Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1843 The Scariest Place

Four p.m.

The two cars passed through the sentry point at the intersection one after another, and stopped at the gate of a villa with a large courtyard.

After Qin Jiu got out of the car, his hands were still in the pockets of the black windbreaker, he looked sideways at Mizurunai who left at the intersection, and when he was walking towards the door, he approached Chi Feichi and said in a low voice, "I will leave the safety of the neighborhood to Me, after you go in, you pay attention to check."


Chi Feichi responded lightly, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

When it comes to mouth-killing operations, we must pay attention to cleaning up traces.

The traces in the house can be eliminated by means of explosion and burning, but the traces on the gate or other places may not be completely eliminated.

However, the researcher Sijing is a neurotic person, and he has some understanding of the organization's style of silence. If they all wear gloves when they come to the door, the other party may become suspicious. The trouble is that the other party still has deadly bacteria in their hands. , Before they can silence people, they may be silenced first.

And if everyone's hands are covered with an isolation layer that blocks fingerprints and palm prints, and it's inconvenient to respond in a hurry, it may be delayed due to slippery hands and unsteady grasp of the gun.

Therefore, before entering the house, only his hands are covered with an isolation layer to block fingerprints, and he is also responsible for many actions that will leave fingerprints. Don't touch what you don't touch, and try to minimize the personal traces that will be left in it.

The four of them arrived at the door of the villa. After ringing the doorbell, Vodka opened the door with his palm prints.

This villa was originally built by a wealthy businessman, and Chi Feichi didn't know where the wealthy businessman went after that. It was enough to know that this place had become an organization place.

The first floor still retains the layout of the living room, and the adjacent rooms also remain the same.

In the corridor, a young man in a white coat looked at the four men in black who came in, heaved a sigh of relief, and took the initiative to go forward to explain the situation, "It will take about two hours to upload the information that should be uploaded. .”

"Let's do a final check to make sure you haven't left any personal traces that will be traced. That person should have emailed Dr. Yoshii," Vodka looked around with his sunglasses on, and found another assistant He also came out of a room, but the main researcher of the laboratory was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Dr. Sijing? He won't be running out at this time, right?"

Then the assistant who came out hesitated for a moment, looked at the open door of the basement, "Dr. Sijing is down there."

"Take me to find him," Qin Jiu said in a cold voice, turning his head to Chi Feichi and said, "Luck, you can help keep an eye on the progress of uploading data, the computer room is the third room on the right, you take Si Livoir, remove the disk by the way."

The two assistants are smart people, and they knew that Gin Jiu wanted them both to go to the basement. Without much hesitation, they nodded and turned to lead the way.

Chi Feichi took Takato Yannan to the computer room. After entering the door, he roughly checked the rack server. After confirming that there was nothing suspicious, he asked Takatori Yannan to put on gloves to pick up the disk. He walked to the open computer and put a Put the CD into the reader, lean over and tap the keyboard to check the computer.

Gin is meant to drive people away.

Because he needs time to check here.

Check if the data has been backed up in advance...

Check if there is any information monitoring equipment installed here...

Check whether there are Trojan horses or unknown programs in the uploaded data...

Among the operatives this time, he who has learned the relevant knowledge is the most suitable to check these, and only he can complete the inspection as quickly as possible.

There are no suspicious peripherals in the computer room, and the rest of the inspection is much simpler. Just put the CD-ROM prepared in advance and start the detection software inside to detect whether there is any private goods in these materials.

There should be a similar method at the port that receives the data.

Yan Nan Takatori was removing the disks, and suddenly found that one of the disks was so brand new that it was significantly different from the others, and called out, "Luck..."

Chi Feichi looked at the disk, took out a flashlight from his pocket, illuminated the server, carefully checked the dust traces on it, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's okay, the new disk installed two weeks ago should be the previous disk storage space. Not enough, you continue."

"Okay," Takatori Yannan put the disk into a sealed bag, and said with emotion, "I suddenly want to know about these things, so that I won't be ignorant when encountering actions in the future..."

"It's a good thing to know about it." Chi Feichi hissed in approval.

"I'll go buy books another day, or enroll in a study class."

Takatori Yannan felt that the atmosphere was relaxed, so he couldn't help smiling.

The inspection didn't last long. Five minutes later, the scanning software finished scanning. Chi Feichi took out the CD and didn't care about the unuploaded materials. To make sure that someone who sneaked in after leaving would be able to find out, he took Takatori Yannan downstairs to find gin and vodka.

The lights in the basement were bright, and under the reflection of the clean white floor, the surrounding area shone brightly.

A long corridor leads directly to the room at the end, and behind the glass walls on both sides of the corridor are small sterile rooms.

Takato Yan Nan followed Chi Feichi all the way there.

