuan Shan and Ye looked annoyed, and hurriedly explained to Chi Feichi that they came to get the photos, then paused, and added embarrassingly, "Actually, I also know , Brother Fei Chi, you may not know him, we are in Tokyo, and we are already ready to go to Tedan University to find him."

"Wait a minute," Chi Feichi took out his phone and flipped through the address book, "National Lighting, originally went to school in Osaka, and went to Tokyo for tennis training ten years ago..."

Hattori Heiji looked sideways in surprise, "Brother Feichi, do you know that guy?"

"Ten years ago, Coach Dongtian was their temporary coach. I didn't know him very well. I just heard Coach Dongtian mention that he is a kid who is very interested in tennis. He might become a professional player in the future," said Chi Fei. Chi explained, dialed Higashida Koshi's number, "I'll ask Coach Higashida, they might get in touch later."

"Then wait for Feichi to ask first." Kogoro Mori drank a lot of wine and waved his hands drunkenly, "If I can't find anyone, I'll ask the teacher at Tedan University..."

Mitsuhiko frowned and thought, "Has the person been missing for several days? Could it be that he was in some danger?"

"Could it be that there was a kidnapping incident?" Ayumi asked worriedly.

Yuan Tai looked solemn, "Maybe he was killed already."

Yuan Shanhe Ye: "..."

Does her neighbor's elder brother be cursed by a group of little ghosts?

When Chi Feichi dialed the phone and communicated with Higashida Koshi, the three children obediently kept quiet.

Chi Feichi successfully asked for Higashida Koshi's current personal mobile phone number, and called again.

A group of people sat around, listening solemnly, ready to wait for a result.

Missing for several days without contact, not going back to the residence or school, no matter how you think about it, it is very dangerous...

The phone was connected, the voice was noisy, and the young male voice was drunk, "Hello... who, who?"

"Chi Feichi." Chi Feichi announced his family name, hesitated for a moment, and temporarily put the phone away from his ear.

"Chi... Who is it? I don't know..." The male voice over there fell silent, and exaggeratedly shouted, "Ah? Ahhh! Megalomaniac?!"

Next to him, other people looked at Chi Feichi with gossipy eyes.

Didn't you say you were unfamiliar? Why does it feel like there is a lot of grievances?

"It's you, that stinky egomaniac, right? I remember correctly, right?" Guomo Lighting asked a few words excitedly, then murmured to himself, "The surname Chi is very rare, and the voice is so young The male, should not be wrong..."

Hattori Heiji looked at Ike Feichi.

stinky face...

Conan looked at Chi Feichi.


He thought it should be right, it was definitely his little friend.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you," Chi Feichi said calmly, "Does Yuanshan know Ye? She said she accidentally gave you her guardian and wanted to ask you to come back, but I haven't been able to contact you. So I came to Tokyo."

"Ah...that matter, I already knew that I took the wrong amulet, but I didn't expect you to know her," Guomo Lighting muttered helplessly, "No wonder she attaches so much importance to it, that inside..."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Toyama and Ye were worried that Kunisue Lighting would say that there was a photo of Hattori Heiji in it, so they blushed and shouted towards the phone, "How can you dismantle the Oshou? It will fail La!"

Chi Feichi took a look, pressed the handset on the phone, and let the two of them communicate.

"Huh? He Ye, are you also at the megalomaniac?" Guomo Zhaoming's tone was a little awkward, "I didn't even think about dismantling the imperial guard, it's just..."

"Okay, anyway, that guard is not intended for you. I have already brought the guard that you made for you. Don't take that guard apart again!" Yuan Shan and Ye Xinxu interrupted .

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