Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1866 It's really hateful

Suzuki Jirokichi glanced at Masaki Mizukawa, "You only sent three people to broadcast on such a luxurious airship?"

Masaki Mizukawa was sweating, "I'm sorry, because of that incident..."

When a group of people were chatting about the red Siamese cat, Chi Feichi sat at the table, stretched out his hand to turn over Lu Bang's ears, and looked at Lu Bang's nose and teeth.

Well, the dog is still so healthy.

Conan: "..."

Chi Feichi's occupational disease habit is really hopeless.

"Didn't it mean that the infection is basically hopeless?" Junpei Ishimoto next to him commented worriedly, "It is said that it can be spread through droplets..."

Yuan Tai's eyes lit up, "Through the minced fat?"

"It's droplets." Mitsuhiko corrected helplessly.

"It means infection through coughing or sneezing," Haibara Ai saw that Suzuki Jirokichi and others were still talking about bacteria, explained to Genta softly, and threatened with a bit of mischief, "I heard that children are particularly susceptible to infection. Worry."

The faces of the three children changed, "Ah..."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It doesn't matter if it's a murderous bacterium or something. I used to see many places full of bacteria, and I was still alive and kicking?" Biographer Fujioka Takamichi walked forward with a smile on his face, leaning over to face The three children said, "Humans are much stronger than bacteria!"

The three children breathed a sigh of relief, and Mitsuhiko hurriedly echoed, "That's right!"

"However," Fujioka Takamichi straightened up and looked at the three children playfully, "Little brats like you will probably die soon!"

Seeing the three children pale with fright, Mao Lilan hurriedly said, "Please don't do this, don't say such things that will scare the children!"

"That's right," Suzuki Sonoko stood by Mao Lilan's side, "It's really too crazy, children are easily scared..."

"Hahaha..." Fujioka Takamichi laughed and turned to leave, "It's okay, it's okay!"

After Chi Feichi helped Lu Bang check, he looked at the three children huddled together next to him, and asked aloud, "Are you scared?"

"Ah?" Ayumi turned her head in doubt, confirming that Chi Feichi was asking them, hesitated for a while, "Recently, this kind of bacteria has been reported everywhere..."

Mitsuhiko scratched his head, "It feels like a very serious matter..."

Yuan Tai reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to relax himself a bit, "So you're still a little scared, right?"

Chi Feichi reached out and pulled out a stack of sealed packages from his pants pocket, and handed one to Ayumi.

"This is..." After Ayumi took it, she looked down at the thing in her hand in doubt, "Mouth, mask?"

Hui Yuanai looked closely at the logo on the packaging bag, and couldn't help but raise his mouth, "N95 mask is one of the 9 types of anti-particle masks certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in the United States. It is often used in occupations. Respiratory protection, including microorganisms such as viruses, molds, and bacteria, with a filtration efficiency of more than 95%. This model seems to be made for children. Wear it if you feel afraid. This is one of the natural enemies that can restrain the spread of droplets. Oh, if you still get infected while wearing this, you must be a rare unlucky ghost chosen by heaven!"

Taking advantage of Huiyuan's mourning for popular science, Chi Feichi distributed child-sized masks to the three children, not forgetting Conan and Huiyuan, and got up to distribute masks to other adults.

Conan looked down at the mask in his hand and smiled dryly.

His friends are still well prepared, really worthy of Doraemon Pond.

The leader of a certain red Siamese cat took a deep breath and cast a vicious look at Chi Feichi.

They originally planned to create the illusion that the bacteria were spreading on the flying ship. If these people were all wearing protective masks and still infected, it would not make sense. Otherwise, they would doubt whether the bacteria were spreading, thus ruining their plan completely. net……

It's disgusting.

He glared at the eldest young master of the Chi family, not to threaten, but because he really couldn't help but want to kill this guy!

Chi Feichi handed the mask to Suzuki Jirokichi, noticed the malicious gaze, looked up, only saw the back of Takamichi Fujioka leaving, and silently looked back.

He seemed to be hated by criminals again.

In fact, he didn't want to, but when he thought of the spread of droplets, he wanted to help bring a stack of masks...

"Brother Feichi, you..." Suzuki Sonoko stared blankly at the mask he received, "You are really well prepared."

"He called me early this morning and asked me if I wanted to prepare a batch of professional protective clothing on the flying ship. I didn't refuse, but it was prepared to prevent the thief from doing things," Jiroji Suzuki complained speechlessly. Putting the mask back into his pocket, he had no intention of wearing it at all, and said confidently, "In short, no matter where the thieving cats spread bacteria anywhere in Japan, it is impossible to spread it to the flying ship we are on, so don't worry!"

Members of other red Siamese cats: "..."

Are there protective suits on board?

Boss, please come back and have a look, let them discuss whether to deal with this guy who might do bad things first!

Standing beside Chi Feichi, Hui Yuanai vaguely felt a bit of depression, raised his head in surprise, carefully observed the people standing around them, and frowned when he found no one was casting a malicious look.

who is it? Who the hell exuded that malicious and murderous aura just now?

"It's really reassuring," Masaki Mizukawa put on the mask with a smile, and patted his pocket, "This is a spare spread nemesis!"

