Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1868 This bad old man is very bad

The man standing next to Suzuki Jirokichi turned and opened the elevator door, and said with a smile, "I'm Asano, the purser. I'll take you to the sky deck next."

The elevator has transparent glass on three sides, and the interior space is very large. After everyone goes up, it doesn't feel crowded.

As the elevator ascends, part of the internal structure of the flying ship can also be seen inside the elevator.

"The total length of this Belutzli I is 246 meters..."

The purser, Asano, introduced the flying ship in a straight-forward manner.

Photographer Junhei Ishimoto held the video camera and shot the shocking internal structure through the glass.

Mori Kogoro turned his back to the glass, gritted his teeth and faced the elevator door, praying in his heart to reach the sky deck quickly.

Chi Feichi was not interested in viewing the internal structure, so he and Suzuki Jirokichi fell behind. After the elevator door opened, he did not forget to help his teacher who staggered a little because he was in a hurry to get out.

Apart from the simple and sturdy fixing frame above the air deck, the rest of the place is paved with glass, allowing light to penetrate, illuminating the wide deck very brightly.

A display stand has been set up on the deck, and the precious jewelry "Lady of the Air" is placed in the display cabinet on the stand, guarded by Nakamori Ginzo and two police officers.

The 'Lady in the Air' is a ring worn on a palm model. The silver-white wide and long ring covers most of the middle finger. There is a silver-white pendant hanging on it, and many lapis lazuli are inlaid on the pendant and the ring.

Especially the largest lapis lazuli in the center of the ring face, its color is deep and mysterious blue. Under the sun, there is still a little bit of deep purple color inside, and there is a little bit of golden light in the middle. The largest golden particle looks like a woman's side face. It is also the origin of the name 'Dame of the Air'.

"The ancient Roman naturalist Mulla Muss described it as a 'fragment of the bright starry sky'," Jiro Kichi Suzuki cheerfully introduced, "It is really suitable for such jewels to be placed on this sky deck!"

Chi Feichi only looked at the jewelry twice at the beginning, and didn't look at it any more after that.

The sky in the space behind his left eye is probably the perfect interpretation of the bright starry sky. The dots of stars in the blue are real and dreamy, and they seem to move slowly with time, much more beautiful than this piece of lapis lazuli. up.

So much so that when he looked at this lapis lazuli, no matter how he looked at it, it was a bit rigid and monotonous.

"Hmph, how can such precious jewelry be displayed in an ordinary glass cabinet?" Nakamori Ginzo expressed dissatisfaction with Suzuki Jirokichi's arrangement.

"Officer Nakamori, this is bulletproof glass that can't even be pierced by machine gun glass," Suzuki Jirokichi confidently raised his right hand to show Nakamori Ginzo his raised right index finger, "And don't you understand? An iron wall that can only be opened with my fingerprints!"

Ginzo Nakamori said indifferently, "The research institute where the bacteria were robbed seems to have similar fingerprint verification and bulletproof devices, but the results seem to be useless."

Mori Kogoro bent down curiously to study the screen for entering the password, "I don't know what will happen if I press it randomly?"

"Try it and you'll know!"

Yuan Tai recklessly reached out and pressed the screen. After the screen turned red, a glove popped up from below, directly hitting Kogoro Mouri on the chin, and sending Kogoro Moori flying to the bottom of the display stand.

"Dad!" Mao Lilan was startled.

After Suzuki Jirokichi was taken aback, he glanced at Nakamori Ginzo, "The research institute doesn't have such a device, does it?"

Nakamori Ginzo looked at Mouri Kogoro who had woken up on the ground for a long time without saying a word, "Probably not..."

"Look at your good deeds..." Mori Kogoro got up, gritted his teeth and ran to the display stand, "You stinky brat!"

When Mori Kogoro raised his hand, it was detected by the safety device, and a flash of lightning instantly enveloped Mori Kogoro.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Mori Kogoro was shocked and knocked down.

Seeing that his life was not in danger, Nakamori Ginzo ignored the suffering of Mori Kogoro again, stretched out his right hand, made a gesture of 'gun', and pressed it against Suzuki Jirokichi's head, "Well, if that thief uses this trick to force How about you open the glass cabinet?"

"Although I don't think that kid will do this trick, but..." Suzuki Jirokichi turned around, and just about to press the screen to enter the password, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Chi Feichi who was standing by the side, grinning and smiling, "Feichi Boy, do you want to try the simulation?"

"Huh?" Nakamori Ginzo didn't understand why Suzuki Jirokichi suddenly wanted Chi Fei to come late.

"No." Chi Feichi refused coldly.

This bad old man is so bad that he actually wants to punish him.

"Come on, young people should be more energetic," Suzuki Jiro said with a smile, "You have good skills, and you can replace Police Officer Nakamori to imitate Kaitou Kidd to hold me hostage. If you can avoid the trap, it will show my agency Not that useful."

Chi Feichi suddenly wanted to see the face of the old man after being slapped in the face, so he set off and walked to Nakamori Ginzo's side.

"Hey, I'm not bad at being a policeman..."

Ginzo Nakamori muttered dissatisfiedly, but still gave way to Chi Feichi.

Although Suzuki Jirokichi's words made him want to refute, why wouldn't he be happy if someone took the trap for him?

Haibara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Suzuki Jirokichi speechlessly.

