Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1841 Natural and man-made disasters are the most annoying

"It's not difficult to guess your choice." Chi Feichi lowered the car window, lowered his head and took out the cigarette case from his pocket, "Remembering your blood in advance is my confidence."

Are you confident...

Saito Hiroshi's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly remembered another thing, "By the way, what you said before was working for you. Do you have any competitors in Umbrella?"

"No," Chi Feichi bit his cigarette and looked up at a fifteen-year-old lady, "Why do you ask that?"

"You are the only son of the Chi family, at least on the surface. You shouldn't have any competitors, but what if your parents have an illegitimate child?" Hiroshi Saito guessed wildly. Thinking of Chi Kana, he felt This guess is not very good, "Even if it is not an illegitimate child, maybe you may have a younger brother or sister who is hiding somewhere, or some adopted son and daughter who deceived your parents..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Where did this child go?

The more Saito Hiroshi thought about it, the worse the situation became. Looking at Chi Feichi, he said softly with a solemn face, "You have been in a mental hospital, and this incident can easily become a source of attack, whether it is the Field Group or Machi. The group, or Umbrella, should someone question whether you can become a qualified heir?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

This is true, not only the shareholders, but also many senior executives and ordinary employees of the group are entangled and worried about whether he can become the heir.

No way, with the original situation of the original consciousness, if he didn’t go to the hospital, he might be dragged to death one day because he couldn’t think about it. He had just crossed over at that time, and he was found and sent to the hospital without realizing that there was another soul in his body. , The ones who found out were all teachers and classmates, so it was difficult to block the news.

But Hiroshi Saito's imagination is really rich. Regarding the issue of heirs...

"Considering this, your situation is indeed not safe," Saito Hiroshi sighed, opened the door and got out of the car, "Anyway, don't worry, no matter who the opponent is, I will stand by your side!"

He has seen a lot of gossip in the past few years. Even if he is the only heir, he may not be able to inherit the family business due to personal reasons and external pressure. There may even be cases where outsiders confuse the ruler and change the heir.

The grievances of the rich and powerful are very troublesome.

Since he was the one Chi Feichi pulled into the team, Chi Feichi had arranged for him to train before he made any contribution, and Chi Feichi was responsible for all living and training expenses, so he couldn't be ungrateful. Also stand by Chi Feichi's side.

In the car, Fei Chi watched the back of Saito Hiroshi leaving, inexplicably felt that a certain Zhengtai's thin body looked very resolute, and fell silent for a while, "Master, tell me, where did he think..."

"The young man has a rich imagination, but it's a good thing he has the heart...although I don't think anyone can take Umbrella away from me."

Chi Feichi put away the lighter, his left eye turned into a hazy purple nebula, and the pattern of the Gate of the Holy Spirit was quickly outlined.

On the ground of the illusion platform, the fan corresponding to the statue of Fei Mo has been filled with black, but the rune representing 'greed' is dazzlingly bright.

During his observation, the black in that sector was like a liquid, slowly flowing into other sectors, as if intending to restore all areas to the average value.

It seems that as he expected, if there is one less person in this world who uses the code name of "crow" to swagger through the market, Sanwu Goldfinger will acquiesce that this is Feimo's growth, but his next evolution will start, and he still has to wait for the complete change of the entire platform.

The current total progress is about 40%, and we still have to wait.


the next day.

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at the morning paper and was furious.

On the front page of the morning paper, the Nishitama City Research Institute was invaded last night, and an explosion occurred. The bacteria kept in it were probably taken away by the intrusion team. In the early hours of yesterday morning, the criminals posted a crime announcement on the Internet, saying that the bacteria had been taken away. , will take the next step within seven days, and the signature is the criminal group known for attacking the rich a few years ago - the red Siamese cat...

Since the bacteria taken away are very dangerous and can cause death, and involve the safety of countless people, it is normal for them to be on the front page.

The next edition of the news was that the Tokyo Detention Center suddenly caught fire last night, and the police officers who were stunned by the thick smoke were sent to the hospital and dozens of suspects were detained. Since Isao Sakuragi, who killed four people some time ago, disappeared, the police suspected that it was Someone deliberately set the fire, created chaos and robbed Isao Sakuragi. As for why the fire suddenly became uncontrollable, why it extinguished so quickly, and what methods the criminals used, further investigation is still underway. In addition, I hope that the general public will find out The trace of Isao Sakuragi, when you have clues about the arson case, actively contact the police...

Prison robbery, murderer on the run, such vile things, if it weren't for the news that bacteria were stolen by dangerous people, I'm afraid it would occupy the front page these days.

He can understand that either of these two things is a very serious matter, but in this way, his report on the trial flight of his largest flying ship and his challenge to Kaito Kidd are squeezed into one corner, mixed with other reports...

Natural and man-made disasters are the most annoying.

"If it wasn't for the release of my challenge to Phantom Thief Kidd, I'm afraid I wouldn't even post a photo? Damn red kitten! Damn jailbreaker!"

"Yesterday, I also prepared a photo of the flying ship, and a photo of me and the big gem used to lure that strange thief into the bait, but I didn't have a chance to put it in the newspaper at all!"

Nishitama City, stadium open-air parking lot.

After the report of the invasion of the institute last night, fewer people went out, and the parking lot was very empty.

