Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1877 Force value makes people feel at ease

Everything happened too fast.

A group of people standing in the center of the lounge looked at the leader of the mercenary who fainted between the legs of the table and chair, then at the No. 1 mercenary who passed out immediately after hitting the table, and then at the wall that had cracked and crooked. Mercenary No. 2 in the corner looked at Chi Feichi who put down his right hand at the door.

It was so sudden, all three gangsters were eliminated at once, which means...

Their threat lifted?

After Conan and Heiyu Kaidou came back to their senses, they turned their heads to look at Chi Feichi standing behind them, with an uncontrollable dull expression on their faces.

How should I say it?

As if Chi Feichi had suddenly appeared from behind, Ka Ka dealt with two mercenaries who were pointing guns at their backs, and Ka Ka dealt with the leader of the mercenaries who just walked up to them, just... quite suddenly.

The three children stood there and stared blankly at Chi Feichi.

It is worthy of their responsibility for violence, and the force value makes people feel at ease!

"What's going on here?" Mori Kogoro stood aside, looked left and right, complaining to Chi Feichi, with a look of displeasure on his face that his sleep was disturbed, "Feichi, can you pay attention next time when you hit someone? Just now Almost hit me!"

"Sorry, teacher," Chi Feichi apologized coldly and without sincerity, "The situation is urgent and I didn't control the angle properly."

other people:"……"

Did the mentor and apprentice figure out that the current situation is worth celebrating first?

"Father, you..." Mao Lilan looked at Kogoro Mouri, "Have you been pretending to be asleep?"

"No, I did not know why I fell asleep before," Mori Kogoro scratched his head with a smile, "When I woke up, I found those guys shouting, and when I realized something was wrong, I temporarily pretended not to wake up, and prepared to watch Let's see if there is a chance to restrain them, it seems that my plan is still very successful, those guys didn't realize that I was awake at all! Hahaha..."

Mao Lilan's half-moon eyes: "..."

Yes, not only fooled those people, but also fooled them, but you don't have to be so happy, right?

"The short-haired waitress sister seems to be their accomplice. Brother Chi has already knocked people out, and Kidd and I heard one of the mercenaries say 'Miss Tomoko's pistol is not there' at the stairs. "Conan looked up at the group of people and said, "I think they were probably worried that Uncle Kogoro, who is a famous detective, would ruin their plan. They put sleeping pills in the beer that Uncle Kogoro drank before, so there was such a big commotion at first. Uncle didn't wake up either."

"Don't worry about bacterial infection," Chi Feichi also said, "Yue Shui only had a rash on the palm of his left hand, and Xiao Ai had rashes on both his left and right hands. They probably took advantage of the final inspection of the airship. At that time, the waitress sprayed raw lacquer in the smoking room, and the people who went to the smoking room came into contact with the raw lacquer, and their skin developed rashes. When Yue Shui was waiting for me outside the smoking room, he touched the door handle and held the small Alas, that's why the two of them have rashes on their hands..."

"So that's how it is," Mao Lilan understood, and smiled brightly, "Miss Nanatsuki's right wrist is injured, so she can only use her left hand to grab the doorknob, and her left hand has an itchy palm, and she can't use her right hand." Scratch it, so she didn't have a rash on her right hand, and Xiao Ai touched the palm of her right hand with her left hand without knowing it, so she has rashes on her left and right hands, right?"

"It's not certain that it's not a bacterial infection, is it? Maybe the rash first appeared on the part that had been exposed to the bacteria?" Nakamori Ginzo was still a little worried, "Didn't Mr. Chi still have a fever before?"

"The fingernails of the guards in the smoking room had black marks left by years of exposure to raw lacquer. That's why I guessed that what they sprayed in the smoking room was raw lacquer. Some of them are immune to raw lacquer. In this way, in case of an emergency, that person can send the person to the smoking room to be imprisoned," Chi Feichi said, "As for my symptoms, it may be because I have special allergies. Although it was uncomfortable at the time, it soon recovered. , and now there is no rash on the body, the deadly bacteria will not be so easy to get rid of, right?"

"And they also placed bombs in the airship. If they wanted to spread the bacteria, wouldn't the fire after detonating the bomb kill the bacteria instead?" Conan agreed with Chi Feichi's analysis, "And if they wanted to spread the bacteria from the beginning If the flying ship is blown up, then there is no need to bother spreading bacteria, right?"

"That's right..." Ginzo Nakamori thought about it, and always felt that it would be safer to have an examination. "In short, after the flying ship lands, you should go to the hospital for an examination."

"By the way," Suzuki Sonoko looked around with bright eyes, "Where is Master Kidd? Was Master Kidd acting with Brother Feichi just now? Master Kidd and the kid with glasses pretended to be caught to let the enemy relax their vigilance. In the end, Brother Feichi followed and killed them all with one blow, isn't that right?"

The others followed suit and found that the figure in white who was standing at the door just now had disappeared.

"It's really a pity," Xi Guxia said, and suddenly reached out to pick up Ayumi in front of her, the pistol in her right hand was pressed against Ayumi's head, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, "One of them ran away!"

Now that they figured out what was going on, they didn't have to hide anymore.

