Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1872 Are red Siamese cats shameless?

On the other side, Conan found three children, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi. Looking at the children's ignorant and innocent faces, he couldn't bear to say that Yuanta might be infected. He just talked about the general situation after the bacteria spread, and soon discovered that A large group of heavily armed people sneaked into the airship and quickly contacted Hui Yuanai with detective badges.

"Listen, I found out that outsiders have sneaked into the flying boat. The other party looks like a well-equipped mercenary or a criminal group. According to the initial judgment, there are about seven people. Not only are they equipped with gas masks and body armor, they also have submachine guns, Weapons such as pistols, I think someone inside secretly opened the hatch and informed them to sneak in at this time, and they also installed bombs in the cabin..."

In the guest room, the short-haired waitress found the detective badge from Hui Yuanai's pocket. She was surprised that this little thing could communicate like a walkie-talkie, and also surprised that the kid over there had discovered the infiltration of their outsiders, and listened silently. For a moment, he still pretended to be anxious and asked, "You, where are you now? Are you still safe?"

Over there, when Conan heard that it wasn't Haihara Ai's voice, he immediately fell silent, and covered Genta's mouth when he was about to speak.

The short-haired waitress thumped in her heart, but she was still confident that she could fool around with the child, and explained in a hurried tone, "Because Mr. Chi's condition is not very good, Ms. Huiyuan has been worried for a long time, and now she is so sleepy that she fell asleep. , What did you just say? You are now..."

With a dark face, Conan cut off the communication of the detective badge.

Does that woman think he is a fool!

Huiyuan was not an ordinary child at all. When Chi Feichi was in a bad situation, he would only be anxious and unable to fall asleep. How could he fall asleep because of worry? How could it be possible to give the detective armband to someone else?

And it was too quiet over there, not only was there no voice from Hui Yuan, but also Detective Yue Shui and Chi Feichi. Could it be that the three of them were so sleepy that they fell asleep by such a coincidence?

The other three children huddled with Conan in the shadow of the steel frame inside the flying ship.

"Ke, Conan?" Ayumi looked at Conan suspiciously.

"Why do you want to cut off the communication?" Yuan Tai asked puzzledly, "Don't you want to ask about Brother Chi's current situation?"

Mitsuhiko frowned worriedly, "Brother Chi, sister Nanatsuki and Haibara are all infected with bacteria, so their situation should be very bad."

Conan took a deep breath, looked solemnly at the mercenaries going down the iron ladder, "Yeah, it's terrible."

Listening to the female voice, it should be the waitress with short hair, and it is also the inner response of the red Siamese cat mixed in among them.

The detective badge fell into the hands of the woman. It is possible that Huiyuan accidentally lost the detective badge and was picked up by the woman. Chi Feichi, Huiyuan Ai, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki who were together got the detective badge on Huiyuan.

The other party knew that Chi Feichi was good at skills, so even if he had a fever, he should not be underestimated. He wanted to easily knock down all three of them at once. Combined with the other party's identity as a waiter, it was likely that he had put sleeping pills or...poison in the water. .

He had to make sure that the three people were safe, and the woman knew that they had seen someone sneaking in, and someone would search the area soon, and they could no longer hide here...



Outside the guest room, there was the sound of the lock being locked.

Following that, the sound of high heels being lowered went away step by step.

In the room, Chi Feichi opened his eyes and looked at Hui Yuan Ai who was lying on the sofa. He didn't get up in a hurry and looked at Nanatsuki Koshimi who was lying sideways on the bed.

The other party put a lot of sleeping pills in the water, even if he only drank a couple of sips, he was indeed dizzy when the effects of the medicine started to take effect just now, and he was still a little tired now, and he had to slow down for a while before the effects of the medicine would completely wear off minute.

He should recharge his batteries and make full preparations before the battle.

Six or seven minutes later, there were children's footsteps and whispers outside the door.

Conan led the three children to avoid the searchers, touched the door, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the big lock hanging on the door.

A lock was added to the door, indicating that Chi Feichi, Hui Yuan, and Detective Yueshui were still alive. The other party was worried that they would run out, so they added a special security.

Fortunately, these three people are not dead.

"How did you lock it? Did those people do it?" Mitsuhiko stretched out his hand to touch the lock, but when he stretched his hand halfway, he heard the footsteps of more than one person coming from both sides of the corridor, and froze in place.

The short-haired waitress stepped forward, held a pistol in her hand, aimed at Conan who was watching her vigilantly, and said with a smile, "I just said that these brats are smart, right? They can even guess that their companions have been put down, and they can even dodge them." Your search, come here to confirm whether your companion is safe."

Conan's face was ugly, and he wanted to block the three children, but he caught sight of the two big men with guns coming from behind, and he still didn't make any rash moves.

Got it! The other party clearly guessed that they would come to check the situation because they were worried, so they lay in ambush here and waited for them!

The three children and Conan were taken into the lounge by two big men, and guarded together with the others.

Soon, the restless Conan was directly thrown out of the window and became the "chicken" in "Killing Chickens and Monkeys".

Kuroba Kaito couldn't sit still anymore, and jumped out of the window, tore off his disguise, turned into a white monster, caught Conan who was falling from the sky, and opened his glider, allowing Conan to escape the tragic ending of falling into a cake from high altitude.

