Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1822 This child can be abducted

On the streets of Akihabara, the boy in the white knight uniform had disappeared into the crowd.

Chi Feichi sat on the sofa in the rest area, did not look out of the window, and played games on his mobile phone absently.

Saito Hiroshi was indeed kidnapped back then, but those gangsters who kidnapped him were not too much. Not only did they not tear up the ticket or take the opportunity to blackmail, but they did not treat the eight-year-old child harshly except for restricting freedom. More than a month later, he was arrested by the FBI After the target person completely fell, Saito Hiroshi was sent back.

Just the same, it's too late.

After Saito Hiroshi returned home, what awaited him was not the welcome from his parents who wept with joy, but only the portrait of his mother and a father who made him strange.

When Nobu Saito was intoxicated by foreign objects, he thought that his son was the chief culprit of his wife's death. He often abused him. When he was sober, he felt guilty for angering his son. He patiently taught his son identification knowledge, but the pain made this man unable to face it. There is no life of drunkenness and dreams, and the attitude towards children is also repeated between two extremes.

During those two years, Hiroshi Saito was a "ghost" for two years due to his father's frequent dereliction of duty. No one noticed the child's return.

Two years later, Nobuo Saito died, and Hiroshi Saito was also judged to be 'dead'.

Hiroshi Saito, who could only hide in the dark, opened up his facial features a bit, grew his hair, and completely changed his hairstyle. He left his hometown with a strong hatred for the FBI, and he didn't know when he would become the treasure hunter "Crow"...

These are all things that Fang Zhou eavesdropped on a few words from his mobile phone when Saito Shin went to the cemetery.

To what extent does Hiroshi Saito hate the FBI?

When it comes time to deliberately let the FBI make a mistake to cause the villain to escape, and then send the villain's head back to provoke?

No, the strongest hatred is when, late at night, fifteen-year-old boys stabbed those reports about FBI figures with horrific hatred in their eyes.

It has to be said that Hiroshi Saito concealed it very well, and always looked like a harmless and innocent boy to the outside world. Only the mobile phone with the screen turned off in the middle of the night witnessed all this.

He asked Noah to deliberately let Hiro Saito know that "the FBI has a team active in Tokyo" when Hiro Saito logged on to the Internet forum. Saito Hiroshi knew a few words about the 'FBI Silver Bullet', and after waiting for Saito Hiroshi to investigate, he finally managed to lure this Zhengtai to Tokyo, just to make Saito Hiroshi give up the code name 'Crow'.

So far, the situation is not good or bad.

The bad news is that the code name 'Crow' may have a different meaning to Hiroshi Saito, perhaps because the world has mixed evaluations of crows, which is in line with Hiroshi Saito's father's ever-changing attitude towards him, or maybe It’s because crows can hide in the night, and it fits well with Hiroshi Saito who has lost his identity and family. Since he doesn’t randomly pick up code names like his teacher Pioneer, he won’t say that he lost his vest like his teacher Pioneer. Lose your vest.

If someone suddenly found him and wanted him to change the code name of 'July' out of nowhere, it would definitely be a matter of life and death-either beat him to death or be beaten to death by him!

As for the good news, it is the resentment in Hiroshi Saito's heart and the obsession that he has not figured out for the time being.

The worst situation is that Hiroshi Saito has gradually been "corroded" in his heart during these years of wandering. Like many old bounty hunters, no matter what his appearance and personality are, he always has a free and unrestrained, arrogant and unruly in his bones. If you don't care about many things, you lack a fatal weakness, and it's hard to predict whether your inner thoughts will change because of a bad taste. Such a person is the most troublesome.

Saito Hiroshi has a strong hatred in his heart, and being unable to let go is the biggest shortcoming.

In summary, this child can be abducted.

Judging from the information collected by Ark, he speculates that all of Hiroshi Saito's abilities come from his outstanding dynamic vision talent.

Dynamic vision is dynamic visual acuity, which refers to the ability of the eyes to capture images, decompose, and perceive images of moving objects when observing moving objects.

When an object moves at high speed, afterimage occurs because the image stays on the retina of the human eye for only 0.1 second. When the object moves faster than the retina can feed back information to the brain, it is difficult for the brain to accept and analyze the information in front of it.

Generally speaking, this is related to the speed of brain reaction, just like his and Curacao's ability to quickly filter useful information from a pile of information, and it is also the enhancement of dynamic vision after the brain is developed and overrun.

Similarly, dynamic vision can also be strengthened through training, for example, staring at the opponent's fist like a boxer, feeling your own growth a little bit, and slowly, you will find that some people's punching speed is slower than your own. The eyes are not as fast as before. For example, after seeing a brand new page, close the book or turn the head immediately, try to quickly capture the content with the eyes, and then recall it. Persistence can also improve the instant capture ability of the eyes.