It was okay at the beginning. Behind the glass wall were the breeding equipment and individual observation equipment for experimental animals such as mice. It was probably because the experiment was at the end, and there were not many living animals in it. There were some dead mice and frogs. There were some rotting rat carcasses, but he could catch a second.

Further on, there are some specimens, such as the dissected specimens of mice whose internal organs have been eroded by bacteria and have strange colors, such as... human organ specimens suspected of bacterial infection...

Because the internal organs were horribly corroded, and more than one part was opened, Takatori Yannan suddenly felt a little sick, and glanced at Chi Feichi who was walking in front of him.

Under the white light, Chi Feichi walked towards the room at the end as before. His blue eyes under the blond hair glanced at the specimens on both sides from time to time. His eyes were cold and indifferent, as calm as if he didn't see the specimens on both sides.

Ying and Yan Nan withdrew their sneaky glances at Chi Feichi, and followed Chi Feichi's footsteps seriously.

For human specimens, he has to be mentally prepared to enter the organization's laboratory.

As a member of the organization, he has even seen many dead bodies...

In the next second, Takatori Yannan saw the corpse as he wished.

The corpses of a large number of animals were soaked in a jar. Among them was a white mouse covered in pink. He could tell that it should have been taken out before normal delivery. On the translucent head, a fully developed, like They are eyes like small black dots, but with such a head, the little white mouse has five on its body.

Five large and small heads were squeezed together, floating in the liquid together with the body, which brought back the nausea he had just relieved.

This kind of deformed biological specimens almost covered the rooms on both sides of the middle of the corridor. The more he challenged his psychological limit, he could hardly tell that a wrinkled meatball was a deformed mouse.

And after seeing the deformed specimens related to humans, Takatori Yannan's stomach churned even more violently, and his footsteps stopped involuntarily.

Chi Feichi had already seen the figures of gin and vodka in the room at the end, so he stopped and looked sideways at Yan Nan Takatori.

Takatori Yan Nan exhaled lightly, shook his head slightly at Chi Feichi, and said in a low voice, "It's okay."

Chi Feichi continued to move forward, dropping a word in a very soft voice.

"In an organization, the laboratory is the scariest place, and the longer the laboratory exists, the more so it is."

His place is fine, there are at most two dissected mouse corpses, and they will be disposed of by him soon after he takes the required samples.

However, the laboratories that have existed for a long time are all time-consuming research projects and have been researched for several years. It is possible to see anything in it.

Sijing has been studying dangerous bacteria before, and his interest is also related to human evolution and brain development. If you think about it, you can guess how many specimens that challenge human nature will be in the basement.

It was his first time to organize such a laboratory, but in his previous life, when he was doing bounty missions, he had seen more shocking research institutes than this one, where there were much more human experiment subjects than here, and they were much more disgusting.

In the four isolation rooms near the end room, three of them had three distorted corpses, which were very different from normal people's bodies.

Takatori Yannan glanced at it, feeling that the impact was too great, he turned to look at the glass of the last isolation room, glanced over, and immediately began to regret why he had to look at it.

The final isolation room was not as neat and orderly as the previous ones. It was like a small warehouse temporarily piled up with scrap materials, but those materials were the corpses of various animals. He even saw a piece of suspected From a human leg bone...

The room at the end has no door, and there are many instruments in it.

Qin Jiu stood not far from the door, watched Chi Feichi and Takatori Yannan come over, and silently observed the expressions of the two, "Has the disk been put away?"

He was still wondering if Lak would feel uncomfortable when he came down to see those specimens, but he didn't expect that this guy still had an indifferent expression on his face that didn't seem to pay attention to anything.

Srivova didn't need to look too much, the sunglasses on his face blocked half of his face, and it was difficult to see if there was anything wrong with his face under the pale light, although he could tell from the corners of his tight mouth that Srivova walked around. My experience is not very good, but it seems that other people will only think that Srivova is a little more serious.

Chi Feichi noticed that the short, bald middle-aged man in the room was looking at him, he just glanced at him indifferently, and said in a hoarse voice, "The disk is put away, and the traces in the room will be cleaned up with bombs, but if you want to arrange bombs, it's better Started in the basement, so I'll see what you're dawdling about."

Takato Yannan secretly looked at the middle-aged man, relying on sunglasses to block his eyes.

This man was short enough to reach his shoulders, his body under the white coat looked a little thin, his head was bald, with only a circle of hair on the side and back of his head, a pair of round glasses on the bridge of his nose, and an ordinary face with wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. Ordinarily, if such a person is thrown on the street, no one would think that this person can produce so many insane experimental specimens.

"I'm sorry..." Qin Jiu smiled with an inexplicable meaning, looked at the bald man, and said in a slow tone without any dissatisfaction, "Dr. Sijing said, wanting to take away other things except the utility room , We were discussing with him, so it took a little longer, but the bacteria here have been cleaned up."

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