Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1835 Is there no one easy to deal with?

"I have something to tell you. I have already organized people to play the "Magical Continent" game. We have many masters here!" Suzuki Jirokichi announced in a full voice, "In short, I already have The points of two people have been ranked in the world list, and in the last month, there will probably be three more people who will win the finals for the right to name the characters, and then we will see you in the finals!"

"Accumulating points is time-consuming, and I have no plans to participate in the final."

Chi Feichi unlocked the car door with the car key, signaled Saito Hiroshi to get in the car, and got into the driver's seat by himself.

"Yeah, I also feel that accumulating points is too slow, so I decided to give up for now, but at that time, I can ask them to sell me the account that is qualified for the finals, and I can compete with other people on the stage! And your sister and a companion seem to be I have also qualified for the finals. It’s the same between your people and my people, hahahahahaha..." Suzuki Jiroji laughed heartily for a while, and then continued in a good mood, "I will not be polite at that time Oh! By the way, the airship I invested in and built is ready for its maiden voyage, and the invitation letter has been sent to you. It is the largest airship in Japan right now. You can invite your friends to come together... ..."

Flying ship?

The familiar lines from the movie version sounded in Chi Feichi's mind.

"I am Kudo Shinichi, a high school student detective. When I went to the amusement park with my childhood friend Mao Lilan, I witnessed a suspicious transaction scene of a man in black..."

Time flies so fast, is it time for Kudo Shinichi to recall being hit by gin and sap again?

"I'm going to issue a letter of challenge to that thief in the newspaper, and that thief will definitely follow!" Suzuki Jirokichi said with confidence, and laughed again, "I will set a trap to catch that white thief at that time, you are the special audience If you are a distinguished guest on board, if you are free, please be sure to appreciate it!"

Chi Feichi was not in a hurry to drive, and said to the phone, "Since you specially invited me to watch the show, I will go and see whatever I say."

Saito Hiroshi didn't say a word. After pulling up the hood of his hoodie, he held the painting in his arms and looked sideways at Chi Feichi on the phone.

Is it Chi Feichi's friend's phone call again? Why did he feel like he heard this voice somewhere?

"Okay, that's it! I will make all the preparations to see how the Kaitou Kidd escapes from my palm this time! Hahahahaha..."

Suzuki Jirokichi's loud laughter made Chi Feichi's ears itch, and he silently took the phone away.

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

Phantom Thief Kidd?

He recognized that the voice was the elderly consultant of the Suzuki Consortium.

Although he is an old man, he is not easy to mess with.

When mentioning Jiroji Suzuki, he can think of many videos that have been circulated.

For example, on the streets of France, a woman's bag was robbed by robbers. Before the robber could take two steps, she was surrounded by a group of big men in black clothes and sunglasses. Shouting 'Go', a group of bodyguards immediately rushed up like hungry wolves, making the robber feel the fear of 'I'm being oppressed by a group of big men'.

For example, at an auction in the United States, the old man threw money at people with red faces for a gem, as if throwing it out was not money.

For another example, after the finals of the rock climbing challenge came out, the host began to introduce the champion's series of scientific diet and scientific training plans, and happily said that the Suzuki consultant of the Suzuki Foundation was happy to share those plans with you, and the old man was followed by a large group of nutritionists Teachers, well-known physical coaches from various countries, and climbing masters who have won two championships, are laughing arrogantly...

Damn rich!

But Suzuki Jirokichi doesn't know how to play tricks, doesn't cheat and go through the back door, and wins in a fair way, so he can't hate him.

In short, it will be very troublesome if this old man is provoked. He is very old and has plenty of energy. He has won many extreme challenge champions. The technology shows him a face and takes him for a ride.

Moreover, after the old man set his eyes on Kaitou Kidd, he began to entangle Kaitou Kidd crazily, as if he would not stop until Kidd was caught, and he really didn't want to provoke such a rich man who was idle and wanted some excitement.

For comparison, on one side is Jirokichi Suzuki, who is capable and has a large group of helpers behind him, and on the other side is a certain elementary school student with glasses who looks honest and weak. No matter how you look at it, that little boy is better... bullying...

etc! Did he overlook something?

Chi Feichi had a casual chat with Jirokichi Suzuki, hung up the phone, sent an email to his mother, and drove away.

Saito Hiroshi bowed his head and used his mobile phone to go to the forums related to Kaitou Kidd, and found one of the articles "Kidd's nemesis! "Seven-year-old elementary school student" report, looking at the boy in glasses who was smiling with Suzuki Jirokichi in the report, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

That little boy helped Suzuki Jirokichi defeat the Kaitou Kidd, and he was also a person next to Mori Kogoro. Although he was young, he was as smart as a child...

And if that little boy was bullied and cried to Suzuki Jirokichi and Mori Kogoro for help, even if he escaped from Chi Feichi's palm, he would be entangled by more people, and he would not find peace even if he ran out of Japan.

Is there no one around Chi Feichi who is easy to deal with?

