Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1862 Another pantothenic acid feeder

In the empty animal house next to it, a middle-aged man was holding a broom in one hand. It seemed that he was cleaning before. The beard on his face was not very clean. He looked like a carefree person. He complained nonchalantly, "Isn't it? Although he saved the zoo, I am also very grateful to him, but that guy is too pushy and always let the media to publicize without authorization, even the introduction of animals is all done by He decides, he doesn't listen to other people's opinions at all, we don't know where those animals come from..."

Conan looked at the middle-aged man, and thought of him as "a person who is unlikely to be part of the same party and who is easy to get the truth", and asked about his personal information, "Is uncle also the breeder here?"

"That's right," Misugi Kosugi introduced with a smile, "This is Mr. Hota..."

"I'm a breeder in charge of raising large animals." The middle-aged man deliberately showed a fierce look, staring at the five children and threatening, "It's very aggressive animals like big bears and lions!"

"Hey——" Ayumi's eyes lit up, and she turned her head to communicate with her friends, "Is that a big bear like Juhei?"

"It feels really powerful," Genta sighed, "I have to move a lot of food at once, right? Uncle Horita must have great strength!"

Hota was a little embarrassed, "Actually, it's not a one-off move..."

"And there are lions," Ayumi said with a smile, "Mr. Horita is so lucky to be able to get in touch with so many animals!"

Horita saw that some of the five children were smiling, some were calm, none of them were frightened, and some lacked interest. He took a look at Chi Feichi in a white coat and Nanatsuki in work clothes, and asked suspiciously, " Mei Xiao, why did you bring some children to the work area? Also, is there a new doctor at the animal hospital here?"

"No," Misaki Kosugi laughed quickly, "This is the young master Feichi who promised to come here to have a look. He brought these children to visit the zoo..."

"But Mr. Chi is indeed an animal doctor," the young man in a white coat came out of the next room, smiling politely, looking at Chi Feichi with a little admiration in his eyes, "compared to me who graduated with no idea From a human point of view, Mr. Chi is a talented graduate of the Department of Veterinary Medicine. I heard from a friend who works in Zhenchi Pet Hospital that Mr. Chi performed very well in all aspects of the school. I don’t have any stage fright at all about surgery, and I performed just as well, and later became the designated doctor of Giant Panda Tuanzi!”

"This is Dr. Kumata from our animal hospital," Misaki Kosugi introduced to a group of people, "He is also a graduate of the Animal Medicine Department of Toto University. After graduation, he went to the Mihua Zoo. The sick animals here are all thanks to his help in taking care of them. .”

Xiong Tian scratched his head in embarrassment, "To be honest, I only learned how to treat animals such as cats, dogs, and cows in school. I am really a little confused when dealing with special animals such as lions and bears. Learn from failure."

Conan continued to divide in his mind.

If there are dead animals that are being dissected and their organs are sold privately, this Dr. Kumada is likely to be an accomplice, who needs to be observed and tested.

Of course, there may be more than one doctor here, and the director may not let Dr. Kumada stare at the dead animal's body all the time. Therefore, it is not too absolute to judge that Dr. Kumada is an accomplice.

"Since everyone is here to visit, would you like to visit my office first?" Xiong Tian warmly invited, "I have a loris and a sugar glider here, both of which are very cute little animals."

The three children immediately agreed happily.

Kosugi smiled and saw that no one else objected, so she took a group of people to the office of the animal hospital first.

Two cages were placed on the table next to the wall in the office, one of which was covered with a cloth, and a little slow loris was kept in the other cage. When someone entered the door, its fluffy and short-haired body jumped across the cushion. A pair of agile big eyes looked curiously at Chi Feichi who entered the door, with his front paws sticking out of the cage railing and waving.

"So cute!" Ayumi immediately stepped forward.

Seeing the cute behavior of the slow loris, Hui Yuanai couldn't help but follow Mitsuhiko and Yuanta forward.

"Don't touch it casually," Xiongtian reminded with a smile, "Although it has a gentle personality, you should also be careful if it is frightened. Small animals that are frightened are easy to get sick, and may also make some counterattacks because of fright. Do you want to try feeding it something?"

"Okay," Mitsuhiko asked hurriedly, "Is it bananas?"

Hui Yuanai recalled.

She remembered that the loris' food seemed to be...

"It's a cricket," Kumata snatched a live cricket from a fine-mesh cage next to it in a good-tempered manner, walked up to the loris, saw Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko with dull expressions, and said with a smile, "Its original breeder It’s a young woman, because she doesn’t like crickets, so she keeps feeding the little slow loris bananas, which makes it a little malnourished, so it’s temporarily sent to me to take care of it.”

Under Xiong Tian's guidance, Genta endured the cricket's struggle in his hand, and tried to hand the cricket to the railing of the cage.

The little slow loris reached out and grabbed the cricket, and happily waved it to Chi Feichi.

"Eh?" Yuan Tai looked at the waving hand of the Slow Loris, and then at Chi Feichi.

Mitsuhiko looked at Chi Feichi uncertainly, "It means..."

"I won't eat it," Chi Feichi said while looking at the loris, "you eat it yourself."

"Chir..." The loris hesitated for a moment, stuffed the cricket into its mouth and ate it, then called out to Chi Feichi.

