Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1819 Nothing to do with him, really

Seeing that Chi Feichi was too lazy to respond, Mao Lilan smiled helplessly, "Yuanzi, you still say, don't you often send people to the breeding place when you meet new species of fish? It becomes an aquarium, You also have a share of the credit!"

"It's true to say that," Suzuki Sonoko had nothing to say, and quibbled, "But I have a sense of proportion. All the fish sent over are edible."

Huihara Ai looked up at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was curious, and Suzuki Sonoko with a poisonous tongue, "Probably... some fish are so big that they can eat Feichi in one bite."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was amused, seeing Suzuki Sonoko choking, smiled and said, "I heard that Mr. Chi said that Feichi has a food storage place in Mihua Town, but I have never been there..."

Immediately, the four girls chatted from 'going to visit the breeding place another day', to 'go shopping today', and then to 'what kind of clothes to buy today', and asked the clerk for a fashion magazine, talking together.

Conan felt that sitting like this was very boring, but here Chi Feichi only focused on looking out the window and drinking coffee, and it seemed impossible for Mori Kogoro to chat with him about interesting cases, so he just yawned and poked Feichi's. Body.

Chi Feichi doesn't seem to want to chat with him, so it doesn't matter if he plays with Chi Feichi's pet?

Feichi was suddenly poked by Conan, and looked at Conan suspiciously.


Bored, Conan pointed Feichi's head with his finger.

Feichi stared at Conan speechlessly.

Too much, snakes have a temper!

Conan saw the non-red snake staring at him expressionlessly, and suddenly felt that a certain snake's reaction was cute and funny, so he continued to reach out...


Feichi bit Conan's finger.

Conan jumped up with a 'whoosh', "Ah! Feichi, let go!"

The shouting alarmed the girls' discussion group, as well as other customers in the store.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki noticed that someone was looking over, subconsciously pulled Feichi off Conan's finger, and stuffed it into the shopping bag beside him.

Mao Lilan also subconsciously stretched out her hand and pressed Conan back on the chair, and smiled apologetically at the other guests who came over. When she turned her head, she saw Conan looking at herself pitifully. Right? Was it painful to be bitten by Feichi?"

Conan: "..."

Something happened, he was bitten by a snake, but why did everyone seem to be more worried about Feichi being discovered, scaring people, and being kicked out?

"I didn't bite the skin," Chi Feichi looked at Conan's fingers, and reached out to rummage through the pockets of his jacket, "But I still have antivenom here..."

"No, no need," Conan noticed Huibara Ai cast a faint look of contempt, and sweated speechlessly, "It's just that I was suddenly bitten by Feichi, and I was taken aback."

Mori Kogoro watched as Mao Lilan helped Conan check his fingers for any injuries, and sighed deeply, "It's really sad that I, the famous detective Mori Kogoro, actually has to accompany a group of little girls to go shopping and take care of little ghosts..."

"Conan has always been taken care of by Brother Feichi, and he won't cause you trouble at all," Mao Lilan retorted, "As for Xiao Ai, she can just follow us, and we will take good care of her."

"This is a great opportunity," Suzuki Sonoko teased Mori Kogoro with a smile, "There are so many young girls on the street, just let your eyes moisten!"

"Besides," Conan revealed Kogoro Mori's business status with a smile, "Anyway, you don't have any commissions, so you're free all day long."

"Idiot!" Mori Kogoro glanced at Conan, and said confidently, "I still have to sort out the TV series that have been burned to DVD, and the newly renovated small steel ball shop is going to check the winning rate, and today is the G1 schedule of the horse race... ..."

Mao Lilan was dissatisfied and reminded, "Don't waste your money on things like horse betting and pachinko!"

"You are the one," Mori Kogoro retorted, "don't buy those ridiculously expensive clothes!"

"I won't," Mao Lilan stuck out her tongue provocatively at Kogoro Mori, "I only buy cute and cheap clothes."

"That's it!" Suzuki Sonoko immediately nodded in approval.

"No matter what you buy, you have to show me before you buy it." Mori Kogoro said.


Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan were a little embarrassed.


"It doesn't seem very good..."

"What?" Mori Kogoro suddenly exploded, and asked with a dark face, "Do you want to buy some fancy clothes that can't be shown to dad? For example, the Chinese-style cheongsam that exposes the entire thigh."

Chi Feichi looked sideways at Kogoro Mori.

What happened to the cheongsam?

"No, no way," Koshimizu Nanatsuki waved his hands sweatingly, "That store is full of cute styles of dresses, which have nothing to do with sexiness..."

Suzuki Sonoko and Koshimizu Nanatsuki exchanged glances.

They are just being splashed with cold water...


The doorbell at the door of the coffee shop rang, and a young girl in a black and red dress with heavy makeup entered.

"Welcome!" The saleswoman greeted with a smile.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look, sweating from the fright of the exaggerated attire.

