Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1870 Nakamori Ginzo: Desperate

"Huh?" Mao Lilan turned her head and asked, "Brother Feichi is not feeling well?"

"A little bit," Chi Feichi opened his eyes, looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the others who were looking at him, "I'll take a rest."

Seeing that Chi Feichi closed his eyes again, the others heard the sound of the door opening before they could speak.

Suzuki Jirokichi, Nakamori Ginzo and two other policemen entered the door with serious faces and explained the situation to a group of people.

In the anonymous phone call Suzuki Jiroji received before, the other party said that the virus stolen from the research institute had been spread in the smoking room of the flying ship, and the ampoule was under the sofa in the smoking room.

In order not to cause panic, Suzuki Jirokichi and Nakamori Ginzo took two policemen, equipped with protective clothing and gas masks, to check the smoking room, and found an ampoule marked with a red Siamese cat under the sofa.

After listening to Suzuki Jiro Kichiichi's explanation, the others couldn't sit still any longer and got up and stood together. Only Mori Kogoro fell asleep on his chair.

While a group of people were surprised, Chi Feichi quietly took the capsule from his pocket, put it in his mouth and swallowed it when no one else was paying attention.

The effect of this medicine on him is about 20 minutes. After taking it now, he will have cold symptoms in more than ten seconds. When all the red Siamese cats are here and the symptoms pass, he will be able to find a way to sneak into the dark for activities Don't worry about being affected by cold symptoms.

"W-how could this happen?" Nishiya Kasumi looked at Junpei Ishimoto next to her in panic.

"Could it be a prank?" Masaki Mizukawa couldn't believe it.

When Yueshui Nanatsuki heard the word 'smoking room', her face was already a little pale, she quietly raised her eyes, and found that Chi Feichi next to her was tired again, and she just reached out to touch Chi Feichi's sleeve, After seeing the small red rash on his palm, his face turned pale instantly, and he immediately retracted his hand.

She remembered the symptoms of bacterial infection, that is, a rash on her body, and then a high fever that persisted. Could the rash on her hands be...

Huihara Ai noticed Koshimizu Nanatsuki's movements, looked down at the palms of her own hands, her face was as pale as Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and then raised her eyes to look at Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hands.

Ms. Nanatsuki has a rash on the palm of her left hand. Fortunately, she didn't have it on her sprained right hand before, but the rash on her left hand is the same as that on her hands.

One person can also say a certain food or pollen allergy, but two people with the same rash have a high chance of being infected by bacteria.

She and Sister Nanatsuki have never been in the smoking room, but just stayed outside the bar for a while, and they are already like this. It stands to reason that Brother Feichi will also have rashes on his body.

She took a closer look, and there was no rash on Brother Feichi's hands that were exposed from the sleeves, seems that his body has not been very comfortable since just now...

"No, I have already contacted the department to confirm that the ampoule found under the sofa is the same as the ampoule left by the red Siamese cat in the underground parking lot of the research institute. The ampoule was not announced by the police. Except for them, no one should know the exact shape of the ampoule," Nakamori Ginzo looked at the group of people solemnly, "In short, as I said just now, we have sealed off the smoking room..."


A horrified cry came from the corner, and a group of people turned around in fright.

With his back to everyone, Takamichi Fujioka turned around, his hands and face were covered with red rashes, and he yelled in a vague voice with fear, "Help... help..."

"A, rash?!" Xi Guxia took a step back in panic.

Ginzo Nakamori looked at Takashi Fujioka with an ugly face, "Could it be infected with bacteria?"

Suzuki Jirokichi looked heavy, "So, this guest seems to have been to a smoking room before..."

"Help me, please," Fujioka Takamichi staggered forward with an uneasy expression on his face, but in the end, the others took a step back neatly in fright, "I'm not feeling well..."

"Calm down," Nakamori Ginzo stared at Takashi Fujioka in cold sweat, "Please calm down first..."

"I don't want to die!" Fujioka Takamichi raised his hands, said in panic, and was about to pounce on a group of people.

Mao Lilan took a deep breath, and was about to block the front, but before she had time to move, she saw a figure in black Tang suit in front of them.

In the next second, Chi Feichi's knife had already been swung out, and it struck the side of Fujioka Ryudao's neck.

Fujioka Takamichi froze and fell back.

Chi Feichi's throat was a little itchy due to the effect of the medicine. With such an activity, a large amount of air entered the respiratory tract, which made his throat dry and itchy. eyes.


"Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Chi," Nakamori Ginzo said anxiously, his face turned pale with fright, and he didn't dare to approach rashly, "Don't touch your mouth and nose with your hands... oops! At least wash it with disinfectant Only by touching Mr. Fujioka's hand!"

"It's okay, don't come here...cough..." Chi Feichi held back the itching in his throat, put down his hands, looked up at a group of people, and said calmly, "I've been to the smoking room before."

Nakamori Ginzo took a deep breath, "It's hard... Could it be..."

