Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1823 Security+1

"But this kind of clothes are like this," Suzuki Sonoko said confidently, looking at the dressing room next door where the curtain was drawn, "There are also sisters Nanatsuki and Xiao Ai who wear the same style, and they brought the clothes here specially. To go shopping in the same dress in Akihabara..."

Chi Feichi followed, and when he saw the bone flute hanging from the collar of Yueshui Nanatsuki's clothes, in a daze, he seemed to see the faces from hundreds of years ago again. Apologize to Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara who stepped forward.

He thought that the dress they bought was similar to the gothic loli in the coffee shop before, but the color and details were different, but he didn't expect...

Ruffles accent the shoulders, but isn't the front and back neckline too low?

It's noticeably lower than that gothic loli's neckline.

The lower corners of the black sleeves are paired with dark purple fabric to make wide sleeves with many folds. It looks good, but why the length of the sleeves only reaches the forearm?

Looking at it this way, the white and tender arms and wrists are more attractive.

The skirt has an extended scissor-shaped rear skirt, which is also beyond his expectations. The rear skirt is fine, but for comparison, is the front skirt too short?

The skirt of the previous gothic loli should not be so short.

The black corset also looked very tight. He used to think that Yue Shui had no breasts, but the clothes made him feel that he should not give up his vigilance.

Looking at his younger sister and Yue Shui's original brown hair and exquisite facial features, I feel like two cute elf dolls without makeup. Going out like this will definitely attract a lot of glances...

This suit is dangerous.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki is not quite used to this style, she turned her head to look at the rest area, her ears were a little red, " do you feel?"

Chi Feichi looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki's shy appearance, and was even more worried that Koshimi Nanatsuki would be abducted when she went out, and then looked at Haibara Ai, who was looking forward to seeing him, inexplicably worried that his sister would be taken advantage of by a copper smelter when she went out. Hugging away, "It looks pretty good, are you going to put on makeup next?"

The confidence of these two cannot be shattered, but it can be quelled with scary makeup.

"That's right, sister Xiaolan will also wear gothic lolita makeup, right?" Conan said cutely.

Be careful, he doesn't want others to keep staring at Xiaolan who is dressed like this, trying to encourage Xiaolan to use scary makeup to suppress her.

"Of course I have to put on makeup," Suzuki Sonoko saw that the waiting group didn't pour cold water on them, and seemed to be actively participating in their trend discussions. With the pride of Conan Science, he said with a smile, "White gothic loli dress, you have to wear it Pale and fragile white makeup, as for me, Nanatsuki-san and Xiao Ai, it would be fine to wear a dark color similar to that goth girl in the coffee shop."

Mao Lilan turned her head and looked around, "However, there doesn't seem to be any cosmetics here, so it would be better for Xiao Ai to use children's cosmetics?"

"I'll go and buy."

As Chi Feichi said, he stood up and prepared to go out.

He actively helped the four girls put on scary makeup before going out.

Mao Lilan was a little surprised, "Huh?"

Conan then jumped off the sofa, resolutely united with Chi Feichi, "I'll accompany Brother Chi too, sister Xiaolan, just wait here!"

Mikako Iwate broke into a sweat and said with a quick smile, "Don't worry about it. After you go out and turn left, the second shop is a shop that specializes in gothic makeup. There are also cosmetics for children. The clerk's makeup skills are also very good. Good!"

Conan and Chi Feichi: "..."

The enemy is around.

The four girls looked at each other, and invariably chose to go to the next shop to put on makeup, but just going out on the road, it was inevitable that they would be noticed and watched.

Conan and Chi Feichi: "..."

I feel like I'm at a loss, very bad.

On the road, Kogoro Mori noticed some male passers-by staring at his daughter, and he didn't care about whether Mao Lilan's wedding dress looked like it, so he went straight into the store, ready to point fingers.

"Xiaolan, why do I feel that my face is still not fair? The gothic loli lady I met in the coffee shop before, her face looks whiter than yours now..."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yeah, didn't Yuanzi say that if you want to look paler with this body, then your face must be painted whiter than that!"

Chi Feichi looked at Haibara Ha and Koshimizu Nanatsuki's white faces, and found that when Huihara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were going to ask the clerk to put purple on their eyes, he always felt that the color was too charming and began to point fingers.

"Would black be better?"

"Huh?" Hui Yuanai looked up at his brother, suspecting that his brother's aesthetic level had dropped. Given the style and color of their skirts, the alluring and mysterious deep purple is obviously more suitable. "Would black be more suitable? If a If you are not careful, it will look a bit like panda eyes."

Chi Feichi thought it would be better to have panda eyes, but with a serious face, "I think black is more gothic."

The female shop assistant smiled and said, "Everyone, please rest assured, I have been helping many people with gothic makeup every day recently, and I will definitely not let these two beautiful and lovely ladies have panda eyes!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Clerks are class enemies.

