Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1840 The Fear of Authority

When Hiroshi Saito was distracted from thinking, the short-term browsing authority ended, and the entire webpage became blank.

Hiroshi Saito returned the email and found that the email he had received had also been deleted, and there was no trace of it in the inbox or the deleted recycling place, as if he had never received this email.

Chi Feichi heard the sound of Saito Hiroshi pressing the back button on the phone, and then said, "How much you get depends on how much you pay. I say that, you should be able to understand."

Saito Hiroshi took a deep breath and nodded, "I understand, since I know so much, I have experienced the first-level authority of the inner umbrella hidden in the dark, and it is impossible to refuse to join, right?"

Chi Feichi remained silent, acquiescing to Saito Hiroshi's judgment.

"Umbrella's inner umbrella, does Mrs. Kanai know?" Saito Hiroshi asked, feeling funny again. He couldn't imagine that gentle woman would have anything to do with this kind of bloody existence, but Umbrella The La-Field Group was originally owned by Mrs. Ganai, so how could Mrs. Ganai not know what happened behind it, "I seem to have asked a stupid question. Mrs. Ganai's authority is at least level seven, or even above level seven. Bar?"

"That's right," Chi Feichi gave the answer, and continued, "The umbrella has two sides, one side is bathed in light and can be seen by the public, while the other side is hidden in a place that is difficult for others to see, but it is linked to the skeleton, supports The most important part of the whole umbrella, everything about it can only be seen under the umbrella.”

" that's how it is," Saito Hiroshi murmured, and asked again, "If I want to obtain information about the F-forced agent related to my family incident, what level of authority do I need?"

"Level 2, as long as you agree to join, I can give you level 2 authority right now, not because of friendship, but because of your ability," Chi Feichi said calmly, "As long as you promise not to involve the company, now You can go to those people and get revenge, and if you reveal company secrets in the process or, maybe before you finish your revenge, I will silence you."

The authority system is to allow Ark to play a role in personnel management.

To put it simply, it is to assign Umbrella's personnel work to Ark, and Ark will determine what the other party can obtain and manage the distribution according to the department, position, and authority of the other party.

For example, a branch management with the first-level authority of the outer umbrella, this person cannot interfere with the management of other branches, and can only manage the position corresponding to his own company. In addition, it involves important personnel management, project fund application , you need to apply upwards, and a higher level will consider whether to approve it.

Such as performance evaluation and whether to get promoted are also trivial matters. With the comprehensive supervision of Ark, an advanced artificial intelligence, it is more effective than employing 10,000 people, and it can also prevent some hidden dangers and inconveniences caused by too many participants.

Use Ark to streamline and make personnel management more efficient, and throw a lot of complicated basic work to Ark. They only need to correct the details that Ark cannot take care of, or artificially set special cases that Ark cannot understand.

If there is no Ark, this kind of system cannot be implemented at all, and the loopholes in the specific operation alone will cause countless troubles.

But on the other hand, authority is associated with wealth, power, and status, and its existence is also a terrible reshaping of concepts.

Hiroshi Saito's motivation for joining Umbrella at the beginning may be to retaliate against the gangster, but in an environment where authority is recognized, the concept will inevitably be affected.

Want to get revenge on F? Permissions are sufficient.

After taking revenge, he became confused about the future, and was fooled into giving up hatred and leaving Umbrella with just a few words? No, after Saito Hiroshi completed some revenge, he has adapted to the way of life of 'permissions correspond to resources and rights'. Even in the process of promotion, he gradually felt that revenge is just one thing in life, and upgrading the authority is the most important thing in life. A way to be worth the effort and take responsibility for your own future.

After getting used to the recognition of authority, how to obtain greater authority from within will become a person's life goal, making that person a supporter and advocate of Umbrella's rules.

"Give me a second-level authority if you agree to join? You really think highly of me..."

Saito Hiroshi laughed and sighed.

Umbrella's authority is very 'hard'. The second-level authority is at the level of the head of the branch in the outer umbrella, and it is probably an elite member in the inner umbrella. However, he has confidence in his own strength and will not feel that he is not worthy.

It's just that at first he thought that Chi Feichi wanted to hire him to do something, but he didn't expect such a giant as Umbrella to be involved behind the scenes.

The permissions that Chi Feichi can have are probably above level seven. When the resources that he can call are clearly marked, he realizes that the distance between himself and Chi Feichi is so far. For Chi Feichi, he Not an irreplaceable helper, there will be many people like him, and he wants to take revenge on the perverts, and Umbrella, who is tied to other official intelligence agencies, is almost the only hope.

This seems to be the injustice brought about by birth, but it is difficult for him to feel dissatisfied and jealous. Let alone Chi Feichi himself is a very good person, too far away can really make people lose the psychology of comparison.

"I'm more optimistic about you than you think," Chi Feichi said, "But for higher authority, it depends on what you have paid for Umbrella, not just ability."

