Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1827 Why don't you just ask me?

Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't say any more, and walked aside to sort out his thoughts.

It suddenly occurred to her just now that the victim, Ms. Mihiro Kase, would buy the same style of gothic loli dress with her friend dressed as a professional woman like she and Xiao Ai. Ye Yuan wears it together?

The other party does not abide by the agreement, and does not worry about the friend being disappointed or angry, is it because he feels that he no longer needs it?

Ms. Mihiro Kase's friend is indeed suspicious.

In the coffee shop, girls dressed in gothic lolitas would go out to go to the bathroom quickly when they entered the shop, and would not come back for more than ten minutes. When friends arrived, they seemed to deliberately sit in the seats where gothic lolitas sat, and knocked over The cup, coupled with such thick makeup, as long as the face shape is similar, and the same hairstyle is changed, it is difficult to recognize who it is...

That is to say, the gothic loli they met at the beginning was not necessarily Ms. Mihiro Kase, but a friend who had the same clothes and knew how Ms. Mihiro Kuse dressed from the appointment.

After the other party called Mihiro Kase to a certain place to kill her, she dressed up as a gothic lolita and pretended that Mihiro Kuse arrived at the coffee shop and left with the excuse of going to the toilet. During this time, she changed her clothes and washed her face Put on makeup, take off the wig, and return to the store as myself, deliberately sitting in the previous seat, because this can explain why there are my own hair or other marks on that seat, knocking over the water glass, in order to repeat Clean up the couch and try to mess up the marks left by the front and back as much as possible.

It takes half an hour to walk from that coffee shop to here without traffic. If it is around 12:30 noon when the gothic loli they see, the waiters and customers in the coffee shop will think that Kuse Miss Weihong arrived at the coffee shop and wanted to get there at least one o'clock, and she herself arrived at the shop at 12:40 noon. As long as she stayed in the shop after that, she could prove that she didn't have enough time to go to the coffee shop. Here to kill, to forge an alibi.

Wasting so much effort just to create an alibi?

Wait, the previous gothic loli seems to have taken the water glass on the table in the store, so, did the other party knock over the water glass to clean up the fingerprints left by her?

No, no, if the cup is not broken, as soon as the waiter takes the cup away, mixes it with other cups or washes it off, the fingerprints on the cup will be eliminated.

Now that the cup is broken, it will be put into the trash can and will not be cleaned or put into other cups. If the woman dressed as a professional woman prepares a water cup with the fingerprints of Ms. Kase Mihiro in advance, look for a chance to replace it Drop the original cup and break the cup when you return to the store as yourself for the second time. Afterwards, the police will find Ms. Mihiro Kuse's fingerprints on the glass fragments of the cup to prove that Ms. Mihiro Kase came to the store. Pass.

In this way, the whole plan of forging the alibi can be completed, and those doubts can be explained.

However, there is no evidence...

Conan also swayed aside, also frowned and thought for a while, then raised his head to meet Koshimizu Nanatsuki's gaze, "Sister Nanatsuki, what did you want to say just now?"

He had no evidence, not only did he not suspect that the target had killed him, but he hadn't even found any evidence to prove his reasoning.

It is easy for the other party to find a reason to refute just based on the rhetoric of 'the two are not dressed in the same way', 'I don't abide by the agreement, and I don't worry about my friend getting angry because I don't think it's necessary'.

First guide Detective Yueshui to communicate and reason, and find out if Detective Yueshui has any other discoveries.

"This," Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought of Conan's usual performance, squatted down, and was about to talk to Conan about his thoughts, "I think..."

Conan looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's exaggerated makeup, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Just as he was about to return his attention to the case, he found a black shadow cast from the side, and immediately after, the visitor squatted down beside the two of them, Turning his head in doubt, he looked at Chi Feichi who was squatting beside him.

"What are you sneaking around here for?" Chi Feichi asked softly with a calm expression.

Don't these two feel that they are so close together? Still want to watch each other talk face to face?

"What's sneaky?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki expressed dissatisfaction with the wording, shifted his angle, looked sideways at the compartment where the body was found, and whispered, "What did Conan want to say before asking me, I think He should also think that Ms. Mihiro Kase's friend is very suspicious, so he wants to see if he finds anything else. I have no evidence at all now. Conan always pays attention to many details. Maybe he will find something strange. Isn't it?"

Conan laughed awkwardly.

I'm sorry, he can't help with this job, and he still expects Detective Yueshui to pay more attention to details here than he does.

Chi Feichi lowered his voice and accused Koshimizu Nanatsuki of his crimes, "Why don't you just ask me?"

Please Yueshui find him as soon as you encounter any problems.

Just this case... No, in all cases, what Conan can discover and think of, he can also, and what Conan can't discover and think of, he might also be able to, plus the same plot memory as the foretelling, let's sum it up: He's better than asking Conan.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was stunned for a moment, "Do you also think Miss Weihong's friend is suspicious? That's right, if we can think of it, you should be able to think of it too."

