Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1839 The Two Sides of the Umbrella

"It seems that your investigation is not very detailed." Hiroshi Saito leaned on the back of his chair, looked up at the Dongdu Tower behind the countless buildings outside the front window, his eyes were a little dazed due to memories, "I just came out of home before. Not long after, a couple found out that I seemed to have no family. After knowing that I was wandering alone, they also asked about my family's situation. It is a very warm family, the man is a high-level employee of the company, the woman runs a restaurant by herself, and there are two children at home..."

Chi Feichi drove to Akihabara, where Saito Hiroshi lived, and quietly listened to Saito Hiroshi's talk.

Hiroshi Saito had a desire to confide in him, which he expected.

The world of bounty hunters is certainly free, but there are also many disputes for the sake of interests.

As a bounty hunter, it is difficult to reveal some secrets to ordinary people. For colleagues, you must also pay attention to your words. In the absence of a fixed and reliable partner, the lesson of losing money because of talking again and again will make the bounty hunter Gold hunters forcibly restrain their desire to talk. Over time, life seems to be cut apart. When they meet ordinary people, they talk about daily trivial matters. More things about personal experience or identity seem to be kept in their hearts forever. .

And he is a bounty hunter himself, able to understand some of Saito Hiroshi's thoughts and strange habits, and he almost checked Saito Hiroshi to the bottom. For Saito Hiroshi, since he already knows so much and knows other things Maybe it's just a matter of time, so what does it matter if he knows more?

Even if he felt the pressure from him, Hiroshi Saito couldn't help but talk about trivial matters and thoughts.

Being discovered by Hiroshi Saito that he also has things he doesn’t know will indeed relieve the pressure that Hiroshi Saito felt from him. There is a down-to-earth feeling that he is 'one of my own'.

Many ordinary people don't care about that kind of solid feeling, and many hunters will go from 'can't get it', 'not extravagant hope' to 'don't need it', but Hiroshi Saito is still young, so he can take a gamble, just gamble...

When Hiroshi Saito was considering the embarrassing thing of working for him, he not only considered whether his life would be in danger if he refused, but also whether he would lose him, a person he could confide in, after refusing.

"I also lived with that family for a period of time. For ordinary people, it should be a very happy life. The parents have the financial ability to support three children, so that they can live comfortably, and they can organize various activities on weekends. They have such family activities, and their education is also very successful. There is a kind-hearted boy who is two years younger than me, who is smart and lively, and a girl who is older than me and looks very bad-tempered but very protective of her family," said Hiroshi Saito Recalling, the voice was very soft, "They adopted me, and they didn't have any intentions. They just couldn't bear to see me wandering outside. Such a kind and warm family, but I lived there with nothing but pain."

"I don't forget the past at all, I can't forget what the FBI did, and seeing that boy with his father accidentally messing up the house, I think about me and my father. I will think of those people in the FBI and the events of that year, and I can't laugh as easily as they do, I just subconsciously clean up their mess..."

Saito Hiroshi laughed helplessly, "They think I'm too sensible, they think I'm insecure, and they will carefully find excuses to pull me in when playing games. In fact, I know that it has nothing to do with security. It's hard for me to be as carefree as that boy Going to play without worry, helping to pack things is the way I get satisfaction."

"If it's just like this, it's fine, but the idea of ​​finding the FBI for revenge has always been hidden in my heart. I want to forget it, but I am always reminded by inadvertent little things. It spreads wildly in the dead of night. When I think of letting go of hatred, I will be reconciled. Swallow, I know that sooner or later I will go to the FBI to trouble me, but if I do that, I might implicate a beautiful family."

"I am also afraid. I am worried that the longer we get along, I will forget the hatred of family ruin, become cowardly, and choose comfort. Then the Saito family's affairs will be buried in history forever as the FBI wishes. I am also worried. When I make dangerous choices, they will be disappointed or sad for me."

"So I left after staying for two weeks. I only left a letter saying that I thought of my family and was going to leave. I would visit them when I had time. I was very sorry for them. I knew I couldn't bother them anymore... ..."

Hiroshi Saito's tone was still brisk, and it could be heard that he didn't really care about such things in his heart, "In short, after this time, I understand that no one who can meet the requirements for adoption is not too bad, and the background is not too bad. It won't be too complicated. As for me, I can't forget the hatred, and I can't calm down and live the life of an ordinary person. I am not suitable for adoption. I don’t want to be like a pet in a pet store, waiting like a pet eager to be bought every time someone adopts it.”

Feichi: "..."

It feels connoted.

But every time someone enters the store, it is really not a good feeling to be expecting and apprehensive. Several times, it wants to bite the pet store owner and sell itself.

"Are you satisfied with my answer?" Hiroshi Saito turned to look at Chi Feichi and asked.

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm', "Then let's talk about the previous question."

Saito Hiroshi was startled, and realized that Chi Feichi was talking about work, "What if I insist on refusing? What will be the consequences? Will you kill me?"

Chi Feichi pushed the question back, "What do you think?"

Saito Hiroshi didn't get a definite answer, he was speechless for a while, and then he was silent for a long time before he said, "Before I refuse a job, I want to know the situation, what do you need me to do, and what can you give me. "

If you think about it carefully, their contradictions are not irreconcilable.

They can communicate more, explain the bottom line and needs of the two, and negotiate to achieve a good result.

For example, if Chi Feichi is in trouble and needs help, he will not refuse stubbornly. He can accept Chi Feichi's bounty a few more times. As for the problem, just think of yourself as a long-term worker in Japan.

Chi Feichi didn't answer in a hurry, and said while driving, "Fangzhou, send Saito the port of the Red Umbrella platform, and temporarily open the browsing permission."


A childish answer came from the mobile phone in his pocket.

"Ding dong!"

