Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1821 Street Crow Appraiser

Chi Feichi consciously took three cups of warm water with a paper cup, and after Kogoro Mori and Conan were seated one after another, he handed over two cups of water and looked sideways at the crowd outside the window.

Mori Kogoro was so flattered by the compliments earlier, he felt that the arrangement of the holiday seemed not bad, so he took the water glass with a smile on his face, "Thank you, Feichi."

"Thank you Brother Chi." Conan responded obediently, picked up the paper cup, and turned his head to look out the window like Chi Feichi.

He's not really a first grader, how could he eat other girls' snacks?

One minute……

ten minutes……

twenty minutes……


Half an hour later, the curtain of the locker room was pulled open.

Conan turned his head to look, and found that Mao Lilan came out with a suit in his arms and shook his head. Knowing that the wait would continue, he looked away helplessly, and finally made his move on the snacks in the drawer, "Brother Chi, do you want some snacks?"

When Chi Feichi saw a young man dressed as a knight passing by in the crowd on the street, his gaze paused, then he quickly looked away and turned to talk to Conan, "No, are you hungry?"

Conan was worried that Chi Fei would go to buy food for him late, so he smiled obediently, "No, I'm not very hungry, it's just that waiting is too boring."

On the street, the young man dressed as a knight turned his head to look at the clothing store. Seeing that there seemed to be young people and children sitting in the rest area, he looked back suspiciously, and soon showed a gentle and harmless smile, and raised his head to talk to the shop assistant on the street. .

In the dress shop, Chi Feichi didn't look at the street anymore, took out his mobile phone, and quickly sent an email to the Akihabara station of the African Mexican Army, and then opened the "Plants vs. .

He didn't expect that a trip to Qiuye, where there are so many people, would actually be rewarding.

The boy on the street just now was fifteen or sixteen years old, with black broken hair on his forehead and long hair tied casually at the back of his head. His eyes were fine and he was wearing a white knight suit. He looked like an elegant and decent man from the Middle Ages. A knight with a calm expression and a smile when he speaks. With such a good looks, it is easy to win the trust of others.

In the information collected by Ark, there is a treasure hunter with the code name 'Crow'. His face has been exposed. It is the seemingly harmless fifteen-year-old boy just now.

This is also a person worth talking about. So far, Ark has collected eleven cases of crows’ treasure hunting and reselling operations, and most of these operations are not unusual, but the remaining three treasure hunting and reselling operations are quite legendary.

Together, in France, a certain collector learned that a famous painting was left outside, in the collection room of a ruined family. At the same time, treasure hunters, big and small, also received the same news. When people rushed there, they found twenty identical paintings.

No one can be sure whether the authentic works are hidden in these paintings.

The collector brought mercenaries there that day, and immediately showed a ferocious face. He asked the owner of the paintings to forcefully buy all the paintings. When he was about to take the paintings back, one of the twenty paintings was missing. The collector felt uneasy. Momo went to an appraiser, and it turned out that among the remaining nineteen paintings, none of them were authentic.

And three days later, the crow hung up this famous painting and sold it on the black market. The collector bought it at a high price and received a commission to help the collector identify two paintings that could not be distinguished from the real ones.

Looking at it this way, the actions of the crow are quite characteristic of a strange thief, but judging from the information obtained later, when the crow identified the painting for the collector, it seemed that he was only dressed in black and wearing a mask, and took a look at the designated exhibition hall. The whole process took less than three seconds, and the authenticity of the two paintings was a matter of long-standing controversy among appraisers.

Is it possible that the crow randomly designated a painting as authentic?

According to bounty hunters' bad tastes like snake spirits occasionally, it's not impossible. Everything is possible when they don't understand the mood of the person involved, but that shrewd collector completely believes in the judgment of the crow, which also makes the "crow" Judgment is right' statement is supported by more hunters.

As for how the crow found the authentic works from the twenty paintings before, what happened during the period that made the collector entrust the crow to carry out the identification work, and made the collector believe in the crow's judgment, outsiders don't know up.

Only after that did someone pay attention to the actions of the crow and found that none of the treasures resold by the crow were fakes.

In addition to hunting for treasures and reselling, Crow also added a lot of appraisal commissions, and he never missed a single appraisal commission.

Although "seeing things without losing sight" is the basic quality of a treasure hunter, no matter how experienced a treasure hunter is, there will be times when it is difficult to determine the authenticity and special means are needed to verify it.

The crow is different, that kind of ability that seems to be able to tell the truth at a glance is a very mysterious personal characteristic.

In the bounty hall, this kid is also nicknamed the 'crow appraiser', and there are jokes like 'it's a pity not to be an appraiser', 'crows just like shiny babies'.

This 'crow appraiser' is not well-known in the outside world, but the wanted price is not low. The bids and rewards are all collection enthusiasts and antique resellers, and the demand is to catch them alive.

Raising a "crow appraiser" and getting rich is not a dream.

The second operation was related to these bounties of 'living bodies'. More than one scavenger hunter tried to round up the 'crow appraiser', but they all failed. It is rare to organize a group of people and design traps that are difficult to detect. The whole process was highly confidential, but was noticed by the 'crow appraiser' when he stepped into the periphery of the trap, and those ambush hunters were caught in the air.

The third action was much more interesting. It took place a year ago. It is said that this "crow appraiser" was involved in the action of the F-pussy when he was shopping for treasures in the United States. A villain of crime, and when an agent disguised himself as an ordinary person, he was secretly approached by the curious little Zhengtai. When he was pestered by Xiaozheng and asked "Will the F force catch me?", the villain escaped vigilantly .