Suzuki Sonoko watched the girl walk by the table with bright eyes, and whispered, "Hey, Miss Nanatsuki, you and Xiao Ai bought this type of dress, right?"

"It's so cute," Mao Lilan whispered excitedly, "just like a real doll."

Chi Feichi looked sideways at the girl passing by, not sure if his expression had collapsed.

Yue Shui and Xiao Ai bought the dresses before, and showed each other, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, but they refused to show them.

If it wasn't for Xiao Ai's words that he would bring clothes when he went shopping today, and Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko would change them together after they bought them, and he wouldn't have run over to the case.

As for clothes, he thinks that he has a high degree of acceptance of culture. Except for the white powder face and purple black lips makeup that he can't accept, no matter what kind of dress or gothic dress, he thinks it's nothing.

"Miss Nanatsuki and I bought black and purple ones..." Hui Yuanai whispered, raising his eyes with Koshimizu Nanatsuki to see Chi Feichi's reaction.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."


Mr. Chi still had an indifferent and calm expression on his face, did he really not pay attention to what she was wearing?

"What's going on?" Mori Kogoro felt that the vision of the middle-aged man had been severely impacted, and he couldn't understand, "This kind of spooky dress like a witch..."

"This is a gothic loli!" Suzuki Sonoko lowered her voice excitedly.

Mao Lilan also smiled and said, "It's so cute!"

"Gothic... loli?" Mori Kogoro felt that he no longer understood the trend.

"Gothic Lolita is..."

Just as Conan was about to popularize science, Hui Yuanai took over the conversation.

"Recently popular loli dresses, combined with the characteristics of European medieval clothing, make improved dresses with length and length according to the development of the times, which can satisfy women's romantic fantasies about European medieval courts and aristocratic times. Good loli dresses will try to keep the dresses as much as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid the procrastination and inconvenience of medieval court clothing. In terms of detail decoration, it is also necessary to make adjustments to adapt to modern aesthetics, and to perfectly integrate modern clothing with traditional clothing. The main elements are Ruffled sleeves, lace, multi-layered, tight waist, and elegant and elegant fabrics, etc.," Haibara Ai calmly explained, "As for the gothic loli dress, it originated from European gothic dresses." Subculture, combining the costumes of medieval vampires in current comics and movies, adding innocence style to the gloomy decadence of Gothic culture, combining the two extreme styles, the intention is to provide the same romantic fantasy for girls who like special cultures, Generally, it is mainly dark and black, with gorgeous design, adding elements such as crosses, angels, demons, skeletons, roses, butterflies, spiders, etc., giving people a sense of magic, mystery, and a sense of charm hovering between life and death... "

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Hearing it like this, I feel so powerful and wonderful.

Conan: "..."

Is Huiyuan very interested in this kind of culture?

Sonoko Suzuki, Ran Mori, Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Xiao Ai looks like this type of dress designer.

Chi Feichi: "..."

This tone is a bit familiar, could it be...

"In the early 1980s, it was popular to wear all-black clothing in London, England, and women were also keen on the kind of facial makeup that was painted abnormally blue and white. After it was introduced to Japan in the late 1990s, it joined the Japanese mainland. The style has a long history," Hui Yuanai took a sip of the juice without haste, and then continued, "The dress that has suddenly become popular recently is because my godmother, who is far away in another country, received it one day. Brother Feichi packed the drafts that were passed on and found that they were all sketches of European medieval women's clothing. Combined with the original related clothing, the details and styles were adjusted with more retro characteristics, and the result was surprisingly popular with young girls. .”

Chi Feichi noticed that Mori Kogoro and others turned their heads to look at him. After thinking about it, he still chose to remain silent.

None of his business, really.

The trend would have exploded without him.

Mori Kogoro was a little speechless, but thinking about the exaggerated makeup, he still couldn't help objecting, "Anyway, dressed like that, like parading around with a mask, I..."

The passing gothic loli girl cast a cold look at Kogoro Mori, and after Kogoro Mori choked, he walked out of the shop with a cold face and a wordless expression.

"I kept you waiting," the female clerk stepped forward, bent down and put the juice on the tray on the table, and said with a smile, "This is some extra orange juice, please use it slowly."

"Um... Excuse me," Mori Kogoro looked at the door and asked awkwardly, "Did the guest just leave because I criticized her clothes?"

"No, it's because the friend she was waiting for didn't arrive, so she went to the bathroom first," the saleswoman said with a good-natured smile, "Our bathroom is outside the store."

"Really..." Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the four girls who had always been very interested, and whispered unwillingly, "I still think this kind of dress is too exaggerated."

"Okay," Mao Lilan smiled dryly and lowered his voice, "We will try our best to choose cute styles!"

Mori Kogoro was a little speechless, "Try your best..." (To be continued.)

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