Chi Feichi stood beside the black car with his back against Lark's face, listening to Suzuki Jirokichi's violent cursing on the phone, and after Suzuki Jirokichi finished cursing, he said, "That's nothing to do. It’s lively, there are many incident investigations and new policies in various regions waiting to be reported.”

The old man Suzuki should be satisfied if he can grab the third largest plate in many events, right?

Chi Feichi's calm tone did not affect Suzuki Jirokichi's mentality of continuing to explode.

"I know there is no way, but I am worried that the thief will accidentally ignore my challenge letter... No! In the next few days, I will contact the newspaper again and continue to publish my challenge letter! I will also contact the TV station, when the time comes Keep up with the flying boat and report the whole story of me catching that bumbling thief!!!”

Chi Feichi: "..."

It can be heard that the old man Suzuki's mentality has collapsed to the extreme today.

The front cover of the car was reduced to a temporary dining table, and the opened bento boxes were displayed one by one.

Standing beside the car with a bento box in his hand, Vodka listened to the faint roar coming from Chi Feichi's mobile phone, picked up the steamed buns in his bento box with chopsticks, and whispered to Gin and Takatori Yannan , "It seems that the old man has never caught the Kaitou Kidd, right?"

Chi Feichi got up and walked to the back of the car, to prevent Suzuki Jirokichi from hearing the critical attack here.

"...and publishing the challenge book in such a small format is really lacking in momentum! If I don't get a front page before the airship trial starts, the thief will definitely laugh at me!" Suzuki Jiroji finished violently, After a moment of silence, it seemed that he was drinking water, and he spoke after a while, the hoarseness in his voice that had been roaring for a long time disappeared, "Anyway, Feichi, you are not allowed to grab the front page with me these few days, I must get one Publication reports are not allowed!"

"Don't worry," Chi Feichi said speechlessly, "If there are no accidents, nothing will happen to me recently."

If something goes wrong, it's no wonder he's to blame.

Just like the prison robbery last night, he hoped that it would not be reported, not be noticed by so many people, and Isao Sakuragi would not be wanted. Is it just possible?

"That's good," Suzuki Jirokichi asked after heaving a sigh of relief, "By the way, have you had lunch? I was so angry that I didn't have breakfast in the morning. I'm going to ask the chef at home to cook a delicious meal. After recovering my energy Think about how to deal with that thief, if you are willing to come over for dinner, I will ask the chef to help you prepare what you want to eat!"

"No, I'm already eating."

"So Mr. Molly? Is he free now?"

"Teacher, he should be in Tokyo recently, I'm not sure."

"Okay, then I will ask Mr. Mori to come to me for a meal, and you are the same. You can come to my place as a guest in the next few days, or you can leave Tokyo temporarily to travel to other places to see the scenery. You need a boat Or the plane, you can come to me, it doesn’t matter what tool you want, if you lack someone to accompany you, you can also find me, I will arrange for you to play with the right person, interesting, professional, good at chatting... even It’s okay to be a young and beautiful girl.”

"What does it mean?"

"Well, there are only so many newspapers in Tokyo every day. I don't want any more murders to happen in Tokyo recently. Even if it happens, it's better to happen around me, so that I can take the opportunity to talk about the challenge... ...How? Is there any place you want to go?"

"Don't worry about it, I will arrange it myself."

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he hung up the phone, put away his phone, walked to the car, and picked up the lunch box on the car.

Old man Suzuki is definitely crazy. Hearing those words, what is meant by "I don't want any more murders to happen in Tokyo", is that a human word...

"Didn't you always dislike fish bento?" Qin Jiu stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of fish, without raising his head, "I thought you didn't like fish, but I didn't expect you to cook fish dishes today."

"Is that kind of bento that burns fish pieces in sauce and puts it on rice, can you eat it?" Chi Feichi found that there was not much food left in each bento box, and said speechlessly, "Can you save some for me?" ?”

Eating his food, drinking his food, and the time he answered the phone, these three people actually ate so fast.

"Sorry," Gin apologized without sincerity, and blamed Suzuki Jirokichi, "It's that old man who was too long-winded on the phone."

Vodka nodded in approval, and while stretching out his chopsticks to pick up the food, he said with emotion, "Yeah, just complaining about not getting the front page, and complaining for more than ten minutes is really long-winded."

Takatori Geno, who was wearing a beard and changed his face, couldn't help but smiled, and said in a rough voice on purpose, "Consultant Suzuki is always full of energy!"

"Buzz... buzz..."

Just as Chi Feichi was about to finish eating as soon as possible, when he heard the phone vibrate, he put down his chopsticks and lunch box, took out his phone, looked at the caller ID, and walked aside to answer the call.

"Xiao Ai."

"Brother Feichi, it's me," Hui Yuanai's voice came from the phone, showing a little girlishness, "We have already arrived at the village we mentioned earlier, the doctor will take everyone to live in the host's house Excuse me, we just finished eating, Nanatsuki-san went to help clean up, everyone discussed next to go to the wild forest for a while, and then go to see fireflies at night, I will call you outside the door, I want to ask how you are doing there, Have you had lunch yet?"

Chi Feichi glanced sideways at the pair of chopsticks stretching towards the lunch box over there, "I'm eating."


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