Chi Feichi raised his hands and looked down, "Although I didn't have a rash, I've been feeling a little uncomfortable since just now."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi's face, hesitated for a moment, and walked up to Chi Feichi decisively, and before Chi Feichi could speak, tiptoed and pressed his forehead against Chi Feichi's forehead.

Chi Feichi was startled, seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's serious expression, resisting the urge to back off or turn his head.

"Hey, hello," Ginzo Nakamori saw the suspected infected one after another, and Nanatsuki Yueshui rashly touched Chi Feichi, and was about to cry, "Miss Yueshui, don't approach rashly..."

"My forehead is very hot. Although there is no rash, it seems that I have already started to have a high fever," Yue Shui Nanatsuki retreated, and blushed a little when she saw Shang Chi Feichi's calm gaze, and soon sighed softly, Turning to show Nakamori Yinzo the rash on the palm of his left hand, "Officer Nakamori, I went to the bar outside the smoking room before, waited for Mr. Chi there, and followed him all the way. If he has been infected with bacteria, I will I don't think I could have escaped."

Nakamori Ginzo: "!"

A flying ship, now there are three infected people!

"I've been following Miss Nanatsuki as well," Huihara Ai worried that Chi Feichi, who had developed a high fever before them, would not infect others, so she calmly walked to Yueshui Nanatsuki, stretched out her palms, Show it to Nakamori Ginzo, "Not long after arriving at the restaurant, I also developed rashes on my hands."

"Ah?!" Xi Guxia nervously took another step back.

Nakamori Ginzo felt his brain buzzing.

There are already four infected people!

"But don't worry," Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi and reassured the others, "Because Mr. Chi doesn't like too crowded, so after we came out of the smoking room, the three of us didn't get too close to other people. The elevators are all in the corner, and on the air deck, although Mr. Chi has been close to other people, but the time is very short. In addition, after we arrived at the restaurant, the three of us sat at a table, and we did not get too close to other people... "

Suzuki Jirokichi sighed, "Actually, everyone has basically stayed in the same place. Even Mr. Fujioka has taken the elevator with everyone and stayed in the restaurant together. If there is an infection, everyone has already been infected. .”

"One more thing..." Hui Yuanai said, looking at the ponytailed waitress in the corner, but just in time to see the other party plop and faint.

Nakamori Ginzo was startled by this movement, "Hey, she is..."

"When Brother Feichi went to the smoking room, she was also in the smoking room." Hui Yuanai finished speaking helplessly.

Ginzo Nakamori began to despair, but he calmed down a lot. He turned to Suzuki Jirokichi, "Is there a place here to isolate them?"


A flying ship, the smoking room above was spread with deadly killer germs, and now five people have been infected, the symptoms are mild or severe, the mild one has a rash on the palm of the hand, and the severe one has already begun to fall into a coma.

Don't care if there are children, Chi Feichi, the young master of the group, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, a young female detective who is gradually becoming famous, and a well-known biographer, anyway, everyone is not an ordinary person, and any one of them will have an accident. It will cause a sensation, and what he is worried about now is that it will take more than an hour for the flying ship to arrive in Osaka, and it will take longer to return to Tokyo. When the flying ship lands, won't all the people here be brought down by bacteria?

"There is a ward in the infirmary with two beds. Although there are no doctors on board, it can be locked from the outside. Mr. Fujioka and the two of them may be emotionally unstable. Send them there first. "Come on," Suzuki Jirokichi said, saw Chi Feichi, and also saw the abnormality in Chi Feichi's face, and sighed, "As for Feichi, you, Miss Yueshui, Xiaoai and Xiaogui will go to the room to rest Bar."

No objection.

Compared with Chi Feichi, Koshimi Nanatsuki, and Haibara Ai who took the initiative to stand up, the ponytail waitress who didn't make a sound after showing symptoms, and Fujioka Takamichi who panicked and wanted to run into the crowd obviously needed compulsory means of isolation.

Nakamori Ginzo took two policemen, put on protective clothing and gas masks again, and moved Fujioka Takamichi and the waitress with ponytail to the ward.

Suzuki Jirokichi also put on protective clothing and a gas mask, sent Chi Feichi and the three to the room, stood at the door of the room, thought that the protective clothing was prepared by Chi Feichi, felt sad for a while, but still comforted him, " Don't worry, Feichi boy! Although so far, there is no way to deal with and solve this kind of bacteria, but that is because all the materials of the research institute have been destroyed, and there are still several days before the bacteria infection dies. I believe that as long as the Suzuki Foundation, the Maike Group, and the Field Group join forces, we will be able to gather the world's top bacteria experts and get rid of this nasty bacteria within three days!"

Chi Feichi felt that the cold symptoms should have reached the most serious stage. Not to mention his fatigue, he was still hot and cold. He sat on the side of the bed, raised his eyes and said to Jiro Suzuki, "Don't worry, we are not that fragile."

Suzuki Jirokichi stared at Kamichi Feichi's calm and sharp gaze, he was stunned, and quickly laughed, "Okay, then I won't bother you to rest, you can rest here until the airship lands in Osaka After that, I will call you again!"


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