Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1852 can scare a group

fourth floor.

After Chi Feichi got off the escalator, the escalator stopped running.

The area around the sporting goods counter was already in a mess, and many people from nearby stores went out together, gathering at the counter with panicked whispers.

"Hey, what happened here?"

"I, I heard that a bomb was placed on this floor..."

"How, how... are you kidding me!"

Chi Feichi switched the bag to his left hand, took out the black hat he bought earlier from the shopping bag, put it on his head, and followed the crowd.

In front of the sporting goods counter, people from the inner three floors and the outer three floors were already surrounded. There were new people rushing over to inquire and confirm the situation, and there were also people who already knew the situation panicked and took the trouble to explain.

"I heard there was a bomb... is it true?"

"Yes, yes, not only were bombs placed next to the elevator and escalator, but a man was strapped with a bomb..."

"very scary……"


Chi Feichi sensed the vibration of the phone in his pocket, and raised his hand to press the earphones in his ears.

"Luck, Cohen, who was guarding the underground parking lot, said that the mobile team and the police went upstairs, and now many people have been evacuated downstairs," Qin Jiu asked in a deep voice, "Did something happen upstairs?"

"Someone hijacked the entire fourth floor with a bomb," Chi Feichi said in a low hoarse voice. Hearing some people beside him still discussing, he continued to walk into the crowd, put his hand in his pocket, and turned up the volume of the earphone microphone, "Wait one time……"

"Why is there a bomb? Is it a terrorist attack?"

"It seems that the bomber wanted to find the person who sent him a red T-shirt... Isn't Mr. Mori Kogoro, the famous detective, there? The man who was tied to the bomb said that if Mr. Mori couldn't find the criminal, the bomber would It will detonate the bomb."

"Huh? Then, will we all die then?"

"Probably not...Mr. Mori is here, he can definitely solve the problem raised by that crime, right?"

Downstairs in the car on the side of the road, Gin quietly listened to the noise from the phone and kept silent.

Hijack a floor with a bomb...

The police and the mobile team were alarmed...

What happened again? Shouldn't he have let Lark in in the first place?

Chi Feichi listened to the crowd comforting each other over and over again, turned down the volume of the headset microphone, and said, "That's it."

"Mori Kogoro..." Gin paused, "You are all on the floor where the bomb is, right?"

"That's right, we're all there," Chi Feichi looked up at the center of the crowd, where red T-shirts were spread out on the ground, his teacher and Xiaolan were beside him, but Conan was nowhere to be seen, "The people holding the floor It doesn't seem to mind that people here contact the outside world, of course, they didn't show up."

"Now the mobile team has guarded the elevators, escalators and safe passages on the floor, and Kogoro Moori is there, so there is no need to worry about the bomb exploding for the time being," Qin Jiu said, "Just wait in the crowd, if you find If you have a chance to leave, evacuate there immediately, don't be blocked by the mobile team and the police for interrogation, although I don't think they can stop you..."

In the crowd, Conan frowned and thought, and the small figure ran to the nearby shop.

Those red T-shirts are laid out according to the creases, like waving semaphore. After the semaphore is translated, it can also be connected into a sentence.

'I saw you buried...'

The semaphore is used in the sea or mountains where signal transmission is difficult, and coupled with the meaning expressed, one can think of burying corpses.

Combined with what he learned before, he still needs to check again...

"I now……"

In the noisy crowd, a hoarse man's voice was suppressed very low, almost hidden in the crowd's discussion, but it was also hoarse because of its low voice, but it could not be completely covered by other people's voices.

The location of that voice is not far away...

Conan's face changed when he heard this special voice, his footsteps also stopped, and he slowly raised his head to look in the direction of the sound.

In the crowd of onlookers, a blond young man was wearing a black coat and a black hat. He was carrying a bunch of shopping bags and boxes in his left hand, and his right hand was always in his trouser pocket. He was taller than the people next to him.

He looked up, and saw the blond hair under the hat, the cold and indifferent expression on the side face, the small freckles on both cheeks, and the earphones in his ears...

The voice in his ear seemed to fade away in an instant, and he couldn't even hear the deep and hoarse voice. He could only watch the other party's lips open and close, speaking in a leisurely manner.

You can withdraw if you want...

'I can withdraw now if I want to', is that the sentence?

Chi Feichi felt a very low line of sight staring at him all the time, turned his head to look over, but could only see the waist and legs of the crowd, and looked away thoughtfully.

Everyone else was nervously watching Mori Kogoro solve the puzzle, and the only person who would stare straight at him now, and who was only as tall as an adult, was Conan.

Well, the second one is already freaking out.

Next is...

