Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1853 Conan: Lark is crazy!

"He saw me." Chi Feichi looked at a certain scar Akai who was looking at him, his hoarse voice was strangely soft, "I'll go over now, and when I get to that guy, I'll put the knife into his chest one by one. body, and immediately cut off his trachea, before I was caught by others, he was already dead, so what if I was exposed?"

In front of Fenmao of 'True Akai', it's very easy to poke Amuro Toru, who is wearing Akai's fake face, so that Fenmao can see the pained expression on his face, and make Amuro's little undercover understand the risk of pretending to be someone else. interesting~

Conan following behind: "!"


Is raki crazy? Do you really want to kill someone directly?

Shui Wurena, who was listening silently: "..."

Mr. Akai should really reflect on it. How did he offend Lark when he was organizing an undercover agent?

Gin: "..."

Rucker is absolutely insane.

But think about it, Lark's face is fake, even if someone kills someone on the spot and is targeted, it's a big deal to change his face.

In the crowd, Toru Amuro watched a young man in black quickly passing through the crowd and approaching him. The scarred Akai Yirong's face was still calm, his eyes were not panicked, but his heart was beating faster.

Something is wrong.

The advisor's gaze today was terribly unfamiliar, and the killing intent was strong and cold, like a murderous demon who doesn't care about harvesting lives.

If the person in front of him is really a consultant, the consultant's spirit may not be normal now, making him wonder if the consultant has been stimulated recently, or...

Does the advisor hate that guy Akai so much?

Well, the most important question now is that the consultant seems to be planning to come up to stab him directly, should he avoid it now?

If he retreats into the crowd and uses the crowd to cover him, there is a high probability that the advisor will not have a chance to attack, and at worst, he will lead the advisor to another place to explain clearly.

But if he chooses to avoid the crowd now and go to a secluded place, with the consultant's current state of suspected madness, he may be even more reckless, and kill him directly without listening to his explanation, it will be worse than here.

Furthermore, he was also worried that the crowd would not be able to stop the consultant. What if the consultant became so abnormal that he attacked ordinary people? He didn't want the consultant to get into this kind of trouble, and he didn't want to see ordinary people block the knife for him.


He doesn't hide anymore, but push himself up?

After getting closer, whisper to the consultant about your identity?

Not far away, Okiya Subaru was also mixed in the crowd, squinting his eyes under the glasses quietly watching the two people who were staring at each other. Although he didn't hear the whisper of the hoarse male voice before, he quickly walked over when the blond man in black walked by. A few moments ago, he caught the reflection of the cold and silver knife in the opponent's right hand, and his face changed.

Is it raki...

Conan quietly followed behind, and after realizing that the rake was very close to the scarred Akai, he finally didn't intend to hesitate, raised his right hand, and used a watch-shaped anesthetic needle to standardize the back of the blond man.

Downstairs, in the Porsche 356a on the side of the road, Rena Mizumura stared at the video on the tablet, watching the people in her field of vision being avoided one by one, she seemed to be able to hear the sound of Lak's rapidly approaching footsteps, and couldn't help it He said in a low voice, "I said... If Lak kills people in public and is spotted by the police, will that one get angry?"

Although she can't protect herself now, the more she is, the more she has to stand on the standpoint of members of the organization and the gin team, reminding Gin who has been silent and tacitly let Luke mess around.

Gin stared at the tablet for a moment, and immediately stopped it, "Wait a minute, Lark!"

If Lark killed people in public, even if he escaped and changed his face, that one would be upset because of their mess.

Almost impulsive!


Mihua Department Store, 4th floor.

Chi Feichi heard that the sound of gin on the earphone was wrong, so he stopped in his tracks.


The small anesthetic needle passed Chi Feichi's side and hit the back of the neck of the young woman in front.

Conan: "!"

After the young woman received an anesthetic injection, she staggered blankly.

The companion next to him was hit, turned his head and asked in doubt, "What's wrong with you?"


The young woman murmured and fell to the ground.

The people around were crowded together, looking at Kogoro Mori with tense nerves, when someone fell down suddenly in front of them, they were startled and backed away in panic.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Why did she faint?"

"Are you okay?"

Before the crowd became chaotic, Chi Feichi also took a few steps back with the crowd to avoid standing in the empty area and being noticed. When he looked up again, he found that the scarred Chijing who was standing not far away had disappeared. , fell silent for a while, put away the jackknife in his right hand, and slowly retreated to the back of the crowd.

Seeing this, Conan quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he shot the wrong person, it seemed that Lakjiu did not intend to continue the crazy act of killing people in public, and he had achieved his goal.

Okiya Subaru mixed in the crowd, looked at Conan, and heaved a sigh of relief. When Conan saw it, he narrowed his eyes and smiled.

At critical moments, the little detective is indeed very reliable.

If he hadn't seen Conan aiming at the raki with his watch just now, he would have been thinking about whether he should pretend to be ignorant and hit the raki.

In that way, he will notice that there is a risk of Yi Rong being seen through, but there is no way, if he pushes others to bump into Lak, with Lak's abnormal madness of intending to kill people in public, maybe he will Directly attack ordinary people and replace him, at least he can guarantee that he will not be stabbed to death for no reason...

