Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1824 Hui Yuan Ai: Feeling full of security

After the people around discovered the turmoil here, they backed away belatedly, leaving an open space.

Although I don't understand what happened, it's better to stay away first!

"I, I said Feichi, did you hit someone?" Mori Kogoro vaguely caught a glimpse of his apprentice kicking a passer-by next to him, looking at the three fallen people helplessly, feeling There was a constant buzzing in my head.

His apprentice was walking on the road, and for no reason, he knocked down three people. One of them was kicked. He saw this, but what about the other two? How did it fall?

No, no, wait, the problem now is that his apprentice has beaten someone, and it seems that he still beat him badly!

It's over, it's over, did his apprentice suddenly fall ill?

Calm down, calm down quickly, the disaster has already happened, think about what to do now, call an ambulance... No, it seems that I should help the person up and apologize...

But, this... Which one should he help to get up first? !

It's too difficult, it's too difficult for him as a teacher.

Conan was also frightened. He saw a foreigner in the crowd who turned around and ran away in a panic, and then saw the ice cream dropped by two foreign men on the ground. He recalled the previous actions of these two men, and immediately reacted. , raised his head and confirmed to Chi Feichi in a daze, "Chi... Brother Chi, these two are ice cream thieves, right?"

"Ice cream thief?" Suzuki Sonoko was still replaying the sound of the three falling to the ground in his mind, and continued to be at a loss.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu regained consciousness and explained, "I heard from Mikako that recently a group of foreigners in Akihabara took advantage of the crowds to squeeze into the side of tourists who bought things, pretending to accidentally get ice cream to them When the tourist puts down the bag in his hand and looks at the ice cream on the clothes, he will use some words that others cannot understand to attract the attention of the other party. bag and steal its contents, recent cases like this"

Saito Hiroshi felt powerless in his heart, and felt that falling over just now was the biggest mistake he made in his life, "I'm really not..."

"Before calling the police, let's call an ambulance." Hui Yuanai, who was squatting in front of the two foreign men, looked back at the group of people, pointed at the two foreign men, and explained the situation calmly, "The yellow curly hair This... one of the ribs on the right side is broken, and the broken rib has sunk inward, and it doesn't seem to have stabbed the internal organs for the time being, but it's best not to move him casually until the ambulance arrives."

The man with curly yellow hair hummed in a low voice, but he didn't dare to move anymore.

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

Accurate diagnosis.

He just saw the marks under the man's thin T-shirt, which indeed had the degree of fracture and depression that only a broken rib would have.

This girl is also very strange, her expression is too calm and calm, and with that exaggerated gothic makeup, she looks like a little devil who can't be sympathetic...

"As for the brown curly hair..." Hui Yuanai pointed to another foreign man who was curled up on the ground covering his stomach and foaming from his mouth. Kicked in the abdomen, the stomach was hit hard, some nausea and nausea, there was foam around the mouth, it looked serious, but it was just because of the pain in the abdomen that I couldn't vomit normally, the liquid in the stomach flowed back and overflowed from the mouth, It will be fine after a while, and there is no need to worry about him being suffocated to death by vomit blocking the airway."

Too pushy?

With her current makeup, she felt that the people from the organization might not be able to recognize her even standing in front of her, and she felt full of security.

Her brother beat him like this, so she must help to check the situation. If the two people's lives are in danger, first aid must be given immediately.

"Have you broken a rib..." Mori Kogoro was in a cold sweat, turned his head and looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly, "Feichi, even if you find out that they are thieves, you don't have to hit so hard, do you?"

"I'm sorry," Chi Feichi apologized without sincerity, but his explanation was serious, "I saw them reaching out to Yueshui and the other girls, and I thought they were some perverted idiots, so I did it on a conditioned reflex, and I didn't control it well. Strength."

Mori Kogoro looked at the girl with ghostly makeup next to him, twitched the corner of his mouth, stepped forward to get close to Chi Feichi's ear, and said in a low voice, "They won't be targeted by some idiot..."

Chi Feichi said in a very soft voice, "Maybe there will be a necrophilia pervert."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

This... makes sense.

Forget it, he couldn't refute his nervous apprentice, so he called an ambulance, and also called the police.

Seeing Kogoro Mori calling for an ambulance, Sonoko Suzuki looked at Hiroshi Saito who got up, "By the way, what did you just say?"