Conan felt that it was rare for Chi Feichi to take such an active part in solving the case, and he felt a little excited, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "So, did we think of getting together? It's Miss Weihong's friend..."

Attempt to start the flow of answers.

Process start failed.

"Her figure doesn't seem to be stronger than Ms. Kuse Mihiro, otherwise she wouldn't be able to pretend to be Ms. Kuse Mihiro," Chi Feichi interrupted Conan and asked, "Do you think her physical strength can make Kuse Mihiro look like a woman?" How far can Miss's body be moved? There are so many people coming and going around here, and there are people passing by outside the toilet at any time, how far can she move the body without being discovered?"

answer to what? wrong.

Don't waste time, solve the case and go to dinner.

Nanatsuki Yueshui thought about it, "In other words, the scene of the first crime is actually still in this toilet."

"Then, why did she move the corpse?" Chi Feichi continued to prompt and asked.

Conan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki's expressions changed, they stood up and walked separately to the two adjacent compartments where the body was found, and opened the compartment door to check.

Moving the corpse is labor-intensive and easy to see. If there were no traces left at the scene of the first crime that might be used as evidence of murder, why bother to move the corpse?

Therefore, the scene of the first crime is in this toilet, and it is most likely to be the left and right adjacent compartments. Evidence of the murderer!

"Hey?" Mu Mushisan noticed the babble of the two, and turned to look at the two standing in front of the cubicle in a daze, "Miss Yueshui, Conan, what's wrong?"

Conan didn't answer, but glanced sharply at the situation in the compartment in front of him, and walked in slowly.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki just wanted to enter the door, but remembered her skirt, stopped abruptly, and cast helplessly at Chi Feichi who was following him.

At this moment of anticipation that the problem is about to be solved, I was forced to get stuck, I knew she would not wear such a troublesome skirt...

Chi Feichi nodded towards Yueshui Nanatsuki, indicating that he had received a signal for help, and walked into the compartment.

Since Yue Shui knew that her skirt was inconvenient, couldn't she just stay aside and wait? So much fun to solve the case?

But then again, if Yue Shui stood aside and watched obediently, he would probably find it less interesting than this turning around.

"What's going on?" Mori Kogoro walked to the compartment where Conan was inspecting, and looked inside.

Mu Mushisan chose Chi Feichi's side, and looked at Chi Feichi with the same doubts, "Brother Chi, did you find anything?"

Don't think he didn't notice, Brother Chi, Miss Yueshui, and Conan were squatting in the corner over there just now, muttering.

"There is no dust on the lid of the toilet paper box in this compartment," Chi Feichi said, "There is in the compartment where the corpse was found."

Mu Mu Thirteen: "?"

Does this have anything to do with the case?

Maori Kogoro:"?"

Is there any problem with dust on the carton cover?

Conan understood. The scene of the first crime was in the compartment that Chi Feichi was inspecting. He walked out of the compartment he was inspecting, and smiled at Chi Feichi who also came out, "The lid of the carton in the compartment on my side There is dust, brother Chi, should we look at other compartments?"

"The cover of that box has obvious wiping marks, it should have been wiped not long ago," Chi Feichi walked to the next compartment, "but it's good to take a look at other compartments by the way."

The two did a quick check of all the compartments.

"Fifth compartment, dust on the lid."

"I'm in the second compartment from the door, and there's dust on the lid."

"Sixth, there is dust."

"The first compartment, too."

"I said..." Mori Kogoro looked at the two men with black lines all over his head, "What the hell are you doing?"

Conan noticed the woman in business attire came in, he was taken aback for a moment, then raised his hand and scratched the back of his head with a smile, "We're playing a game..."

ten seconds later...

Amid Mu Mu Shisan's angry growls, the two were driven out of the toilet.

As soon as Conan went out, he saw Gao Mushe looking at him blankly and suspiciously, and immediately trot forward, pulling Gao Mushe to whisper.

Only one compartment has no dust on the box cover, and there are obvious traces of recent wiping. That compartment should be the scene of the first crime, and there will definitely be harvest on the cover.

It's just that the very suspicious person can't be alarmed before the evidence is checked, and they can't tell the reasoning in their hearts.

It was just right to be kicked out, so Officer Takagi asked forensic personnel to investigate secretly.

Chi Feichi saw that the front and rear sections of the road had been blocked by the police. After walking away from the toilet door, he stood beside the warning tape, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it, took out the matchbox and lit the fire, and found that Conan was following him. He was silent. After a while, "What else?"

If a famous detective doesn't take an active part in solving the case, why come to him?

"It's all right," Conan stood beside Chi Feichi with a blank expression, "I've already told Police Officer Takagi that it was Sister Nanatsuki who asked him to ask forensic personnel to check the lid of the box in that compartment, and then let others Go to a store that sells gothic loli dresses, and ask Miss Weihong where she bought her dresses, if anyone else bought the same dresses as hers, or if she bought two sets, and after the results of the investigation, Let him tell sister Nanatsuki the result directly, I think sister Nanatsuki can solve this case well."

It was because he had nothing else to do that he came to Chi Feichi to hide from boredom.

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