On the side, Ishimoto Junpei also grabbed Mitsuhiko, and also held the pistol hidden on his body against Mitsuhiko's head, his eyes were cold, "If you move around, these two brats will die!"

Conan: "!"

Why would there still be bad guys lurking among them?

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the two in astonishment, "You, you..."

"Stop rambling!" Xiguxia interrupted impatiently, looked at Chi Feichi and said, "Now do as I said, Mr. Chi, first throw the gun in your hand over!"

Chi Feichi looked at Ayumi and Mitsuhiko who were pale with fright in their arms, and threw the gun in their hands at their feet.

"Very good!" Seeing how useful it is to hold a child hostage, Xiguxia couldn't help but feel proud of her tactics. She kicked the pistol to the corner with her foot and looked at Suzuki Sonoko. Together, Mr. Jiroji, get the rope from that useless guy next to him, and then you can tie up the dangerous Mr. Chi..."

"Ah?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, and found that Chi Feichi was just looking sideways at the door, but there was nothing at the door.

Suzuki Jirokichi saw that Ayumi was pale with fright but held back her tears, sighed, gave Suzuki Sonoko a wink, stepped forward, and turned the rope over the fainted mercenary.

Now that a child is being held hostage, what else can they do? We can only stabilize these two bastards who are holding children hostage!

Conan found that Chi Feichi had been looking at the door, and also looked over. At first, he thought that Chi Feichi was checking whether the Kaitou Kidd would come back, but he quickly realized that his expression changed slightly.

no, no...

Chi Feichi was indeed looking to see if someone would show up, but it wasn't Kaitou Kidd, but Takamichi Fujioka!

He also thought that the smoking room had been sprayed with raw lacquer, so besides Chi Feichi, who had a cold and fever, there was another person who had allergic symptoms.

The parts where Takamichi Fujioka had rashes before were the palms and cheeks of both hands. No matter how you think about it, Takamichi Fujioka touched the raw lacquer with his palms and then covered his face.

The biographer Takamichi Fujioka is also an accomplice of this group of people!


Hearing a soft sound, Conan subconsciously turned his head to look at the source of the sound. At a glance, he saw that Chi Feichi's right hand behind his back had opened the safety of a black pistol. With a calm mood, he couldn't help sweating, quietly observing Nishiya Kasumi and Ishimoto Junpei who were holding hostages.

Fortunately, one of the two people stared at Sonoko and Mr. Jiroji who were going to get the rope, and the other stared at Chi Feichi, but they didn't seem to notice Chi Feichi's small movements.

But why did Chi Feichi still have a pistol on him?

"Holding, I'm sorry, Brother Feichi," Suzuki Sonoko walked up to Chi Feichi with a troubled expression while holding the rope, "Please bear with me..."

"Is he still planning to show up?" Chi Feichi suddenly turned to look at Xiguxia and asked.

"What, what?" Xi Guxia didn't react for a while, and a little confusion appeared in her eyes.

Chi Feichi dodged past Suzuki Sonoko's side, moved out the pistol hidden behind him in his right hand, stared at Ishimoto Junhei whose expression changed drastically, raised the gun, and pulled the trigger.

He has dealt with so many people, why do these two people think that he only has a gun in his hand?


Ishimoto Junhei was hit in the wrist holding the gun, and the pistol was also released from the impact.

Mitsuhiko in his arms blankly felt the bullets passing by his face, and also felt the warm feeling of blood splashing on his face, his mind went blank.

After Chi Feichi fired a shot, without hesitation or seeing the effect of the shot, he grabbed Xiguxia's wrist holding the gun with his left hand, moved to the side and then twisted back suddenly.

Faced with a skilled man like him, holding someone hostage with a gun, but not even opening the insurance, is this woman too confident?

Nishiya Kasumi's right hand was twisted back with amazing force, and under the pain, her left hand holding Ayumi also loosened.

Chi Feichi didn't free his hand to control Ayumi who had landed on the ground, and continued to use his left hand to push Nishiguxia's back towards the table next to him.


The pistol that Ishimoto Junpei dropped fell to the ground and slid far away on the carpet.


Xiguxia was bent over, her upper body was smashed on the table, her right wrist was grabbed by Chi Feichi and twisted behind her, the elbow joint was obviously dislocated, her arm was twisted unnaturally and she screamed in pain.



Shi Ping Shunping on the side bent over and screamed even worse, clutching the bleeding hole on his wrist with a painful face, bright red continuously flowed from between his fingers, and landed on the carpet with a tick-tock.

Ayumi fell down at Nishiya Xia's feet, startled by the screams, hurried forward for a distance, looked back at Nishiya Xia who was pressed on the table with profuse sweat, and felt that Nishiya Xia was distorted by the pain. His expression was almost becoming a psychological shadow.

In an instant, two more gangsters were eliminated, and the others looked at the two people in a miserable situation in a daze, with Ishimoto Junpei's horrified screams lingering in their ears, and suddenly felt that the scene in front of them was very similar to "gangsters breaking into innocent people." At the scene of the murder at the couple's home, I couldn't help but think of the triumphant faces of Kasumi Nishiya and Junpei Ishimoto when they held the child hostage in my mind, and I felt that I shouldn't sympathize with these two people for a while.


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