Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1825 Police Officer Mumu is also very difficult

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Saito Hiroshi walked aside, did not go far, and lowered his head in doubt to recall.

There is indeed a small red mole on the side of the ring finger of his left hand, which is hard to be noticed near the palm of his hand.

The only people who knew about this matter were his parents and their close friends at the time, and some of them seemed to be in Japan. Although they seldom interacted with each other afterwards, he heard from her mother that before and after his birth, those few The elders of the family have always had a good relationship with her parents.

The other party called him 'Xiao Bo' directly, and the address was so close and so natural, no matter how you think about it, it should be someone he had contacted in the early years. For example, he played with him in the early years, but he couldn't recall him at all.

It was probably someone he met when he was three, so he doesn't remember much.

The other party is five years older than him, and should be about eight years old. I remember that he is also normal.

So, the other party looked at him in the dress shop before, because he saw the mole on his finger in the crowd outside the shop, and he was not sure it was him, so he paid attention to him, did he think that gaze was a bit strange?

This seems to make sense.

After so many years, he was a little happy that people recognized him, but he forgot about him, and he felt guilty no matter how he thought about it...

No, he has to remember!

While waiting for the ambulance and the police to arrive, Mori Kogoro tried to use his identity as a detective to evacuate the crowd, but unfortunately the effect was not good, and some people still stood far away to watch the excitement.

Chi Feichi and the others didn't want to be watched, and Saito Hiroshi didn't want to stay too long in this kind of empty crowd, so they all withdrew to the back of the crowd.

Hiroshi Saito stood silently at the entrance of the alley, recalling the names of Conan, Mori Kogoro and others, restoring Chi Feichi's name, and suddenly remembered a person, looking up at Chi Feichi who was a head taller than him, "You Is the mother Mrs. Ganay of England?"

"Yes." Chi Feichi nodded in response, and couldn't help but start to recall.

Did the original consciousness really meet Hiroshi Saito before?

Or is it because his mother is relatively well-known?

Hiroshi Saito felt that he should think from the perspective of "Britain". In the past, rich people from various countries asked his father to appraise their treasures. Among them, there were many people who could talk to his parents who would know that he had a small mole on his finger. He was silent for a while. He asked again, "Then... what did I call you before?"

Chi Feichi felt that if this went on, Saito Hiro's questions would be endless, so he leaned closer to Saito Hiro's side, and said in a low voice, "I'm lying to you, I've never met you before, I just investigated enough details ……crow."

Hiro Saito was startled, quickly glanced at Chi Feichi, and said in a low voice, "You know I'm a crow, and the investigation is indeed very detailed, but the mole on my finger is not from someone close to my family, it's impossible I know, it's useless for you to deny it."

"Nothing is impossible," Chi Feichi said in a calm tone, "I am monitoring your every move, and I found that your physical characteristics are not a problem. Do you think you came to Japan following the news of Fuck, and there is no push behind it? "

This brat has to tell him everything before he will believe it, right?

Saito Hiroshi looked sideways at Chi Feichi's purple pupils, which were so deep that he couldn't see his emotions clearly, and frowned, "You mean, you deliberately investigated me, watched me, and lured me to Japan, right? Then your purpose Woolen cloth?"

Seeing Conan swaying over Chi Feichi, he didn't continue, "Now is not the time to talk about that, let's talk about it when we find a chance."

Hiroshi Saito also noticed Conan approaching, and whispered, "I still don't believe it, we must have seen it before."

Chi Feichi really wanted to beat up half-grown children, but seeing Hiroshi Saito frown seriously, he was silent for a while, "If you think self-deception can make you feel better, then keep going."

I get it, this kid has been a 'ghost' for too long, and he was stunned. When he found out that he met someone who could confirm that he was Hiroshi Saito, he wanted to insist on not letting go.

It's just that he intends to abduct Mrs. Zheng, and if the abduction is successful, it's more than just getting along with him for a while. Rather than being found out later and causing trouble, it's better to tell the truth as soon as possible.

He has said so far, Hiroshi Saito should calm down and think about it.

There was a flash of wavering in Saito Hiroshi's eyes, and he stood aside and bowed his head in silence again, until the police arrived, then he looked up at Memu Shisan, who was getting off the police car, and turned back into the alley behind him.

"Give way! Please make way!" Mu Mushisan guarded the medical staff, and his subordinates tried hard to squeeze the crowd away, and let the medical staff carry away the two foreign men who fell on the ground, and then directed Gao Mushe and others After evacuating the crowd, Kogoro Mori turned his head and asked with a serious expression, "Then Brother Mouri, who the hell hurt people in such a public place with a lot of traffic?"

"This..." Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and scratched his head, not knowing how to help his apprentice, "Actually..."

Chi Feichi stepped forward and admitted frankly, "It's me."

"Brother Chi, you..." Mu Mu Shisan took a deep breath, turning into a big-headed doll with angry eyes shining, roaring like a lion, "Even if they are thieves, you don't have to hit so hard, right? Pedestrians on the road still I thought that some kind of malicious injury happened here, we have received many similar alarm records on the way here!"

