Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1861 He just makes a casual look

When Gu Chuan and Chi Feichi were courteous to each other, Ayumi stood behind Chi Feichi, looked at Gu Chuan with her head, and couldn't help whispering, "You don't look like a bad guy."

Mitsuhiko looked at Gu Chuan, and said sternly, "The most troublesome bad guys are those who don't write 'I'm bad' on their faces."


Hui Yuanai put his finger on his lips, signaling the children to stop talking.

Conan looked at the noisy stage not far away.

The stage was set up behind the gate of the zoo, surrounded by many reporters, and some staff members were setting it up. The male host in a dark dress was also standing by the side of the stage, looking down at the speech in his hand.

A banner hung on the curtain wall of the stage stating that it was a press conference for the baby polar bear.

Mihua Zoo has been easily reported in recent years. Before that, he just watched it for fun. He thought it was a good thing to report more on animals, so that they could see the cute animals and the new development of the zoo in newspapers and news. .

But thinking about it now, Director Gu Chuan is really a qualified businessman.

"Wow!" Yuan Tai saw the polar bear stand erected on the stage, pointed at the stage with bright eyes and said, "It's the baby polar bear press conference!"

Seeing Gu Chuan, Chi Feichi noticed a group of children and introduced, "These are children I know. They are on vacation today. I will take them to visit the zoo by the way."

"Welcome, welcome!" Gu Chuan smiled and bent over to the five primary school students, "If you are interested in polar bear babies, after the press conference is over, I can have someone take you to see the polar bear babies!"


The three children asked excitedly.

"Of course it's true," Gu Chuan still smiled kindly, "I think they should also be looking forward to making new friends."

Conan glanced at the happy three children and laughed heartily.

These three guys won't just be bribed, right?

Chi Feichi waited for Gu Chuan to straighten up before turning his head to Yueshui Nanatsuki beside him, "This is my friend, Yueshui."

Nanatsuki Yueshui bowed slightly to say hello, "I am Yueshui, I have caused trouble for Mr. Gu Chuan today."

"Where..." Gu Chuan still had a smile on his face, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he quickly smiled, "I heard that there is a new detective agency in Mihua Town, and the female detective who runs the agency is a powerful and beautiful woman. The girl who helped the police solve many incidents at a young age, it is an honor for our Mihua Zoo to be able to visit Miss Yueshui with Master Feichi today!"

Haibara Ai and Conan tightened their hearts.

They could see that both Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki deliberately did not mention Koshimizu Nanatsuki's 'detective' profession, just not to make Gu Chuan feel suspicious or vigilant, but Gu Chuan unexpectedly recognized it.

"You have won the prize. Actually, I haven't been involved in many cases, so I'm embarrassed to say it." Nanatsuki Koshimi gave Chi Feichi a shy look, and said with a blush on his cheeks, "I owe my fame today to Mr. Chi and Mr. Mori help."

Chi Feichi: "..."

This kind of overwater made him very uncomfortable.

Gu Chuan looked at Chi Feichi's indifferent expression, interpreted it as "acceptance", and immediately made up a story of "the capitalist's young master and the famous detective teamed up to hold the girl he likes", showing a clear smile, but still politely said, "Ms. Yueshui can be taken care of by Master Chi and Mr. Mori. I believe that Miss Yueshui is a capable and capable girl. Sooner or later, she will become the number one female detective in Japan!"

Chi Feichi was worried that the bragging would be endless, so he turned his head and asked Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Do you want to go to the press conference first, or go inside?"

"This..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the children hesitantly.

"Go inside and have a look," Mitsuhiko said with his head up, "Anyway, you can go and see the baby polar bear later, can't you?"

"That's right!" Yuan Tai looked at the stage, "It's much better than watching a video!"

"Hahaha..." Gu Chuan smiled, and turned to look at the short-haired young woman in light blue overalls behind her, "Then let Xiaoshan take you on a tour. After I attend the press conference, I will accompany you on the tour."

"Hi everyone, I'm Misaki Kosugi, the tour guide of Mihua Zoo," the short-haired girl greeted with a bow, "Please give me your advice."

"Please teach me a lot!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the five children responded in unison.

Seeing someone waving at him on the stage, Gu Chuan hurriedly said, "Xiaoshan, I'll leave it to you later, Master Feichi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Chi Feichi nodded, and watched Gu Chuan leave. Seeing the crowd with placards rushing forward beside the stage, he did not leave in a hurry.

Beside the stage over there, a group of young men and women wore T-shirts with the same pattern and held a sign saying 'Abolish the Zoo'. When they saw Gu Chuan passing by, they immediately surrounded them, pumping their fists and shouting loudly.

"Abolish the zoo!"

"Set the animals free!"

"Don't put animals in cages!"

The movement immediately attracted the reporters in front of the stage, and they all focused their cameras on this group of people.

"Don't go too far!"

A woman with a neat ponytail and narrow-rimmed glasses stepped forward quickly, wearing a breeder's overalls, frowning and stopped, "We will never capture wild animals back for people to watch! For those artificially bred For animals, the zoo is their home. Please think about it carefully. Compared with the wild environment where the conditions are harsh and full of natural enemies, compared with the zoo where life is not endangered and there is no need to worry about lack of food, where will life be happier? What about? For animals that grew up in the wild, maybe the wild is more suitable for them, but for animals that grew up in zoos..."

