Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1833 The talent of becoming an outlaw lunatic

Saito Hiroshi calmed down, but it was difficult to recover the innocence and detachment before, and seemed to be covered with a layer of gloom. He walked to the opposite sofa and sat down, "I have never met someone like you before. Surprised."

Chi Feichi looked at Saito Hiroshi's expression after changing his face, and felt that it was somewhat similar to the expression of poking a newspaper, "Is that appearance before acting? I thought you had schizophrenia or split personality."

Saito Hiroshi's face collapsed again, and half-moon eyes said, "Don't you think that everyone is as good as you? I checked some of your information last night. You have been admitted to a mental hospital. I am different. I just want to Usually forget about those troublesome things and live a little easier.”

"If you go on like this, you're almost there," Chi Feichi said bluntly, "It's best not to choose Qingshan Fourth Hospital, it's very troublesome to think about it, and remember not to find Fukuyama Zhiming as the attending doctor, he is the biggest trouble among the troubles .”

What is this feeling of seniors imparting experience?

Saito Hiroshi couldn't laugh or cry, and felt that Chi Feichi's rash judgment was very arrogant, so he said his judgment seriously, "Don't think about it, I won't be like you!"

"What's wrong with being a lunatic?" Chi Feichi asked back.

Hiroshi Saito froze for a moment and nodded.

That said, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Chi Feichi added, "Except for being easily sent to the hospital."

"Did you become psychologically shadowed by staying in the hospital..." Hiroshi Saito complained speechlessly, and suddenly realized that the topic was becoming more and more serious. He took a deep breath, looked up at Chi Feichi, and turned back to the topic , "How do you know? I chose Crow as the code name because of the song "Blackbird"."

"Guess, this song should be more suitable for your mood," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "And I know a lot of crows, including myself."

"Since you think it fits, why do you want me to give up this code name?" Hiroshi Saito was a little puzzled, "You know that I am a crow, which means you know a lot about bounty hunters, so you should know what a bounty hunter is called There are people like the first hunter July who has been in the limelight recently in Japan. Others will avoid using the same code name as them, so as not to be accidentally injured by their enemies, and in order not to let scammers impersonate and let themselves be deceived, each Fang will also take the initiative to prevent anyone from using the same code name, except for their situation, there are a lot of people who call other code names..."

Hearing that his master was being used as an example, Feichi poked his head under Chi Feichi's collar and looked at Saito Hiroshi curiously.

Saito Hiroshi was taken aback when he saw Feichi, and quickly decided to clarify the code name issue with Chi Feichi first, and continued, "Even if there are duplicates, everyone will use other ways to distinguish them. The Phantom Thief Crow, who has been active before, added "Phantom Thief" to his name, and I was called "Crow Appraiser". Even if a large group of people bumped into the code name "Crow", there is no need for me to change it Bar?"

To be reasonable, the title 'crow' is not exclusive to anyone.

"It's not because of the code name, we don't use this code name," Chi Feichi said, "But I asked you to change it, and there is indeed a reason that is very important to me."

"What reason?" Saito Hiroshi asked, "May I know?"

"Not for the time being," Chi Feichi was silent for a moment, "Phantom Thief Crow has given up his codename."

"How is it possible..." Hiroshi Saito was a little surprised, thought about it quickly, shook his head and said, "You don't want to tell me your reason, let alone convince me, I won't give up the 'crow' so easily Codenamed."

Chi Feichi felt that communicating with bounty hunters is easy. It’s not that everyone is careless. It’s just that after entering this communication mode, one party will directly talk about their needs, and the other party will also remind the price issue. In the end, just a word It’s much more worry-free to communicate, “Then let’s talk about this later, let’s talk about the second thing I asked you for.”

Saito Hiroshi nodded, "You should know the rules, right? You tell me your requirements, and it is best to explain clearly the troubles you will encounter, and I will make a price according to the difficulty. Of course, if it is troublesome, I will choose to refuse."

He and Chi Feichi had met for a while, and it was rare that Chi Feichi knew him so well, and he spoke straightforwardly. Except for strange things like changing the code name, he was hard to agree to, and he was willing to help with other things.

If it's a simple matter of helping to deliver something, he doesn't need to charge money.

Chi Feichi looked at Saito Bodao, "I want you to send this painting to the Tokyo Detention Center and give it to an international wanted criminal who was arrested after killing four people in Japan not long ago."

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

It is true that he speaks directly, but he always says something that surprises him.

First of all, the other party is an international wanted criminal, which means that he has a bad criminal record abroad, and killed four people in Japan, which is even worse. Let’s not talk about whether the other party will be difficult to communicate with or will suddenly come to him For the question of one knife, let's talk about the standard of guarding, it must be the highest standard of treatment, not as easy as sneaking into a prison.

Besides, he is also an internationally wanted criminal. If he enters the detention center, he will become a delivery service for the Japanese police if he is not careful...

If he hadn't kept in mind the rule of 'don't gossip about money', he really wanted to ask Chi Feichi why he would send a painting to that kind of place to an internationally wanted criminal.

Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone, dug out the report integration folder about Isao Sakuragi, and handed the mobile phone to Saito Hiroshi, "The requirement is that the painting should be delivered before three o'clock tomorrow morning, and the painting should not be damaged, and the other party will not attack Or hurt you, it won't cause any trouble."

Hiroshi Saito took the phone and looked down at the news reports collected in the file, "It's him, I've heard about the serial murder case of Jiang Shenyuan, and I also heard that he used other people's privacy to blackmail in Europe. Offended many people, he is old, after being arrested this time, he actively cooperated with the police to plead guilty, the difficulty of getting in touch with him is not as great as I imagined..."

Chi Feichi picked up the teacup, took a sip of the herbal tea with downcast eyes, "Also, I will go with me, and at around four o'clock this afternoon, I can provide you with the internal structure diagram of the detention center, his specific room number, the police on duty and Specific arrangements for inspections."

Saito Hiroshi was stunned for a moment, looked away from the phone screen, and looked up at Chi Feichi speechlessly, "It's twice as difficult to sneak a person into that kind of place."

"You don't have to worry about me," Chi Feichi put down his teacup, looked at Saito Hiroshi and said, "If necessary, you can even use me to attract the attention of the patrolling police, if you can keep up with me."

A trace of doubt flashed in Saito Hiroshi's eyes, and his tone was still light and tentative, "I said, there won't be any traps there, right? For example, after I go in, you and a large group of policemen will be waiting for me inside, and they will lock me up directly." Go to jail."

"You have so much imagination. If I wanted to bring the police to arrest you, I would not be the only one visiting today. A group of policemen would surround the apartment building, and then the mobile team would break in," Chi Feichi replied Looking at the mobile phone in Saito Hiroshi's hand, "Go and check it yourself. There are reports of cases related to him everywhere on the Internet."

"Got it," Saito Hiroshi took out his mobile phone, looked down at the information, "but I don't understand, if you want to see him, can't you just apply to visit him as a friend? Your teacher is Detective Mori Kogoro, you are the boss of the group, you seem to be very familiar with the Japanese police, if you propose to visit the old man, it should be easy to get permission, right?"

Chi Feichi looked at the report photos on his mobile phone, and said softly, "What if I say that what I want to do this time is essentially to fight against the Japanese police?"

"Thirty million yen." Hiroshi Saito said suddenly.

Chi Feichi looked up at Saito Hiroshi.

"I'm interested in your idea," Hiroshi Saito said with excitement in his eyes, "Twenty million of them must be stored in an account opened in a Japanese bank, and ten million needs cash."

Chi Feichi felt that Hiroshi Saito's excitement at this moment was very talented, and he had the talent to become an outlaw lunatic, so he nodded and looked back, "No problem, it seems that you plan to stay in Japan for a while."

The need to open an account in a Japanese bank is to prevent censorship caused by overseas transfers, and the purpose of preparing 10 million cash is to cope with the temporary inconvenience of going to the bank to withdraw money. From this point of view, Hiroshi Saito intends to stay in Japan for a long time for a long time.

"You investigated me so clearly, and you said that the information from the FBI was deliberately shown to me in order to attract me, so you should also know why I plan to stay in Japan..." Saito Hiroshi tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart , paused, and looked at Chi Feichi curiously, "There seems to be a big intelligence network behind you, who are you?"

Chi Feichi thought for a while, and said uncertainly, "The young master of the group who has money but still has to work everywhere?"

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

It's better not to say it, it makes him even more curious!

The two sat in the living room for a while, and after Chi Feichi received the information from the African-Mexico Legion, he exchanged email addresses with Saito Hiroshi and forwarded the information to Saito Hiroshi.

The topographic map of the detention center, the location of Isao Sakuragi, the patrol rules of the police, the shift schedule from 8 o'clock this evening to 8 o'clock tomorrow morning...

After reading it, Saito Hiroshi exited the mailbox and put away the phone, "I will confirm these situations later, when do you plan to act?"

"Aren't you worried that I'm holding you back?" Chi Feichi asked without raising his head.

"Think about it carefully, your skills are good, plus the intelligence network behind you, you are definitely not an ordinary person, so you shouldn't be hindered, but the bounty reward is already a friendship price, and I won't give you any discounts," Saito Hiroshi He muttered to stand up and straighten his clothes, "I plan to act after ten o'clock in the evening. During this time, I have to go out and make some preparations."

"I'll go with you, I can provide for the lack of funds for action." Chi Feichi stood up, glanced at the unfinished snacks and desserts on the table, the more he looked at them, the more disgusted he became, "Don't buy those low-quality desserts, it's very expensive. Lose points."

"Hey..." Hiroshi Saito didn't know whether to be surprised or to be in an atmosphere, and he was speechless like a young master in his heart, "What do you mean by that?"

"Your dynamic vision is very strong, but in this way, the brain has to accept and process more information than ordinary people. The disadvantage is that it needs to add a lot of sugar and calories." Chi Feichi walked towards the door calmly, "You I bought enough desserts for five people to eat in Akihabara yesterday, and I bought a bunch more last night. The amount of desserts on the table today is enough for at least five people, so it's not difficult to guess. "

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