"Okay, little devils," Suzuki Sonoko didn't think there would be bacteria on the flying boat, and smiled and leaned over to the five children, "If you want to see other places, go now, but you must follow Master, don't run around alone!"

Hui Yuan Ai wasn't sure whether the malice was aimed at her or Chi Feichi, hesitated for a moment, and decided that this kind of look that didn't come from those who organized the group but had murderous intent should not be aimed at her, a child. The excited three children decisively reached out to hug Chi Feichi's leg, and hid behind Chi Feichi, "I want to be with Brother Feichi."

Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Ayumi stared blankly at Haibara Ai, and even Conan looked weird.

To Huiyuan, this kind of coquettish gesture is too...too strange.

"Feichi, you guys go and look around," Suzuki Jirokichi was about to leave, when he found that Lu Bang was still circling around Chi Feichi, he bent down and patted his dog's head speechlessly, signaling that his dog should not forget the owner "Anyway, I'm just going to discuss the shooting arrangement. It doesn't matter if you come or not. Officer Zhongsen is at the viewing platform on the deck of the flying boat. I'll take you to greet him later. By the way, I'll take you to see the large gem!"

The two groups of people who came up to work and those who came up to play were temporarily separated. Those who did not need to discuss the shooting arrangements just walked along the corridor to visit.

Hui Yuanai kept following Chi Feichi closely, lowering his head and recalling every move of those people just now, even the three children ran to the window to see the scenery without getting involved.

Brother Feichi is really easy to be targeted by bad guys, sometimes it may be because of his identity, sometimes it is difficult for her to guess the reason.

Just like the tuner Pu Hejiang before, because he was moved by Brother Feichi's musical talent, and he had a misunderstanding, he wanted to kill Brother Feichi.

This kind of motive can exist, and she really can't judge why the unknown person just now became malicious towards Brother Feichi.

Her brother is really in trouble.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Hui Yuan Ai leaving the group of children, and felt lonely no matter how he looked at it, while Chi Feichi looked autistic and didn't pay attention to anything. Hui Yuan Ai, "Xiao Ai, if you don't play with everyone, is it because you don't like flying boats?"

Hui Yuanai was stunned for a moment, then looked at the three children who were shouting in front of the viewing window, Conan and Dr. Ali who were standing together and talking softly, "It's not that I don't like it..."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu thought about how Haibara Ai started following Chi Feichi closely after the topic of bacteria was mentioned, and couldn't help but smile, "Are you still worried that the bacteria stolen by the red Siamese cat will spread? It doesn't matter. Not to mention that the flying boat is very safe, even if we encounter difficulties, we can solve them together if we are together, can’t we?”

Haibara Ai thought about the lineup of detectives and violent officers on his side, his eyes softened a lot, and he nodded with a smile.

"Then let's go see the scenery together?" Yueshui Nanatsuki asked Hui Yuanai, then smiled and looked up at Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, you have to go together too. After getting on the airship, you Stay away from the window all the time, haven't you seen the scenery overlooking the sky?"

The corner of Chi Feichi's mouth curled up into a smile, and his eyes seemed to be much gentler. After nodding to the two of them, he walked towards the viewing window, and looked down at the carpet under his feet from an angle that the two of them couldn't see. Hold back the excitement in your heart.

He suddenly thought of a happy thing - this time it seemed that no one robbed him.

Yueshui's wrist is injured, Kyogoku Shin and Hattori Kuropi are not around, and Xiaolan's movements will also be restricted... There are so many red Siamese cats, he really wants to beat them one by one by himself, and kill them!

Of course, in order for him to play without restraint, before everything starts, he needs to arrange for his younger sister who is not strong in combat, and Yueshui who has injured her right wrist. If Xiaolan and Conan can be arranged well, then Even better.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huibara Ai stood there blankly, looking at each other.

"That..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki's mind was filled with Chi Feichi's gentle smile, and he couldn't recover, "Mr. Chi just now..."

"Yes, yes," Hui Yuanai's mind was also a little stuck. In the past, Brother Feichi also spoke softly, but the specific feeling was hard to describe. She suspected that Brother Feichi wanted to wring her head off, but it seemed to be true just now. He smiled because he was in a bright mood, "He seems to be in a good mood."

Touched, her brother finally understood that 'smile' should correspond to 'good mood'.

In front of the viewing window, Ayumi smiled and turned her head to say hello, "Xiao Ai, come and see it too!"

"Now I can see the magnificent port and many docked freighters," Mitsuhiko said excitedly, "From above, it looks like a miniature model!"

Huihara Ai followed Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Mori Ran, and Suzuki Sonoko to the window, looked down, and couldn't help but look at a group of white seagulls passing by the clouds above. Slowly relaxing, staring at Looking at the clouds dyed golden by the sun, he murmured soothingly, "Touring the sky like this, and approaching the distant clouds a little bit, is really like sailing to the dreamland above the clouds on a magic ship."

Aside, Dr. Ali and Conan were taken aback, then turned their heads to look at Hui Yuan Ai with surprised eyes.

Such dreamy and emotional words, could Xiao Ai/Huihara be able to say them? Could it be the wrong medicine?


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