Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1845 Overseer's Night

Conan: I'm Not a Snake Syndrome Main Volume Chapter 1845 Overseer's Night After sending the bacteria to the new laboratory, Gin and vodka drove back to Nishidama City, while staring at the cameras and bugs installed throughout the villa.

They have been active in the villa, and they have checked each room. No matter how careful they are, they will inevitably leave some footprints and hair. The time is urgent, and it is difficult to clean up a little bit. If the corpse in the villa is discovered in advance, even the things in the basement It will be very troublesome if it is not cleaned up, and the bomb can only be detonated in advance. Before the police go to the villa, their traces should be removed first.

Gin rushed back to Nishitama City, that is, for the convenience of monitoring the situation of the villa and detonating the bomb.

On the other side, Chi Feichi didn't take time off either. After delivering the disks, he contacted the laboratory of the Chemical Pharmaceutical Department, communicated with the pharmaceutical staff, and found out the most suitable chemical agent for dissolving the things in the basement without causing large-scale chemical pollution. Arrange manpower to work overtime to make enough volume, and when the work is over, it is almost dawn.

Yan Nan Takatori was in charge of contacting the hands and arranging for people to go to Xitama City to do the coolies for destroying specimens, and he only went back to sleep an hour earlier than Chi Fei.

Sleep during the day and become active at night.

Another late night when the work and rest were upside down, Chi Feichi held Lak's face, and brought the bearded and disguised Takato Yannan back to West Tama City again.

This time, they will also be responsible for keeping an eye on the trucks delivering the chemical agents.

After receiving the news, Gin Jiu confirmed the safety of the vicinity of the villa in advance, communicated with Chi Feichi on the road, and asked the peripheral members who arrived at the villa first to move the specimens from the basement to the living room on the first floor.

When Chi Fei arrived late, he found a round table and chairs in the living room near the door, and a pot of hot tea was boiling.

Gin and vodka sat at the table to oversee the work, while the six men in dark glasses were still moving things up from the basement, and there were already a lot of bottles and cans piled up near the basement.

"Luck, Srivova!"

Probably after sleeping all day, the vodka was full of energy. He turned his head and greeted the two people who entered the door enthusiastically, and asked, "Did you bring everything?"

Chi Feichi nodded, looked at the big man in sunglasses who came out holding two big bottles, and found that their faces were livid and ugly. His eyes stayed on their somewhat damp collars and cuffs, and asked hoarsely, "Vomited?"

"Huh..." Gin sat on a chair with his legs crossed, with a lit cigarette in his mouth, and looked at the two people who put the jar down, "Some things that Sijing guy made are disgusting, and that 'scrap' Many corpses in the room are rotten, and the smell is not very pleasant after opening, I have already asked them to go to the bathroom here to clean up the bathroom after vomiting."

Takato Yan Nan cast a sympathetic look at the busy man in sunglasses.

He felt sick to his stomach when he saw those things yesterday. Fortunately, the utility room was also closed, and there was no smell of rotten meat. Otherwise, he might have 'vomited first' yesterday.

It is not easy to work for the organization, you are all strong men!

"Srivova, let them go to the car first, and get the chemicals out," Chi Feichi hissed, and sat down on the chair by the table, "Don't forget to take off the gas mask, when dissolving the corpse Better wear a gas mask."

"Okay!" After Takatori Yannan nodded, he stepped forward to communicate with the big men in sunglasses, and led them to carry things outside the door.

Vodka looked at the teapot on the table, "Luck, should we also wear gas masks?"

"No, as long as you don't stand by, you'll be fine."

Chi Feichi reached out to pick up the teacup and looked at it. After confirming that there was no dust in the teacup, he poured tea for himself and Takatori Yannan.

Two metal containers the size of water storage buckets were placed in the living room. The six coolies were divided into two groups. Four people continued to move things from the basement. Mask, fish out the dead mice and organ specimens inside, and throw them into the solution in the metal container.


