Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1863 This time the halo of death is barely strong

Conan's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly, "Brother Chi, can you tell what kind of poison it has been poisoned in? Or when it was poisoned?"

If the zoo did not keep poisonous animals, the toxin that poisoned this sugar glider might have been smuggled venom.

"The time should be within ten hours of when the body was unwell, and the toxin intake was not much. It should be that it accidentally got a little on the body when it was active, and it got on the food when it was eating and was eaten by it. , Dr. Xiongtian and other sugar gliders have been in contact with it during this period, and there is no physical discomfort, which means that the toxins on its body are indeed not much." Chi Feichi put the sugar glider back into the cage and took off the Gloves, said to Kumata next to him, "As for the specific toxin, you need to go to the hospital for a blood test to find out. Dr. Kumata had better take it to the Maike Pet Hospital as soon as possible. If it is just poisoning, just detoxify the toxin." Treatment will do."

Dr. Xiong Tian nodded quickly, and started to hug the cage, "I'll tell the director, this is..."


The woman's panicked screams echoed in the hallway outside.

Mitsuhiko was taken aback, "This voice seems to be..."

"Miss Xiaoshan." Hui Yuanai confirmed.

After Conan regained consciousness, he immediately ran out of the office and chased after the sound.

Chi Feichi quickly followed.

With such a screaming developmental rhythm, it could be that someone died, right?

When a group of people ran in the direction of the screams, breeders Horita and Mori also ran to the corridor and rushed over.

"What's wrong?" Horita asked in a loud voice from afar.

Kosugi Mi smiled and sat on the ground outside the door of a room, pointing to the room where the door was open with fear on her face, "Yuan, the head of the room..."

The room is the director's office. Director Chuan Gu was still wearing the brown-red suit, and fell on his back to the ground with his eyes closed, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"Hurry up and call the police, and call an ambulance!"

When Conan arrived at the door and took a look, he immediately turned his head and shouted to the people who followed him.

Although he came to investigate the director's smuggling, and even though he knew that the director was doing illegal and criminal things, he couldn't watch people die.

"I'm going to contact Police Officer Megure." Haihara Ai had already understood the process, took out his mobile phone and walked aside, and glanced at a few breeders, "It's best for other people not to go in casually."

They had just planned to investigate the director, but something happened to the director, and there was a smuggling group behind him. It was hard to say whether the accomplices did it out of vigilance or for profit.

Conan also thought of the same point, asked the three children to block the others outside, and watched as Chi Feichi took out his gloves and handed a pair to Nanatsuki Koshimizu, before walking towards the fallen Director Kawagu speechlessly.

Really, Detective Yueshui's right wrist was injured, so Chi Feichi couldn't give him the glove?

After Chi Feichi handed the gloves to Nanatsuki Koshimi, he found that it was not convenient for Nanatsuki Koshimi to wear gloves on one hand, so he put away the extra pair of gloves, quickly put on the gloves himself, and went forward to check on Chuan Gu's situation.

Can't blame him for not giving Conan gloves. Conan has been a plague god for a long time, so why can't he be more conscious and carry a pair of gloves with him?

"That... is, it's a platypus!" Dr. Xiongtian outside the door saw the small animal crawling beside Chuan Gu, and reminded anxiously, "Be careful, the platypus has poisonous thorns on its claws!"

Conan was taken aback, watching the platypus crawling over vigilantly, and wondering if it was an accident.

The platypus crawled to Chi Feichi's side, stretched out its paws to hug Chi Feichi's shoes, and Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and pulled them aside at will.

other people:"……"

Hey, can you show some respect to this animal that may be carrying a poisonous stinger?

After the platypus was pushed away, it looked like a coquettish rogue puppy, and then hugged Chi Feichi's sideways sideways.

Chi Feichi didn't care anymore, checked Chuan Gu's situation, calmly turned his head to the door and mourned Hui Yuan, who was looking at the probe, "The person is not dead yet, I'm not sure if it's coma or shock, it has the characteristics of poisoning..."

It's a pity that he didn't die.

"Speak to the paramedics and get them to come over as soon as possible."

This time Conan's aura of death is barely strong.

I hope the ambulance comes later, it will save a lot of trouble.

If there weren't so many people present, he really wanted to get some toxin out of his poison glands, find a way to add some poison to Chuan Gu's body, and send Chuan Gu away directly.

Hui Yuanai nodded, and continued to communicate with the medical staff over there with his mobile phone.

Conan and Chi Feichi continued to check whether there were other traumas on Chuan Gu's body, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki bent over to look at the marks beside the corpse.

After Misaki Kosugi came out of the shock, she was a little anxious and annoyed, "He didn't even say hello to us, so he took the rare and exotic beasts in!"

"He just underestimated animals, so this kind of accident happened." Horita couldn't help complaining, "I think he probably took the platypus in secretly, but was stabbed by the stinger of the platypus that sneaked out. It will become like this.”

The Mori breeder stared worriedly at Chuan Gu on the ground from a distance, "Maybe he was stabbed by a platypus stinger and accidentally hit his head when he fell to the ground."

Chi Feichi was checking Chuan Gu's head, and found blood oozing from the back of his head against the ground, and looked at Conan who was squatting beside him.

There wasn't much blood, the hair was stuck together, there wasn't much blood on the ground, and it was blocked by Chuan Gu's head, so it shouldn't be visible from the door...

