Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1838 Feeling Not Normal

The continuous fire, like a long snake, climbed onto Chi Feichi's palm, and then burrowed into Chi Feichi's body.

Hiroshi Saito looked at Fire Snake, making sure he used the word 'drill' correctly.

In his eyes, the flame was indeed absorbed by Chi Feichi's palm very quickly.

It's unbelievable, but it's also possible that he was already in shock in the fire, and all this was a hallucination before death?

Feichi was not burned by the fire, but still felt that it was too hot to stay under Chi Feichi's clothes, so he got out of Chi Feichi's collar and jumped onto Saiteng Hiroshi's shoulder.

Hiroshi Saito was surprised at what he saw, but he couldn't react. He belatedly watched Feichi crawling towards his pocket with snacks, his stomach growling.

Sneaking is too energy consuming, he's hungry...wait, he can feel hunger, which means he's not dead yet?

Fei wrapped his arms around Saito Hiroshi naked, patted Saito Hiroshi's pocket from the tip of his tail, and looked up at Saito Hiroshi.

It's a little hungry, why don't you share a snack?

After Hiro Saito regained his senses, Wuyu took out two bags of desserts and snacks from his pocket, tore a bag for Feichi, and put it on the ground.

He actually understood the meaning of a snake...

After the snacks were baked by the heat, not to mention the bag was deformed, the sweet smell of fudge inside was also baked.

Koizumi Hongzi waited for Chi Feichi to close the flames, and no longer struggled to maintain the magic circle. He was relieved to see the magic circle disappear instantly, and suddenly smelled the smell of candy. He turned his head to stare at Hiroshi Saito, and moved his eyes down , Staring at Hiroshi Saito's pocket again, he reached out and quickly fished out three bags.

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

While he was focusing on the sugar, he actually followed his sugar!

One bag was distributed to the snake, and three bags were taken by the way, so there are only three bags left for him to go out tonight.

"I've been busy so late, I'm hungry, you should eat something too," Koizumi Hongzi consciously handed Chi Feichi and Sakuragi Isao snacks, tore open a bag by himself, smelled the sweet smell, Satisfied, "I never thought that the fudge from Shinjuku Candy Witch's House would smell so good after being baked."

Chi Feichi didn't tear open the bag, and threw the snacks to Saito Hiroshi, "The candies in their house are of relatively high quality."

Hiroshi Saito caught the snacks and suddenly felt more comfort in his heart.

Aside from the fact that he may want to silence him, Chi Feichi is a very good employer, knowing that he lacks sugar to replenish energy, he can also give him sugar...

"You still don't like sweets," Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help saying while eating the fudge, "Actually, their afternoon tea snacks are even better!"

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

Is it because Chi Feichi doesn't like sugar?

Forget it, never mind the motive, it's a good thing he took back a bag of snacks.

Koizumi Hongzi, Saito Hiroshi, Sakuragi Isao, and Feichi were eating fudge, and Chi Feichi went to the side to smoke. He planned to enjoy the sea breeze, but his phone vibrated suddenly, so he had to walk a little further to answer the call.


"Half an hour ago, there was an explosion in a bacterial research institute in West Tama City," Gin said directly in a low voice, "Looking at the intensity of the explosion, it doesn't look like an accident. Although such a violent explosion, there should be no leakage of bacteria. Possibly, but it is not sure whether someone sneaked into the Bacteriological Research Institute, and it is not sure whether bacteria will be brought out. In addition, this matter will definitely lead to police investigation. That person has new instructions. We are in The laboratory in Nishitama City has suspended research for a while, Lark, you assist me in organizing the evacuation of some of the personnel there."

Chi Feichi saw that Qin Jiu was rarely so serious, so he didn't tease Qin Jiu any more, and asked calmly, "Now?"

"No, the researchers who need to evacuate tonight will tidy up the things in the laboratory, and there will be a lot of policemen coming to West Tama City tonight, so it's not convenient for us to join in the fun at this time," Gin paused, "You Remember to contact Srivova, we will meet at the open-air parking lot of the Nishitama City Gymnasium at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning, if it is convenient, you remember to bring two Chinese lunch boxes for me and vodka..."


Chi Feichi hung up the phone, threw the burning cigarette aside, put away the phone and walked towards Koizumi Hongzi.

When he was so serious, Qin Jiu actually wanted him to cook something delicious, it was hopeless.

"Hongzi, you will send Sakuragi to Fifteen Nights City in a while, and I will send Saito back now. Also, after you come back, please send 10 million yen in cash to his residence."

As Chi Feichi said, he took out a bag from his pocket and tore it open. He took out the blood collection needle inside and stabbed Sakuragi Gong on the wrist. When the finger was retracted, there was a drop of blood. After throwing away the blood collection needle, he raised his finger and Blood is put in the mouth.

It's almost early morning now, and when he goes back to contact Takatori Yano, it's almost time to wash up and go to bed, and he has to cook tomorrow morning, and rush to Nishitama City before eleven o'clock in the morning, and the time is just full.

I don't know how long it will take for the organization to evacuate. If he needs to stay up late tomorrow night, he may not be able to send the money to Saito Hiroshi the day after tomorrow.

Since he promised to give the money, he gave it as soon as possible, so as not to make Saito Hiroshi wait all day.

