Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1820 Chi Feichi is really a scheming dog!

"Based on the personalities of the two of them, it seems that they are not suitable for the gothic loli style," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "Cute dresses are fine."

Conan teased in a low voice, "Maybe Haibara is very suitable."

"It's okay to dress up," Chi Feichi put down his coffee cup, and put forward his opinion, "but the makeup is too exaggerated."

Mori Kogoro and Conan nodded silently.

Yes, that makeup look is over the top and scary.

"Will it be like this?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki raised his hand and touched his chin, frowning slightly, struggling, "But if you don't wear makeup, it will feel very abrupt, and it doesn't match the style of the dress..."

Mori Kogoro and Conan: "..."

Compared with scaring or not, whether you get along or not is actually not that important, right?

Chi Feichi looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's serious face, and was silent for a while, "It's better to put on makeup."

Mori Kogoro and Conan: "!"

There is a traitor among them!

With Chi Feichi's support by default, Koshimizu Nanatsuki was relieved, and began to discuss makeup issues with the other three girls.

"However, does Xiao Ai also want to wear that kind of makeup?" Mao Lilan was thinking, "At her age, would it be too much..."

"You can try it first," Suzuki Sonoko encouraged with a smile, "Maybe it looks like a porcelain doll, it will be very cute!"

"Before, Xiao Ai and I were just trying on clothes..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought about it, and smiled, "It's not so strange to dress up like this in Akihabara!"

Hui Yuanai stretched out his hand and picked up the end of his hair and looked at it, "I don't even need to dye my hair or change my hairstyle, I just need to make up, it's not very troublesome."

The discussion continued until the drinks on the table were finished, and the four girls became more excited and prepared to continue shopping.

Conan raised his watch to check the time, and reminded, "That gothic loli sister hasn't come back yet. If you are waiting for someone, wouldn't it be better to sit on a chair and wait?"

"Women are slow to go to the bathroom." Mori Kogoro said disapprovingly.


A woman wearing glasses and dressed as a capable office worker entered the store, and asked the clerk if there was a girl dressed in gothic loli, and after explaining that she was a friend of that girl, she followed the clerk to the gothic loli On the seat where the girl dressed as Li was sitting, when she was taking the menu and preparing to order, she accidentally knocked the clear water glass on the table, and the water glass fell to the ground and broke.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, I'll clean it up!"

Conan has been paying attention to women, always feeling a little strange.

Most people make an appointment with a friend to meet in a coffee shop, and when they find a water glass on one side, they should think that it is the seat where the other party has sat. Since there is still a seat on the opposite side, wouldn't it be better to sit on the opposite side?

However, this may also be a personal habit...

"Okay, let's go, kid!"

Mori Kogoro at the door of the shop turned around to greet him.

"Ah, okay!" Conan withdrew his gaze, followed the large group out, and paid special attention to the street when he went out.

Is that gothic lolita girl back yet?

The shopping group of four proposes to go shopping in the nearby store, defaulting to leave Mori Kogoro and Chi Feichi on the road, and take Conan to find something to pass the time.

Mori Kogoro stood on the street, looked at the crowd, and said speechlessly, "Speaking of which, there are so many fancy clothes here."

"This is Akihabara!" Conan said with a smile and raised his head. He wanted to reach out to pull Chi Feichi's clothes and discuss with Chi Feichi the strange pair of friends in the coffee shop. Kogoro approached Chi Feichi one step ahead of him and muttered.

"Feichi," Mori Kogoro approached Chi Feichi's ear, complaining in a low voice, "How can you support their exaggerated makeup? With your approval, they are obviously more motivated!"

Conan laughed inwardly.

This guy Chi Feichi is definitely fascinated by beauty...

"Think about it, when that girl dressed in gothic lolita came into the store just now, we only paid attention to her exaggerated makeup, and didn't pay attention to other things at all," Chi Feichi analyzed calmly, "If Yue Shui and the others change into With that kind of makeup, even if the clothes are a little exaggerated, some men won’t harass them because their clothes are cute or sexy, it’s safe.”

Mori Kogoro nodded thoughtfully, "That's right..."

Men know men best. Seeing a cute and beautiful girl, there are not many men who will not subconsciously look at the legs, but when he looked at the girl, he didn't have any wrong thoughts, and his eyes were focused most of the time. With that kind of exaggerated makeup, nothing but shock was shocking, and he didn't even bother to look at his arms and legs.

Conan made up his mind and nodded involuntarily.

If Mao Lilan wore a cute dress and was stared at by a group of men on the street, he would definitely be a little upset, but if Mao Lilan put on that kind of makeup, although it was exaggerated and strange, not many men would stare.

Generally speaking, it is very safe, there is no need to worry about Xiaolan being abducted by wild men.

"And the make-up is so exaggerated that they can't see their original appearance clearly," Chi Feichi continued, "Even if someone notices them, after they satisfy their fantasy, they change their clothes and wash their faces, who will they be?" Know who they are? They don’t always dress up like this, and the harassers won’t even be able to find them.”

Mori Kogoro, Conan: "..."

Or Chi Feichi is more scheming... No, he is more clever.