Conan stabilized his mind and returned a positive look to Chi Feichi.

Then how did Ms. Mori know that Director Chuan Gu had a head injury and said something like 'hit the head'?

Now everyone should think that Director Chuan Gu fell into a coma due to poisoning. Before they found a wound on his head, they were not sure whether Chuan Gu had any trauma.

Unless, Ms. Mori is the murderer or someone who witnessed the whole murder process.

That's right, looking at the marks on the back of Chuan Gu's head, it should be the injury left by a blunt instrument blow, that is to say, it is very likely that someone knocked out Director Chuan Gu and then poisoned Director Chuan Gu, and tried to disguise it as an accident .

Koshimizu Nanatsuki carefully looked at the carpet at Chuan Gu's feet, took out his mobile phone to take a picture, and said in a low voice, "If Director Chuan Gu fell down after being poisoned here, he would kick the carpet under his feet before falling to the ground, but the traces on the carpet , it looks like he fell to the side and was turned over again into a face-up lying position."

This kind of clumsy method, which can't even cover up the traces on the carpet, how could it be possible to deceive these detectives.

Chi Feichi saw that this was a "murderer's self-explosion situation", thinking whether there would be any accomplices, picked up the platypus holding his shoes, walked to the water tank by the wall, put the platypus in, and reminded the group of people who were talking at the door , "Only adult male platypus have poisonous spines on their hind feet, and this is only female."

Since that's the case, there's no need to leave the platypus outside to wait for the police to collect evidence.

"Huh?" Yuan Tai was stunned.

Mitsuhiko hurriedly asked, "In other words, isn't the murderer a platypus?"

Conan observed the platypus swimming in the water tank, and looked affirmatively at the group of people standing outside the door, "That's right, this is a female platypus with no poisonous stingers on its hind feet. This is someone who tried to kill Director Chuan Gu and did it." Blame the platypus!"


Soon, an ambulance from a nearby hospital arrived and took Director Chuan Gu away.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Mu Shisan led a team to arrive in a hurry. They sealed off the scene for investigation, and they were looking for someone to understand the situation. They were so busy that they didn't notice that Chi Feichi had gone out for a while.

When Chi Feichi came back, he found that Mumu Shisan had confirmed his alibi to a group of breeders and was waiting outside the door temporarily.

When they arrived, the small amount of blood on the back of Chuan Gu's head hadn't completely solidified, and it coagulated smoothly afterwards, without any traces of foreign objects interfering with the coagulation speed. That is to say, Chuan Gu was attacked not long before they arrived. More than ten minutes, or even shorter.

Dr. Kumata said from the motivation point that he might be dissatisfied with the director because he ignored animal health issues and wanted to reduce the number of doctors in the animal hospital. Have left with a full alibi.

The breeder of Horita has complained many times in private because of the director's arbitrariness in changing careers, and more than once had a direct dispute with the director, saying that after he met Chi Feichi and the children, he continued to disturb the animal house and the cage alone. , no alibi.

The Mori breeder said that after attending the baby polar bear conference, he was going to see the anteater, and rushed over after hearing Misaki Kosugi's screams, and there was also no alibi.

Misaki Kosugi left for 20 minutes, went near the stage of the press conference and asked Director Chuan Gu's whereabouts, and then went to the office to find Director Chuan Gu, because there was no answer when knocking on the door, so he opened the office to check the situation, and found that Chuan Gu was on the ground Director, of course, it is also possible that Kosugi Mi laughed here, knocked Director Chuan Gu unconscious and injected toxin into Director Chuan Gu, and then pretended to find something abnormal.

At the same time, Kosugi Misaki has been harassed by Director Kawagu all the time, and has motives for acting.

However, the police had contacted the hospital, and it was true that platypus toxin was found in Chuan Gu’s body, and a pinhole was found on his arm. On his body, but the police did not find such things on Mio Kosugi. They searched the office and the vicinity of the office, but also did not find such things.

Because of the polar bear cub press conference, other staff members in the zoo were all together, basically busy in the front, only two were cleaning in the working area, but they were also together.

"Then, the only ones who have time to work are Horita breeder and Mori breeder, the two of you..." Mu Mushisan concluded, looking at the crowd at the door, he was stunned for a moment after seeing Chi Feichi, Ban Yue He said hello with his eyes, "Brother Chi, it turns out that it's not just the children, you're here too."

"Officer Mumu," Chi Fei nodded calmly at Mumu Shisan, walked through the crowd and entered the door, "There was no precedent for raising platypus in Japan before, and it is difficult for platypus to survive after leaving Australia..."

"So, is this platypus a smuggled animal?" Takagi looked at the platypus swimming in the water tank in surprise.

"Actually, I came here today because someone gave me this." Chi Feichi said, and handed the document he just brought over to Mu Mu Shisan.

The smuggling incident has been exposed, and even the physical evidence is in front of the police. It doesn't matter whether Chuan Gu is dead or not.

As long as Chuan Gu, the person who tried to plot against Tuanzi, was investigated by the police for animal smuggling, Tuanzi would not be in danger of participating in the Midsummer Festival.

Of course, if the police can't find the three members of the criminal group who sneaked in, he will use the identity of July to deliver a delivery at night. (To be continued.)

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