In addition, he didn't have time to send Sakuragi Gong to Fifteen Nights City, so he remembered the taste of Sakuragi Gong's blood in advance, so that the old man would not be killed by the illusion set by Sun Mirror outside the Fifteen Nights City.

However, the herbal tea-flavored blood is because Isao Sakuragi came from the Montgomery family...

Saito Hiroshi raised his eyes and saw Chi Feichi's movements, and the fudge he was about to swallow choked in his throat.


Why do you suddenly eat other people's blood? He also looked like he was tasting seriously, which made him feel awkward looking at it.

Looking at Yingmu Gong again, the old man didn't react at all, he was startled for a moment and then continued to eat fudge... Could this be some kind of strange ritual?

Koizumi Hongzi was not in a hurry to put the soft candy in her mouth, and took advantage of the blood dripping from the needle eye of Sakuragi Isao's wrist, she reached out and wiped the blood drop into her mouth, "Let me deliver the money, have you been busy lately?" ?”

Chi Feichi nodded, bent down and picked up Feichi who was crawling on the ground, stuffed it into his pocket, took out the plastic bag and tore it open, took out the blood collection needle inside, and stabbed it under Saito Hiroshi's watchful eye. Teng Bo's wrist, a drop of blood ran down his fingers.

"Hey..." Hiroshi Saito watched Chi Feichi eat a drop of blood from him, raised his hand to look at the needle hole on his wrist, and felt very awkward, "What are you doing?"

While Hiroshi Saito raised his wrist, Hongko Koizumi wiped the oozing blood, put it in his mouth and tasted it, "Hmm... this kid's blood tastes like bitter coffee, I thought it would taste like candy .”

Hiroshi Saito was silent for a while, raised his wrist, and licked the blood spot on the eye of the needle, a little speechless.

Isn't it the normal smell of blood with a bit of fishy smell and a bit of rust?

"It's not tasty." Koizumi Hongzi made the final comment.

Hiroshi Saito: "..."

The spirit of this group of people is probably not normal.

"Maybe it's because of the lack of sugar. You can try it next time when there is no shortage of sugar in his body," Chi Feichi said to Koizumi Hongzi, then turned to greet Saito Hiroshi, "Saito, let's go."


Saito Hiroshi felt that Hongzi Koizumi was looking at him very strangely, so he immediately started to follow, eating a bag of jellybeans along the way, until Chi Feichi found the staff at the wharf near the Machi Group and drove away a car. Remember this time the bounty is over.

They really moved to the pier far away from the detention center in an instant, so they don't need to hide their whereabouts anymore. On the contrary, they can be used as an alibi if they reveal their whereabouts more.

"Just now... how did you do it?"

Saito Hiroshi was sitting in the car, watching the road scene gradually approaching the area where he lived, he still couldn't help asking, "It just appeared so far away after crossing the red circle."

"Magic." Chi Feichi said truthfully.

Hiroshi Saito wanted to refute that there are no such mysterious things in the world, but he had experienced it himself, so he couldn't accept this explanation. He frowned and asked, "So, is your ability fire magic? You don't need fire source and Burning things to set the fire, right? I just saw that the flames seemed to get into your palm, it doesn't look like a blindfold."

Chi Feichi did not deny it, "It can be said so."

"Unbelievable..." Hiroshi Saito sighed softly, fell silent for a while, then turned his head to stare at Chi Feichi, his eyes were serious with a little guard, "Can I ask a question now? You brought me to Japan, What is the purpose?"

When the car drove under the bridge, the light in the car also dimmed.

Chi Feichi replied directly, "I want you to work for me."

"Please, treasure hunters never work for others." Hiroshi Saito smiled disapprovingly. "Working for others, being restrained by others, and working hard for others, how can I find treasure hunting by myself? I chose to be a treasure hunter. I just want to be free, spend as much as I can earn, cooperate with whoever I like, ignore him if I don’t like it, and go to various places to explore, how interesting.”


The car sped under the bridge, and the neon lights of the surrounding buildings flashed, sending light into the car together with the bright decorative lights.

"That's right," Chi Feichi affirmed Saito Hiroshi's answer, "Freedom, an unknown future, the satisfaction of breaking through oneself, including high rewards, or seeing the scenery on the other side of the world, these are bounty jobs The charm of…”

Saito Hiroshi thought that Chi Feichi was also a bounty hunter, so it was not surprising that Chi Feichi was able to make such a conclusion. He even recalled all kinds of people he saw in his bounty career, and those miraculous or interesting things he experienced .

"However, didn't you choose to be a treasure hunter at the beginning because it was too difficult to find a job as a child, and you had to choose a career like bounty hunter, which does not depend on age but on ability?" Chi Feichi asked honestly.


The memories in Hiro Saito's mind changed instantly, and turned into the tragic experience of being rejected by one shop after another when he was wandering abroad, and he couldn't even do temporary work, so he could only use "social experience" as an excuse to get the hourly wages. In order to pretend to be a normal elementary school student, he can only go to work during the elementary school holidays. The work is really not tiring, and some bosses will pay a lot more, but most of the time he can’t work, and the salary will last four or five days. Life should not be too miserable, "Hey, let me tell you, how many things have you investigated about me?"

"A lot," Chi Feichi replied, and then asked, "Why don't you find someone to adopt you? Although your original identity has been registered as dead in the United States, as long as you pretend to be a child who has memory problems and lives outside, you should Can be rescued and even adopted by the right family."

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