After hearing this, they felt that it was necessary to support Xiaolan in putting on a heavy makeup, the thicker the better, preferably so thick that the harasser's back would turn cold when he saw it, and he didn't dare to take a second look!

Chi Feichi saw that the two of them agreed, and continued to talk to Mori Kogoro, "Teacher, you have to let Xiaolan understand that you are not the kind of unenlightened old stubborn father. As long as her dress does not break the bottom line, you still want her If you can be happy, if a kid like Kudo Shinichi can't accept it or express strong opposition, Xiaolan will understand how much you care about her feelings, and it's the same for Xiao Ai, so that she won't be abducted by men casually in the future."

Well, it's the same for Yue Shui, get used to it when you can get used to it, isn't it just that girls want to satisfy their fantasies, what's the matter?

Conan: "!"

No, he still supports Xiaolan very much now. In fact, as long as Xiaolan really wants to give it a try, he is still willing to support...

Bah, Chi Feichi really is a scheming dog!


After the four girls came out of the shop, Mori Kogoro's attitude changed drastically.

"Xiao Lan, do you really like that kind of gothic loli dress? Actually, I don't think it's impossible to try it. If you like it, go buy it. It doesn't matter if you put on makeup."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan looked at Kogoro Moori blankly.

Suzuki Sonoko also looked around with uncertain eyes, "Did something happen during the time we entered the store?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was also dumbfounded, "I thought Mr. Mori would be very objectionable, and I just took them to an ordinary dress shop to have a look."

"Hey, I think it's okay for young girls to try trendy dresses. It's not a bad habit that affects your life. It's just as long as it makes you happy." Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked at Mori Land solemnly. , "Dad is not that kind of unenlightened old stubborn, since you want to satisfy that kind of magical fantasy, how can I have the heart to make you regret it?"


Mao Lilan was moved in her heart, and silently decided to be more tolerant to Mao Li Kogoro in the future, with a better attitude.

Conan followed, and Ban Yue looked at Kogoro Mori who almost copied Chi Feichi's words, full of resentment in his heart.

Terrible, the future father-in-law will have a badass military adviser beside him.

If Chi Feichi comes up with such a bad idea again, he is worried that if he still returns to Kudo Shinichi and finds a way to stabilize the situation, it will be difficult to abduct Xiaolan in the future...

No, he must find an opportunity to call Xiaolan as Kudo Shinichi at night to express his care and concern!

"Don't worry," Mao Lilan smiled at Mori Kogoro, "I'm just curious, I don't have to buy gothic loli clothes, in fact, ordinary dresses are also very cute."

Her father thought about her, so she had to think about whether her father could accept it.

"No, no," Mori Kogoro shook his head hastily, "I still think it's better for you to give it a try!"

"Yes, yes," Conan quickly smiled and raised his head, "There are so many people in Akihabara who dress up exaggeratedly, I think it's okay for sister Xiaolan to wear it here once, sister Xiaolan doesn't seem to have tried this style yet. You might regret it if you don’t try it once!”

The most damning thing is that he has to support the idea of ​​​​the bad navy division, and firmly supports this kind of safer attire.

"Give it a try, Xiaolan!" Suzuki Sonoko said excitedly, "I was worried about uncle's objection, so I considered other styles. Since uncle doesn't object to your attempting to dress up as a gothic loli, let's give it a try, Miss Nanatsuki Didn't Xiao Ai and Xiao Ai also buy that style of skirt?"

In the warm atmosphere of filial piety and mutual understanding, and under the enthusiasm of Suzuki Sonoko, Mao Lilan finally let go of the entanglement, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki took her to the store where Mikako Iwate worked as a clerk.

This time, Mao Lilan did not avoid Kogoro Mori, and the men waited for the trio to enter the store.

Mikako Iwate and the other female clerk were acquaintances at first glance, and happily asked Kogoro Mori for his autograph, and praised him with admiration.

"I didn't expect to meet Mr. Maori today! I often watch Mr. Maori's interviews on TV, and the cases Mr. Maori solves. I pay attention to every report!"

"Did Mr. Maori accompany his daughter to buy clothes? He is such a good father. I envy Xiaolan so much!"

"Where is that?" Mori Kogoro grinned from ear to ear, "It's also very meaningful to go shopping with my daughter in my spare time. Anyway, I will trouble you today!"

Sonoko Suzuki glanced at Kogoro Mori with half-moon eyes.

That's not what the uncle said when he complained before.

"Mr. Chi, why don't you take the children to sit there for a while, and we will accompany the two young ladies to choose clothes." Mikako Iwate smiled at Chi Feichi.

Another female shop assistant bent down and winked at Conan, smiling mysteriously, "I secretly hid snacks in the drawer of the coffee table in the rest area, children can take them if they want to eat, but remember to leave some for the sisters, I plan to Sneak food at night while resting."

Mikako Iwate deliberately pretended to be angry, put her hands on her hips and said, "Hey, hey, it's not kind of you to secretly hide snacks!"

Conan looked at a group of girls laughing and making a fuss, and deeply felt that the atmosphere of this store was good. He smiled and raised his head to show cuteness, "Thank you sister~!" (To be continued.)

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