Seeing that the scene over there was under control, Kosugi smiled and explained to Chi Feichi with a somewhat embarrassed smile, "Those people are members of an animal protection association in Tokyo. They think it's better to send animals back to nature. They gathered together to protest when a zoo held an event, and they seemed to have been to other zoos before, but I didn’t expect them to come to Mihua Zoo today.”

Conan looked at the female breeder who was talking, and recognized that the other party was the employee who was engaged in illegal transactions. He raised his head and asked Misaki Kosugi, "The female breeder is an employee here, right?"

"Yeah," Xiaosugi nodded with a smile, and introduced with a smile, "She is Miss Mori who is in charge of dangerous animals such as crocodiles and snakes."


Feichi poked his head from Chi Feichi's collar and looked curiously at the stage.

As soon as Kosugi Misaki looked back, she saw the snake stretching its neck beside her, her face changed suddenly in fright, and she took a step back.

Chi Feichi patted Feichi's body, and after Feichi shrank back under his collar, he turned his head and smiled at Xiaoshanmei, "Sorry, this is my pet. It is quite curious, but it usually doesn't bite. .”

"So that's how it is," Kosugi Misaki heaved a sigh of relief, with a forced smile on her face, she hurriedly said, "I'll take everyone in for a visit, please follow me."

Hui Yuanai didn't look at the crowd over there anymore, and raised her head to ask Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, what do you think of the thoughts of those animal protectors?"

Brother Feichi loves animals so much that ordinary people can't compare them. Thinking about the shelters for stray animals that have blossomed all over Japan, and the animal hospitals that have developed step by step, she suddenly wondered what her brother thinks about this controversial issue. the opinion of.

Chi Feichi looked at the group of people who had calmed down, followed Xiaoshan Mei and walked into the door with a smile, "The group of people...had at least ten years of cerebral thrombosis."

The existence of zoos is indeed a shelter and home for many zoo animals.

Asking zoos to release animals back to the wild, I can't think of such a request without a cerebral thrombosis in ten years.

These people are too idle and want to find something in the name of Guangwei to shout. If these people are asked to help the animals adapt to the wild environment, they will run faster one by one.

Hui Yuanai was startled, and after understanding what Chi Feichi meant, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Her brother is really hurt when he hurts people!


Kosugi Misaki did not take a group of people on a sightseeing route, but led the way indoors, and found suitable sized keeper overalls and waterproof boots for the group, and planned to take a group of people to the Panda House that was just completed.

Chi Feichi didn't go to change clothes, but just found a white coat that had been sterilized and put it on, and then followed Xiaoshan Meixiao into the work area.

Xiaosugi smiled and thought that Chi Feichi's wearing a white coat would not make the animals uncomfortable, so she acquiesced in Chi Feichi's behavior.

"By the way, Miss Xiaoshan, what kind of person do you think your principal is?"

Mitsuhiko didn't forget the task of coming here, and he struggled to speak, but it was more straightforward to ask.

"Huh?" Kosugi Mi smiled a little surprised, "Why do you ask that?"

Hui Yuanai took a step ahead of the three children, and explained calmly, "It was reported on TV before that Director Gu Chuan originally worked in a private company. It was because of his joining that the Mihua Zoo, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, revived. Looking down, he is a very capable and kind person, I am a little curious about him."

Xiaosugi felt that Hui Yuan Ai's words were too old-fashioned, but she didn't think too much about it. While leading the way, she admitted, "Yes, the principal is a very capable person, but he..."

Seeing Misaki Kosugi stop talking suddenly, Conan asked, "But what?"

Kosugi Misaki quickly shook her head, "No, it's nothing."

Conan followed thoughtfully.

Knowing that Xiaoshan Meixiao would complain about her parents in front of Chi Feichi, she wondered if Chi Feichi brought them here because children are easier to talk.

Because if it was a child, even if Kosugi Misaki complained, she would feel that they did not understand, and she was not worried that they would report to the director or cause losses to the zoo.

It seems that he needs to find an opportunity, and when Chi Feichi is gone, he will find a way to make a routine...

Hui Yuanai was a little unwilling to give up the topic he had opened, and deliberately put on an exaggerated look of surprise, "Is, does Director Gu Chuan have any quirks?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki cooperated and made a contemplative look, "Or is he actually a very serious person who can curse loudly behind his back?"

"It's hard to say," Guangyan also understood, and said with a serious face, "You know people, you know the face, but you don't know the heart. There is such a saying in China, right? Brother Chi."

Chi Feichi watched a group of people acting. Although he was somewhat aroused by acting, thinking about this incident, he still couldn't improve his acting skills. He just cast a hesitant look at Misaki Kosugi.

He doesn't act, he just makes casual glances.

Xiao Shanmei smiled anxiously, and quickly waved her hands, "No, the director is actually not that kind of bad-tempered person, it's just..."

"It's just a person who is always arbitrary!"

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