Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1844 The organization is full of snake spirits

Sijing was originally looking at Chi Feichi and Takatori Yannan who came in behind, but when he heard Ginjiu talk about this, he didn't care about looking at Chi Feichi anymore, walked out of the room quickly, and arrived at the front of the room where the corpses were piled up in disorder, excitedly Statement, "Except for this pile of experimental waste, other things are my treasures. They have witnessed my determination step by step. When the research is successful and ends, I will put them all in the cleanest and most beautiful bottle. , let them witness my success with me!"

Takatori Yannan: "..."

Understood, that is to say, those things that constantly challenged his psychological limit just now may have been kept because they still need to be studied, but the things that marked the progress in the research process were collected by Sijing as souvenirs.

But not to mention those animal specimens, there are also a bunch of human organs or deformed specimens...

This person is a pervert!

Chi Feichi looked at the refrigerator on the table indoors, and labeled Sijing a 'death' in his heart.

If Sijing leaves this room, he will die very quickly.

Gin and vodka came down to the basement, just looking for a chance to get rid of Sijing, but there are a lot of experimental equipment in this room, and there are many test tubes filled with unknown chemical liquids on the shelves, plus the test tubes that should have been put into the box Bacteria, if you shoot Sijing in the house, the bullet may hit the equipment or chemical liquid, causing a fire or explosion. Accidents that can blow up a basement.

After cleaning up the bacteria before, Sijing should have been arguing with the two of them in the house, gin and vodka did not do anything, and patiently dealt with Sijing's various conditions, but now Sijing went out by himself...

"But Dr. Sijing, it's very troublesome to take these things away," Vodka said with a smile. "We came here this time and only planned to leave with people and disks. We even planned to destroy these valuable experimental equipment."

"Hmph!" Sijing snorted coldly, turned to look at the group of people in the room, "If I don't let me take these things away, I won't leave!"

"Really..." The smile on the corner of Qin Jiu's mouth grew even wider, his left hand out of his pocket was holding the pistol tightly, and when the muzzle of the gun was raised to aim at the astonished Sijing, the eyes in the silver hair could hardly be suppressed Bloodlust and excitement in between, "Then you don't have to go."

Sijing's expression was still astonished, but fear slowly rose in his eyes, and he didn't dare to move, "You... what do you mean?"

Qin Jiu stared at Sijing and aimed his gun at Sijing's head, "Since you don't want to go, I will do what you want and let you be buried here with these things!"

Sijing glanced sideways at the isolation room next to him, then quickly turned his gaze back, stared at the muzzle of the gun, and swallowed, "The research is not over yet, and the finished product has not come out, if you kill me... no, actually I can think about it and take only part of it..."

"Stop playing, hurry up, we still have a lot to do," Chi Feichi urged Gin with a hoarse voice, and glanced at the two young assistants who were trying to shrink their bodies into quails, "Young people are all You're freaking out."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

I feel that the boss is suspected of making malicious jokes... Sure enough, the organization is full of perverts!

Two assistants: "..."

Still a lot to do? What's up? Shouldn't they even want to kill them?

That cold look made them uneasy.


Gin snorted softly and didn't refute. Just when he was about to shoot, Sijing suddenly took out a sealed test tube filled with bright red liquid from his pocket.

"You can't kill me!" Sijing held the test tube high in his right hand, bloodshot eyes were spreading in his wide-open eyes, and he said through gritted teeth, "This test tube will break if you drop it, and the deadly bacteria inside will spread with the air. I promise that the test tube will shatter before I die, and none of you will be able to escape by then!"

The expressions of Takatori Yannan, Vodka and the two assistants all changed.

Chi Feichi felt that Sijing's red face was not reserved enough, and he didn't want to waste any more time, so he started to walk towards Sijing, and his hoarse voice became deeper and deeper, with a hint of puzzlement, "What's so interesting about this kind of person..."

"You...don't come here!" Sijing stared at Chi Feichi and took a step back vigilantly.


Under the gunshot, Sijing froze all over, and a stream of blood gushed out from the blood hole on his forehead, flowing down his face to his chin.


The test tube shattered in front of Chi Feichi, and the bright red liquid inside splashed all over the floor.

Vodka turned his head to look at the muzzle of the gun with a wisp of smoke floating beside him, then looked at Gin who looked calm after firing the gun, and said dumbfounded, "Brother..."

"During the confrontation, that guy quietly pricked the finger of his right hand in his pocket, and poured a little blood into the empty test tube... Withdraw to the top first, vodka, don't forget to bring a cooler," Gin said. Putting down the hand holding the gun, he started to follow Chi Feichi, and said with a cold face, " might as well help me find someone you think is fun next time..."