Conan received the 'signal' from Okiya Subaru, thinking that he still had allies, he felt a lot more at ease, looked up and searched for a blond figure in black in the crowd again, and found that the other party turned and walked towards the bathroom. He wanted to follow, but found that Okiya Subaru walked away first, and couldn't help being startled.

Okiya Subaru didn't look back, and walked towards the coffee shop calmly, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth.

The task of keeping an eye on this dangerous person is entrusted to him, and the little detective should solve the case!

Someone in the crowd suddenly fainted, which alarmed the other guests one after another. Even Mori Kogoro was attracted and stepped forward to check on the woman.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Chi Feichi walked past a person, walked to an empty aisle, carried big and small bags of things to the bathroom, and continued to talk to Gin in a hoarse voice.

"A woman fainted... But what happened to you just now?"

"Don't worry about dealing with that guy. Anyway, he will come out of that cement box sooner or later. If you want to kill him, there are many opportunities. There is no need to put you in the situation of killing him in public," Qin Jiu said in a deep voice, "If you know We made things complicated because we couldn't bear our temper, that one will be unhappy, and you don't want to be restricted by that one in the future, do you?"

"Got it," Chi Feichi hissed, took off the neck camera, and walked into the bathroom, "Then I'll take it off first."

Well, gin convinced him.

He didn't want to be considered 'unstable' by that person, then his actions would really be restricted in the future, or worse, that person might arrange for him a psychiatrist.

Although it's a pity that he couldn't stab Amuro's undercover agent, he was scared anyway, and he has achieved his goal. There is no other fun in this masquerade party, and he will withdraw as soon as possible.

"How do you plan to get out of there?" Qin Jiu asked.

Chi Feichi reached out to close the door behind him, locked it again, wiped off the fingerprints on it with a handkerchief, took out the tape and wrapped the shopping bag in his hand a few times, walked to the half-open window, and said hoarsely, In a calm tone, "Jump down."


Communication cut off.

Gin: "..."

in a minute...

Okiya Subaru stood quietly outside the bathroom door. After listening for a long time, he found that there was no movement inside. He remembered the shopping bag that seemed to contain a large box in the hands of a certain Lak before. He was worried that it was a bomb or other dangerous items, so he raised his hand and knocked on it. Knocking on the door, he asked in a warm disguised voice, "Excuse me, is there anyone in there? I want to go to the bathroom, can I trouble you to hurry up?"

There was no response, and the bathroom was silent.

Behind the building, Chi Feichi landed safely, got up and avoided the side of the road, and watched a group of mobile team members run towards the front of the building. While walking towards the street entrance, Chi Feichi tore off the tape wrapped around the shopping bags and threw them into the garbage at the street entrance. Toru, crossed the road in front of the building, walked to Takatori Takeshi's car, and opened the door.

"Lack..." Yan Nan Takatori was stunned, reached out to help him pick up the shopping bag that Chi Feichi handed in the car, turned around and put the things in the back seat, hesitantly confirmed with a voice, "Gin Jiu said just now that you plan to jump off... ..."

"It's only four floors up." Chi Feichi didn't rush into the car, took out a cigarette and bit it, and looked up at the muzzle of the sniper rifle protruding from the third floor of the building next door, "It's not half as high as I jumped before. "

Takatori Yannan smiled, "That's right, you jumped over higher floors before, but that guy seems to have mentioned this to Gin, and he doesn't seem to be worried about you falling."

"Well, I'll go see them."

Chi Feichi walked towards the Porsche 356a parked in front.

"Speaking of who hates Akai more than Bourbon or Rucker..." Vodka whispered from the car window, "I think Rucker should hate Akai more."

"That Bourbon guy is a secretist just like Belmode, but whether he knows about it or not, and I know where he is, I don't intend to tell him..." Gin raised his eyes and looked away. Chi Feichi, who arrived at the side of the car, did not rush to say hello. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he lowered the car window halfway, and continued, "That guy Bourbon firmly believes that only he can kill Akai, so he doesn't believe that Akai is dead at all. .”

Chi Feichi: "..."

Akai Hideichi is obviously the target given to him by that one, the attitude of Little Undercover Amuro is wrong, he is so arrogant that he owes... beating...

Qin Jiu's words were suspected of sowing discord between him and Amuro's undercover agent.

"If he knows that Akai is not dead, he will definitely show a sneer of 'as I expected'," Qin Jiu said coldly, "I don't want to see his ugly face of gloating!"

ugly face...

Hearing this description again, Vodka was a little speechless. When he found that Chi Fei was smoking beside the car late, he lowered the car window and asked, "Luck, really jumped off?"

Chi Feichi found that there was no surprise on Qin Jiu's face, but Shui Wuliannai looked at him with concern, and said hoarsely, "I'm not in the mood to stab that guy to death, why don't I withdraw."

Rena Mizumu looked at the figure in black outside the car.

Compared with "Why did you jump down", she felt that what Vodka wanted to express was "You really evacuated by jumping from the fourth floor".

But if you think about it carefully, if she has a tool to use her strength to jump off the fourth floor safely, she can do it too, but now Lak's tone has returned to the usual calm and indifferent tone, which is the same as the gentle but weird hoarseness in the building just now. Comparing the voices, they are completely different.

She couldn't help but think of the first time she met Luke. Not long ago, Luke smiled friendly at her, but after a while, she looked cold when she saw her again. She began to suspect that Luke either had a twin brother, or a man whose emotions changed too quickly. Snake is sick...

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