Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1864 Let Conan Go

Mu Mu Shisan took the file and flipped through it suspiciously, his expression became worse the more he looked at it.

More than two months, eight illegal transactions.

Among them are snake venom, bear bile, rare animal organs, and some photos pointing to the director’s involvement in the investigation of cub smuggling and meeting foreign criminals, which shows that the director’s animal smuggling may have been going on for several years. The big eucalyptus is enough for the police to pay attention to and investigate Director Chuan Gu.

At the same time, those who need to be investigated are Mori breeders whose appearance has been photographed more than once.

"The murderer should be Ms. Mori," Chi Feichi continued, "Before we found Director Chuan Gu's head wound, she said that the director fell after being stabbed by a poisonous thorn."

The Mori breeder was taken aback, and his expression became a little more flustered, "I, I was just guessing..."

"In addition, on the carpet where Director Kawatani fell, there are traces showing that he was turned over after he fell down." Koshimizu Nanatsuki handed the mobile phone that took pictures of the carpet traces to Takagi Shepherd, and said seriously, "I think it should be It is for the convenience of injecting platypus toxin, but if this is the case, there should be some personal traces of Ms. Mori on the clothes of Director Chuan Gu, and the police should be able to find some evidence as long as they pay attention to inspection."

"And I found this in the trash can in the women's bathroom over the corridor!" Conan, who had just returned, wrapped a syringe and an empty bottle in a handkerchief, stepped forward and raised the handkerchief, and handed it to Gao Mushe, "There is another one with a dip in there." I have handed over the wooden sculpture with a small amount of blood to the forensic personnel outside, and no gloves were found abandoned nearby. If Ms. Mori did not wear gloves when she committed the crime, her syringe and wooden sculpture should be detectable. fingerprint!"

Luckily, he caught up with Chi Feichi's express bus this time. Seeing Chi Feichi going out, he knew that Chi Feichi was going to get the smuggling investigation documents, so he took the opportunity to search nearby.

Takagi took the mobile phone in one hand, took Conan's handkerchief in the other, and looked up at the pale-faced forest breeder.

It was the first time for him to face the suspect with "evidence in the left hand and evidence in the right hand" within a short time after he was dispatched to the police.

The Mori breeder finally couldn't hold it anymore, fell to the ground, admitted his crime, and explained his motive.

At the beginning, she only accepted the commission of the director to import animals, and they all used regular channels. However, when inspecting the animals, she found some smuggled animals that were not on the list. She asked the director, and the director said that she was also an accomplice. Coercing her, let her come forward to carry out illegal smuggling again and again.

Until she found out that the director was smuggling platypus, she knew it was difficult for platypus to survive in Japan, so she finally went to find the director, but the director still insisted on going his own way and threatened her...

"The director knows a lot of people from violent associations, and he seems to have been in contact with foreign criminal groups recently," the breeder Mori sat on the ground, lowered his head and said, "If this continues, I will either be threatened by him for the rest of my life, or be threatened by him for the rest of my life." He killed him ahead of time, so I wanted to kill him first."

"Because of the platypus smuggling, I approached the head of the park to protest three nights ago, and the head of the park contacted foreign criminal groups because of..." Mu Mu Shisan flipped through the documents in his hand, corresponding to those who took the photos one by one. In time, I found that they were all right, and I didn't care about what to say to the forest breeder. Looking at Chi Feichi, I said with emotion, "Brother Chi, the person who gave you this information is very good. It almost took Miss Mori and Director Chuan Gu's criminal investigation is clear, was it done by a detective I know?"

"I don't know," Chi Feichi said without changing his expression, "The other party sent an anonymous email. I just cooperated with the investigation of Director Chuan Gu's overseas fund flow and printed out the content. I came here today to confirm and investigate. .”

"Test, investigation?" The Mori breeder looked up at a group of people in doubt when he heard about his criminal trajectory.

Mu Mushisan opened the first page of the information, squatted down so that the Mori breeder could see the sneaky photos of the transactions above, and said seriously, "Miss Mori, we need you to go back to the police station with us and cooperate with the investigation of your attempted murder. Director Chuan Gu, and assisted him in smuggling and illegal transactions many times, I hope you can cooperate."

Breeder Mori, Misaki Kosugi, Dr. Kumata, and breeder Horita looked dull. Thinking that this document was provided by Chi Feichi, they looked up at Chi Feichi, not knowing what to say for a moment.

So, Mr. Chi came here not to visit at all, but to secretly investigate?

Conan watched the reaction of the group of people and sighed inwardly.

Chi Feichi gave him another 'backstab'. This time, all the members of the Detective Boys are helpers. Seeing the complex expressions and eyes of this group of people...

However, you can't blame them for acting, they are sincere when they watch animals.

Didn't this mean that the director Chuan Gu blew himself up in an accident before the official investigation started, and followed by the Mori breeder?

The police took away the Mori breeder.

Beside the police car outside the gate of the zoo, Mu Mu Shisan told Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, there is no need to rush to take notes..."

Chi Feichi was expressionless.

For such a simple and clear eucalyptus, just let the breeders in the zoo go. At most, Conan can be added. Why do you need him to take notes?

It really doesn't work, aren't the three children still excitedly waiting to make the transcript?