The call was heard in Chi Feichi's ears, and the meaning expressed was a little vague, it probably meant 'delicious'...

"It's really polite." Mitsuhiko was dumbfounded.

"It's like a dumpling," Ayumi said with a smile, "It's very nice to Brother Chi!"

Huiyuan smiled sadly, the corners of his mouth curled up with a little bit of pride, "It makes me a little jealous."

"If you want to talk about jealousy, it should be me..."

Kumata muttered in a low voice, becoming another feeder of acid in his heart.

He has been taking care of the loris for some time, and the little guy has never given him food.

Ayumi smiled and said, "I can't help it, Brother Chi has always been very fond of animals!"

Yuan Tai looked at the slow loris that had eaten the cricket, wondering, "But, are the crickets delicious?"

Feichi poked his head and stared at the small cage containing the crickets.

Yeah, are crickets delicious...

Koshimizu Nanatsuki hesitated for a moment, then reached out and handed the cricket that Xiongtian handed her to Feichi, "It shouldn't matter if Feichi eats one, right?"

Chi Feichi looked at Feichi and swished his head and swallowed the cricket, "Eating crickets is fine, but... don't get used to it like that."

Nanatsuki Koshimi just laughed.

She discovered the joy of feeding: she found that Feichi wanted to eat greedily—feeding—thinking that Feichi would be very satisfied—Fechi was happy, and she was happy.

"It doesn't smell like anything." After swallowing the cricket, Feichi shrank back, not forgetting to comment, "It's a little itchy when the legs slide down the esophagus... oh, it seems to be dead, not moving..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He's not interested in 'eating crickets alive', thanks.

Misaki Kosugi noticed that Xiongtian stared blankly at Feichi crawling out and then retracted, and explained, "This is Mr. Chi's pet snake, it doesn't bite people."

Conan: "..."

No, his tragic experience told him that Chi Feichi should pay attention to his words when he speaks, and he is "generally" not biting.

But they seem to come to investigate, right?

Looking at these three children, they almost forgot about playing.

In the cage next to it, which was mostly covered with cloth, the small animals inside couldn't stay any longer, and stretched out their small paws towards the gap in the cage.

In the cage, the sugar gliders look like small blue-gray squirrels, with ears that are more pointed and upturned than squirrels. There are long black stripes extending from the top of the head to the back on the body, a large tail behind it, and a skin membrane that can grow between the front and rear limbs. The link is used to glide in the air, but this sugar glider doesn't seem to be in a good mood, lying listlessly on a branch.

"Is this the sugar glider?"

The three children approached curiously, and after seeing that the sugar glider was not feeling well, they lowered their voices.

"Is it sick?"

"Looks very uninspired."

"Sugar gliders are also called Australian flying kangaroos. They sleep in dark nests during the day and come out to move around at night. They have pockets like kangaroos. The little sugar gliders will stay in their mother's pockets and grow for about a month. It doesn’t look like it, but it has fingerprints like a monkey and can grab things.” Conan became addicted to science and put aside the investigation, and walked forward to look at the sugar glider in the cage, “But the sugar glider seems to be Just like a child, if the temperature is unstable during the seasons, some minor illnesses will occur, and at the same time, we must pay attention to environmental and food hygiene.”

"Yes, kid, you really know a lot," Xiong Tian praised with a smile, and then looked at Chi Feichi, revealing his little purpose, "But the temperature has stabilized recently. Life in the simulated jungle, I have checked the sanitation and food sanitation, there is no problem, and the other sugar gliders are not sick, only it..."

There are not many doctors who can help the sugar glider to see and treat diseases. Seeing the little guy withering day by day, he would drag him over to see any animal doctor he saw.

He urgently needs someone to discuss the condition of this sugar glider.

Chi Feichi leaned over and looked at his sugar glider listlessly, observing the details of the sugar glider's body, "Could it be congenital weakness?"

"Probably not," Kumata recalled, "I went to see it after it was born, and the batch of sugar glider cubs were all healthy, so was it..."

The two began to discuss the condition of the sugar glider, and the five children and Nanatsuki Koshimizu also participated in the analysis with concern.

Chi Feichi put on his gloves, took the sugar glider out of the cage, and checked his body carefully.

Kosugi smiled and saw that Chi Feichi was obsessed with seeing a doctor and that the others had no intention of continuing to visit. After counting the time, she found that Director Gu Chuan should have finished his speech, so she proposed to talk to Director Gu Chuan first.

When Conan heard the name 'Gu Chuan', he was distracted for a while, and seeing Chi Feichi's serious appearance of suffering from an occupational disease, he couldn't help continuing to analyze.

The environment is clean and hygienic, the temperature is stable, there is no congenital defect, no trauma, and the other sugar glider living together are not sick, but this sugar glider is sick...

Well worth studying.

Now in this zoo, any abnormality may be related to smuggling clues.

"Although sugar gliders don't eat indiscriminately," Chi Feichi looked down at the little claws of the sugar glider in his hand, "but it looks like he's been poisoned."

"Poisoned, poisoned?" Kumata exclaimed in astonishment, "But raising poisonous animals requires a permit, and we don't have that kind of animals with dangerous toxins in our zoo."

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