Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1836 Prison robbery is such an interesting thing

At night, the car drove through roads that were either noisy or clean.

Chi Feichi took Saito Hiroshi for a few laps, and took the car to an auto repair shop. After getting out of the car, he cleaned up the traces left on the seat, and found that Saito Hiroshi had also removed the traces on the floor mats, and there were no more traces. Tube.

In the world of bounty hunters, fame sometimes means strength.

When Hiroshi Saito got out of his car before, he didn't clean up the traces carefully. He probably felt that he already knew his identity and didn't need to be too careful, but now he cleaned up the traces on this car with much more care. A bit of dust from the corners was wiped off with the fingertips of the glove.

After Saito Hiroshi cleaned up the traces, he raised his eyes to look at Chi Feichi's side, and was somewhat surprised to find that the traces had been cleaned up.

"Don't close the door."

Chi Feichi reminded him, squatted down to check the tires of the car, reached out to remove the grass that was stuck on them, and put them into a transparent packaging bag.

Saito Hiroshi looked at where the car was parked, but did not close the door, guessing Chi Feichi's plan.

Just now Chi Feichi was driving, and he felt very uncomfortable. Obviously, when Chi Feichi drove the red Lexus before, the speed was stable, but it was much more awkward to drive this private car. The speed was fast and slow, and there were emergency brakes from time to time.

He used to think that Chi Feichi was not used to driving this kind of car, but when Chi Feichi arrived at the open space here, he slammed on the brakes and stopped the car crookedly.

This is clearly the cause of suspicion.

There are many footprints and traces of other people near this auto repair shop. If the police trace here, they can only try to get clues from the car.

The traces in the car have been removed by them. When the police inspect the traces of recent use of the car, they will find traces on the brake pads. They will probably judge that the driver has poor driving skills. In addition, the car stopped hastily and the door is also wide open. , Not sure if the other party abandoned the car in a hurry.

If the police really think so, and track down what happened to them when they abandoned the car, it will take a lot of time, and no useful information can be found at all.

After Chi Feichi cleaned up the traces on the tires that would reveal information, he went to a car in the repair shop, checked the car, and after making sure that the car had been repaired, he used a wire to pry the door lock, but he didn't get in the car. He closed the car door again, squatted down in front of the fuel tank, and pumped up the gasoline in the fuel tank with a hose and a small bottle.

Thinking of Chi Feichi's act of cleaning the tires just now, Saito Hiroshi couldn't help but doubt in a low voice, "We won't use this car to leave, right? You really took great pains, I said, you sneaked into the detention center, it's not because you want to rob a prison Bar?"

If the police track down here and judge that they have abandoned the car, they will naturally think of checking whether other cars here are lost and whether the car has any traces of door locks being picked to determine whether they have changed cars.

Chi Feichi picked the door lock of this car, not intending to use this car to leave, but just to forge the traces of their use of this car.

Pumping gasoline is to perfect this misleading.

As for the pumped gasoline, Chi Feichi should have added it to the private car that drove over. Because the car was driven savagely by Chi Feichi, it went around a few times, and some marks on the wheels were cleaned up by Chi Feichi. In this way, it is also difficult for the police to see how long the car has been used by them and which road sections it has traveled. Naturally, it is also difficult to find that the remaining gasoline in the car is not right.

It was hard for him not to suspect that Chi Feichi wanted to make something big that would cause the police to dispatch a large number of criminal investigation experts.

Combined, they were going to the detention center, and they were going to meet a serial murderer. All he could think of was—Chi Feichi wanted to rob the prison.

It's just that that's too exaggerated!

Chi Feichi waited patiently for the gasoline to flow into the bottle, "You can be a little more confident in your own judgment."

Saito Hiroshi was taken aback, and he couldn't bear the little excitement in his heart, but he still considered his own safety rationally, and reminded, "It was agreed before, I am only responsible for sending the paintings in for you."

Chi Feichi: "Understood."

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

Are you sure you don't want him to help?

Just give him a reason, and he can take advantage of the opportunity to join this prison robbery plan, okay?

He had never done such an interesting thing as robbing a prison.


half an hour later.

The two arrived near the detention center on foot.

Saito Hiroshi gave up sneaking in separately, and followed Chi Feichi step by step with the painting in his arms. However, he didn't wait for the invitation to rob the prison along the way. Instead, he avoided the surveillance and went under the fence, but was hit by Chi Feichi again.

It seems that I really don't need his help...

"How are you going to get in?"

Chi Feichi hid in the shadow behind the wall, glanced at the passing police officers outside, and asked in a low voice.

"Me..." Saito Hiroshi looked at the fence, then at the main entrance, his eyes fixed on the door, and seemed to have no focus, "I can go in from the door, as long as I am stuck in the blind spot of the monitoring and the blind spot of the staff on duty. .”

"Then I won't wait for you."

As Chi Feichi said, he took out the mask of the faceless man and put it on.

Hiro Saiteng turned his head to see the mask, and before he had time to be surprised, he saw Chi Feichi 'swish' up the wall with his claws, startled for a moment, and looked at the main entrance of the detention center with burning eyes.

that mask...