It can be seen that Mr. Jiroji just wants to play tricks on people.

Conan looked forward to watching.

Although he didn't understand how Chi Feichi would agree, but... it seemed nice to see Chi Feichi embarrassing~

Chi Feichi walked to the back of Suzuki Jirokichi, stretched out his hand and gestured for a 'gun', and pressed it against the back of Suzuki Jirokichi's head.

"Be mentally prepared!" Suzuki Jirokichi smiled and looked back at Chi Feichi, then stretched out his hand to press numbers on the screen.



On the red and white floor under his feet, the red patch under Chi Feichi's feet suddenly opened.

The 80 cm long and wide square floor tiles suddenly disappeared, enough for an adult to fall, and Chi Feichi was no exception. However, during the fall, Chi Feichi quickly stretched out his hand to support the edge, even if there was no support under his feet, he turned over in an instant Out, landed on the floor next to him, got up and looked at Suzuki Jirokichi.

Everything happened so quickly that other people were still surprised that "Chi Feichi fell down", and in a blink of an eye, Chi Feichi stood beside them safe and sound.

Mizukawa Masaki only felt a gust of cool wind from his side, and seeing that Chi Feichi had rolled over to his side, he raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat off his brow, and then he recovered, "Mr. Chi's skills are really powerful. I just heard from President Odagiri, but I didn’t expect to see him today.”

"Yeah, it's amazing..."

Mao Lilan murmured, and quickly came back to her senses, then turned her head and said to Suzuki Sonoko, "No wonder Mr. Jingji said that Brother Feichi can draw with him by roaming. In terms of physical flexibility and speed, Brother Feichi There is absolutely no rival in this regard!"

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, and he muttered in a low voice, "I really want to see Brother Feichi and Ah Zhen fight... By the way, Master Kidd can also..."

Kaito Kuroba hiding in the dark and watching: "..."

No, he can't, he won't!

Nakamori Ginzo looked at Suzuki Jirokichi, "If you can avoid the trap, it means that this mechanism is not so useful?"

The corners of Suzuki Jirokichi's mouth twitched slightly, and he really wanted to ask these people, "Is the reaction just now normal human beings can have?" But thinking of what he said and the water that was thrown out, he still gritted his teeth and glanced at where Chi Feichi had landed. place, turned around suddenly and started pressing numbers on the screen.


The floor under Masaki Mizukawa's feet disappeared.

Seeing Suzuki Jirokichi's small movements, Chi Feichi was already prepared, and quickly took a step to the side.


Mizukawa Masaki fell into the pit, and the floor above his head closed again.

Jiroji Suzuki gritted his teeth and pressed the number again.



After Chi Feichi moved quickly to avoid it, Ginzo Nakamori fell into the pit unexpectedly.



After Chi Feichi moved his feet again to avoid it, Suzuki Sonoko fell into the pit unexpectedly.

Conan was taken aback, and quickly ran back with the others.

Mori Kogoro hadn't completely stepped onto the display stand before, so he retreated in two steps, looking up at Jirokichi Suzuki in astonishment.

Even the police and my niece got into the trap? Mr. Jiroyoshi is absolutely crazy!

Suzuki Jirokichi kept looking back at Chi Feichi who was moving and escaping, and kept gritting his teeth and turning back to press the screen.


Yuan Tai, who was running slowly, suffered a disaster, and fell down after an "ah".

The crew chief Asano, who just ran off the display stand, was in a cold sweat.

Don't even spare the children?





Two girls, Xia Guxia and Ayumi, one big and one small, fell into the pit.

Mao Lilan stretched out her hand before she could grab Ayumi, and after a moment of surprise, she quickly grabbed Mitsuhiko and Haibara Ai, and dragged her off the display stand.

Chi Feichi retreated to the display stand, seeing that there was no one else on it except himself and Suzuki Jirokichi, and just about to approach the old man again, the old man decisively stopped.

"Forget it, forget it," Suzuki Jirokichi sighed unwillingly, and pressed the '#' key on the screen, "That guy Kidd won't be so quick to see the rules of my mechanism."

From the second time, Chi Feichi has clearly figured out the rules of this mechanism, no matter what number will make which floor tile disappear, or the time from his fastest key press speed to the floor tile being removed.

Therefore, Chi Feichi stared at his hand, as long as he realized which floor tile he wanted to disappear, and moved to the side in time, coupled with his body's reaction speed and movement speed, he would be able to shift his body's center of gravity before he activated the switch to the next floor tile.

He had thought about doing a feint, predicting where Chi Feichi will land in the next second, and immediately inputting the number corresponding to that landing point, to knock Chi Feichi down, but Chi Feichi moves fast and has no rules. He would choose to go forward one floor tile, sometimes he would choose to go to the right, or even walk across the opposite corner, but he was no different.

This kid is no fun at all.


All the floor tiles that were assembled before were opened, and the people who fell into the pit realized that those who could climb up by themselves would climb up by themselves, and those who could not climb so high by themselves relied on other people to reach out for support.

Fujioka Takamichi stepped forward to help in a decent manner, and was extremely vigilant.

I didn't expect the young master of this bad thing to be so skilled. Fortunately, this guy has entered the smoking room before, and then we must find a way to lock him up in a room where he can't get out.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it's still not safe enough. It's better to let this guy sleep with Mr. Maori...

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