Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1867 The Extraordinary Flying Ship

Hui Yuanai noticed the surprised gazes of the two people next to him, and immediately turned expressionless, "I'm just joking."

Don't look at her with that kind of eyes that look at monsters, she was just infected by Brother Feichi's gentle smile just now, her heart softened a little, and she made some demented remarks...and...already...

Seeing that Chi Feichi suddenly knelt down and approached, Hui Yuanai was startled, a little surprised to hear what her brother wanted to say.

If it's something that made fun of her remarks, then don't blame her...

"It's good that you like flying boats, the real pool group has already achieved results in researching flying boats," Chi Feichi said softly, "My father wants to give us the first and second flying boats he made. "

"Me, us?"

Haibara Ai confirmed in disbelief, "Manosuke...did uncle decide like that?"

Strictly speaking, she is Ike Kana's goddaughter. When thinking of Ike Shinosuke, she always thinks of "godmother's husband" and "an uncle". closeness.

What's more, she and Ike Shinnosuke have never met before. According to other rumors, he is a serious workaholic. She even thought that when she sees Chi Shinnosuke, she must behave calm and sensible, and she is also worried that she will be so serious because of Ike Shinosuke hated her and made godmother and brother Feichi feel embarrassed, but...

Chi Zhenzhisuke sent Chi Feichi the flying boat, and also prepared one for her, that is to say, before meeting her officially, Chi Zhenzhisuke had already accepted her and was willing to treat her as his own child.

Chi Feichi roughly guessed the reason for Huihara Ai's surprise. People outside thought that Chi Zhenzhisuke was a workaholic who was difficult to deal with and had no feelings for him, but he knew that Chi Zhenzhisuke actually cared about his family very much, and he also hoped that Huiyuan Ai would know , "The first one must be mine, I was born before you, and I am your brother, the second one belongs to you."

Haibara Ai:"……"


Brother Feichi is quite righteous, and it is impossible to refute.

As for the time to join the Chi family, it would be longer than Brother Feichi, so of course she wouldn't argue.

"The name and specific design of the airship is up to us," Chi Feichi continued, "I have already decided on my one, because those two airships are a bit bigger than Mr. Jiroji's, and my father thinks You shouldn’t be in a hurry to steal Mr. Jiroji’s limelight, at least wait until no one pays attention to the world’s largest flying ship before announcing it, so I originally wanted to wait until I got back to tell you.”

Hui Yuan Ai was a little uncomfortable. She did have a feeling that she liked to take a flying boat to explore the blue sky. Brother Feichi said this, as if saying, "Don't pretend, I know you like it, so I told you in advance, let you Be happy', but seeing Brother Feichi's still indifferent expression suddenly reassured her, "Have you already decided?"

"The name is Sky City. I hope to make it look like a small city floating in mid-air. The sky deck should be fully transparent as much as possible. There are small forests, bluestone music stands, ponds and other natural and retro designs inside. "Chi Feichi thought for a while, "But what will it look like in the end, we still have to wait for the designer to come up with the specific design. After you decide how to arrange your ship, we will hand it over to the designer to provide a plan."

Huiyuan Ai began to worry about how to design the airship, thinking hard, "I decide how to design the airship, at least it can't be much worse than yours, it will be very embarrassing if it is too bad..."

It was the second flying ship manufactured by the Manchi Group, and it was a "gift from the family". It was of great significance. If it was too bad, it would not only embarrass her, but also the Chi family, so she had to think about it.

But her brother's idea was brilliant.

Such a city in the sky, even she is looking forward to going up to see it, it is best to listen to another piece of "City in the Sky", not to mention the artistic conception, being in that kind of environment, it really makes people feel very dreamy Feel.

"Castle Master Xiaoai has designed so many cities, it should be no problem to decide on a theme," Chi Feichi stood up straight, and said to Yueshui Nanatsuki who was watching from the side, "Yueshui, I want to go to the smoking room."

After hearing what Chi Feichi said, Hui Yuanai actually got a clue. Hearing that Chi Feichi was about to leave the team, she recalled the malicious aura she felt before, and hurriedly said, "I'll go too."

"Ah?" After Yueshui Nanatsuki was surprised, she laughed helplessly, and deliberately imitated the tone of a child, "Why is Xiao Ai so clingy to brother today? How can a child go to the smoking room?"

Hui Yuanai was embarrassed by the ridicule.

Sister Nanatsuki is waiting, she will avenge this ridicule sooner or later!

Chi Feichi just took a deep look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and didn't say anything.

Yue Shui acted so cute to Xiao Ai like a child... He made a note of it, and he wanted to do it again in the future.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was glanced at meaningfully by Chi Feichi. She was a little confused about what that meant, but she always felt a little flustered, and immediately straightened her expression, "Cough...of course children can't go to the smoking room, but they can. Check out the bars and lounges outside the smoking rooms, where there are staff and a glass of juice."

Unfortunately, there were not many people sailing this time, and most of the guests were children. The waiters were busy preparing afternoon tea, and the whole bar was empty, with no one in sight.

Haibara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't go to drink either, they didn't care about the emptiness of the bar, they just looked at the decoration after entering the door, looking for a place to sit.

