Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1851 Rena Mizumu: I shouldn't be here

Gin still pointed the gun at Mizumu Renai, and didn't think there was anything wrong with his decision.

Last time outside the Maori Detective Agency, Akai Shuichi wounded Luke's face with a sniper rifle. Although it was just a face-changing face, if Luke hadn't become nervous in advance and filled the fake face with blood, it would be possible for Lark to use the fake face. It was exposed, and anyway, the hatred was settled.

Moreover, that guy Lak seems to be influenced by that person too much, and his attitude towards Akai is too disgusting. If Lak is not allowed to kill Akai, Lak might leave a knot in his heart, and his mental state will not be very stable in the future, and he will have a headache at that time Still him.

Chianti owed Lark two heads before, and it made sense to give the head to Laque this time.

In short, it is better for this head to belong to Lak.


Silently, Gin opened the safety of the pistol with his fingers.

But he also wants this head very much. S-level heads like Akai are rare, at least he wants to see what Akai Hideichi was like when he died...

Rena Mizumura: "..."

She knew that gin had a taste for torture, including psychological torture.

As long as she is firm in her heart, Gin can't scare her. However, can Gin open insurance if she disagrees with her, what if the gun goes off?


Mihua department store.

After Chi Feichi entered the door, he got on the escalator. Considering that Gin's phone would be busy, he dialed Vodka's phone and switched to headset communication. After putting on the headset, he put away the phone.

"Luck? Did you go in?" Vodka asked, and then quickly said, "Brother Gin asked me to turn on the speakerphone."


"Luck, how's the situation?" Gin asked as usual.

Chi Feichi was thinking about how to scare the members of the red team today, and deliberately answered irrelevantly and hissed, "I'm a little happy."

Vodka: "..."

Shouldn't Lark talk about the situation in the mall? What's the matter with talking about your own mood?

Rena Mizumura: "..."

She became more and more curious about what kind of enmity Akai Shuichi had with Lak. Thinking of killing Akai Shuichi, Lak was so happy... like a child.

Gin didn't expect to get such an answer. Thinking that a certain Lak actually made a joke, he must be really happy, "...Forget it, just be happy."

Rena Mizumura: "..."

One will answer and one will answer.

Vodka: "..."

The eldest brother really secretly discussed with Lak in advance about the ownership of the head, it's biased.

"There are a lot of people in the mall, it's hard to find that guy, I'll take a stroll first," Chi Fei arrived late on the second floor, continued to take the escalator to the third floor, paid attention to the people around him, and hissed to the earphone , "I brought a camera and a rope. If the guy can't hide, I'll show you, or find a way to get him out."

Regardless of whether it was the real Shuichi Akai or the fake Shuichi Akai who was undercover undercover Amuro, he would be equally willing to bully him if he got the chance.

"Hmph..." Gin was in a much better mood, and Lak was still kind, and he didn't forget to bring everyone to have fun together when he was happy, "If it will cause trouble, don't mess around."

"I'm sensible," said the hoarse voice, and asked again, "Is there anything you want, and I'll buy it for you along the way."

Rena Mizumura: "..."

Anyway, this "you" definitely does not include her, right?

"Whatever you want." Qin Jiu replied.

Sweating with vodka, "Uh, I don't really want anything in particular."

"That's it, and we'll get back in touch if there's a situation."

With a hoarse voice, he hung up the phone.

In such a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, Reina Mizumu always felt that she shouldn't be here when Gin Jiu pointed a gun at her, and sighed, "Gin Jiu, you and Lak have a really good relationship."

Gin picked up the phone with his right hand, ready to call Cohen, but the gun held tightly in his left hand was still pointing at Rena Mizumura, "It doesn't seem like you should worry about it now."

Mizumura choked, a string of unknown characters floated in her heart, and smiled calmly, "Yeah, what I'm more curious about now is whether you will be happy or feel that after you find out that Akai is not alive at all. disappointment."


The sixth floor of the department store.

Chi Feichi got off the escalator, went to the nearby electrical appliance area, and then turned to the electronic product area.

In a shopping mall with people coming and going, shelves and shops everywhere, it is not easy to find someone. When the target is not locked, if the other party enters a store for a minute, they may miss it.

He remembered that in this episode, the trio of Mori Kogoro, Conan, and Mori Ran Reaper went to the sporting goods area, which was located on the fourth floor, where other key figures would meet, and it was impossible to come to the electrical appliance area.

But it's only past ten o'clock in the morning, and there is still plenty of time. He can stop by to see if there is anything new in the mall, and understand how far the world's bizarre and twisted technological road has developed.

The fifth floor is an area for furniture, household items, and a children's play area.

There are several coffee shops and drink shops starting from the fourth floor, as well as the sporting goods area and some clothing stores.

Chi Feichi wandered to the fourth floor, walked past one store after another, bought a set of casual clothes as a spare in an emergency, and continued to take the escalator to the third floor.

The department store in Mihuacho 3-chome, he had visited once before when he accompanied Yue Shui to buy daily necessities. In addition to some clothing stores and light food restaurants, there was also a large fruit shop on the third floor.

He wanted to buy a bag of oranges for his colleagues.

The price of fruits in Japan is generally high, and the packaging is hard to describe. Three or four oranges can be divided into one serving, and I wish I could pack one orange in a small box.

