Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1818 It's okay, you take it away

"Got it," Guomo Lighting said depressedly, "Although you say that, I want to take it apart and have a look... But then again, how do you know a megalomaniac?"

"At the end of the country, can you stop talking about 'megalomaniac'?" Chi Feichi reminded calmly, "It's very rude."

"Please, who said that 'I don't compete with people with such poor skills'? It's just hateful and annoying, okay?" , have you been picking on me?"

"Have it?"

Chi Feichi recalled that there was a time when Higashida Koshi asked him to practice against the Osaka trainees of the same age. The original consciousness body also refused at first, but he was persuaded by Higashida Koshi later. As for picking faults...

"I'm not addressing you, I'm addressing all of you."

That's right, the original consciousness didn't aim at Guomo Lighting, but made some suggestions for everyone in the training team.

Chi Feichi: "For example, let you pay attention to basic skills..."

Guomo Lighting: "Holding the racket well is the basic, if you can't even hold the racket well, you don't need to practice for the rest... That's what you said, right?"

Chi Feichi: "For example, let me tell you about your wrong habits when serving..."

Guomo Lighting: "Would it be more convenient to close your eyes if your eyes don't follow the tennis ball when you serve?"

Chi Feichi: "It's Coach Dongtian's idea to let me learn from the sparring."

Guomo Lighting: "There seems to be no gain in the result. I feel that they need to practice more basic skills... If I remember correctly, you told Coach Dongtian that way."

Conan who eats melons and others: "..."

Considering that these two people are the same age, they can probably imagine how angry the Guomo lighting training team was at that time.

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "Am I not right?"

Guomo Lighting was also silent for a while, "You're right, but it's also very irritating. The three of us practiced holding our breath at the beginning, thinking that one day we must teach you a lesson, but it's a pity. One of them went abroad with their parents, but the other one stayed in Osaka to go to school and joined the tennis club. Like me, he has been practicing hard! I came to Tokyo to compete with you in advance. But I have played against many university clubs, and I have never met you. In two days, we will have a match against a university in Shinjuku. I have checked the list even before I stopped, but I didn’t find your name... You will not be missing Join the tennis club?"

"Some things happened after that, I don't plan to play professional tennis anymore," Chi Feichi didn't expect Guomo Lighting to be so obsessed, and paused, "And I have graduated ahead of schedule, so you don't have to think about playing with me. "

Guomo Lighting was silent for a moment again, and complained, "Yes, yes, this attitude of 'I won't play with you' is the most annoying..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Does he mean that? Well, he does think it's more interesting to kill and set fire than to play tennis with college students.

"Well, I over-practiced not long ago and my hand was injured, so I can't participate in this competition." Guomo Lighting still couldn't figure it out, "But why did you give up? It's really a pity. I still think about going further in the future." In the professional team, will I meet you..."

"It's a long story." Chi Feichi acquiesced that this is "to make a long story short, it's better not to say it", skipping this question, "Then, He Ye's amulet..."

"The amulet is still with me, but I'm in the bar with my friends and drank a lot of alcohol. If I didn't receive your call suddenly, I would almost be unconscious. I think we should meet tomorrow and talk about it... Guomo Lighting recalled for a moment, "I've been temporarily staying with a friend for the whole morning. I plan to go to the gymnasium tomorrow afternoon, and then go to a nearby restaurant for dinner. When are you free? Why don't I invite you?" You go to eat!"

Seeing Yuan Shan and Ye hesitate to count the time, Chi Fei said directly, "Send me the address of your friend's home and the address of the gymnasium, and I will give He Ye your mobile phone number. She will contact you before she goes to find you." .”

"Alright, it will be more convenient to contact by phone at that time. I'm just worried that it's too noisy in the gym. I didn't hear the phone ringing. Then I'll send you the time of the baseball game. It's best to contact me before and after the game. Me!" Guomo Lighting agreed, and then asked doubtfully, "By the way, aren't you going to come with He Ye to find me? We haven't seen each other for ten years."

"I want to rest at home tomorrow." Chi Feichi said.

"Well, anyway, I'm going to school in Tokyo, and I can find opportunities to meet again in the future," Guomo Lighting accepted the fact regretfully, "Then I'll send you the address and my UL account number, don't forget Add me!"

Not long after the call was hung up, Guomo Lighting sent over the two addresses and its own UL account number.

Hattori Heiji thought that Chi Feichi was dozing off during the day, and guessed that Chi Feichi should be busy with advertising or other work recently. Thinking about waking Chi Feichi up during the day, he felt guilty, and did not ask Chi Feichi to ask for tomorrow Run after them.

Toyama and Ye intend to stay here at Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and even Mori Ran decides to stay here, ready to start the girls' bedtime talk, and ask Mori Kogoro to take Conan and Hattori Heiji to the Mori Detective Agency.

Chi Feichi was not interested in going to the Maori Detective Agency, so he told Yuanshan and Yehou the address, sent a friend request to Guomo Lighting, put away his phone and prepared to go home.