"You'd better not mess around," Gin reminded, "like the attention-grabbing incident last time, if you do it again, your face will probably be remembered by many policemen and mobile players, and it will be easier to act in the future Being noticed is not as convenient as before."

"Last time it was because of a nosy brat..."

Chi Feichi quietly scanned the crowd, ready to look for Fenmao's figure.

Let him see where the third intimidation target is today.

Conan hid behind a group of guests, and the distant voice came back little by little. Accompanied by the violent and powerful heartbeat, he heard the discussion of the surrounding people clearly again. He immediately collected himself, breathed slowly, and walked around The crowd slowly approached behind a certain Lak.

The clues of the incident can be investigated later, he must now figure out why the rake wine appeared here this time!

"Don't worry, it won't happen this time, I have a better way to leave..."

Chi Feichi caught the pink-haired figure walking through the crowd and looking down at the red T-shirt on the ground, and also saw a figure wearing a black hat in the crowd not far away, with a smile on his mouth, moving towards the two without a trace Approaching in the direction, the hoarse voice was still very soft, "I saw it, that ghost."

The third and fourth intimidation targets appeared.

"Oh? Have you already found it?" Gin Jiu also became excited instantly, "Then use the camera and take a picture of that guy's face, so we can see clearly!"

Conan quietly followed behind under the cover of the crowd, watching a nearby blond young man take out a miniature camera from his pocket, pin it on his collar, frowned, and glanced around.

Does the ghost refer to... Mr. Akai?

Anyway, Lark seems to want to use a camera to capture the situation here, which means that there are probably other members of the organization outside the building!

"I asked Silva to share the video with you," Chi Feichi hissed into the headset, took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Yan Nan Takatori, and then walked to the front row of the crowd, "But it's crowded here Many people, if you don’t raise the camera up, you probably won’t be able to see the ghost, so I’ll go near him first.”

"Hmph..." Gin was in a good mood, "It doesn't matter if he finds out, but you have to worry about the Maori detective over there, don't fall into any trap!"

In the front row, Okiya Subaru looked at the red T-shirts spread out on the ground, then looked away thoughtfully, but suddenly saw "Akai Shuichi" with burn scars in the crowd, and looked him up in surprise.

Toru Amuro looked at Akai Shuichi's face with burn scars, and when he was keenly aware of someone's attention, he immediately turned his head and looked over, but only saw shopping mall customers nervously staring at Mori Kogoro solving puzzles.

Okiya Subaru stepped back behind the crowd, raised his hand and pushed his glasses, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Let's just say, he definitely doesn't have a split personality, swaying around with a burned face, the only ones who can do that kind of thing are probably those black wolves...

Wait, that person just now was...

After seeing the figure in black approaching on the other side of the crowd from the corner of his line of sight, the smile on the corner of Subaru Okiya's mouth froze, and he took two steps back slowly pretending to be calm.


This guy's eyes are really dangerous, looking in the direction of... that man with his face but with burn scars?

Chi Feichi stared at a certain scarred Akai in the crowd, his gaze was as sharp as a goshawk staring at its prey. When he found that the other party was watching him, he quickened his pace, took out his right hand from his trousers pocket, and folded the The knife slid from the sleeve into his hand, and was tightly held by the pale and dry palm, with a hoarse voice with a faint smile, "Trap?"

Conan also quickened his pace, closely following a dangerous guy passing through the crowd, and his face turned pale when he saw the jackknife in his palm bounce off.

What does this raki guy want? On the spot murder?

In the crowd, Toru Amuro felt a dangerous gaze locked on him. With Akai's burned face, he looked up from under the brim of the black baseball cap. After seeing the other's face under the black hat, his expression remained calm, but his heart was shaking. There was a drum.

Why is the advisor here?

No, just based on this face, I can't be 100% sure that this is a consultant, I can only say that there is a high probability that that person is a consultant.

Moreover, the other party did not hide the malice in his eyes, kept staring at him, and gradually accelerated his pace as he approached him, giving him an ominous premonition.

Chi Feichi's eyes staring at a scarred Akai gradually became frenzied, and the killing intent was also concentrated in his eyes a little bit. He hissed, "Gin, it doesn't matter if there are traps or not."

Taking advantage of the fact that he shouldn't know that Akai Shuichi in front of him is a fake undercover Amuro, he really wants to go up and poke undercover Amuro.

If you miss today, you may have to wait a long time to poke Amuro.

Even if he can't poke it, he will go.

He wants to scare a group of...

He wants to scare a group of...

He wants to scare a group of...

Thinking of Conan following him, Okiya Subaru from the crowd watching him, and Amuro Toru's heart beating like a drum, he instantly became happy.

Gin Jiu saw the video from the camera, and after noticing Chi Feichi's quickening pace, he hurriedly asked, "What do you want to do?"

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