Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1826 The Grieving Bystander Alliance

Still relying on his small stature, Conan squeezed through the crowd first, and ran to the women's restroom where half of the figure was gone, only to find that the door of only one cubicle was closed. Looking inside the door, he turned his head and shouted to the others who followed, "This is it! People are inside!"

Mori Kogoro ran to the compartment door, tried to push the door, and frowned, "Is the door locked from the inside?"

Conan flipped in from the top of the compartment, and after landing, he helped open the door from the compartment, allowing Mori Kogoro and others to see the situation in the compartment clearly.

A girl was sitting on the toilet, wearing a gothic loli dress, her body leaning against the wall on one side of the cubicle, with deep strangulation marks on her neck, her head leaning against the wall of the cubicle, and Slightly leaning upwards, under the Gothic makeup, the stiff look, wide-eyed eyes and slightly parted mouth look even more terrifying.

Suzuki Sonoko took a step back in fright, "This, isn't this the girl we met in the coffee shop?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki wanted to go up to the forward compartment, but just took two steps when his abdomen bumped against Chi Feichi's outstretched arm. He looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously, and found that Chi Feichi was looking behind him, and when he turned around, he saw His long fluffy skirt.

Chi Feichi saw that Yueshui Nanatsuki had noticed, and lowered his arms.

Wearing such a dragging skirt, Yue Shui still wants to squeeze into a narrow compartment to look at the dead body?

Don't let the whole compartment be covered with traces brought by Yue Shui's skirt.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned her head to look at the hem of her skirt, and tried to pull the hem of the skirt forward with both hands, but before the knot was tied, the hem of the skirt fell down again in other places, so she could only continue to pull the hem of the skirt ...

Chi Feichi looked helplessly, and reminded, "Stop dragging, you don't need to go in."

Would Yue Shui be so cute all of a sudden, he would almost be twirling around and pulling on his skirt.

Isn't Conan still in the compartment? Just wait to hear the result.

"But..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked towards the compartment.

Conan stood in front of the corpse, turned his head and said softly, "She is dead."

Mu Mushisan was at the scene, and immediately went out and asked Gao Mushe to call his colleagues to help, and then asked Gao Mushe to find out the situation from the first person who found the scene, and then went to the toilet to confirm the identity of the deceased and the condition of the body.

No way, they came here before, and they received a call from Kogoro Mori saying, "Two wanted thieves have been caught here, and the other two thieves have been injured. An ambulance has been called." Since this is the case, they didn't Too many people rushed over, but now that a homicide has happened, we have to call the manpower and forensic personnel again...

Wait, so to speak, the plague gods around him came to Akihabara today, but a case happened in the toilet not far away, which made him suddenly want to ask these people to stay at home obediently!

Mori Kogoro got a pair of gloves from Chi Feichi, consciously helped Mu Mu Shisan to confirm the situation, found the wallet and mobile phone on the deceased, and checked the documents in the wallet, "Officer Mu Mu, the one on her body There is a driver's license in the wallet!"

Mu Mushisan looked up at Kogoro Mori, and decided to stop ridiculing these plague gods today for the sake of the help of these people, "Oh?"

"My name is Mihiro Kase, and I live in Kabado-cho," Mori Kogoro took out his driver's license with a serious look, and after handing it to Meguro Shisan, he continued to check his wallet, "There are shopping receipts and receipts for coming by car in it." , In addition, the money inside has not been taken away."

"Then it's not robbery and murder." Mu Mu Shisan nodded, not surprised, and looked at the corpse sitting on the toilet, "There is a Yoshikawa line on the neck, was it strangled to death..."

With Mori Kogoro around, there is no need for others to help with these things. Conan just looked around in the compartment, looking at the corpse for a while, and looking at the corners of the compartment for a while.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki could only stand outside, and found that Chi Feichi was also circling in front of the corpse, his eyes gradually became bitter.

If I had known she wouldn't be wearing such a fluffy skirt, I wouldn't be able to observe the scene together...

"Yoshikawa Line?" Sonoko Suzuki, who was watching from the sidelines, asked in confusion.

"This is the term of the police," Koshimizu Nanatsuki put away his resentful gaze, and turned to explain to Suzuki Sonoko, "If a person's neck is strangled, they will subconsciously reach out and try to grab the rope, because the pain of suffocation is very strong When grabbing the neck with both hands, people will no longer consider whether they will scratch the neck and control their strength. In this way, in addition to strangulation marks, deep nail scratches will be left on the neck. Therefore, that This kind of scratch marks can also be used as evidence of someone strangling the neck, which was first discovered by Mr. Yoshikawa Sumichi, chief of the identification section of the Metropolitan Police Department in the Taisho era, and this kind of trace is also called the "Yoshikawa line."

If you can't go to check the body, let her go to the popular science head office.

Chi Feichi wore gloves and checked the arms and other places of the dead body. Seeing that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was so motivated, he reminded him aloud, "Officer Mugure, no other injuries have been found on the deceased's body, and there is no such thing as an arm. Special traces were found."

If someone is grabbed by the arm and dragged to a certain place, under normal circumstances, as long as the other party does not use too much force, even if there is a red mark on the arm at that time, it will disappear after a long time, but if the person is killed after that, then With the passage of time, the pinching marks that had disappeared will resurface on the corpse.