It can be seen that Hiroshi Saito was moved.

In fact, if he didn't know that a certain black organization has no future, if he didn't have the conditions to establish his own power, if he didn't get to know the people in the red side first, he would probably join in happily and stay in the organization with peace of mind.

The organization itself possesses unimaginable resources. The partners are all capable and interesting people. Most of the work is bounty work that he is familiar with. It is full of challenges and satisfies his desire for destruction, and he has to be valued by that one. What else is there to be picky about?

Similarly, like many people in the organization, he has a sense of arrogance. Even if he knows that the members of the organization are cruel and ruthless, it's okay. Like many people who don't believe that they will be abandoned by the organization until their death, he also doesn't think he will be so It is easy to step on mines and be abandoned by the organization.

Thinking in another way, as long as Saito Hiroshi agrees, it is sincere, and he will go deeper into Umbrella step by step in the future.

Unless... Saito Hiroshi is a member of a certain national intelligence.

Although Saito Hiroshi is unlikely to join a certain intelligence force, and Umbrella has not yet attracted the attention of those people, but we can look at it later.

He doesn't need people who are not loyal to Umbrella, no matter how powerful they are. It's better to deal with them early before they become a disaster.

Hiroshi Saito understood what Chi Feichi meant. Afterwards, loyalty is also an evaluation criterion, but he did not reject joining Umbrella after much deliberation. You can sneak into the detention center by yourself with the painting, let me do it, just to see my ability, right? It’s rare that you are so optimistic about me... Well, I agree to join. "

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm' and said again, "I hope you can give up the code name Crow."

Hiroshi Saito agreed very simply this time, nodded and said, "No problem."

Chi Feichi was very satisfied with Saito Hiroshi's reaction, and asked bluntly, "What are your plans for Fuck?"

The smarter people are, the quicker they can adapt to the environment. Once they decide to join a certain environment, they will consider how they can survive in the environment.

Compared with joining Umbrella, the code name is just a trivial matter.

Saito Hiroshi agreed straightforwardly, indicating that his plan was successfully implemented. Saito Hiroshi has already begun to try to adapt to the environment. It is only a matter of time before he accepts and is influenced by the concepts in the environment. From this point of view, Saito Hiroshi is a People who are smart and understand the principle of "gains and losses" think about problems more rationally, and are not easy to be emotional, and their minds pass the test.

On the one hand, Hiroshi Saito's intelligence and rationality make it easier for him to fall into the trap, but on the other hand, this is not a disadvantage. No matter where he is, such a person will go farther than others.

"Frankly speaking, I not only resented the detectives who were the fuckers back then, but also hated the arrogant and self-willed attitude of all the fuckers. When I first came to Japan, I never thought of killing the fuckers who sneaked into Japan some time ago. I want to cause some trouble for their actions, and it is best to destroy their actions. I know that it is difficult for me to deal with the whole F. I'm happy," Saito Hiroshi said truthfully, "Now, I can find the culprit back then, and my previous thoughts and plans have been disrupted. Instead, I want to put aside my hatred and rethink what I should do in the future. "

"You adapt quickly."

"Is there? I still feel a little confused now..."

"Have you ever thought about learning to snipe? There is a very capable person in Fbi. You should have heard of him. He is called 'Fbi's Silver Bullet'. With your dynamic vision talent, it would be a pity not to try sniping, and You need sweets to replenish energy. Sometimes the smell of sweets will reveal your identity when you sneak in or disguise. When you need to replenish energy, it may also be difficult to eat due to the intervention of others. As a sniper, those shortcomings can be avoided .”

"I thought about it before, and my marksmanship has always been very good, but practicing sniping is too expensive..."

Feichi: "..."

The master is actually getting along with Fenmao friendly, you come and go to cook each other's dishes, and at the same time secretly plotting to cultivate a big enemy for Fenmao...

Ten minutes later, the car stopped on Akihabara Commercial Street.

In the middle of the night in Akihabara, there are still many people immersed in the nightlife, but on the streets where the shops along the streets are closed at night, there are still a lot fewer people, and the wide streets seem a bit empty.

Chi Feichi had communicated with Hiro Saito about the arrangement of 'going to Fifteen Nights City to learn sniping', and got Hiro Saito's approval without any resistance.

"When Hongzi gives you money, you can ask her to take you there. There is a phantom formation that can kill people outside, and it is difficult for outsiders to break in. She and I have remembered the taste of your blood before, phantom formation The formation will not hurt you, but in order to avoid the outside world noticing there, people inside are not allowed to enter or leave without permission."

"The smell of blood..." Hiroshi Saito looked down at the place where his wrist was pierced just now, "Did you expect that I would agree to join and where would I go?"

Why did he feel that he had been tricked by Chi Feichi from the very beginning? Obviously he was making the decision by himself, yet he seemed to be following the route Chi Feichi had planned...

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