Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1874 don't talk to me

In the end, Chi Feichi decided to go to the air deck first.

Go around from the B deck to the shell of the flying ship, go south along the shell, go to the top of the sky deck, deal with the one on the sky deck, continue to go south along the shell, deal with the two on the viewing window corridor, and then enter the lounge .

This is a relatively time-saving and labor-saving shortcut, much better than climbing around in the complicated pipes and steel frames inside.

Above the flying boat, the two people aimed at the top of the flying boat one step ahead of Chi Feichi.

Kuroba Kaito, bearing the identity of Kudo Shinichi, and Conan let the police use a helicopter to approach the flying ship quietly, then jumped out of the helicopter with Conan in his arms, put on Kaitou Kidd's white clothes, opened the hang glider on the back, and brought Follow Conan straight to the top of the flying boat.

The two landed safely.

Kuroba Kaito hugged Conan, straightened his bent knees, and the hang glider behind him was instantly blown backward by the wind in the air, dragging the two of them backward.

"Ah? Yay..."

Kuroba Kaito was stunned, trying hard to stabilize his figure, but he was still dragged back by the hang glider, "Ahhh..."

"Slide, hang glider! Put the hang glider away!" Conan hugged Kuroba Kaito's waist tightly, followed Kuroba Kaito back in the wind, and shouted anxiously, "Put the hang glider away!"

Kaito Kuroba was blown back by the wind, and the soles of his shoes grazed the top of the flying boat uncontrollably. He collapsed and shouted at Conan, "You're blocking me, I can't touch the switch!"

"Damn it!" Conan gritted his teeth and hugged Kaito Kuroba tightly with one hand, stretched his right hand between the two of them, and groped Kaito Kuroba's waist, "Switch..."

"Hey, where are you touching?" Kuroba Kaito tried to twist his waist away from being touched, "Quick, stop! Hahaha..."

Just as Chi Feichi came out of the pipe on the top of the flying boat, he looked at the two hugging each other and was startled.

He remembered that there was such a plot in the first place, but witnessing it with his own eyes still shocked him greatly.

Gritting his teeth, Conan yelled at Kaito Kuroba, "Be quiet and don't move!"

Kuroba Kaito tried his best not to struggle, "That said...but it's really itchy."

Conan touched the belt and reached out to find the position of the switch, "I'll press the switch now, bear with it!"

"Hey, wait, there is..." Kuroba Kaito's face turned red in an instant, he tripped suddenly, and the moment the hang glider closed, he fell back, "Ahhh!"

The airship was very wide, and the arc-shaped top was originally flat, but the two of them would slide off the edge of the airship when they fell like this, and couldn't grasp the smooth arc-shaped side of the airship at all, and finally the airship fell into a cake.


When the faces of the two people changed suddenly, a pop-up rope loop encircled the two of them and tightened around their waists, while the long rope connecting the rope circle was firmly fixed on the top of the flying boat.

The two fell to the edge of the flying boat, hung by the rope, looked up along the rope, and after seeing the figure squatting at the end of the rope, both breathed a sigh of relief, pulled the rope and climbed back.

Chi Feichi waited for the two of them to climb back to the top, untied the rope loop around the waist, squatted down and pressed the elastic switch, retracted the rope, and pulled out the clip that was deeply stuck in the top.

Kuroba Kaito sat on the top of the flying boat, looked up at the police helicopter flying away, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand, "I'm saved..."

"Brother Chi, you..." Sitting aside, Conan saw that Chi Feichi was no longer sick and could just rescue them, and he felt much better. He smiled and raised his eyes to look at Chi Feichi, only to find that Chi Feichi was looking at him There was something wrong with his eyes, the smile dissipated, and turned into a daze, "What, what's wrong?"

In those eyes with deep purple pupils, there were rare emotions other than calmness, like the disgust that was trying to restrain, or the incomprehension after hesitating to speak.

All in all, it's complicated and weird.

Kaito Kuroba saw Chi Feichi's gaze, and tried to interpret it with a blank expression.

Brother Feichi, what happened? Why do you see them that way?

"No..." Chi Feichi's gaze returned to calm, "What."

Kaito Kuroba reacted, and bounced off the deck with a 'swish', "Wait, wait a minute! When did you come? What did you see just now?"

"From the moment you said stop, you've seen everything you need to see." Chi Feichi lowered his head and stuffed the elastic rope mechanism into his pocket, and looked up at a strange thief in white. If this kind of thing is seen by others, no matter what, you will be suspected of deliberately luring young children..."

Conan thought about what had happened before, and realized how much shock was contained in Chi Feichi's complicated eyes just now, so he jumped up and explained, "No, it's not! It was because I blocked his hang glider switch just now. Well, he can't reach..."

"That's right, that's right," Kaito Kuroba nodded again and again, "After that, he helped me turn off the switch of the paraglider, but he didn't know where the switch was, so he had to touch me..."

"You two, please, don't talk to me!"

Chi Feichi turned around and walked towards the skylight of the sky deck, preventing Kaito Kuroba from making any more shocking remarks before Kaito Kuroba tried to speak.