Similarly, if a person's mouth and nose are covered before death, the face of the corpse will gradually show traces of being pressed by palms or foreign objects.

Looking at the condition of the corpse, the time of death was about one or two hours ago. If it was kidnapped and killed somewhere, or dragged to a secluded place after being knocked out and strangled to death, then there should be other injuries to the head and neck, arms or There will also be certain traces of other parts that need to be controlled during the hostage.

He doesn't need to explain these things, police officer Megure should be able to understand what he means.

"Hmm..." Mu Mu Shisan nodded thoughtfully, always felt that even if he didn't need to call other subordinates, the manpower would be enough, suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, "In other words, the deceased Miss Weihong might be the one who was killed. Was someone called somewhere, or threatened, walked somewhere and was killed?"

"Then the murderer is not a random stranger, right?" Conan helped Mu Mushisan summarize the answer, and then began to act cute with a naive face, "And this cubicle feels so clean, and it doesn't have the struggle of this sister If there are no traces, then she should have been killed elsewhere before being placed here, right?"

"That's right, this really doesn't look like the first scene of the crime, but it's impossible to strangle someone to death on a busy street..." Mu Mu Shisan thought about it, and Ban Yue stared at it. After a while, Conan reached out to pick up Conan, turned around and put it outside the compartment, bent down and said solemnly, "Okay, Conan, leave this place to us, and children should not dangle in front of the corpse."

Brother Mao Li and Brother Chi can help, it's better for children to stay away from the corpse!

Conan joins Koshimizu Nanatsuki's League of Grieving Bystanders.

Police officer Mu Mu appeared at the scene of the crime too early this time, and he didn't even have a chance to watch it.

"The skirt under the legs is rumpled, and there are some traces of being folded. This is indeed not the first scene," Chi Feichi said, got up and exited the cubicle, and said to Mu Moshisan, "It is recommended to meet her in the coffee shop first. The friend of mine came over to find out about the situation."

"The friend I met at the coffee shop?" Mu Mu Shisan was puzzled.

"We saw her in the coffee shop before," Suzuki Sonoko looked at the deceased and explained aloud, "At that time, she entered the coffee shop and went out soon. The waiter said that because the friend she was waiting for hadn't arrived yet, So first go to the toilet outside the store..."

"About ten minutes later, this sister still hasn't returned to the coffee shop." Conan didn't have the opportunity to investigate, and didn't want to miss the opportunity to raise doubts. "Soon her friend arrived in the coffee shop, but that big sister was also very strange. After seeing the water glass that might have been used by her on the table, she still sat where she had been, and knocked the glass down when she was holding the menu..."

He had a guess that the woman sat in that position on purpose and knocked over the glass, which could just clean up the traces left by this gothic lolita on the seat.

But why? Also, he always finds this pair of friends very strange, why does he think that woman is very suspicious, she might be the murderer...

"What's so strange about that?" Mori Kogoro said speechlessly, "Sitting in the seat where my friend sat, maybe it was because I found out that there was a glass of water on the table after sitting down. She wore glasses, didn't she? What is the prescription of the glasses? No, it’s normal if you didn’t see clearly for a while, right? As for knocking over the glass, that’s an accident that can happen anytime, anywhere!”

Conan was even more speechless when he saw Kogoro Mori's reminder that he directly missed him, "But..."

Saying that the prescription of the glasses is wrong is just the uncle's guess, or a guess that is not very likely, it is not convincing at all, okay?

"They are really weird," Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "Koshimizu, if you ask Xiaolan or Sonoko to meet at the coffee shop in Akihabara Commercial Street, they will dress up as Gothic Rose Li, Xiaolan, or Sonoko appear in everyday or even professional women's attire?"

Conan was startled, touched his chin and lowered his head in thought.

That's right, that's what made him feel that this pair of friends was strange.

"I don't think so," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Suzuki Sonoko and Mori Ran, "If I ask them to meet in Akihabara Commercial Street, the purpose should be to go shopping or play together, dressed so grandly alone, It’s weird to walk or sit together when you’re doing your daily makeup alone.”

Chi Feichi: "..."

Looking at the grimaces of these four people, he felt that it was more weird than solemn.

But as a person who contributed to the flames, he couldn't say these words.

"That's right!" Suzuki Sonoko nodded again and again, "Either wear everyday clothes, or dress up grandly!"

same dress?

Conan looked up at Haibara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who were wearing the same style, vaguely guessed the murderer's trick, looked up at Chi Feichi, and found that Chi Feichi was still looking like "don't look for me, it's none of my business" , resolutely gave up observing whether Chi Feichi had noticed the murderer's trick, and looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki.

Fortunately, Koshimizu Nanatsuki's reaction was relatively normal, and it seemed that he thought of going with him.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked down at her and Huihara Ai's skirts, her eyes slightly confused, "Could it be that they..."

"Jingle Bell--!"

The victim's mobile phone in Kogoro Mori's hand rang, interrupting Koshimizu Nanatsuki's words.

Mu Mushisan decisively asked Mori Kogoro to answer the phone, and after hearing that the caller said that he was a friend whom the deceased had arranged to meet at the coffee shop, he told the location of the toilet and asked the caller to come over as soon as possible.

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