Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1869 What if the drug resistance is too strong?

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Nakamori Ginzo, who had worked so hard to climb out, and tried his best to hold his respect in embarrassment, "In this way, it will not be so easy for Fei Chi to get close to me, right? If it is the thief, I have every chance to call someone else Come help!"

Gin Nakamori was expressionless, "Yeah..."

It's not just that Chi Feichi couldn't get close for a while, the people who were standing next to them and those who were running slowly were almost wiped out!

After tossing for a while, a group of people returned to the restaurant below for afternoon tea one after another.

Chi Feichi was dragged along the road by Suzuki Jirokichi and complained in a low voice. When he sat down in the restaurant, he found that Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were not there.

"Beer, thank you!" Mori Kogoro sat next to him, recovering from his fear of heights and tossing about mechanisms, and smiled and said to the short-haired waitress, "Please bring me two glasses of beer to calm my shock... No, three first." The cup is ready!"

"Okay." The short-haired waitress responded with a smile, poured the beer in the dining car, and put three glasses of beer in front of Kogoro Mori, then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Does Mr. Chi want beer too?"

Drink a beer, please have a beer with sleeping pills, and don't make trouble for their actions.

"I don't want it." Chi Feichi resolutely refused.

He was ready to beat someone up if he made a mistake while drinking.

The short-haired waitress felt a little regretful, but she secretly put the sleeping pills in her hand while pouring the black tea, and then served the black tea to Chi Feichi, maintaining a good service attitude, "Then, just like everyone else How about drinking black tea? If you want to eat some snacks but there is no one in the dining car, you can also tell me, and I will notify the kitchen to prepare it."

Chi Feichi did not refuse the cup of black tea in front of him again, "No need."

Anyway, from now on, he doesn't plan to eat or drink anything.

At the next table, the waitress with ponytails served snacks for the children, and when she was about to pour tea with the teapot, she quietly glanced at her fellow short-haired waitress.

Well, look, she said that Mr. Chi's attitude is very cold, but he is still quite handsome...

Beside Chi Feichi, Yueshui Nanatsuki felt a little itchy in the palm of his left hand, put down the tea cup he had just picked up, and scratched it gently with his fingertips.

Chi Feichi noticed Yueshui Nanatsuki's movements, and also noticed that the palm of Hui Yuanai's left hand seemed to be a little red, so he glanced down at his own palm.

The ponytail waitress who was smoking with him in the smoking room before had a small rash on her arm, but it was not obvious. In addition, Yue Shui and Xiao Ai had successively showed signs of allergies.

But he seemed to show no signs of a rash.

In the smoking room, he didn't deliberately let the area that should be covered by the clothes touch the sofa, so as not to mislead Conan into making a correct judgment of 'no bacteria', but he touched the sofa or coffee table on both sides of his palm, and his wrist was not let go , but now there is no sign of itching or rash at all.

Couldn't raw lacquer make him allergic?

That would be troublesome, he was going to 'quarantine' himself.

Huiyuan Ai scratched the palm of his right hand quietly, looked down at the palm and the side of his hand, and found that there seemed to be one or two small rashes, and frowned, but it was difficult to judge whether he had been exposed to any allergens, or whether it was due to moisture or something else. Causes of rashes.

Since everyone thought it was impolite to scratch their arms and palms in front of so many people, the people who started to develop rashes also endured it, and for a while no one noticed that more than one person had such symptoms.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Chi Feichi didn't touch the black tea and snacks on the table at all, greeted the others, went to the bathroom in the corridor outside, closed the door, and took out a medicine box from his coat pocket.

Fortunately, he brought a special medicine for 'cold symptoms' made by his sister.

After that kind of bacterial infection, in addition to a rash, it will gradually develop a high fever.

Due to his special constitution, he developed a high fever faster without having a rash, so that can be explained, right?

A medicine was swallowed, and Chi Feichi felt a stuffy nose, itchy throat, and mental fatigue attack a little bit and gradually strengthened. He put away the medicine box in satisfaction, washed his hands and left the bathroom. In a few minutes, that feeling gradually disappeared after strengthening to the peak.

Chi Feichi: "..."

What if he is more resistant to drugs? Wait online.

"Are you okay?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked in a low voice, "You didn't look very well just now, as if something was wrong."

"What about now?" Chi Feichi asked softly.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki observed Chi Feichi's face, "I seemed a little tired just now, and my cheeks were a little unhealthy red, as if I was sick... Although I don't feel that tired and unwell now, your complexion is even uglier. yeah."

Chi Fei was slow and had an ugly expression on his face.

He still has one medicine for cold symptoms, and he can use it again when he sees the right time. The problem is that he suddenly remembered that anesthesia doesn't seem to be very effective for him.

Before he was injured and went to the hospital for stitches, even with the application of local anesthetic, the effect lasted for a while, and there was still a little anesthetic effect in the last one or two stitches, so he had to endure it.

However, if one day he needs to undergo an operation that lasts more than ten minutes, such as laparotomy or craniotomy, after the anesthesia effect wears off, he will be awake, enduring the pain and feeling the pain of others messing with him. Body.

Sometimes, severe pain will cause physical reactions, such as massive bleeding or uncontrollable muscle twitching, which doubles the risk of surgery. He can't guarantee that he can relax and lie flat as if he was anesthetized...

