Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1834 Others Think I'm Rich

Hiroshi Saito followed with a blank expression, and frowned again after going out.

This kind of secret being picked up again and again by others, until the feeling of being stripped naked, will make him very uncomfortable... Well, it was him before. From meeting yesterday to now, Chi Feichi seems to know him better than him, he is numb Now, I feel that Chi Feichi has already known so much, and a little more seems to be nothing.

Now he believes what Chi Feichi said, that he was deliberately lured to Japan, as if there was an invisible net spreading around him, and the moment he stepped into Japan, he seemed to have fallen into the net.

Perhaps it was a mistake for him to come to Japan this time, and he shouldn't have taken the initiative to run in front of Chi Feichi yesterday. His temporary choice seemed to hasten the tightening of this big net!

No, the other party's purpose is unknown, if he doesn't plan to sell him to the police, then he must have a bigger picture, how can he not struggle?

It's impossible for the other party to investigate him thoroughly, without even a single flaw, right?

Chi Fei was late downstairs and drove Saito Hiroshi along the road to buy a lot of desserts.

He doesn't like desserts very much, and he doesn't choose to eat desserts unless necessary, but he can still eat some if the occasion requires it.

The prerequisite is - it's not the low-quality dessert that Hiroshi Saito bought before.

Those desserts were put aside, and he seemed to be able to smell the smell of low-quality industrial saccharin in them.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you use low-quality saccharin, but the store seems to think it’s not sweet enough, so they add saccharin desperately. The smell is so sweet that it feels like the surrounding air is covered with sticky sugar juice, which makes him unbearable.

"Aren't you curious?" Hiroshi Saito started the first round of testing while eating sweet balls in the car, "Obviously chocolate has more calories, and the smell is not as strong as desserts, so it won't make me feel sick when I act. Dessert smells reveal itself, why don't I choose to eat chocolate, but choose all kinds of sweets?"

Chi Feichi probably doesn't know about this question, right?

"There's nothing to be curious about." Chi Feichi drove to a nearby restaurant, "Chocolate is indeed very cost-effective. When you first started working as a treasure hunter, you didn't have much money and ate too much chocolate... No, it should be almost Living only on chocolate and white rice, now you feel like throwing up when you eat chocolate?"

In fact, even without Hiroshi Saito, he could sneak into the detention center by himself and bring the painting in.

He decided to learn how to organize pit...routines...capture...cough, recruit members.

There are many methods of recruiting. For people with different personalities and different purposes, different plans need to be used, and Hiroshi Saito is very suitable for using the method of organizing him.

First of all, strengthen contact and show the strength of one's own side to the other party. This is not only a temptation, but also a way of exerting pressure. Generally, you choose to give the other party a sense of oppression that "everything of you is under our control".

Secondly, use some simple small tasks or some communication channels to repeatedly hint to the other party-'Actually, I am not that difficult to get along with, I am reasonable'. If possible, it is best to let the other party think that everyone is the same kind of person and that the other party can understand yourself At the same time, an invisible barrier is established between the other party and other people in the outside world, making the other party more inclined to choose their own side.

During this period, it doesn't matter if the other party has a sense of crisis and feels that things are not easy, and can make appropriate adjustments according to the situation, whether to continue to increase oppression or increase intimacy.

Finally, there is the invitation.

As long as the other party is smarter, they will weigh between 'offending the terrible existence and may not survive' and 'joining this existence and gaining benefits', and choose to protect themselves.

Regardless of whether the target is sincere or temporarily false, once you agree to join, you will have a certain degree of obedience to the instructions of your superiors. As long as you are in it, you have already fallen into the trap.

Compared with blindly intimidating and threatening, it is indeed a very good way to use this kind of hard and soft method without obliterating the advantages of the target itself being suitable for fighting.

Seeing that Chi Feichi even knew this, Hiroshi Saito calmed down and said, "Yeah, I used to eat chocolate until I felt sick, but now I'm not short of money. I just need to have a sudden craving to buy that kind of low-quality dessert. That's all."

Chi Feichi felt that Hiroshi Saito was just joking with him, "Doesn't it cost money to study?"

He knows better than anyone how difficult it is for a wild bounty hunter to grow up.

Hiroshi Saito was only eight years old when he first left home. It is not easy to eat and drink as a child. It seems that he also relied on dynamic vision to fool other children’s pocket money. It’s just that Hiroshi Saito lives in the bounty hunter The flooded country had contact with this kind of people earlier than their previous life, and they used the code name of 'crow' almost a year later.

Calculated, the difficulty of their early bounty careers should be about the same. On the one hand, they can only do some simple bounties because of children’s bodies and thoughts. I put in a lot of energy and suffered a lot.

At the beginning, there is no reputation, no experience, and not many suitable rewards. If you can support yourself, you are considered a talent. But when the problem of food and clothing can be solved, you will fall into the next deep pit-study.

The bounty hunter profession sometimes makes money quickly, but also spends money quickly.

