Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1865 He doesn't care about Conan

"It hasn't arrived yet, but it's estimated to be about 3 million yen." Chi Feichi was not annoyed, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Conan, and handed it to Conan, "herbal tea can relieve the heat."

He doesn't care about Conan.

He used Conan's death aura to solve a big problem yesterday, and he decided to treat Conan better these two days.

"Uh, thank you, thank you Brother Chi..."

Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't react from embarrassment into anger, Conan felt that he had punched the cotton. Thinking about Chi Feichi's gentle gesture of helping him pass the tissue at dinner last night, and looking at the herbal tea in front of him, he felt embarrassed by the provocation just now. , I felt a little weird again.

Getting along with Chi Feichi is really a test of endurance.

As if nothing happened, Chi Feichi would suddenly treat him so nicely that he would be overwhelmed. Similarly, under the premise that nothing happened, Chi Feichi would look indifferent as if he disliked him when he saw him.

But he could understand that the thinking of snake spirit patients may be different from theirs, and sometimes their emotions or attitudes may not be under Chi Feichi's control.

Chi Feichi saw that Conan had stopped, looked at the excited group of people in front of the viewing window, and held cups to drink tea.

There will be an accident on the maiden voyage of the airship, and there will be a big accident.

Originally, he didn't want Nanatsuki Koshimizu with an injured wrist to join in the fun, so as not to hurt his wrist more seriously, but seeing Nanatsuki Koshimizu looking forward to it so much, he couldn't bear to leave Nanatsuki Koshimizu alone in Tokyo.

He also had to come, one is that if he is fine, there is no need to refuse Suzuki Jirokichi’s invitation, he needs to strengthen his relationship with Suzuki’s family, and the other is, he remembered that in this plot, a certain bastard would beat his sister, he Don't worry, Hui Yuanai came to play with other people, and had to come and watch by himself.

Conan took a sip of herbal tea, tasted the faint mint flavor in the tea, and felt refreshed a lot. He was even more embarrassed to provoke Chi Feichi again, but only complained in his heart that Chi Feichi would enjoy it, and returned to the previous topic in a low voice , "You are not short of money, why do you still want to do that kind of thing..."

"Who would dislike having a lot of money?" Chi Feichi asked back without changing his expression, "I don't have much pocket money either."

Conan calculated the possible bounty rewards from July to now, and felt that he couldn't understand what Chi Feichi said about 'not much pocket money', so he decided to talk about current affairs, "About the red Siamese cat that invaded the research institute, the police should have I have contacted you, I hope you can help with the investigation, right?"

Chi Feichi kept in mind the purpose of 'be nice to Conan these two days', and whispered patiently, "I received the email a few days ago, but I don't have any clues."

It's not that he didn't think about selling the information that 'the red Siamese cat will act on the flying ship', so as to prevent them from having an accident, or let the police come to ambush them in advance.

However, he was also worried that after notifying the police that they had come in advance, it would affect the direction of the plot, so that those people would not attack the flying ship and instead engage in trouble elsewhere, so that if the people around him were involved, he would lose the 'precognition' brought initiative.

This group of red cats seemed to have their own communication channels, and they were cautious not to meet on the eve of the operation, and they were scattered all over Tokyo. Therefore, before today, he could not determine the whereabouts of this group of red cats, nor could he be sure that these people would definitely be on board. Boat.

"No wonder, you are investigating the smuggling in the zoo recently, right?" Conan asked, but he was sure in his heart, and even suspected that the information obtained from the investigation was made by Chi Feichi himself. The information was clear, serious and rigorous. It’s a little nervous, like making a report for easy reference, he thinks it’s very Chi Feichi’s style, “The notice letter issued by the criminal group said, ‘There will be action within seven days’, today is the seventh Oh my god, the police all over the place should be busy guarding now, but then again... have you been interested in this kind of fancy clothes recently?"

When they came out to play, they were all dressed in short-sleeved shorts and light colors, only Chi Feichi wore black.

A set of pure black Tang suit, with a large lion dance head embroidered with brightly colored threads on the hem of the clothes, and dark blue and light blue water ripples.

Although looking at Chi Feichi's indifferent face that seemed to be indifferent to everything, he felt that the black on the clothes almost overwhelmed the rich colors of the lion's head, and he was still so gloomy, but ignoring Chi Feichi's face, Just looking at the lion head on the clothes, he felt...

This suit is suspected of being cute.

That lion head was so eye-catching, he was surprised when he saw it at first sight, and couldn't help asking questions when he saw it again.

If he was asked to wear this kind of clothes, he would worry that he would look like a cute Chinese New Year doll. How did Chi Feichi, who usually wears formal or sporty clothes, wear this outfit with peace of mind?

"Xiao Ai bought it for me. I think it's pretty good. The clothes are light and not stuffy in summer." Chi Feichi looked down at the arm resting on the table, "I can't wear short sleeves, can I? "

"Why not..." Conan asked suspiciously, he glanced at Chi Feichi's arm, and realized that Chi Feichi was trying to cover the wound on his arm, "Are you worried that other people will be worried when they see the wound on your arm?"

"He will ask me how I am in a very long-winded manner." Chi Feichi said truthfully.

Conan: "..."