When Saito Hiroshi was feeling melancholy, Chi Feichi drove towards the Tokyo Detention Center, and while waiting for the red light, he answered Chi Kana's call back.


Hearing this address, Hiroshi Saito glanced sideways at Chi Feichi, then looked away again.

Mrs. Kanai is a weak woman, and unlike Suzuki Jirokichi who always cheats with money, she looks easy to bully, but...

Don't think about it, Mrs. Kanai is very mysterious. Her appearance can be found from some news reports, but many travel information can't be found out. The public information says that she doesn't bring bodyguards very often. People really don't prepare a bunch of bodyguards in the dark. ?

Even if he has the confidence to bypass the bodyguards and hold Mrs. Kanai hostage, he doesn't know where Mrs. Kanai is now.

And when he was looking for information before, he accidentally saw an interview outside a charity banquet, and Mrs. Kanai happened to appear in the corner of the camera.

At that time, Mrs. Ganai bent down to help the woman beside her hold the little boy who was about to fall, and smiled helplessly and gently at the boy, seeming to have some sadness inside.

It's a pity that the camera of that interview quickly moved away. He watched it several times, not sure if he was thinking too much, but that smile was really unforgettable.

Regardless of whether there was any sadness in that smile, Mrs. Kanai's purple eyes were slightly bent at that time, and her eyes were soft enough to remind him of his gentle and easy-going mother, but his heart was not as sentimental and hateful as before. Filling, as if healed by that smile, calmed down a lot.

So he didn't want to take Mrs. Ganai as a target. Such a gentle and beautiful person should be well protected.

"Mr. Jiroyoshi called me before and invited me to go on the maiden voyage of his flying ship..."

When Chi Feichi saw that the green light was on, he didn't put down his phone, but slowed down a lot. Hearing Chi Kanai's question, he responded, "I've already promised him that I will take everyone with me when the time comes, but he Said that it is currently the largest flying ship in Japan, I hope you plan to give Xiaoai that newly built flying ship, and don’t make it public for now... That’s right, I want to make Mr. Jiroji happy for a while..."

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

The one called 'Xiao Ai' should be the ghost doll primary school girl from yesterday, right?

Send elementary school students a new flying boat? It seems to be bigger than Suzuki Jirokichi's, just to take care of the old man's emotions and not make it public?


He almost forgot that Chi Feichi was also a person who could use money abilities, but when he saw Chi Feichi, Chi Feichi didn't have any bodyguards around him, which completely paralyzed him, and he seemed to be a more boring guy than Suzuki Jirokichi .

At that time, if he successfully hijacked someone close to Chi Feichi and ran away, would Chi Feichi throw money at him and offer him a reward? Will he spend money and add the intelligence network behind him, catch him and angrily retaliate against him?

Desperate, the more I think about it, the more I feel that I can't escape.

After Chi Feichi hung up the phone, he didn't drive the car directly to the vicinity of the detention center, but arrived at a secluded intersection where there was no surveillance on the road. After parking the car, he got out of the car and took a look. On the set, "Are you going to find a way to get there by yourself, or should I take you there by the way?"

He has a relationship with Isao Sakuragi, so it is best not to drive the car near the detention center, so as not to be suspected afterwards.

"If you can help me out, of course I don't have to find a way to get there by myself," Saito Hiroshi got out of the car with the painting, saw Chi Feichi walking towards a private car on the side of the road, followed him, raised his eyes and saw Chi Feichi took out a small wire to tinker with the car door lock, and hurriedly reminded in a low voice, "Hey, you are stealing..."

"It's just for temporary use." Chi Feichi opened the car door, stretched out his hand to pull up his coat and hat and put it on, "Have you never borrowed someone else's car before?"

Saito Hiroshi twitched his mouth slightly, and walked around to the passenger seat with the painting in his arms, complaining speechlessly, "I thought you would have people prepare the car in various places in advance, so that no matter where you go, you can have a car to use."

"I don't want to leave any clues about my identity." Chi Feichi explained, driving a 'borrowed' private car to the detention center.

"I said..." Hiroshi Saito looked at Chi Feichi's gloved hand on the steering wheel, and then at the hat Chi Feichi pulled up, and felt that Chi Feichi was too proficient in leaving no trace. "You won't be the kind of murderer who hides your appearance so well that everyone thinks you are an excellent and successful person, but is actually perverted and secretly kills people behind your back?"

Under the brim of the black coat, Chi Feichi stared calmly at the road ahead, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, with a smile that could not be described as joking or excited.

Saito Hiroshi raised his eyes and saw that smile, and the more he looked at it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he became vigilant, "I can't guess right, right? Like a perverted serial killer like Ted Bundy?"

"You have so much imagination," Chi Feichi said softly with a smile, "I'm not that perverted."

Hiroshi Saito nodded and looked away.

Isn't he a psycho serial killer? That's good.

Chi Feichi continued to drive, restraining the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Even if the dead in this world looked like paper men in some comics to him, he wasn't so perverted as Ted Bundy, who killed people and took their heads back to the villa.

He doesn't have that strange desire to collect.

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