Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1875 What kind of strange request is this?

Chi Feichi stopped in front of the elevator door, stretched out his hand and pressed the elevator button, stared at the constantly jumping numbers on the elevator, and said softly, "Of course... get rid of them."

Conan sweated, and hurriedly said, "Hey, don't mess around!"

Kaito Kuroba put away his claws and hurriedly followed, his eyes glanced at the gun in Chi Feichi's hand, and he reminded sweatingly, "Murder is a very serious crime!"

Chi Feichi suddenly regretted why he helped just now, and he helped out two followers, "Are you a thief, are you willing to talk about crime?"

Conan saw that the face of a white-clothed monster froze, and he wanted to laugh a little, but he felt that it was inappropriate to laugh now.

Kaito Black Feather seriously suspected that his elder brother had eaten gunpowder, so he glanced at Chi Feichi and warned, "Some things you do are disgraceful, right?"


The elevator door opened, and just as Conan was about to walk in, Chi Feichi, who entered the door first, grabbed his collar, lifted it up and threw it at Kaito Kuroba, who came after him.

Kuroba Kaito was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously reached out to catch Conan who was falling on him. He looked up in shock at the gradually closing elevator door, and quickly regained his senses, and quickly chased after him.

"Don't follow me in the way."

Behind the crack in the door, Chi Feichi dropped a word, and the elevator door closed completely.

"Damn it!" Conan was hugged by Kuroba Kaito, stretched his arms, pressed the elevator button, and stared at the number that the elevator jumped down quickly.


It was useless for Kaito Kuroba to be in a hurry, so he asked Conan to confirm the answer, "Do you think he would shoot and hurt people casually?"



Conan looked at the elevator numbers, and replied seriously and softly, "I'm not sure, brother Chi's mood is actually not stable, but he usually hides it very well, if he is in a normal state, he will not shoot and injure casually. Human, but if he gets stimulated, or if his mental state suddenly turns bad, I can't guarantee what he will do."



"If you say this, it's the same as not saying it."

Kuroba Kaito complained about Conan, but he also agreed with Conan's answer in his heart.

If it was a normal person, it must be the possibility of 'if the situation is not good, maybe they will shoot', but his family crazily criticizes the elder brother for shooting, sometimes it doesn't look at the situation.

Alas, he knows more than a famous detective, for example, he was almost shot by Brother Feichi once.

The two stared at the elevator numbers nervously, but found that the elevator stopped on the first floor, and there was no movement at all. Even though Conan reached out and kept pressing the button next to the elevator door, the elevator still stopped firmly on the first floor.

"No need to wait!" Conan jumped down from Kuroba Kaito's arms, holding the dagger and blade wrapped in his coat, and hurried to the entrance of the safe passage on the side, "He tried to stop the elevator on the first floor , let's go down the stairs as soon as possible!"

Kuroba Kaito followed Conan up the stairs, feeling speechless for a while.

He came to steal jewels, why was he involved in such troublesome things for no reason?

If it wasn't for the fear that Brother Feichi would mess around, kill someone or be killed, if it wasn't for the 'Lady in the Air' jewelry being taken away by those mercenaries, he really didn't want to come here with a brat run away.


a deck, first floor.

After the elevator reached the first floor, Chi Feichi didn't get out of the elevator in a hurry, but quickly pressed the elevator pause button, turned over and climbed onto the top floor that had been opened before.


The elevator doors open.

In the corridor, the two mercenaries who had discovered the elevator were holding light machine guns and pointed their guns at the slowly opening elevator door. They were taken aback when they saw that there was no one behind the door.

"What, there is no one at all!"

"Could it be that the elevator broke down?"

"I think so. We searched before, and everyone on this flying ship has been driven to the lounge. Except for our people on the air deck, how could anyone use the elevator..."

"That guy didn't hear from the boss, so he wouldn't run down without saying hello."

"It seems that we are too suspicious."

The two chatted relaxedly, and found that after the elevator door stopped on the first floor, the door had not been closed, and without thinking about it, they became more and more sure that this was an elevator malfunction.

"It's not really broken, is it?"

"Go and see..."

In order to make it easier for the accomplices on the air deck to get down later, the two stepped forward one after the other, ready to check the elevator.

Just when the two of them arrived at the elevator door, Chi Feichi jumped down from the opened top floor, bent down to reduce the impact of landing, and supported the ground with his right hand, sweeping and kicking the ankle of the person in front.

The mercenary walking in front saw someone jumping down from the elevator. As soon as he opened his mouth, his ankle was kicked hard.

"Hey you……"

The mercenary at the rear was blocked by his companion's big man, so he couldn't see what happened. After his companion fell to one side, he saw a left hand holding a gun quickly hit his neck. Lost consciousness.

When the fallen mercenary hit the ground with his shoulder, he reacted, quickly stretched out his hand to support the ground, touched the machine gun hanging on his body with the other hand, and looked up and forward at the same time, trying to lock the enemy's figure. What he zoomed in on was a shoe.