He just wanted to ask Chi Feichi how he was feeling recently, whether he was feeling abnormally depressed or had other discomforts...

While the two were talking, a man in a pink T-shirt, slightly fat, with slightly curly hair and round eyes entered the door. After entering the door, he looked around and saw Mori Kogoro sitting at the table, and immediately walked quickly step forward.

Soon, another man in a brown short-sleeved jacket and a white T-shirt walked in. His hair was also slightly curly. After entering the door, he looked around leisurely.

Conan looked at the two of them and asked curiously, "Are there any other guests on this flying ship today?"

Chi Feichi looked at the two of them and explained, "Mr. Jirokichi seems to have found reporters and people from the TV station."

The man in the brown short-sleeved jacket heard the discussion of the two, stopped walking in, and introduced himself to the two with a generous smile, "My name is Fujioka Takamichi, I am a biographer, and I also work as a reporter. Occasionally, I write some biographical reports for the newspaper, this time I intend to record the confrontation between Consultant Suzuki and Kaitou Kidd, so this kind of opportunity to recommend myself to board the boat is rare, but fortunately Consultant Suzuki agreed immediately."

"Hey, so that's how it is." Conan pretended to be innocent as a child, but he thought of other things in his mind.

Kaitou Kidd replied to the challenge sent by Suzuki Jirokichi two days ago, saying that he would do it again in the evening when the airship entered the area of ​​Osaka, and planned to take the big gem "Lady in the Sky" displayed on the airship. But it should be lurking on the flying boat by now.

After all, if you want to fly to the height of the flying boat by paragliding, but also need to approach and sneak into the flying boat, the difficulty is too high, so it is better to dive in and get ready from the beginning.

It is more in line with that thief's style to sneak in in advance, arrange tricks, and then appear in a mysterious way.

The relationship between Chi Feichi and Kidd has always been unclear. It seems that Chi Feichi does things according to his mood and is very willful. He may not help Kidd, but if Kidd will be caught...

"Hello, you are the detective Mr. Kogoro Mori, right?" The man in the pink T-shirt walked to the next table and handed Kogoro Mori his business card with a smile. Hui, it's an honor to meet you here!"

Two more people walked in from the door. The young girl was slender, with short shoulder-length hair, a pair of cute round eyes, and a very casual and refreshing dress. The man behind her was tall and strong, but not too strong. He is also very young, and has been holding a portable video recorder in his right hand after entering the door.

"This time, the duel between Mr. Suzuki and Kaito Kidd will be broadcast live exclusively by our TV station," Masaaki Mizukawa smiled good-naturedly, then turned to Chi Feichi and said, "If Mr. Chi doesn't want to be filmed, you can contact him in advance." We confirm."

Chi Feichi nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro looked at his apprentice curiously, "So you two know each other?"

"During the dinner party between Nichimai TV and THK, I had the honor to meet Mr. Chi twice," Masaki Mizukawa explained, and introduced the young men and women who walked behind with a smile, "These two are the host of the TV station, Ms. Nishiya Xia , and photographer Junhei Ishimoto, they have only worked at Nikkei TV for a short time, so they didn’t have time to catch up with the cooperation with THK.”

Xia Guxia smiled and bowed to Junpei Ishimoto, "Please give me your advice!"

Masaki Mizukawa felt that there were too few people coming, and he was a little sorry for Suzuki Jirokichi's generosity. He said helplessly, "I wanted to devote all my manpower to the broadcast like Kidd's sky walk last time, and I also made an appointment for the TV station to start a special broadcast this evening. program, but this time the timing is not so coincidental..."

"Timing?" Mori Kogoro said with a clear face after being puzzled, "Oh! You mean the red Siamese cat."

"That's right," Masaki Mizukawa sighed, "The crime notice letter said that action will be taken within seven days. Today is the deadline, and the TV station is doing its best to prepare for emergencies."

"Hmph! Thanks to them, the helicopter I used to shoot my autobiographical film is not even licensed to fly," Jiroji Suzuki strode forward with four bodyguards and his pet dog Lupine, "What a bunch of annoying thieves Cat! Right, Lupine?"


Lu Bang let out a joyful cry, then happily ran to Chi Feichi's feet, stretched his neck and rubbed his head against Chi Feichi.

Suzuki Jirokichi was startled, and Ban Yueyan greeted Chi Feichi, "Feichi, what do you think of this flying boat trip? Is it worth looking forward to?"

"It's really worth looking forward to."

As Chi Feichi said so, his expression was not expectant, and he reached out and touched the top of Lu Bang's head.

Suzuki Sonoko saw Jirokichi Suzuki's expression became more and more speechless, and greeted Jirokichi Suzuki with a dry smile, "Uncle Jirokichi, why do you only ask brother Feichi? I will be jealous!"

"Of course you are the same, I hope you will have fun on this flying ship!" Suzuki Jiro said with a smile, and then glanced at Chi Feichi, "Don't be like a guy who has no vitality at a young age .”

Masaki Mizukawa deeply felt that it was not easy to have two wayward bosses in this show, so he hurriedly said hello, "Hello, hello, Consultant Suzuki, please take care of me today! But having said that, this flying ship It's really luxurious!" (To be continued.)

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