Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1873 Mercenaries and Hunters

"Dead Tsundere... I won't tell you anymore."

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Gin: "..."


How did Luke talk? Who is so arrogant?

He originally wanted to tell Lak, 'Don't kill people, if you want to kill people, you will cause an accident and kill the whole ship', but now he suddenly doesn't want to care about it, let's do whatever he likes.


In the sky, the flying ship like a blue and white whale still flew towards Osaka according to the scheduled route.

Chi Feichi climbed out of the ventilation duct and arrived inside the airship full of shelves and machinery. He raised his eyes and saw the bombs stuck to the shelves. bomb.

It seems that because of his participation in the plot, Conan was caught without even dismantling the bomb.

I don't know what happened to the famous detective now, but in order not to be afraid when he beat people, he had to defuse these bombs first.

one, two...

These bombs were not guarded, and only Chi Feichi wandered around the entire shelf like a lonely ghost, taking down bombs one by one, and dismantling them one by one.

Bomb disposal experience +1!

Bomb disposal experience +1!

After dismantling the four not-so-complicated bombs, Chi Feichi felt that he didn't gain much experience, so he turned around again, and after making sure that nothing was missed, he climbed up the steel frame next to the elevator.

There were seven mercenaries who sneaked in, and he remembered that in the plot, the short-haired waitresses, Takamichi Fujioka, Kasumi Nishiya, and Junpei Ishimoto who mixed in with them before were also accomplices, a total of eleven people.

The hostages were held in the waiting room on Deck A, which should have the most manpower. If you want to guard so many people, there must be at least two mercenaries with guns in the waiting room, and Nishiya Kasumi and Ishimoto Junpei also It will be there, and there should be that short-haired waitress guarding the door.

In this way, there will be at least five enemies near the lounge, and it will be more troublesome to deal with. If there is any movement, people from other places will rush to support immediately. It is better to warm up and deal with the people from other places first.

Among the remaining six people, Takamichi Fujioka, who was actually the mastermind behind the scenes, was still locked in the infirmary. After controlling the situation, one of them should help open the door in the infirmary.

Yes, it only takes one person to release an accomplice.

There was another man who would search after B-deck, patrol the corridors, and watch in the smoking room and outside the room he was originally in by the way.

Masaki Mizukawa also stayed in the smoking room. Once a rash appeared on his body, he would probably be locked in the smoking room just like in the plot.

This person was in charge of keeping an eye on Mizukawa Masaki, him, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Haibara Ai, lest they sneak out or cause trouble.

In the eyes of those people, he, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Haibara Ai would be in a coma for at least two or three hours, and Mizukawa Masaki had no fighting power, so only one person was enough here, even because Mizukawa Masaki was awake. , that person will often stay near the smoking room, and will not often go to the guest room.

In addition, on the promenade with viewing windows, there should be two people patrolling back and forth, this is to observe whether a police helicopter is approaching.

If a large number of police helicopters approached the flying boat and arranged for people to sneak in, and these people didn't know it, they were likely to be ambushed by the police and find an opportunity to take it all at once.

In order to avoid this situation, two people must be on duty on the promenade with viewing windows, and if there is any abnormality, report it to the mercenary leader immediately.

If there is only one person, the police will arrange snipers to kill them. No matter how strong the cover on the flying boat is, the police will always have high-penetrating bullets to deal with it. Manpower sneaked in, so two people must be arranged here, and these two people must act separately, moving back and forth from different positions on the corridor.

The last person will be arranged on the air deck, also to observe whether there is a police helicopter approaching.

The air deck is not like the promenade. The promenade has enough shelters for people to avoid sniper bullets, while the air deck is almost a transparent cover without too many shelters.

Since the police can arrange one sniper, they can arrange two or three. In an open place like the air deck, where there are few obstacles to the line of sight, there is little difference between one more person or one less person, and whether they act together or spread out. When the time comes, they will still be dropped by the police in seconds.

Therefore, it is enough to arrange one person on the air deck and strengthen the contact. As long as this person cannot be contacted, others can enter the high alert mode.

After initially judging the distribution and location of these people, you can choose the person who is suitable as the first target...


B deck, corridor.

The tall man wore a gas mask on his head, a bulletproof vest on his body, and a machine gun in his right hand. He walked in the corridor step by step. The bottom of his tactical boots touched the carpet, making almost no sound.

After turning the corner, the man continued to walk forward. When he passed the door of the locked room, his footsteps stopped for a while, and he continued to move forward after hearing no movement behind the door.

Halfway through the corridor, the man did not continue forward, but turned and walked back, not noticing that the door of the room immediately behind him opened quietly.

Behind the crack of the door, at a height of one person, a pair of purple pupil eyes and a pair of jet black eyes were hidden in the darkness, staring at his back, with the same cold and indifferent eyes.

"Master," Fei Chi whispered, lying on Chi Feichi's shoulder, "Fortunately, we didn't make any movement when we climbed the ventilation duct from the room just now, otherwise we might have been discovered by him."