"Let's sit at the bar for now," Koshimizu Nanatsuki bent down and put Huiyuan Ai on the high chair, then turned to Chi Feichi and said, "We'll wait for you here."

Hui Yuanai was satisfied with this place where he could see the door of the smoking room.

Naturally, Chi Feichi didn't have any objections, so he left Feichi on the bar and pushed open the door of the smoking room.

The decoration in the smoking room is also very luxurious, with thick carpets on the floor, golden European-style wallpapers on the walls, and several retro wall lamps hanging on the wall behind the sofa.

A cute-looking young girl with a ponytail was sitting on the sofa, wearing a waiter's clothes, and was smoking a cigarette leisurely. After seeing Chi Feichi push the door and enter the smoking room, she was taken aback for a moment, and put down nervously. Holding the cigarette in his right hand, he was about to get up, "Hug, sorry..."

"It's okay, Mr. Jiroji didn't say that the staff can't come here." After Chi Feichi entered the door, he walked to the sofa on the other side and sat down, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it.

Haibara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked sideways at the waitress before pushing the door shut according to inertia.

The waitress smiled at the two of them, and when the door was closed, she found that Chi Feichi was still indifferent, so she explained carefully, "We just planned to prepare afternoon tea for you according to Mr. Suzuki Jirokichi's order, but I I want to smoke a cigarette and take a rest before going."

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm', took out his phone, and sent a ul message to Yueshui Nanatsuki.

【Scarecrow: Don't stick outside the door to eavesdrop】

"Ding dong!"

The beep sounded just outside the door of the smoking room.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was startled, let go of the left hand holding the doorknob, took out her mobile phone, looked down at UL's chat message, blushed in embarrassment, and stretched out her hand to pull Hui Yuanai to the side.

Hui Yuanai cast a puzzled look, and soon, the chat box placed in front of her attracted her attention, and she was at a loss for words.

How did Brother Feichi know that they were eavesdropping outside the door, it was like putting an eye outside, it was scary...

On the bar, non-red and black bean-like eyes stared at the two of them, and shouted loudly, "Master, they are retreating to the bar again!"

It can be used not only as a living bug, but also as a monitor.

The waitress didn't stay long, she finished smoking and left the smoking room very quickly. When she passed by the bar and waited for the duo, she greeted her and reminded her of the afternoon tea arrangements. Take a breath.

In the smoking room, Chi Feichi raised his left hand that was resting on the sofa, and looked at the palm of his hand.

The doorknobs, sofas and other places in this smoking room should have been painted with raw lacquer by the group of red Siamese cats.

Many people will have allergic reactions to raw lacquer, and develop red rashes on the parts that have been exposed to raw lacquer, while red Siamese cats will falsely claim that they have been injected with stolen bacteria in the smoking room. The rash, and then the high fever persists to death. As long as someone on the flying boat has rashes, they will believe the red Siamese cat's lies, so that the red Siamese cat can control the people on the flying boat.

As for the actual bacteria...

He remembered that in the plot, it should have been destroyed in the explosion long ago, and the red Siamese cat didn't take the risk of bringing the bacteria out at all.

This group of people is not the "Red Siamese Cat" organization that targeted the rich ten years ago, but a group that wants to create turmoil and take the opportunity to steal Buddha statues in Osaka Buddhist temples. Many members are even mercenaries hired by the leader.

There are a lot of people, and it is very challenging to deal with.

It is a bit difficult for him to face him head-on, but if Koshimizu Nanatsuki with a wrist injury and Haibara Ai with insufficient combat power see him rushing to fight, they will definitely run over to help in a hurry, and then he will be tied up instead.

With so many submachine gun muzzles, he had to be careful, otherwise he would die.

So, when he came to the smoking room, he wanted to get rashes on himself, and by the way, he tried to make Nanatsuki Koshimizu and Ai Haibara get rashes on their bodies, and waited for the red Siamese cat to force them into a certain room. After they were isolated, he tried to sneak out again.

In this way, he who comes out from the dark also has more autonomy, he can freely choose whether to punch one or two at a time...

Now without waiting for him to make a move, Nanatsuki and Ai Huihara also took the initiative to approach the door of the smoking room. In order to avoid accidentally pushing the door open, one of Nanatsuki and Ai Huihara would reach out and hold the doorknob, and waited. The contact between the two should cause red rashes on both of their hands.

Not long after, Chi Feichi came out of the smoking room.

When the three of them went out, they happened to meet other people gathering in the corridor.

"Brother Feichi, you are here," Sonoko Suzuki turned his head and greeted with a smile, "Uncle Jiroji said that he will take us to the sky deck for a visit. If you don't come again, we will go find you!"

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting."

Chi Feichi was very polite, just saying 'sorry' without much apology on his face.

Several people from Nichimai TV Station were also present. They seemed to have heard that Chi Feichi and the others had gone to the smoking room before, and they were not surprised by the lateness of the three of them, and they all smiled kindly.

"Ah, it's okay, we didn't have to wait long."

"Yeah, we just came out of the office with Jirokichi-san..."

Suzuki Jiro looked at the group of people with great anger, "Okay, everyone is here now, right?"

"Yes!" The three children responded happily.

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