Saito Hiroshi heard the notification tone of his mobile phone, took out his mobile phone to read his emails, and did not forget to check Chi Feichi's jacket pocket.

What was that just now? Is it too fast to send emails?

It's just that soon, Saito Hiroshi has no mind to think about those.

The email opened, and there was only [Browse Port] a clickable option. After he clicked, the phone quickly jumped to a web page.

In the black background color, at the top is Umbrella's umbrella icon, which he is familiar with, but it is different from the blue and white icon of UL chat software. The icon at the top of this web page is composed of red and white, like a three-dimensional metal badge. The page rotates slowly.

Below the horizontal bar is a series of introductions to 【Umbrella Red Umbrella】.

Umbrella's Red Umbrella has been established, and currently there are only security services for the outside world, but there are also jobs such as killing, protecting, and infiltrating internally.

He is quite familiar with these jobs, which are basically jobs that bounty hunters can do.

In addition, there is also a blue umbrella mentioned in it. The internal intelligence department of the blue umbrella will fully cooperate and obtain enough information for the operation.

After that, there are things that can be obtained after joining.

Among the things listed, money rewards seem cheap. What is really scary is the resources provided by Umbrella, the Maike Group, and the Field Group.

Want planes, missiles? No problem, the three groups have many research teams, and the Manchi Group has manufacturing qualifications. Among the technological products listed, he even saw some things that are far beyond the technological level of the world, making people feel incredible.

Want to improve your personal strength? Not to mention the various equipment used for training, he will be envious if he sees too much. During training, there will also be professional instructors, competing sparring partners, and plans to help improve physical fitness.

Want intel? He saw the information about the FBI. In it, he found the information about an FBI agent who ruined his family back then. When he clicked on it, it contained simple information such as the person's name, time of birth, photo, position, etc., as well as The specific records and promotion experience of a certain action in a certain year, as well as a bunch of habit records that may not be useful, and even the activities of the other party in the United States today have been recorded.

In the past few years, he has also been investigating the FBI back then, and a lot of the information on it matches what he has worked so hard to investigate, and there are more things that he has not investigated clearly for so many years.

When he wanted to view the information of other FBI agents, the page showed that the browsing port was not qualified to continue to view relevant information.

Although he couldn't verify the authenticity of other information, but thinking that Chi Feichi had investigated him so clearly, he couldn't doubt that the information was forged, but he couldn't help feeling confused and powerless in his heart.

He has investigated the intelligence for six or seven years, but it turned out to be just an insignificant item in his intelligence network. A behemoth possesses resources that individuals cannot compete with, almost comparable to a country's intelligence system...

Thinking of this, a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart again, like a cluster of burning flames, filling his heart with excitement little by little.

As long as Umbrella is added, it doesn't seem hopeless that he wants to take on the FBI.

Scrolling down further, he could not browse the information investigation application and member list, and finally Umbrella's authority statement.

In terms of authority, there are also outer umbrellas and inner umbrellas. The information they can access and the benefits they have are different, but basically they can rely on their ranks to judge their status in Umbrella.

Ordinary employees do not have authority levels.

The lowest level of authority of the outer umbrella corresponds to the senior management personnel of the branch company and the important employees of the head office, who can obtain some authority to manage the branch company, project fund application qualifications, project leading qualifications and some personal bonuses.

The second-level authority after that corresponds to the person in charge of the branch company, and also has corresponding benefits and some management qualifications.

In the first and second levels of authority, the management qualifications of these people are limited to their own branch companies, and they cannot obtain the management rights of other companies.

The subsequent third, fourth, fifth, and sixth levels of authority correspond to the management of a certain region or country. For example, the sixth level of authority includes the person in charge of a certain country's business and the management of the head office. In addition, there are some outstanding talents who belong to the As a special case, one can obtain permissions ranging from level one to level six.

The seventh level is the decision-making level of the head office.

The outside world does not have the authority information of the three groups, but he has caught a signal from these detailed and specific divisions-the merger of Umbrella, Machi Group, and Field Group is imminent.

The authority rules will be implemented after the merger, which can be regarded as a unified system.

For ordinary employees, this system has little to do with them, and they don’t need to pay too much attention; for senior executives at the first, second, third and fourth levels, the platform authority is only a tool to assist them in managing the company, and it is also a name registration platform for them to obtain the benefits they deserve ; After reaching the fifth level, the benefits of a higher level of authority can be seen, which means more management rights, the right to know, and benefits.

In his assessment, at the level of a certain area leader, he might be able to use a small part of the secret information obtained by the inner umbrella.

As for who the authority after the seventh level corresponds to, he can no longer see it here.

There are even fewer explanations for the inner umbrella permissions. All he can know is that the browsing permissions he is using belong to the first-level permission.

Knowing the existence of the inner umbrella and being able to see the tip of the iceberg of the inner umbrella, the level of authority is actually the same as that of the branch management of the outer umbrella. Thinking about it carefully, this seems reasonable. The existence of the inner umbrella is the most terrifying thing about Umbrella one side.

The first-level authority of the inner umbrella is regarded as entry-level authority, and the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh-level authority are not specified in detail, but after reading the authority diversity of the outer umbrella, he can probably guess the resources corresponding to different permissions, Status and rights are different, the higher the better.

If you want to increase your authority, it depends on your ability, merit, and even loyalty.

Just like the senior management of the outer umbrella has signed a long-term work contract to ensure that the other party will not easily betray the company and will not give everything to cultivate talents for the opponent, the inner umbrella should be the same. position, you need to ensure that you will consider it for the company.

If it is said that the price of betrayal by members of the outer umbrella is to pay liquidated damages sufficient to destroy their lives, then in the inner umbrella where black operations such as murder and threats are involved, the price of betrayal is probably life.

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