"I'm not their accomplice," Saito Hiroshi said weakly, looked down at the place where the white knight's wristband was scratched, and couldn't help feeling that he didn't choose the wrong clothes today, but the fall was too heavy. His shoulder bone hurts, "I was just squeezed by the crowd next to me, and accidentally fell down."

"Is that so?" Suzuki Sonoko was dubious.

Hiroshi Saito looked helplessly at the two boxes that fell aside, "Yeah, all the things I bought were also broken..."

The two paper boxes for packing desserts were very large, each contained in two paper bags. Since the box fell out of the paper bag and the edge of the paper box was also broken, some of the stuffed desserts spilled out.

With such a big paper bag, it was inconvenient for him to carry it with one hand, and it was difficult for him to carry it. That is to say, before he fell, both hands were occupied. How could he be an accomplice of thieves who were about to take away other people's shopping bags? ?

So, please don't doubt him anymore, he really just wants to take advantage of falling down and cliche words.

"Little Bo?"

Behind him, a male voice with a calm tone called out, making Hiroshi Saito stiff, unable to manage his innocent expression well, and was stunned in place with a surprised expression.

Did he hear wrong?

His father was dead, and it was difficult for the gangsters back then to be sure that he would grow up safely after returning home. He had been wandering outside for several years, and no one in this world would know his name.

In fact, he hadn't heard the name 'Xiao Bo' for several years, including the two years before his father's death, and he was rarely called that. When he heard it suddenly, he still felt a little strange for a long time.

"Huh?" Koshimi Nanatsuki followed Chi Feichi's gaze, looked at a boy who seemed to be petrified, and asked curiously, "Is this someone you know?"

Saito Hiroshi slowly raised his head to look at Chi Feichi, feeling a little stiff in his neck. He could probably imagine how slow his movements were, but it was hard to imagine how stiff his expression was now, "We... know each other?"

Chi Feichi casually found an excuse, "I saw it in the United States a few years ago."

Since Saito Hiroshi came to the door himself, it would be a pity not to take the opportunity to be surprised.

Let Hiroshi Saito mess up the position first, it is best to confuse people, so that it will be convenient for the master ball to be caught later.

When it comes to relatives or former playmates, other people will inevitably ask a few questions, so it is better to just say 'I have seen'.

Saito Hiroshi frowned and recalled that the other person's eyes were rare. If he had seen him, he would not have forgotten so thoroughly, but he tried his best to recall, but he didn't remember seeing such a person at all, "Sorry, I have already left the United States. It's been a year, so..."

Chi Feichi continued to fool around, "It was probably when you were three or four years old."

It's not surprising that people at the age of three or four forget a lot.

Saito Hiroshi nodded hesitantly when he heard the words, and couldn't help asking, "It's been so many years, children grow up fast, how did you recognize me? Don't you worry about admitting the wrong person?"

Chi Feichi felt that this kid was really serious, and thought about the information provided by Fang Zhou, "You have a small red mole on the side of your ring finger."

Saito Hiroshi did not look down at his hands, but instead dropped them by his sides, using the most natural posture to prevent others from seeing the red mole on the side of his left ring finger, "Did you...have you seen me at my house?" ?”

Chi Feichi nodded, expressing his acquiescence.

It doesn't matter whether Saito Expo will be suspicious or not, as long as you are interested.

Hiroshi Saito was even more puzzled, "How old are you this year?"

"Twenty." Chi Feichi replied.

"Okay!" Mori Kogoro put away his phone and came back, rushing away speechlessly, "The ambulance and the police will arrive in about 20 minutes. You have to chat to the side, and be careful not to step on the two people on the ground."

Now he hoped that such a dangerous person as his apprentice would stay away from the injured.

If the apprentice became nervous again and was stimulated by the injured person's small movements, and suddenly kicked the injured person, then these two unlucky ghosts might have to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

(Nodding, expressing default.

It doesn't matter whether Saito Expo will be suspicious or not, as long as you are interested.

Hiroshi Saito was even more puzzled, "How old are you this year?"

"Twenty." Chi Feichi replied.

"Okay!" Mori Kogoro put away his phone and came back, rushing away speechlessly, "The ambulance and the police will arrive in about 20 minutes. You have to chat to the side, and be careful not to step on the two people on the ground."

Now he hoped that such a dangerous person as his apprentice would stay away from the injured.

If the apprentice became nervous again and was stimulated by the injured person's small movements, and suddenly kicked the injured person, then these two unlucky ghosts might have to be admitted to the intensive care unit.


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