Chi Feichi didn't mind. He picked five boxes and brought them to the counter. Just as he was about to continue, he saw a clerk of the store transporting goods into the store with a trolley, and turned his head to look over.

Behind the counter, the female clerk waiting for the settlement saw that the customer in front of her was interested, and explained with a smile, "The fruits in our store are very fresh, and all of them are delivered to the store for repackaging. The fruits delivered at noon are all fresh. It is some fruits that have been stored for a long time, and the fruits that have been stored for a short time will be delivered in the morning, and they will be collected in the discount area the next morning."

Chi Feichi believed that the fruit in this store was packaged by himself, because he saw the whole durian, looked back, and said to the female shop assistant in a hoarse voice, "Add another durian and a coconut."

The shop assistant was taken aback when she heard the hoarse voice of the young foreign man in front of her. Considering that the man might have injured her vocal cords before, she didn't show any surprise, she just confirmed, "One, one whole?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "Please wrap it up for me."

Waiting to cut and repackage, he will pack up a bunch of boxes and come over? That would be more convenient than just taking one away.

As for the coconut... I can take it back to stew chicken soup later, and add a dish to the gin, vodka and Takatori Yannan who are still squatting hard in the hot weather.

Three minutes later, the female clerk finally packed the coconuts and durians into square boxes of different sizes, put them in bags, and settled the bill. After Chi Fei paid late, she smiled and said, "Thank you for your patronage, and welcome to visit next time. The smell of durian is very special, so I will help you pack it more tightly, if you can’t finish it for a while, you can cut it into pieces and put it in ice..."

Chi Feichi picked up the bag and went straight out.

It's almost time, he has to go see if Conan is in place.

In the bathroom on the third floor, while Andre Cameron was washing his hands with his head down, he noticed someone walking behind him. He looked up curiously at the mirror in front of him, and watched in astonishment that Shuichi Akai, who was wearing a black baseball cap and had a burn scar on his face, walked by. , After regaining consciousness, he found that the other party had gone out, so he opened the door in a panic and chased him into the corridor.

There were quite a few customers in the corridor outside, some of them entered and some of them left, and some planned to go upstairs or downstairs to the escalator.

In the crowd, he didn't see anyone suspected of Akai Shuichi at all, but there was a... a...

Chi Feichi turned the corner and saw Andre Cameron, who was staring at him from a distance, with a very wonderful expression on his face. He didn't pay much attention, and walked to the escalator without haste, carrying two big bags. .

Yes, he managed to bump into one, and that expression could satisfy his wicked taste.

After Andre Cameron came back to his senses, he quickly withdrew his staring gaze and watched the figure on the fourth floor from the corner of his eye with an ugly face. After the figure in black disappeared, he hurriedly ran to The coffee shop agreed with Judy.


Why is that guy here? Also, what happened to Mr. Akai that he saw in the bathroom?

In the coffee shop, Judy was at the counter, anxiously asking the waiter if she had a customer with burns on her face before, and took out a black hat to confirm, "Is that person wearing such a black hat?"

The waiter didn't understand why Judy was in such a hurry, but he still said truthfully, "Yes, I wear it."

Andre Cameron, who opened the door and entered the store, heard the conversation between the two and asked aloud, "Is that person... Mr. Akai?"

Judy looked back in surprise, and heard from Andre Cameron that she encountered Scar Akai in the bathroom, and also confessed that she had met Akai Shuichi with burn scars on her face before, and this time she came to the mall to follow the clues of the hat. She also found a coaster suspected to be left by Akai Hideichi just now. It wrote a message about the danger here and told her to escape. By the way, she also analyzed that Akai Hideichi might have managed to escape death, but lost his memory because of the injury, and just recovered his memory. When she discovered the crisis, she had to give her an early warning in this way.

Due to the emotional agitation, Judy didn't notice that Andre Cameron looked different for a while.

Andre Cameron's forehead was covered with cold sweat. After hearing Judy's words, he asked with a stiff face, "Isn't this a trap for those guys?"

"Ah?" Judy was taken aback, and quickly retorted, "But, if that's really Xiuyi..."

Andre Cameron whispered with an ugly face, "I just met Lak."

"What, what?" Judy was startled and lost her voice, remembering that the latter's face had been uneasy since he came in, and then realized that Andre Cameron's face was not only ugly because he saw Scar Akai, and quickly confirmed, "You just met Lak Wine? Here?"

Andre Cameron nodded, "After I chased out of the bathroom, I didn't see Mr. Akai again, but I saw rake in the corridor, so I doubt it might be their trap."

"But what's the purpose? What are they doing this for? Do they still want to use this to lure us out?" Judy said, she felt that this idea was outrageous, and then remembered the warning words on the coaster, her face changed suddenly, With a trace of uneasiness and fear, he anxiously asked Andre Cameron, "Could they have found out that Xiu Yi is not dead, and are planning to attack when Xiu Yi is not in the right state? That person... Lak wine... after him Where did you go? Did you notice it just now?"


Andre Cameron turned his head to look at the glass door of the store, but was surprised to find that a mobile team hurried past outside, and was stunned with Judy.

Mobile team? Is there... something serious going on here?

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