In fact, whether it is a fighter, a detective or a policeman, they will unintentionally train this ability, and most of them are better than ordinary people in this respect.

Also, there is a rare case.

Due to some subtle differences in the brain, or external stimuli, the brain changes differently from ordinary people. Some people have an innate talent for dynamic vision. The speed of the same thing moves very quickly in the eyes of others. In the eyes of this kind of people, it is a "slow-play" version, and how much it is slower varies from person to person.

For many people who are born with this kind of talent, if the degree of slow-motion is not obvious, they may not be able to realize that they are different from others in their entire life. .

He had encountered such a monster in his previous life, he could catch the target on the high-speed moving train with only his naked eyes, and even if his dynamic vision could not keep up with the speed of the bullets flying out, he could still react when someone raised his gun. You can usually spot the abnormal behavior of people in your field of vision, and it's too difficult to kill that bastard.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. The brain has only so much ability to operate. Because it provides too much information for the eyes to capture, the guy's senses of hearing, smell, and taste are relatively slow, and he usually looks a little dull.

In fact, there are also people with strong dynamic vision in the organization.

He discovered it inadvertently. Cohen, who usually looks dull, has very strong dynamic vision, much better than Chianti. Tend to judge that it is a natural talent.

In any case, this kind of person is very suitable for training as a sniper. Regardless of whether Cohen is like "can't break through 700 yards", he is better than others in observing and letting go. Observation is also the ability that a sniper should have, and there is room for improvement. It is very big, with more training and finding the right method, Cohen's sniping distance can be further improved.

In addition, this type of person is also suitable for training as intelligence investigators and close combat fighters, who use their eyes to quickly capture the target's micro-movements and micro-expressions to achieve their own goals.

The specific direction to develop depends on the occupied operation of the brain, that is, where the defects are, and avoid shortcomings to choose the development route.

Saito Hiroshi was able to quickly distinguish the genuine from the fake because the time that others seem to be fast is not fast in the eyes of Saito Hiroshi. Coupled with the skills he learned from his father, even if he is an appraiser, he will become an expert. The best group; being able to detect an ambush in advance is because the eyes caught the ambush or passers-by, and the abnormality of the environment for a moment; as for being able to escape from the encirclement of the FBI, it is not because of how good the physical fitness is or how good the fighting skills are. High, but because the opponent's speed is not so fast in his eyes, enough for him to react.

From the information he has obtained so far, he has not discovered where Saito Hiroshi's shortcomings are, and he is not sure what route Saito Hiroshi is suitable for, so he has to abduct him.

If you can't get it, kill it.

It's not because Hiroshi Saito gave him a sense of crisis, but because he chased and killed the guy with strong dynamic vision, but he was always avoided by the other party in advance, and he couldn't kill him no matter what, he is still irritable thinking about it now.

He has a way to kill this kind of person in this life, and he really hopes to have a chance to vent his anger...


The curtain of the locker room was opened several times.

Faintly hearing the voices of the girls discussing 'this is it', Chi Feichi, Mori Kogoro, and Conan in the rest area were relieved, and looked up in unison.

It's finally over...

Mao Lilan was wearing a white dress with a collar, with white roses dotted on the shoulders, her waist was tight, and the hem of the layered skirts was also decorated with pure white and roses. Her long black hair was draped behind her head, which looked a bit strange. She turned around and asked Mori Kogoro in the waiting area, "Dad, I think this set is very good, what do you think?"

Chi Feichi looked at the outfits of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, and nodded, indicating that this choice is okay.

The plot was changed by him, and Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko didn't buy any cute ordinary dresses. Before that, he still thought that Mao Lilan might not be suitable for Gothic style.

Now Mao Lilan chooses this set, which is very suitable for Mao Lilan's style.

"This..." Mori Kogoro was a little dumbfounded. When he came back to his senses, the more he looked at it, the more he thought it looked like a wedding dress, and he suddenly became upset, "Isn't the gothic loli black and dark tones? Why did you change your mind again? "

Conan stayed where he was, and the scene where Mao Lilan turned to look at him in a wedding dress appeared in his mind, his face flushed a little.

It's nice to go shopping with me today, I suddenly feel happy in my heart.

"This is a rare white gothic loli dress." Suzuki Sonoko wore the same black style as Mao Lilan's, with large black roses on the shoulders and skirt, and said with a smile on his hips, "It's the same as mine. It is the corresponding style that good friends will wear, which means angels and demons!"

Mori Kogoro felt that he still couldn't stand his daughter's soon-to-be-married attire, Ban Yueyan complained, "Angels and demons should be enemies, right?"

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