Seeing the failure of the operation, F decided to arrest the 'crow appraiser' who sabotaged the operation first, and interrogated whether the two were accomplices, but...

Two well-experienced detectives, strong and strong men, faced a seemingly thin fifteen-year-old boy, but the arrest failed. The crow appraiser' also managed to escape, and even killed the fleeing villain in the end, and sent the head to F.

This is the first time the crow's murder record has been exposed. As for how the crow escaped from the encirclement at that time, Fbi did not disclose the relevant information, and there is even no accurate statement about the specific process. It is difficult for the outside world to know.

After that, the 'crow appraiser' was put on the wanted list of the F-force, and was approved by the person in charge of the F-force authority, and the price in the bounty hall also rose sharply.

Some people also speculate that the crow was originally an informant that F forced to put in the treasure hunters. The so-called sabotage of the operation is just to numb the lies of the hunters. After all, in all the leaked information, although this young man's fighting ability and physical fitness are stronger than his peers , but not so good that it can be compared with a well-trained adult, and it is impossible to escape the encirclement in that situation.

However, the attitude of the cowardly is also very ambiguous. He issued a wanted report, but he did not actually go after the crow. He did not even provide any exclusive information, as if he had no intention of actually catching the crow.

For this reason, when he was eyeing this 'crow', he asked Fang Zhou to try his best to find out the bottom of this 'crow'.

After such an investigation, more interesting information was found.

For a long time, the background of this 'crow' has been a mystery. No one knows whose child it is, and no one knows where this child learned the skill and when it became active. a character.

It's just that during the monitoring of the Ark, it was found that Mrs. Zheng, who was suspected of being a crow appraiser, had been to a certain cemetery, and found some search records of this crow, which completely revealed the background of this crow.

Not only is the crow appraiser not a Fucker, but on the contrary, the crow appraiser also has a bloody feud with the Fucker.

A few years ago, there was a Japanese appraiser named 'Saito Nobu' in the United States. At that time, the industry was in the middle and upper reaches. He started to be employed by a well-known auction house. He occasionally helped people with paid appraisals and gradually opened up contacts. After improving the circle and self-appraisal level, he invested in an auction house with a wealthy businessman and was responsible for the confirmation of auction items before the auction.

Nobu Saito's identity is innocent, and his small life is going smoothly day by day. The people who come and go are all celebrities, have a beautiful wife, and have a smart son. He is a standard overseas successful person template.

But seven years ago, F forced to lose the opportunity to obtain a piece of confidential information, and temporarily decided to install a locator and a bug in the auction house's lot. At that time, Saito Shinobu had confirmed that the lot was genuine, and the auction was about to start. The agents in charge of the operation made a decision to replace the real thing that was about to be auctioned off with a bugged replica.

Due to the high degree of imitation of the counterfeit product, the buyer of the counterfeit product was not noticed, and F forced to successfully monitor his target.

At this point in the matter, it seems that no one has lost. As long as F is forced to replace the counterfeit after collecting the net, it will neither affect Nobu Saito nor expose his own course of action.

It's just that in order to obtain more information, the person in charge of the F forced operation delayed the replacement time of the counterfeit, which led to the discovery of the bug inside and the inspection of the counterfeit.

There are intricate relationships behind the target that the F-force is following, and there are many gangsters among them. In the midst of doubts about the auction hosted by Saito Shinobu, telling the outside world about fakes has become the only way to get rid of it.

There is no shortage of jealous people in the world, and there is no shortage of people who deliberately fan the flames.

'Is this intentional or is it a mistake? '

"Let's send the previous auction items for inspection..."

"It's really an excellent method of counterfeiting. I heard that Saito Shinobu once contacted a master counterfeiter. Could it be..."

In such remarks, Saito Shinobu's reputation plummeted, and the auction house was forced to close down.

Afterwards, the people from F-Bird found Nobuo Saito and expressed that they could be responsible for this. They hoped that Nobuo Saito could survive this period of time. After everything was over, they would announce the replacement of the original product by F-Bi to prove Saito Nobu’s innocence. During this period, the safety of Saito Nobu and his family will also be protected.

It's a commendable attitude, but F forced another mistake

Saito Shin's only son Hiroshi Saito was kidnapped.

When Nobuo Saito heard the news, the slander from outside had already put a lot of pressure on this proud and confident man. After learning that the child had been kidnapped, he and his wife started complaining and arguing with each other, causing his wife to collapse and feel desperate. Jumped off the roof and died.

About a month later, F was forced to close the net, announced some methods during the search process, helped Saito Nobu clear the stigma, and expressed his willingness to help Saito Nobu to cheer up in the future.

For the man whose wife and son were separated and his family was ruined because of his involvement in the forced operation, it was too late. took illegal drugs.

It seems that in a drunken dream, this man can return to the happy time of the past, but the reality is that two years later, Saito Shin died in a drunken accident.

Ashamed of this mistake in action, Fabi decided to take it as a warning, and at the same time, for the sake of the reputation of Fabi, slowly let all this be submerged in the hustle and bustle and endless new things.

This is the version known to insiders. It is a complete tragedy, and the protagonist who interprets the tragedy is Saito Shinobu.

In the information investigated by Ark, he got another version of the tragedy, and the protagonist of the tragedy was Hiroshi Saito.

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