In order to live a better life, to protect themselves from the grievances and grievances they accidentally got, and maybe even to climb to a higher position, the little white hunters have to invest the money they earn in their own growth.

At the beginning, it is suitable weapons, props for self-protection and some things that need to be prepared in action. Later, it is the learning and strengthening of one's own skills. Not to mention the stagnant or reduced income due to learning. Compared with learning expenses, Those are small sums.

If you want to practice marksmanship, you need to accumulate a lot of bullets. If you want to practice fighting, you have to go around to learn from outstanding fighters. If you want to practice well, you will inevitably spend money. He spent a lot of money learning acting in his previous life.

After learning almost, the equipment always needs to be updated, right? The equipment has been updated, and there is an upper limit to the room for improvement in this area. You must continue to learn new skills, right?

In addition, after a bounty is over, you need to relax or hide from the limelight, and the money you just earned can easily disappear before the next bounty reward arrives.

In his previous life, it was only two years later that he entered the ranks of getting rich from bounties. Fingers bring him no money to improve, and the non-Mexican Army's ability to collect targets is too strong, allowing him to harvest batches.

Bobby Saito's advantage in his previous life was the cheating device of dynamic vision, which can save a lot of money in detection and escape. Compared with these expenses, the living expenses that require a lot of desserts are not that big, but no matter how much you save, Basic marksmanship and physical training are required. As a minor, there will inevitably be some troubles that need to be solved with money, so Hiroshi Saito should still belong to the stage of "others think I have money, but in fact I am short of money everywhere".

The sweets that Hiroshi Saito bought in Akihabara yesterday were actually pretty good, much better than the pile in the living room today, but because he fell in front of them and spilled the sweets, today he had to consider that there might not be any sweets in the future. Income, the food grade has been lowered a lot.

Every wild bounty hunter who doesn't starve himself to death is a potential stock.

At least the ability to do life planning will be excellent.

Of course, if the bounty hunters become self-willed, they will not care about any plans, just like Hiroshi Saito, after hearing the news from the FBI, he will not care whether his living budget is enough or not, and he will not care about what he can do when he comes to Japan. Here you go, it doesn't matter if you live frugally, as long as you can make trouble for the FBI, it is considered a profit.

Hiro Saito instantly understood the meaning of Chi Feichi's phrase "doesn't it cost money to study?" He lowered his head to look at the shadow cast when he stretched out his hand, and suspected that his shadow was the other party's spy, or that he was pretending to be a spy. unreachable monitor.

He almost couldn't help asking Chi Feichi what he wanted to do to lure him to Japan, but he still held back.

Once he asked, he might face a difficult choice and completely lose the opportunity to find a breakthrough.


Chi Feichi took Saito Hiroshi to a French restaurant. Saito Hiroshi did not order a bunch of sweets, but ate a meal according to the normal menu. After that, the two returned to Saito Hiroshi's residence to pick up the painting and change into a suit before preparing. clothes.

When going downstairs, Chi Feichi received a call from Dr. A Li.

"Doctor?...Are they all at your place...No, I ate outside..."

Hiroshi Saito, carrying the painting in waterproof packaging, followed Chi Feichi downstairs, listening thoughtfully to Chi Feichi's phone call.

The person who was in Akihabara with Chi Feichi yesterday was the famous detective Mori Kogoro, a little ghost named Conan, and... er, four big and small girls painted in the shape of ghost dolls.

He seems to have found a breakthrough—no matter how powerful Chi Feichi is, it's impossible for everyone around him to be great, right? Before Chi Feichi caught the net, was it possible for him to use someone around Chi Feichi to get himself out of the way?

Don't think about the four girls with ghost doll makeup. Although it is easier to control the girls, but the four girls made up so heavily that day, he couldn't recognize their faces at all, okay?

It's not safe to start with just one or two names that call each other.

Similarly, Mori Kogoro doesn’t need to think about it. He has read many reports about this famous detective abroad. This famous detective has solved many strange cases, has a good relationship with the police, and is Chi Feichi’s teacher. The scheming behind-the-scenes mastermind, if he troubled Kogoro Mori, wouldn't he take the initiative to send someone to his door?

After thinking about it, that kid named Conan seems to be easier to bully, and he seems to have a good relationship with Chi Feichi.

But that day's contact time was too short, he didn't know much about that kid's situation, he didn't even know where he lived, so he had to investigate further...


Chi Feichi hung up the phone. Just as he put down the phone, he found a new call. He glanced at the caller number, pressed the answer button again, and took out the car keys from his pocket with his left hand.

"Cheer up and install the security defense system within three days..."

There was a lot of noise on the phone, Suzuki Jirokichi seemed to be admonishing someone, "Don't worry at all! That thief will definitely come...Hello? Feichi, are you listening?"

"I'm listening." Chi Feichi replied.

Feichi stretched his neck from under his collar, curiously leaning over his phone to listen.

Is Advisor Suzuki planning to trouble Kaito again?

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