After the specimen was thrown into the solution, the surface quickly turned black, and strands of turbid mist rose up. As those things were eroded, infiltrated, and shrunk by the solution, the mist gradually disappeared, and they were quickly thrown into new specimens.

In order to dissolve the specimen as cleanly as possible, the two big men in sunglasses who were in charge of the dissolution would stir the solution with metal rods from time to time, which was not much easier than the other four people who were carrying things.

Near the door, the four-man team of overseers is much more relaxed.

Chi Feichi took the laptop from the car, read the work emails, edited the content of the reply, and scheduled it to be sent tomorrow during the day.

Takatori Yannan sat on the side, lying on the table and chatting with the night owls and children of the Hanbute Club on his mobile phone. The reminder sound of the UL chat software kept going, and he occasionally freed his hand to drink tea, and looked up at the excited vodka. Look away and continue chatting.

Vodka used a tablet computer to watch the variety show that THK Company and Nichimai TV worked on. When he saw Okino Yoko and Chiga Suzu appearing on the stage, he got excited from time to time and resisted the urge to speak in solidarity, but his sunglasses couldn’t block his face With a happy expression, the corners of his mouth are wide open.

Gin sits and flips through his mobile phone, sometimes he doesn’t know what information he’s flipping through, and sometimes he’s typing away, lighting a cigarette from time to time, adding second-hand smoke pollution to the other three, and causing the other three to start the mode of ‘second-hand smoke hurts each other’.

At four o'clock in the morning, Chi Feichi closed the email, opened the folder, and rebuilt the new file. He looked up at the busy men in sunglasses, and hissed, "Have not destroyed half of it yet."

Vodka also temporarily put down the newly opened new drama, and looked up at the jars in the hands of the coolies who destroyed them, "Yeah, the large specimens in the basement haven't been brought up yet, and it looks like it will take at least six more to completely destroy them." Seven hours."

Gin also looked up, and lowered his email, "It's off at eight o'clock in the morning. I'll find someone to watch the surveillance around the villa and in the villa. If there is no accident, I will let them come over at six o'clock in the afternoon."

Chi Feichi let out an 'hmm' and continued to use the computer to type out a new copy of the advertising plan.

Takatori Yannan followed up with the girl from the Handie Club who was on the night shift, and chatted so well that he picked up the girl from the Handie Club who didn't work the night shift and got up early. He suddenly remembered the truckloads of smuggled goods he picked up a while ago, and said curiously, "By the way, come on. There are some parts in the shipment, is it a new gunship?"

Seeing that Chi Feichi was busy typing on the keyboard frantically, Qin Jiu glanced sideways and found that Chi Feichi stared openly after typing the advertisement plan, and did not hide the private goods from Takato Yannan, "Apa I don’t know how long it will take to ship all the strange parts, and there are also replacement and maintenance parts for some Osprey transport aircraft.”

Takatori Yannan was a little emotional, "Is there an Osprey transport plane in the organization..."

"Yes, the Osprey transport aircraft equipped with full weapons." Seeing a group of people chatting and not busy chasing the drama, Vodka smiled proudly, and couldn't help suggesting, "The next time we need it, we will fly the Osprey transport aircraft." Go to perform the task, so that even if it is raining, you won’t lose sight of the mouse hiding on the tower!”

Gin: "..."

He was reading the advertising planning copy with great interest, did Vodka insist on mentioning the crash to spoil the fun?

Chi Feichi: "..."

In fact, even if I change to an Osprey next time, it will be...

Oh, forget it.

"By the way, brother," Vodka talked to gin again, "Last time there was no news about the mouse on the Eastern Capital Tower. According to the investigators, only a group of rats knocked unconscious by Ireland were rescued from it." The police, and the daughter of an imp and a Maori detective..."

"Oh?" Gin was just about to light a cigarette to ease the mood spoiled by vodka. Hearing this, the hand striking the match paused, and looked sideways at Chi Feichi, "Luck, do you know about this?"