Just because he heard Lak's fluffy words, he suddenly felt that Sijing was really not fun, very boring, and no fun at all.

But can he admit it?

Isn't admitting that his previous behavior was boring?

Chi Feichi hissed back, "Then you must remember to install the silencer next time."

The gunshots were so loud just now, but fortunately there are no people living around here, and their people are watching the intersection, otherwise the gunshots would have attracted the police.

Forget about other places, they can evacuate as soon as possible, but the information has not been uploaded yet, and the bomb that blows up here has not been set up yet, they still have to be busy...

Gin nonchalantly turned his head to look at Sijing's body lying in the corridor, and stopped to wait for the people behind him, "He is more alert than you think, the length of the gun with the silencer is hard to avoid being noticed by him, If you weren't in such a rush, I could put the muffler on while I was watching him perform."

It was all the fault of Lark who suddenly stepped forward!

He believed that Lak would not be brought down or held hostage by Sijing, but he had been dawdling with Sijing for a long time just now, waiting for this head for a long time, and he didn't want to be snatched away by Lak.

Yes, Lak's hands are coated, making it inconvenient to use weapons, but Lak can kill people with a single palm, so he has to guard against it.


Back in the living room on the first floor, two assistants were assigned to the computer room to watch the data upload, while the other four vicious men in black were waiting at the door.

When Chi Feichi saw that Gin started smoking again, he turned his head to look at the two assistants in the room who were staring at the computer like wooden stakes, and asked in a hissing voice, "Are there any highly corrosive chemicals here?"

One of the assistants froze for a moment, and hurriedly said, "No, no, in fact, there are not many chemicals here."

Chi Feichi gave an 'um' to express his understanding and looked away.

This is the Department of Biology and Microbiology Research, not a chemical pharmaceutical site. Even if there are chemical drugs, there will not be many.

Seeing Gin smoking, Vodka lit a cigarette himself, and asked suspiciously, "Luck, what are you doing with that thing?"

"Clean up those things down there," Gin gritted his teeth on the flue, "although I knew that Sijing had put a lot of things in the basement, but the amount was more than I thought. Before we came, he put The three living subjects were killed."

Vodka was still puzzled, "But brother, wouldn't it be enough to blow up those things and the corpses with a bomb?"

"In this case, if the place is blown up, the police may find a lot of residue from the ruins, and they will soon be able to confirm that it is part of the human body and experimental rats, so they suspect that this place was originally an illegally remodeled laboratory. Recently, the police I am having a headache about the Bacteria Research Institute. After discovering the situation here, I will also worry about whether the same group of people did what happened here, and whether dangerous bacteria have been robbed. I will definitely strengthen the investigation when the time comes," Gin said patiently. Explain the pros and cons to my little brother, "On the contrary, if we cleared those things, the police did not find any suspected human organ residues and corpses in the ruins, and they would probably guess that the owner of the house hid a bomb in the basement. Even if we can't clean up the complete body of the detonation accident, the police will only think that it is a revenge attack. Compared with the leak of bacteria and the possibility of a large number of people being infected at any time, an attack accident is not at all. It’s not worth mentioning, with the strength of the police, it may be difficult to send too many police forces to investigate an attack..."

Vodka nodded and looked at Chi Feichi, "Is that why Lak wants to use chemicals to destroy those things and corpses?"

"Transfer is very troublesome," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, "four complete corpses, and so many deformed specimens, if they are transferred together, a small delivery truck was needed before, and if there is a random mistake in the transfer process, If it is discovered, it may cause a sensation. If it is dispersed, it will take more time and energy, and it is also prone to problems. If chemical agents are used, most of them will be easily dissolved, and the processing speed will be faster than transferring to other places for burial. Much more."

"Even if there are highly corrosive chemicals here, they will not be enough to dissolve so many things." Gin took out his mobile phone and looked down at the time displayed on it. "Evacuate the people today and send the disk to a safe place. The place……"

That night, Saki Midorikawa and Rena Mizumu, who were scattered around the neighborhood, received the news one after another, drove back to Tokyo, checked the situation on the road, and then went back to their respective homes.

Not long after, the two assistants drove off to their foothold in Tokyo.

After Chi Feichi, Takatori Yannan, Gin, and Vodka set up bombs in the villa, they installed cameras and bugs everywhere in the villa, and then scattered them in two cars, one with bacteria and the other with disks. The cars that followed the two assistants one after the other were not protection, but surveillance, lest the two assistants escape during the transfer.

After that, it was Chianti who had been released for a day.

Chianti set off very late to observe whether Nishitama City sent police to Tokyo.

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