Half an hour later, Mori Kogoro looked at his face as pale as a wall, with bloodless lips, and eyes like his own daughter who had been up late for a long time, and then looked at the same face with white walls, dark eye shadow and deep purple lips. The colorful Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Mori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko almost had a heart attack, but they still tried their best to maintain their smiles, "It's really... really unique style."

I'm sorry, but he really can't say something like 'very cute' against his will.

Fortunately, Suzuki Sonoko doesn't care what Mori Kogoro thinks, Mourilan thinks that her father doesn't strongly oppose it, and it can be regarded as half support. Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huihara Ai saw that Chi Feichi still didn't mind, so they let it go. opened.

The four girls immediately went out for a walk.

Chi Feichi and Conan followed, just like Kogoro Mori, silently paying attention to the reactions of passers-by.

Very good, almost as expected.

Sense of security +1.

Sense of security +1.

Sense of security +1.


In the shop across the street, a young man in a white knight uniform went out with two large boxes of packed desserts. He looked sideways at the dress shop just now, and at the backs of the group of people who left together. His eyes were on Chi Feichi's black coat. Pausing for a moment, he pretended to follow casually.

Someone in the dress shop should have been looking at him just now, it didn't look like a passer-by was curious or admiring, there was a strange feeling that he couldn't describe.

This young man is also very strange. Don't you feel very hot wearing a black long-sleeved jacket in such hot weather?

As expected, he still wanted to confirm whether it was his own illusion.

There is never a shortage of young people in strange clothes on the streets of Akihabara. The strangely dressed Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the others are mixed among them, and they are not so conspicuous.

Chi Feichi followed all the way. After taking out his mobile phone to read the email, he didn't choose to wait outside the store, and took the lead to guide Mori Kogoro and Conan to follow into those stores.

It was accidentally discovered that Hiroshi Saito, whose whereabouts were uncertain after entering the country, appeared in Akihabara, and Fei Mo had come to monitor him personally.

But what was that brat following them along the way?

Was the look he had seen in the dress shop caught before?

Coming out of the store again, Sonoko Suzuki walked along the road with the booklet in hand, discussing enthusiastically with the other three girls, "Would you like to see those fingerless dress gloves? They look so cute!"

"It's good to have a look," Hui Yuanai raised his head and suggested to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Would you like to look at the bags again? I read the travel brochure just now, and there seems to be a small and cute black diagonal store in front of it." Bag, it should be very good to match clothes.”

Saito Hiroshi had already touched the vicinity, and after hearing the discussion of the four girls, he hesitated for a moment, but decided to continue to approach.

Listening to the conversation, it seems that she is just an ordinary girl who comes to shop, but they are all here, so he pretends to bump into it first, and catch up with the conversation to test the information...

Chi Feichi followed the four girls, and found a familiar white figure in the corner of his eyes. He didn't turn his head to look, wondering what Saito Hiroshi wanted to do, and suddenly found two furry people holding ice cream in front of him. The male arm, but also straight to the girls in front of him, subconsciously reached out to grab the arm closest to him, and while pulling it away, he took advantage of the opportunity to make up for an elbow, and found that the other hairy hand hadn't stopped. Make up a foot in the direction of the arm outstretched.


The tall foreign man No. 1 noticed that his hand was lifted, and before he could react, he was hit hard on the side, the ice cream fell to the ground, and he knelt down on the ground clutching his side.



The tall foreign man No. 2 was kicked to the ground, curled up covering his stomach.

In front of the four girls, Hiroshi Saito pretended to be squeezed by the crowd, and just fell on the front of the four girls, witnessing Chi Feichi's easy and freehand elbow, and the foreign man No. 1 rib bone After going down for a while, I also witnessed Chi Feichi's merciless straight kick, and foreign man No. 2's deflated abdomen and his face that turned pale for a moment and gradually became ashen. Looking at the approaching ground in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

He suddenly didn't want to fall and touch the porcelain, but now it seems that he can't stop.

And being so startled, his hands froze for a moment, he didn't reach out in time to support the ground, falling at this speed, his face was a little dangerous...


The four girls were startled, and turned to look at the two foreign men who fell to the ground. Before they could see what was going on, they heard the boy's low-pitched cry of pain from the other side, and turned their heads to look in a daze.

"Huh? Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko turned his head again to look at the two foreigners who fell to the ground and groaned, and then at the knight boy who fell in front of them, even more at a loss, "Did something happen?"

When he fell, Saito Hiroshi tried his best to let his shoulders land on the ground, and he fell firmly. He looked at the two boxes of pastries that flew to the side with distress, and he stood up with his arms reluctantly. He looked up at the three obviously older people in front of him. Some of the girls' black and white eyes were so painful that they were covered with mist, making them look even more aggrieved.

what happened?

It was the companions of these people who suddenly started beating up, faster than those he had seen before, and the strength of the strikes did not decrease at all, so frightened that he almost didn't adjust his landing posture.

Walking around with such a dangerous person, how can you still have the nerve to ask 'what happened'? (To be continued.)

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