He just wants to rest now, and he is not in the mood to deal with the case.

When going out, Mitsuhiko sighed, "It turned out that nothing happened, it wasn't kidnapping."

Ayumi was listless, "I didn't encounter any danger either."

Yuan Tai had half-moon eyes, "That big brother seems to have just been injured in practice recently, and he fell to drink."

"Hey, I said, you little brats, shouldn't you be happy that no one is in trouble?" Hattori Heiji was speechless, taught a lesson, and then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "By the way, Brother Feichi, what are you drinking tonight?" After drinking and being unable to drive, you really don’t plan to go to the Maori Detective Agency with us?”

"I'll take a taxi at the intersection." Chi Feichi refused.

Playing on the floor with a group of people, these people are enough to torment him every night.

"Then, I'll take Wuming to stay at the doctor's house for one night." Huiyuan hugged Wuming without letting go, "If it wants to go out tomorrow, let it go out to play, if it doesn't want to go out, let it stay at the doctor's house .”

Wuming didn't struggle or resist, squinted his eyes lazily, and meowed at Chi Feichi, "Master, Belmode is too busy recently, and my little brother didn't see anyone. You can grab a meal by the way."

Chi Feichi stared at Wuming thoughtfully.

Is there not enough food in the resident?

Wuming was silent for a moment, and said truthfully, "The weather is warm recently, and I feel sleepy. If I follow Xiaoai, she can directly carry me into the nest, and when I wake up tomorrow, someone will bring food to me..."

Huihara Ai looked at Wuming who kept barking at Chi Feichi, looked up hesitantly and asked Chi Feichi, "Does it prefer to go with you to Kubado Town?"

"It's okay, you take it away."

Chi Feichi turned around and left.

Understood, because Belmode, who was too used to Wuming, was busy, so Wuming planned to find someone else to be a cat slave.


For the next two days, Chi Feichi didn't get involved in any other incidents. After finding time to drive back to his car, he drove around the street when he had nothing to do.

For the time being, the organization has nothing to do with murder, arson, extortion and smuggling, but that one also told them not to leave Tokyo during this period of time, and to drive more on the streets when they have nothing to do, and even the funds for various places have been credited.

Even if he knew he couldn't find Generic, and even if he didn't intend to use the funding from the organization, he didn't want to refuse such an interesting job as a 'paid drive'.

Go to the zoo to see the dumplings, discuss the 'privatization of the dumplings', and see if you can meet Junerick on the way, it's not too much.

Guomo Lighting, who was involved in the incident and was unfortunately injured and hospitalized, was entangled, so he had to visit the hospital to see if Junerick could go to the hospital or something, which was not too much.

Take Feichi to visit the reptile and fish exhibition in Setagaya, help Feichi find some fresh small animals to make food, and find clues about Junerek by the way, and also help to check the residence of Junerick's classmates in school The surrounding situation is even more conscientious.

Accompanying Yue Shui and his sister to go shopping, under the cover of someone, by the way, see if Junerick might be hiding in Akihabara, where there is a lot of traffic, that's fine.

A coffee shop that I have visited many times.

Feichi lay on the table by the window, ate a mouthful of ice cream, looked up at the bustling street outside the window, and sighed, "Master, the work in the organization is actually not bad, it's not very exciting, very interesting, just It’s easy, and the rewards are so much.”

"Today's serving is enough," Chi Feichi took away the ice cream in front of Feichi, "I can't eat it."

The work of the organization is either committing a crime or preparing to commit a crime. Is there still someone who does not pay much?

It is true that some jobs are exciting and interesting, but he does not agree with the word 'easy', nor would he agree with those nights he has survived.

Feeling unsatisfied, Fei Chi glanced at the fruit dessert Conan ate next to him, "Okay, then try Conan's next time..."

"Is it really okay to let Feichi eat ice cream?" Yueshui Nanatsuki sat on the opposite sofa, stirring the coffee with a spoon in his right hand, and looked at a certain live snake suspiciously, "Although I don't eat much, but Will it cause it to have diarrhea?"

"That's how it is," Chi Feichi wiped off the ice cream on Feichi's face with a tissue, "I can't taste anything, and I want to taste any food."

Feichi remained expressionless, "Master, you really hurt Snake's heart by saying that."

"Brother Shifeichi is too used to Feichi," Suzuki Sonoko scooped up the ice cream with a spoon, and complained frantically, "Didn't you help Feichi order the ice cream before? Also, sister Nanatsuki, you really should go to Mihua Town Take a look at the Feichi food breeding place, there are all kinds of fish raised there like an aquarium, all of them are Feichi food!"

Chi Feichi remained silent, picked up his coffee cup, and looked sideways at the passers-by on the street.

Feichi clamored to try it, what can he do?

He admits that he is a little spoiled, it's just 'a little bit', yes, it's not serious at all.

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