Feichi rested his head on Chi Feichi's neckline, and when he saw a big man being kicked in the jaw and knocked his head up to the ground before passing out, the snake letter he spat out froze.

It saw that the guy had two broken teeth in his mouth...

It just looks like it hurts.

Chi Feichi squatted down, took out the claw rope used for diving from the fainted two people, searched the two people again, kicked all the weapons into the elevator, canceled the elevator pause button, and pressed the floor button on the fifth floor , turned around and tied the two people with the rope of the claw rope.

"at, atd, what happened to you?" A man's inquiry came from the intercom that fell on the ground, "at? atd? Please answer me immediately!"

Chi Feichi tied up the two calmly, picked up the claw and looked up, and threw the claw with all his strength towards the protruding lamp holder on the ceiling.

If you take a gamble, bet on the quality of the facilities on Jiroji's flying boat...

After finding that there was no answer, the people on the walkie-talkie also fell silent, and there was no movement for a long time.

On the other side of the corridor, the waitress clenched the pistol tightly in her right hand, walked lightly, walked carefully through the corridor, and quickly turned around at the fork in the corridor leading to the elevator. The pistol in her right hand was raised and aimed at a height of one person.

On the elevator, the number shows 5 where the air deck is located. In the corridor in front of the door, there are two mercenaries tied back to back.

The feet of the two big men were more than ten centimeters from the ground, their heads were lowered weakly, and their figures were still a little wobbly.

One of them opened his mouth slightly because he had two broken teeth in his mouth, and the blood oozing from his gums flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and a drop fell on the walkie-talkie under his feet. , I can't see the blood.

Those who know know that the lives of the two people are not in danger, but the short-haired waitress is obviously the one who doesn't know. Looking at the slightly shaking bodies of the two big men hanging in the middle of the corridor and the drops of blood falling down, there is a feeling of horror. Feeling, vigilantly ready to observe the situation.

The two hoisted ones were shaking slightly, indicating that the person who attacked them hadn't gone far...


There was a soft sound behind him.

The waitress felt the back of her head being pushed out by something cold and hard, and she also heard the sound of a pistol being loaded just now. She turned her head slightly to observe the situation and suddenly stopped turning.

"Call out."

Behind her, the male voice sounded very young, and that calm and calm tone made Chi Feichi's figure instantly appear in her mind.

Just... shout? What kind of strange request is this?

The waitress's right hand holding the gun has not been put down, so she can only freeze in the air, the muzzle of the gun continues to point at the two mercenaries who have been hung up, and she struggles to say, "What, what?"

"I want you to scream," Chi Feichi repeated impatiently, "Scream!"

When the short-haired waitress was frightened by the gun, she wanted to exclaim subconsciously, but she was afraid of angering the people behind her, so she suppressed her exclamation. Now facing this strange request, the more she thought about it, the more strange she became. , the more I think about it, the more it looks like a tease from a pervert, my throat seems to be blocked, and I can't speak loudly, "I...I..."


Chi Feichi quickly sideways fired his gun and fired at the wall next to the elevator door.

When the waitress heard the gunshots ringing in her ears, she was so frightened that her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.

The gun in Chi Feichi's right hand fell down and hit the waitress' neck. After knocking her unconscious, he bent down and picked up the pistol that the waitress dropped on the ground.

It's trash, so you can't even scream.

However, using gunshots has the same effect, and can still attract other gangsters.

The stairwell leading to the first floor from the second floor, when Conan and Kaito Kuroba heard the gunshots, the running figures paused, then quickened their pace and ran out of the stairs.

At first glance, what I saw were two mercenaries who were hung in the middle of the corridor. They looked too miserable and the scene was too weird.

At the second glance, I saw the waitress sitting against the wall. She was not tied up, but her head was lowered like the two mercenaries, and she lost consciousness.

The third glance was because they heard the sound of hurried footsteps, the two raised their eyes in bewilderment, and looked at a mercenary who was pointing a machine gun at them at the corner.

The mercenary was startled when he saw the two hanging companions and the waitress leaning against the wall, and then he met a certain white monster thief, and his eyes instantly became gloomy, "Kid the thief Kidd!"


Kaito Kuroba felt that the mercenary might have misunderstood something, and just as he opened his mouth, he found that the other party's finger on the trigger of the machine gun had been pressed down, and he quickly stretched out his hand and dragged Conan back to the stairs.

"Bah bah bah...!"

A series of bullets hit the wall next to the stairs, and there were densely packed bullet holes, which made Conan and Kaitou Kidd sweat again and again.

Before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, footsteps came from the stairs beside them, and another heavily armed mercenary stood on the stairs, pointing the muzzle of the machine gun in his hand at Conan and Kaitou Kidd, teasing in a cold tone, "It's okay I went around to the second floor and turned around, I didn't expect you two would dare to come back...I warn you, don't move around!"

Conan: "..."


Do they dare to move?

Kuroba Kaito: "..."


They dare not move!

However, can you listen to him say that he just arrived not long ago, and those things outside really have nothing to do with him!

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