Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1878 Chi Feichi is the Bully

The pistol in Chi Feichi's right hand was pointed at Junpei Ishimoto, and he fired another shot at Junpei Ishimoto's feet.


Ishimoto Junpei looked at the smoking carpet at his feet, and realized that Chi Feichi would really shoot and hurt someone. The fear of death enveloped his heart, and his cry was choked in his throat. His legs softened and he fell to his knees. .

Only then did Chi Feichi look at the stunned Suzuki Sonoko and the others, "Sonoko, Mr. Jirokichi, come here and tie them up, and then tie them to the guardrail over there."

Sonoko Suzuki shook off the strange thoughts in his head, and quickly stepped forward holding the rope, "Ah, good!"

Suzuki Jirokichi looked down at the rope in his hand, trotted forward, and began to tie Ishimoto Junpei.

Well, very good, the rope they took before was not wasted!

Chi Feichi pointed the gun at Ishimoto Junpei, and after Suzuki Jirokichi tied up Ishimoto Junpei, he let go of Nishiya Kasumi who was pressed firmly on the table with one hand, and while waiting for Suzuki Sonoko to tie up Ishimoto Junpei, He also raised his eyes and said to Mori Kogoro, "Teacher, please take the guns here with the police officers, and go to the corridor in front of the smoking room on Deck B and the air deck. There are two mercenaries there. They should have ropes on them. Please tie them up and bring them here for centralized monitoring. In addition, Mr. Jiroji's bodyguard... Please go to the corridor outside, the waitress and the remaining two mercenaries are there. Similarly, take the pistol , bring them over and take care of them, although they should not wake up yet, please pay attention to safety."

The calm look without any emotional fluctuations, and the decent words in a low voice, but people can't take it lightly.

"No problem, please rest assured, we will definitely bring him back!"

The four bodyguards nodded, went to get the machine guns dropped by the mercenaries, and went out with serious expressions.

Chi Feichi looked at the crew chief Asano again, "Mr. Asano, the mercenary leader and the remaining two people are left to you."

"Okay, Mr. Chi!"

Chief Asano nodded, greeted the chef on the flying ship, stepped forward to find the rope from the mercenary leader, and tied the unconscious mercenary leader and two subordinates to the handrail in front of the dining room viewing window.

Immediately afterwards, Nishiya Kasumi and Ishimoto Junpei were also tied to the handrail.

The long handrails are in front of the restaurant windows, and new members are added one after another, like a string of grainy ears of rice.

The waitress and two mercenaries in the corridor, the unconscious mercenary on the air deck...

The string of rice ears lying on the ground could not be bent down, and the gangsters who looked miserable, tied into rice dumplings, and sitting on the ground leaning on the handrails grew out of it.

Mao Lilan was worried that Ishimoto Junpei, who had been bleeding from his wrist, was dead, and went to the infirmary with Suzuki Sonoko to get a first-aid kit.

Chi Feichi pulled up a chair, sat down in front of the result he had typed, and put the pistol on the table next to him. Regardless of whether smoking was allowed in the restaurant, he took out a pure black cigarette case from his pocket, took a cigarette and bit it. live.

"Brother Chi, where are Huiyuan and Sister Nanatsuki?" Conan helped tie people up and walked to Chi Feichi's side, "The two of them..."

Chi Feichi looked at the waitress who was tied to the handrail, "When she brought us hot water, she put sleeping pills in the water, Yue Shui and Xiao Ai fell asleep, I left them in the room inside……"

"Feichi, you bastard is too aggressive!"

Kogoro Mori and Ginzo Nakamori supported the unconscious mercenary on deck B back, sweating from fatigue or fright, "When we saw this guy, he still had a rope around his neck, I thought he was killed strangled!"

Even now, the mercenary still has a rope around his neck, but the rope has been untied, and the gas mask on his face has also been taken off, and he was dragged along by Mori Kogoro and Nakamori Ginzo in a coma. , with his head tilted back weakly, there was a circle of deep purple marks where his neck connected to his chin, and there were also scratches from scratching the carpet on the gloves of his hands hanging by his side.

Conan's eyelids twitched.

He could already imagine what the uncle and Nakamori Ginzo saw at that time. A man with a rope around his neck tightly, lying motionless on the ground...

"The situation was urgent at the time. I just wanted to prevent him from alerting his accomplices and make him unconscious as soon as possible, so I might not be very measured..."

Chi Feichi took out a box of matches without changing his face, and after lighting the fire, he lowered his eyes and lit the cigarette he was biting, exhaled a puff of white smoke at the unconscious mercenary leader in front, and added, "After waking up from the nervous state, I immediately let go of the rope."