Chi Feichi didn't say a word, and continued to observe the man's back.

He chose the corridor on Deck B as the first attack area because there was only one person on the other side, and he was not too close to the other accomplices. Even if there was more movement on their side, it would not be easy to disturb the people on Deck A or the sky deck.

This man is an experienced old mercenary.

In fact, bounty hunters occasionally become mercenaries for bounty, because in many cases, mercenaries only need to follow orders. Even if they need to order or plan operations, there are also hunters who are good at this kind of work. As long as the price is in place, It's easy to say anything.

But mercenaries seldom become bounty hunters, because the work of bounty hunters often requires flexibility, and they need to think about various methods that emerge in an endless stream and never give up in order to achieve their goals.

In the eyes of an insider, there is also a big difference between the two individuals, which can be identified almost at a glance.

Most of the mercenaries were rigorous and obeyed orders. They walked tall and straight, and kept a similar distance between their steps. They looked like soldiers of the regular army.

As for the bounty hunters, let’s not talk about them. A hundred bounty hunters may have a hundred different habits and auras. Unless you encounter an old actor acting in a play, it is almost impossible to feel like a mercenary, even if you are retired from the regular army... …No, most of the people who retire from the regular army will choose to be mercenaries instead of bounty hunters, and there are also people who have the characteristics of bounty hunters.

In terms of the characteristics of combat professions, if a mercenary is a general who charges into battle, then a bounty hunter is an assassin who walks in the dark.

Closer to home, the strength of the mercenaries also varies. The mercenary in front of him should be above average in terms of personal quality.

For a careless or arrogant person, in this kind of boring inspection, after round after round, after finding nothing abnormal, it is inevitable that he will slack off, but this mercenary keeps his gun in his hand, and keeps tensing his muscles , the pace of walking did not reveal the slightest floating, and the eyes were sharp and vigilant all the time.

Even if you haven't finished walking the corridor on this side, it's understandable. We've checked that no one is there. Compared with this area, the smoking room area where there is a sober Mizukawa Masaki, we should pay more attention to reduce the number of people on this side. The inspection time can strengthen the inspection frequency over there...

When turning the corner, the gun-wielding mercenary glanced back, making sure that there was nothing abnormal about the door lock and along the road, and then retracted his gaze.

And on top of the mercenary, Chi Feichi used the suction cup to hang upside down from the edge of the ceiling against the wall, squatted on his knees, looked at the mercenary and the long corridor with an upside-down view, suppressed his breath, and counted silently in his heart Countdown to the start of the hunt.


After the mercenary looked away, he looked at the smoking room on the other side of the corner of the corridor.


The mercenary confirmed that there were no abnormalities in the room doors along the way, and took a step forward with his right foot.


Chi Feichi let go of the suction cup and jumped down. When the sound of the wind disturbed the mercenaries, he kicked hard on the back knee of the opponent's left leg, and the rope circled by his left hand wrapped around the opponent's neck. At the same time, his raised right hand also held the opponent down. back of the head.


The mercenary fell to the ground on his back, his face was buried in the thick carpet, his right arm was pressed horizontally with the gun, and he wanted to struggle, but his back was firmly held back, and he couldn't even turn his head, so he could only try his best. He swung his left hand backwards, but he couldn't touch the person pressing down on his back.

Chi Feichi half-kneeled on the back of the mercenary, with his knees pressed against the back of the mercenary, his right hand still pressing tightly on the back of the mercenary's head, his left hand holding the rope loop was tightened a little bit, and he stared at the man with the gas mask rope under his palm. At the back of his head, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Even if you wear body armor, a gas mask, and even neck protection against knife cuts, that doesn't mean you can't kill.

The mercenary's hard-to-exhale cries and air were separated between the nose and mouth and the carpet, and seemed to be separated by the breathing filter of the gas mask. The pain of suffocation intensified little by little. Gradually, it seemed that a certain pain reached its limit. In an instant, consciousness suddenly became a blankness with great ease.

Chi Feichi felt the other party's completely limp body, the smile on the corners of his mouth slowly subsided, he loosened the rope loop on his left hand, stretched out his hand to explore the carotid artery, felt that there was still a weak beating, and then expressed his expressionless expression. Stand up, turn the person over, and tie the rope.

Just now, I was too involved and strangled for too long, and I almost killed him.

He didn't want to kill people in the identity of 'Chi Feichi' or 'July', so he had to change his mode next, try to be as violent as possible and beat him up.

The B-deck corridor is solved, leaving one on the air deck, two viewing window corridors on the A-deck, and finally the group inside and outside the lounge...

The viewing window corridor on Deck A is in the same area as the lounge, so we need to deal with those two first. If there is too much movement, it will easily disturb the people in the lounge and attract a siege from both front and rear.

The one on the air deck must have frequent and close contact with the leader. After solving it, go to the corridor of the viewing window. Maybe at that time, others will be alert.

In contrast, the two options are similar, and both have certain risks. (To be continued.)

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