It turned out to be July.

No matter, the winning rate of the prison robbery increased this time, and the 50-50 split situation was even more exciting. After a while, he offered to help in the prison robbery operation. Chi Feichi couldn't refuse him again, right?

After Chi Feichi climbed up the fence, he bit through the capsule that he had put in his mouth when he was wearing a mask. He slowly retracted his claws, and waited for the snake's slough to take effect. Isao Sakuragi's room.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening, and the detention center was completely silent.

Small lights were on in the yard, and beams of searchlights swept across from time to time, and faint emergency lights were also lit in the corridors of the building.

It's just that those lights are not bright, and objects moving in the darkness near the bright beams will be more hidden.

In the recidivist area, two police officers were patrolling the designated area at night. After finding a room with lights on, they paid attention to the state of the people inside. After talking in a low voice, they used a flashlight to illuminate the road ahead and continued to patrol forward.

The sense of security that has not had an accident for many years, the regular work that has continued for many years, and the fact that this is deep in the detention center, and no sirens have been heard, made the two of them not too vigilant. A figure was breathing, moving quietly beside them like a ghost.

In a deep room, Isao Sakuragi was lying on the tatami mat, listening to the footsteps and conversations of two policemen outside, but staring at the ceiling for the faint light of the room through the small window on the door panel.

After entering here, time seems to have slowed down. He once had such a time. At that time, he could read those church books to relieve boredom during the calm and boring time. It was just after Jiang Shenyuan's incident, He never wanted to touch those books again.

Every time he thinks of those church books, Isesaki Masaki's hideous face when he said Tsurumi Yoko is a witch, and Chi Feichi standing behind the crowd, looking at Isesaki Masaki's gloomy eyes in his mind for a while.

He would even think of Elizabeth's childlike, happy and secure smile on the day before her death, and also think of Chi Feichi telling him in the foreign cemetery, "I have always been tolerant to the Montgomery family".

By the way, there is also the witch costume of the red-haired girl, and the strange sound hidden at the beginning of the memory, he can hardly remember the melody...

If Montgomery really belonged to the family of witches, would he have betrayed his ancestors and family beliefs when he joined the church?

A red circle the height of a person suddenly lit up on the wall of the room, and complicated and mysterious lines extended to the center, and finally the red light burst out.

Isao Sakuragi sat up in surprise, watching a figure dressed as a witch walk out of the aperture, and recognized the identity of the person coming from the long red hair floating from under the black robe of the other party, "You, you are..."


Koizumi Hongzi raised her hand, and motioned to Isao Sakuragi for silence.

The red light in the room disappeared in an instant, and when Koizumi Hongzi walked to the door, a low male voice came from outside the door.

"Don't leave fingerprints on the door."

"I see..." Koizumi Hongzi choked, and a faint red glow appeared on the palm of his outstretched right hand, and then he landed on the doorknob, and opened the door extremely lightly.

Behind the door, Chi Feichi had already taken off the mask of the faceless man, looked up at Isao Sakuragi who stood up from the tatami, and said straight to the point, "We'll take you out of here."

After Isao Sakuragi was surprised, he quickly calmed down, sighed, and sat upright on the tatami, "Since I left Jiangshenyuan, I am very upset."

"Just because you killed those people?"

Chi Feichi walked into the narrow room without closing the door.

The inspectors have gone far away, and they won't be able to come back for a while, and the door doesn't need to be closed, just leave it to the treasure hunter who brought the painting.

"The three sages of Jiangshenyuan recognized me from the very beginning. In order to let me eliminate my resentment, they deliberately asked me to kill them. This really annoyed me. I was annoyed that I was complacent about the success of the plan before. It turned out that it was not me who was smart, but them. The way to get rid of my resentment is not very clever, I am only glad that Isesaki Masahide is also dead, otherwise I will have to worry about Ye Zi's safety after I kill those three people and go to jail," Ying Mugong looked at Chi Feichi , there was a helpless and mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was a bit of doubt in his eyes, and he murmured softly, "What annoys me even more is whether my act of joining the church has betrayed the expectations and beliefs of my ancestors? I want to know , Did I disappoint you with the Montgomery family? I used to resent my own birth, because the Montgomery family was called the witch family, and I always seemed to be the one who was excluded. When the priest invited me to join the church, I can only make up a name at will, and dare not say that I have the surname of that witch. I should have resented the surname of Montgomery, but after returning to Jiangshenyuan, I have an inexplicable feeling, no matter what , I am also a descendant of the Montgomery family, and as a descendant of the witch, it seems that I am not that bad."

"It's not because of you that I chose to break my faith with Montgomery, Montgomery..." Chi Feichi paused, "I have been deprived of my future many years ago."

Isao Sakuragi thought of the way Chi Feichi looked at Isesaki Masahide back then, and probably understood when Chi Feichi said many years ago, and sighed, "In the final analysis, the descendants of Montgomery are not worthy... ..."

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