Kogoro Mori was yelled at until his ears were buzzing. Taking advantage of Mumu Shisan's breathing time, he waved his hands with a dry smile and explained, "Officer Mumu, I have already told him, and the situation was quite special at that time. My daughter and the other girls stretched out their hands, but Feichi thought it was some kind of harasser, so he shot suddenly, and couldn't control the strength."

Gao Mushe was in a cold sweat, and smiled dryly and lowered his voice to reveal the situation, "It's because it's difficult for us to deal with it. Mr. Chi hurt someone. If you don't say anything, I'm afraid..."

Mao Lilan and others surrounded him, originally wanting to help Chi Feichi talk, but after hearing what Gao Mushe said, they understood.

Hurt people in the street, attack too hard, and have a bad influence. Since so many people have seen it, if Officer Mu Mu doesn't say anything, maybe someone will tell the police in the Metropolitan Police Department that they are 'selfish', 'seeing acquaintances', and 'talking about friendship' ','injustice'……

It's also difficult for Officer Megure.

"Cough, anyway, Brother Chi, regarding this matter, you need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department another day," Mu Mu Shisan interrupted Gao Mushe's 'understanding' with a cold face, and turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Cooperate." Let's make a record to explain the before...before and after..."


Because of the men's trio, the makeup on the faces of the four girls was hideously thick. Their faces were as white as a wall, their eye makeup was as black as lacquer, and their lips were either pale with bloodshot red or black and purple like ink.

Mu Mu Shisan turned his head to see the faces of the four girls clearly, he was suffocated, his eyes were almost dazzled, and he saw hell, after barely recognizing the identities of the four girls from their hairstyles, he opened his mouth, not knowing what to say What.

"That..." Gao Mushe was also stunned, and turned his head to look around, "Is there a Halloween parade today?"

"It's summer, how could there be a Halloween parade?" Suzuki Sonoko put his hands on his hips, leaned forward, looked at Takagi and said seriously, "Don't you know? This is a very popular gothic loli! Gothic loli Lee!"

Takagi was taken aback by Suzuki Sonoko's sudden approach, took a step back, and waved his hands with a dry smile, "No, I know gothic lolita, it's been popular for a long time, but, but is your makeup Is it too exaggerated?"

"Please, wear this kind of dress, of course you have to dress in a gothic style," Suzuki Sonoko thought that there was nothing wrong with her makeup. "This is one of the most orthodox gothic loli makeup!"

On the side, Chi Feichi raised his arms and lowered his eyes to look at his coat sleeves.

Is it summer now? No wonder everyone on the street is wearing short sleeves today.

Now he is not afraid of cold or heat, when he has nothing to do and doesn't pay attention to the date, it is really easy to wear the wrong clothes...

After Mu Mushisan came back to his senses, he looked at Sonoko Suzuki who had weird makeup and pulled Takagi Tsutomu to say "the makeup is not authentic", looked at Takagi Tsutomu who was forced to nod in approval, and then looked at Ike who casually raised his hand to look at his sleeve Feichi looked at Conan who was yawning, Mori Ran who was trying to pull Suzuki Sonoko back, Haibara Ai who yawned and watched curiously with Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Moori Xiao who was looking at a game hall by the side of the road. Goro couldn't help but gritted his teeth with a black line, and decided to leave here without looking back, "Anyway, that's it, okay, Takagi, we..."

"No, it's not good!"

The crowd not far away was a little noisy, and two girls in western clothes ran from the direction of the toilet with panicked faces.

"Someone died!"

"Definitely dead..."

"What?" Mu Mu Shisan hurriedly turned his head to look.

After Conan was startled, taking advantage of his small stature, he quickly passed through the panic-stricken crowd, raised his head and found two girls who were shouting from the crowd, ran over quickly, gasped, and asked with a serious expression, "Why? What happened? Where is the dead man now?"

"Ah?" The girl who was asked looked at Conan's overly serious expression, and was stunned for a moment, with a look of panic on her face, she turned and pointed to the toilet, " the cubicle of the women's toilet, because the People didn't come out, so someone took a look from the top of the compartment, and found a girl inside, very, very strange..."

Conan didn't listen any more, and found that Mu Mu Shisan, Chi Feichi and others were following, and after hearing it clearly, he ran to the women's toilet.

Someone died in the women's toilet cubicle. If it was a sudden illness, it would be fine. If they were killed, they could have arrived one step earlier to prevent the scene from being destroyed.

Moreover, the girls who ran out of the toilet were terrified, and it sounded like they hadn't confirmed whether the person was still alive. If the person was not dead, they had arrived one step earlier, and maybe they could be rescued...

In the public toilets, there were quite a few girls waiting to go to the toilet and change into the clothes they bought on the street. They ran out in a panic under the sound of 'someone died in the cubicle'.

In the men's room next door, the men who heard the movement also came out of the toilet one after another, slowed down in doubt and curiosity, and moved outside the toilet to check the situation.

Among the crowd moving out, Mumu Shisan turned his head and shouted to Takagi Shinsou while running in, "Takagi, you stay outside to control the scene, so that everyone should not panic too much, so as not to cause a stampede accident!"

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