But then again, with his current body, it seems that it is not so easy to cut his abdomen or open his skull, and there is a high probability that he will not suffer from diseases that require laparotomy or craniotomy.

That's good.

If there is such a day, it is much better to ask the witch for help than to go to the hospital.

"Everyone is drinking afternoon tea!"

Suzuki Sonoko entered the door with a smile, and turned to greet the absent-minded Mao Lilan, "Xiaolan, hurry up too!"

"Ah good."

Mao Lilan followed Suzuki Sonoko, walked to the side table and sat down.

Soon, the black-haired male waiter with some small freckles on his face pushed the dining car in, served tea for Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, and served snacks for tables and tables of guests.

"I kept you waiting, this is the after-dinner snack."

"Thank... thank you."

Mao Lilan's eyes have been following the male waiter.

After Suzuki Sonoko found out, he couldn't help laughing and teasing in a low voice, and then pulled Mao Lilan to continue chatting.

"Ah... I can't wait!" Suzuki Sonoko said with longing, "I really want to go to Osaka soon and see Master Kidd soon! Then, I just hope that I can print my name on his unruly lips." lip……"

Chi Feichi noticed that the male waiter who brought the snacks to the table next to him froze, and couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

Kaito Kuroba disguised as a male waiter: "..."

Brother Feichi laughed...

Even if he was thick-skinned and didn't care about it before, he is a little embarrassed now!

"No, no, no! This is absolutely not possible!" Mao Lilan objected fiercely, and stood up with a 'swish', which attracted other people to look over.

Suzuki Sonoko was also a little confused, "Huh?"

"Uh..." Mao Lilan saw other people staring at her, especially Conan who was next to him cast doubtful and probing eyes, sat down awkwardly, and explained to Suzuki Sonoko with a straight face, "Kidd... is a criminal, isn't he? You should also pay attention to your image!"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Mao Lilan suspiciously, "Are you being too serious?"

"No!" Mao Lilan tried to pretend to be serious.

Hui Yuanai paid close attention to it from a distance, and whispered thoughtfully, "Is Miss Xiaolan's reaction very strange?"

"Really?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki drank the black tea, and secretly glanced at Suzuki Sonoko, "I think Sonoko's idea is very bold..."

At the other table, Nakamori Ginzo urged his subordinates loudly, "Eat quickly, the jewels are still waiting for us to guard!"


The two policemen responded quickly.

Suzuki Jirokichi was drinking tea and was almost choked by the loud voices of these three people. He reminded silently, "Officer Nakamori, please enjoy slowly, the gem is guarded by my bodyguards."

"I'm stuffed!"

Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko stood up excitedly.

"Let's go back to our room to play cards!"

Dr. A Li was surprised to see the three children running towards the door, "In such a hurry..."

"Ah Choo!"

The ponytail waitress sneezed uncontrollably.

Yuan Tai, who ran past, felt spittle on her arm, and was stunned for a while, then Ban Yueyan reminded, "Sister, when you sneeze, you should turn your back or temporarily cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief."

The ponytail waitress looked embarrassed and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry."

Conan couldn't help smiling when he saw Yuantai preaching to others so old-fashionedly.

Yuan Tai is right this time, adults should also set a good example for children.

"Jingle Bell……"

When Suzuki Jirokichi heard the ringing of the phone, he didn't care about the three children who left. He took out his mobile phone to answer the call, and soon his expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "What?!...What nonsense!...Hey, wait one time!……"

Others looked up, but the phone seemed to have hung up.

"What's the matter, Uncle?" Suzuki Sonoko asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, it's just a prank call!" Suzuki Jiro said with a smile, put away his phone, gave Nakamori Ginzo a wink, got up and said, "I'm almost done eating, and I want to go to the air deck to see the status of the jewelry. Officer Nakamori, do you want to go together?"

Sensing that something was wrong, Nakamori Ginzo called two of his subordinates to leave with Suzuki Jirokichi.

As soon as the four of them left, they didn't come back for more than ten minutes. After drinking two glasses of beer, Mori Kogoro collapsed on his chair and fell asleep soundly.

Others drank afternoon tea and sat in the dining room to wait.

"What happened?" Suzuki Sonoko frowned slightly, and glanced at the door from time to time.

"Maybe there is news about Kidd?" Fujioka Takamichi smiled, "For example, I received Kidd's notice letter, but I think if this is the case, Mr. Jiroji Suzuki will send it soon after confirmation." Tell us the news, I'm still waiting to write a report on this wonderful match!"

Conan always felt that Suzuki Jirokichi's reaction was too much just now, and he seemed a little flustered, so he kept silent without expressing his opinion, and looked towards Chi Feichi.

His friends should also... Huh?

Chi Feichi sat at the table, leaned forward, rested his left hand on the table, supported his slightly lowered head, closed his eyes and rested his mind, pretending to be out of spirits.

"Is it really okay?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki observed Chi Feichi's face carefully, "If you are not feeling well, don't force yourself to hold on."

"Yeah," Hui Yuanai looked at the black tea and snacks on the table, "You didn't look very good when you came to the restaurant, and you didn't even eat much. If you feel unwell, go to the room first Pay attention for a while."

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