"Hey, can you keep your voice down?" Conan cast a desperate glance at Heiyu Kaidou, and ran to keep up with Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, why are you..."


Chi Feichi squatted next to the skylight at the top of the air deck, pointed his head sideways and made a gesture of 'silence' towards Conan, then turned his head to look down again.

On the air deck, a heavily armed mercenary placed smoke pipes on the ground in front of the showcase, and lit them one by one.

Thick smoke rose rapidly from the chimney, drifted out from the ventilation window on the top of the air deck, and was blown backward by the wind.

Conan looked at the actions of the mercenaries below, and frowned in doubt, "Smoke pipe? What are they trying to do..."

"Call more partners?" Kuroba Kaito also moved to the skylight, looked down at the mercenary guessing below, and quickly denied, "With the current technological means, if it is to send a signal, call or send an email That's enough, even if you want to use a smoke pipe, there is no need to use so many."

Conan raised his eyes and looked at the airship covered by billowing smoke. A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he said in a low voice, "Hey, look, does the current airship seem to be malfunctioning and about to fall?"

"Create the illusion that the flying ship is about to fall? But why did they..." Kui Yu Kaito looked up at Bai Yan thoughtfully, and suddenly found that Chi Feichi beside him got up and stepped on the skylight glass, sweating Khan, "Nei...hey, let me say, what do you want to do?"

The thick smoke rising from the chimney lingers on the glass, and then squeezes into the sky through the open window one after another.

Chi Feichi walked through the glass step by step, staring down at the mercenaries under the white smoke, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk to me."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."


The mercenary below was only focused on lighting the remaining two chimneys, completely oblivious to the person passing by the glass above their heads.

Hei Yu Kaidou was speechless, and followed Conan to Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi walked to the open glass and jumped down.

No matter how small Chi Feichi's movement was, the abnormal wind noise caused by the high-speed falling object still alarmed the mercenaries below. They suddenly raised their heads and looked up. After seeing clearly that it was a person who jumped down, they broke out in a cold sweat and their hands were also loose. He reached for the pistol at his waist.

The glass window on the top is more than ten meters from the ground, but at the speed of a person's free fall, falling ten meters is only a blink of an eye.

Chi Feichi adjusted his body in the air, and after his feet hit the ground, he kicked his right foot back, using his strength to rush towards the mercenary man in front of him.

The mercenary had already touched the pistol with his right hand, and before he could draw it, one hand had already tightly grasped his wrist. At the same time, Chi Feichi's other hand clenched his fist and hit him hard in the abdomen. one strike.

Under that punch, the body armor made a piercing clicking sound, and it played a little role, blocking part of the force.

The rest of the strength passed through, the mercenary's face twisted in an instant, his waist bowed into a shrimp shape, saliva splashed from his slightly opened mouth, the focus in his pupils dissipated little by little, and finally he closed his eyes, his body limp Chi Feichi pushed and fell to the ground.

Above, Kaito Kuroba squatted on the glass, witnessed the process of a mercenary man being knocked unconscious by a punch, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and his right hand silently touched his abdomen.

Terrible, it hurts just to look at it.

Conan watched Chi Feichi pull out the rope from the mercenary, and hurriedly reached out to pull the corner of Kuroba Kaito's clothes, "Quick! Take me down!"

"Hey, you need my help now, can you just say 'please'?" Kaito Kuroba reluctantly took out the claw mechanism, and flicked the claw to the steel cable in front of the flying ship's tail superior.

Conan jumped up consciously, and hugged Kuroba Kaito's waist, "Stop talking, move faster! There are bombs installed in the flying boat. Brother Chi is good at dismantling bombs. We must dismantle those bombs first." Lose!"

When Kuroba Kaito heard this, he immediately became serious, and without further ado, he pulled the rope of the claw with one hand, and led Conan to slide down the window.

Chi Feichi squatted in front of the comatose mercenary, tied him up with a rope, groped the other person, took out the dagger hidden in the boots and waist, and then took out the dagger from the other party's collar, clothes In the fabric compartment under the corner, the hidden blade was searched out.

The whole set of movements was so fast and smooth that before even Feichi had time to remind him, the weapons hidden on the big man's body had already been touched by Chi Feichi one after another.

Conan let go of Heiyu Kaidou's waist, and after landing, he quickly ran towards Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, they planted a bomb in the flying boat!"


Chi Feichi picked up the dagger, stabbed through the walkie-talkie on the ground, and pulled out the dagger without looking up, "I found four of them, and they've all been dismantled."

"Huh?" Conan was stunned, and found that Chi Feichi had wrapped the pile of daggers and blades in a big man's coat and handed them over. He subconsciously reached out to catch them, "Have you already dismantled it..."

Chi Feichi let out a cold 'hmm', took off the gun from the holster around the mercenary's waist, pulled out the magazine to look at the bullets inside, raised his palm and put the magazine back on with a 'click'. The gun walked in the direction of the stairs.

Seeing Chi Feichi's posture, Conan hurriedly followed with his dagger and blade in his arms, glanced at the pistol in Chi Feichi's hand hanging by his side, and asked in surprise, "You...what do you want to do?"

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