"Let Conan go." Mu Mu Shisan glanced at Conan who was following, and immediately added.

Conan: "?"

He just wandered over to listen to what the two were talking about, so he took another transcript?

"But if that anonymous email sends you any more news, you must call the police in time." Mu Mu Shisan looked at Chi Feichi seriously, "Now those three sneaked into the country secretly and talked with Director Chuan Gu. I don’t know where the members of the criminal group with unknown ties are. Miss Mori and Director Chuan Gu are there. I will strengthen protection. You have exposed Director Chuan Gu’s smuggling crimes. You must pay attention to safety. You send Detective Yueshui and the children back as soon as possible. Don't go to remote places alone."

"Don't worry," Chi Feichi said calmly, "Tomorrow we will be invited by Mr. Suzuki Jirokichi to participate in the maiden voyage of the airship, and we will stay together forever."

Don't worry, by tomorrow, those three criminal gang members will be living TA-Q-BINs.

"That's good. If you find anyone acting suspiciously around you, you must also remember to notify our police!"

Mu Mu Shisan gave another word of worry, looked down at the document in his hand, and couldn't help sighing.

Although eucalyptus smuggling is not under the control of their search department, most of the police force has recently been poured into the eucalyptus that has been invaded in the Bacteriological Research Institute. The police force is quite lacking, and he can't guarantee that he can send people to protect these people.


the next afternoon.

The flying ship from Tokyo to Osaka takes off and departs along the scheduled route.

Outside the reception hall, Conan huddled in the corner and made a phone call in a low voice, "I know... yes, brother Chi and sister Nanatsuki will also go..."

On the other end of the phone, Hattori Heiji sighed in a good mood, "Even Detective Koshimi boarded the airship together? I went to Tokyo to trouble you, this time I will treat you well in Osaka! By the way, Kudo, your side How's the situation?"

"What's the matter?" Conan said helplessly, "Isn't it still the same?"

Except for the fact that he was taken aback by encountering raki a few days ago, his life has been relatively peaceful recently, either breaking the law, going to school, going out to play... Every time the raki was withdrawn so decisively without leaving any traces, there has been no He was a little anxious about the clues of that organization.

"No, no, I mean that bounty hunter July," Hattori Heiji said gloatingly, "Today's newspaper, the front page is that July sent another group of criminals to the police, and three of them happened to be the ones that the police investigated until recently. Internationally wanted criminals entering the country..."

Conan poked his head in the direction of the reception hall, listening to the noise inside, he laughed dryly.

Of course.

Those three people were related to eucalyptus smuggling in the zoo, and Chi Feichi had already spotted them. He even suspected that Chi Feichi was investigating eucalyptus smuggling in the zoo recently.

July has been silent for a long time, and Chi Feichi likes small animals so much, it is indeed very likely that he went to the zoo to smuggle them.

The relationship between those three guys and Director Chuan Gu is unknown. If they have a good relationship or if they expose Director Chuan Gu’s crimes will affect the interests of those three guys, then those three guys will definitely retaliate against them, and they will be sent to the hospital late by Chi Fei. It's also good in the hands of the police, which can be regarded as helping them cut off future troubles.

This guy Hattori is so slow, haven't you found out who July is?

Anyway, he won't say it.

Although 'July' has been stealing delivery vehicles randomly, and bounty hunters are a gray industry, they did not cause losses to everyone, and instead helped the police catch many fugitives. Since Chi Feichi didn't want to be discovered by others, he He wouldn't tell others casually, unless Hattori encountered an emergency and needed to know Qiyue's identity.

Furthermore, he also looked at Hattori's completely ignorant appearance.

"The front page of the uncle who wanted to catch Kidd seems to have been robbed again~!" Hattori Heiji laughed, "He's not losing his temper right there?"

"You said Mr. Jiroji, he went to confirm the flight route and itinerary of the flying ship, and he is not with us now..." Conan heard Mao Lilan shouting "Conan" and walked towards the door of the reception hall, and hurriedly said, " I won’t tell you anymore, I’ll call you when I get there!”

"Hello, worker..."


Conan hung up the phone resolutely, put away the phone, and greeted Mao Lilan who was going out pretending to be nonchalant.

"Conan, what are you doing here? I thought you were running around somewhere again," Mao Lilan complained, and reluctantly led Conan into the hall, and quickly looked at the viewing window in a good mood The children said, "Everyone is watching the scenery over there. The scenery seen from a high altitude is very beautiful!"

"Brother Hattori called me just now and asked us to contact him when we arrive..." Conan looked at the three excited children over there, and found Kogoro Mori sitting at the table with his back to the window, and Chi Feichi sitting alone Drinking tea at the other table, she broke away from Mao Lilan's hand, and ran towards Chi Feichi, "I'll go tell Brother Chi!"

"Remember to watch the scenery!" Mao Lilan exhorted, and didn't care anymore, and walked to the window with a smile to join the viewing team.

Conan's child Guopan likes staying with Brother Feichi very much!

Conan ran to the table, pulled up the chair and climbed up. Seeing that Chi Feichi just glanced at him and continued to drink tea with lowered eyes, he couldn't help teasing in a low voice with malice, "How much money did you make last night?" (To be continued.)

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