"I told that person about this," Chi Feichi stared at the computer and typed without raising his head, and said in a low voice, "I heard it from Mao Lilan, she was injured by Ireland, that one She should have fainted by then, as if she was just like the police, she just thought that some gangster disguised himself as Matsumoto Kiyomachi and sneaked into the police for an ulterior secret."

Gin retracted his gaze, lowered his eyes, struck a match and lit the cigarette he was biting, and thoughtfully said, "She can tell, if you didn't expose it, she deliberately explained it to make you let your guard down, it means she doesn't know the inside story... ..."

"So, could it be a certain policeman in the Eastern Capital Tower at that time? After Ireland knocked those guys out, he went upstairs. Maybe some guy woke up and went up just in time to meet our helicopter. "Vodka guessed, and analyzed, "Our people have noticed later that the downed Apache helicopter seems to have been shot by some large metal object, which caused the crash. Do you have this kind of thing on your body? Those police officers might have carried that kind of weapon on their body in order to hunt down criminals that day."

"Maybe it's the gangsters or the Japanese police," Takatori Yannan also joined the guessing queue, and smiled helplessly, "Isn't there a gang of gangsters staring at us? I have to be careful when I receive the goods." Someone is watching."

Unfortunately, they have many enemies.

But he wasn't very nervous either. After staying in the organization for a long time, he knew how strong the hidden power behind the organization was. With so many perverts, it shouldn't be a problem to beat those fuckers, right?

Gin didn't participate in the speculation and analysis, but only recognized Takatori Yannan's caution, "It's a good thing to be cautious."

Chi Feichi remained silent, busy with the matter at hand.

He knew that Gin was still suspecting that some force in the folk was targeting them.

Because 'strange phenomena' have appeared more than once in their actions.

For example, what happened at Xianqiao Station before, like the crash of the Dongdu Tower, for Gin, there should be the incident where Pisco said he had caught Shirley before he died, but he didn't see anyone. Suspect.

With so many obstacles, it doesn't take much to know that someone has already targeted the organization and tried to destroy the organization more than once.

Afterwards, I didn't see any clues from the criminal police, public security, or even gangsters or other forces, and the other party didn't seem to want to make a big fuss.

Then, with Gin Jiu's rich experience in fighting the enemy, how can he guess that the opponent is unlikely to be an official force, has a small number of people, and has a certain understanding of the organization...

In fact, following the analysis of Gin Jiu's thinking, if you want to suddenly have a certain understanding of the organization, and then suddenly appear to oppose the organization, there are definitely organization traitors who fled before in this force, such as Shirley who has not been caught, And combined with the sniping incident of the Maori Detective Agency, the other party may also have contact with the group of sluts who sneaked in. The most suspicious one is the famous detective Maori Kogoro, and Juna Rick defected after those strange incidents. It has nothing to do with it, but the disappearance of Generic may be an action planned by that force...

The reason why they didn't bite and investigate is probably because they don't worry about debts, and they don't bite when there are too many lice. There are too many people chasing them and beating them. For example, people from the intelligence agencies of various countries have not completely eliminated the organization for many years. Lost, not even hurt the organization, but lost the lives of many undercover agents.

The power hiding in the dark wants to make trouble, so let's see what the other party can do. He often walks by the river, and there is no one who does not wet his shoes. The more noisy the other party is, the easier it is to be caught. The organization can use thunderous means to deal with and completely eliminate it. Before that, as long as the organization is not hurt by the trap, Qin Jiu has the confidence to win.

What's more, after a few marginal contacts, their actions are not considered a failure, aren't they?

Itakura Zhuo was unreliable in the first place, and it was not surprising that he could not get that kind of program.

As for the operation in Ireland, their purpose was to prevent the storage card from falling into the hands of outsiders, and it was also achieved. They took the opportunity to clean up Ireland, a person who might cause trouble in the future, and it was not a loss at all.

Thinking about it this way, he understood that Gin Jiu's current mood is probably not to let me catch the handle and the person, and don't let me catch the opportunity!

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