In the guest room, Chi Feichi leaned against the head of the bed, quietly listened to the commotion outside, and when the outside quietened down, he stopped looking at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's side face, gently pulled away the corner of the quilt and stood up, holding Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara hugged and lay down on the bed.

"Buzz... buzz..."

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone is very clear in the silent room.

Chi Feichi temporarily put down the retractable rope in his hand, took out his mobile phone, glanced at the number, and answered the call, "Tell me if you have anything to do, it's convenient for me to talk here."

On the other end, Gin was silent for a while before speaking, "The TV station is broadcasting the news that Suzuki Jiroji's airship was spreading bacteria and was held hostage by members of the red Siamese cat. The red Siamese cat doesn't seem to intend to cover up all this , and directly told the news to the TV station. Ten years ago, members of the Red Siamese Cat were arrested. Suzuki Jirokichi seems to have made a lot of efforts. This time, he may be aiming at revenge. You said before that you will participate The maiden voyage of Suzuki Jirokichi’s airship, wouldn’t it be in that air whale full of germs and criminals?”


Chi Feichi held the mobile phone in one hand, and stuck one end of the retractable rope to the side of the bed with the other hand, pulled the other end around the end of the bed, and fixed it to the other side of the bed.

Next, he can't guarantee whether the flying ship will suddenly bump violently like in the plot, so he can only try to prepare as much as possible.

Now the outside of the room is locked. Only children and people who can shrink their bones can pass through the ventilation ducts. People who can guarantee that red Siamese cats will never enter. The room is an absolutely safe safe area. Tsuki and Haibara Ai put them on the bed and pulled a strap around their bodies. Even if the flying boat was violently bumped, they would not be thrown to the wall or ceiling and get injured.

And this kind of stretchable rope is like a car seat belt, with a buckle at one end. If the airship is about to crash, as long as one of Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai wakes up, or he rushes over, he can stretch out his hand The buckle of the rope belt was opened, and then he tried to escape.

With such an arrangement, he can go to fight with peace of mind.

Qin Jiu thought about what Wu Yazui said to tell Chi Feichi to be careful, and then thought of Lak Jiu who was severely sanctioned by the alcohol restriction order, and felt a little guilty. Is the guy on guard?"

"The smoking room where the red Siamese cats spread germs, I have been there before, and soon became ill, the police and others thought I was infected, so I stayed in the room," Chi Feichi explained the situation, "and The red Siamese cats sent me a glass of water with sleeping pills, and I tricked them into it. They thought I was unconscious, but the outside of the room was locked. At present, I am alone in the room, and probably no one will be in the mood Whatever happens to me."

"The report said that the red Siamese cat installed a bomb on the flying boat. Do you want me to pick you up? Although the Japanese police are now paying attention to the movement of the flying boat, they dare not send a helicopter because of the red Siamese cat's warning. Nearby, I can have someone drive a helicopter to the top of the flying boat. You just need to find a way to get to the top of the flying boat, and we can pick you up," Gin Jiu said in a calm tone full of confidence, "Even if they find you It doesn't matter, as long as you dare to chase it out, there is only one dead end, as for whether you are infected with bacteria, don't worry about it, the researchers of the organization will definitely solve the bacteria before you die!"

Are the red Siamese cats and the bacterial research institute shameless?

Chi Feichi slandered inwardly, and said in a calm and firm voice, "You don't need to make a big deal about this kind of thing, I can solve them by myself."

Are red Siamese cats shameless?

Qin Jiu slandered inwardly, and reminded him aloud, "Although the TV broadcast did not show the details of how they hijacked the spaceship, judging from the broadcast news, they quickly controlled the other people in the spaceship, no matter who The police and bodyguards waiting to catch Kidd, the other guests on the flying ship, and the staff did not take much time for them, which means that they have a lot of people and carry dangerous weapons on them. Are you sure you can solve it? "

"I'm sure." Chi Feichi affirmed.

"Hmph...then you can figure it out for yourself. If you die on it, don't blame me for not reminding you." Qin Jiu paused, "But if you ask me for help halfway, I can consider saving you come out."

He thinks carefully...

The red Siamese cat ten years ago was very good. It planned a lot of operations against the rich. According to the investigation of the organization, the other party had some good members and some intelligence personnel, but the level of the intelligence personnel was worse than them. Their ability is also inferior to them. As long as the organization and investigation are similar, they can be solved with a group of peripheral members.

Even if the red Siamese cats were like this back then, after those relatively powerful main members were arrested and imprisoned, even if three or two kittens escaped, it would not be much better to reorganize the team now.

Just look at Lak who can still move freely.

Instead, he brought people to hold the airship hostage. Since there are enough hostages, guys like Lak, who are suspected of being infected with bacteria and can only be held alone, and may cause future troubles, do not need to be kept at all. After the operation begins, they can be the first Time to kill.

Insufficient crisis awareness, insufficient ability to judge the situation, and insufficient decisiveness in even killing people.

Lark is one of the best among their core members anyway, with great marksmanship, cunning and treachery, if he can't even deal with that kind of team, he won't need to be rescued if he falls into the trap of the intelligence department one day.

To sum up, red Siamese cats really don't need face.


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