In this case, even if he kills someone, there will only be a little trouble of "whether he is overprotective", and he will probably not be held accountable in the end.

It’s just that the people around him have too strong a sense of morality, so they may not be able to accept such a thing as killing someone. At that time, if he shows no psychological burden, he may be suspected of being mentally abnormal. , these people are trembling again to enlighten him...

It's so troublesome, it's better not to kill people.

"It must have been dangerous at that time, right?" Ayumi thought for a while, and said softly, "No, it was always dangerous..."

Mori Kogoro thought it was not easy when his apprentice came from the B deck and encircled and suppressed a mercenary team all the way, especially when he was worried and nervous, it is normal to not know the severity of the attack, "The situation is urgent, I can understand, but fortunately this guy is not dead, it looks like he will wake up soon."

"No, it's not good, Brother Fei Chi!" Mao Lilan entered the door anxiously carrying a medicine box, followed by Suzuki Sonoko and the waitress Ponytail, "After Mr. Fujioka was locked in the ward of the infirmary, he sent the waiter The lady was tied up, and then a mercenary went to help him open the door..."

"He is also an accomplice of these guys," Suzuki Sonoko said anxiously, "and now I don't know where she is hiding!"

Chi Feichi sat on the chair, raised his foot and kicked the unconscious mercenary leader vigorously. After kicking him awake, he reached for the pistol on the table, "Then we need to ask them."

The mercenary leader woke up, and when he looked up, there was still a trace of confusion in his eyes. When he saw Chi Feichi sitting in front of him, wearing a black Tang suit, his face froze.

Chi Feichi leaned forward, put his right elbow on his knee, and pressed the pistol tightly to the forehead of the mercenary leader. He stared at the mercenary leader calmly, "Where will Fujioka Takamichi be? What do you have?" Contact information? Did you have any special agreement before? Answer me after you think about it."

Next to him, Conan looked left and right at the miserable-looking group of people, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

The style of the painting gradually became different. Looking at these people and Chi Feichi, he always felt that Chi Feichi was a bully, bullying a group of poor kidnapped gangsters.

He stood next to Chi Feichi's chair, like... an accomplice, an accomplice?

The mercenary leader originally didn't believe that people here would kill people, and in the presence of the police, if someone was really anxious to kill him, he could yell, "Criminals have human rights, so the police don't care." , forcing the police to come forward to stop the person who killed him.

Yes, he is bullying the police. There are rules that must be followed.

Just looking at Shang Chi Feichi's eyes, those emotionless eyes made him feel completely at a loss.

He has seen the eyes of many people threatening others with guns. Some people have the tension of being strong outside but doing nothing in the eyes, some people have the excitement of controlling other people's lives in their eyes, and some people have... It seems that they have already witnessed it. The murderous intent and frenzy brought about by the death of others...

There are naturally different ways to deal with these three kinds of people.

When meeting the first type of person, it is best to be able to deter the other party with your attitude, but not force the other party to be too emotional. After the other party is shocked, he can take the initiative in his hands.

The second type of person does not necessarily have the guts to kill, but it is definitely not good. The best way is not to irritate the other party, find a way to deal with the other party, give the other party the information they want with a submissive attitude, and test them out during this period. The opponent's bottom line and attitude.

The third type of person has killed someone. If he is under the control of this kind of person, it is best to be honest and keep the defense of the other party's killing and silence in his heart, but he must be frank and straightforward on the face, and try his best to win the other party's favor.

But Chi Feichi didn't belong to any of these three types of people, and his gaze was like a machine without emotion, making him uncertain whether Chi Feichi would shoot or not.

Of course, Chi Feichi may also belong to the third category, but the other party is not interested in killing him for the time being, that's why he behaves so calmly.

It only took a second for Chi Feichi to shoot and kill him, and the police behind him had no time to stop him, and after he died... no, when he died, there would be nothing...

All things considered, it would be better for him to be honest.

"We're in touch by text message..."

The mercenary leader wanted to stare at Chi Feichi and show his honesty by looking directly at Chi Feichi, but the more he looked at those overly calm eyes, the more uncomfortable he became, so he could only turn his eyes away and look at the standing Conan beside Chi Feichi's chair looked sincerely, "Only I can contact him. The phone was in the left pocket of my trousers before."

Conan: "..."

Hey, what does this guy see him doing?

Make it look like he's behind the 'threat at gun' incident.

"Other than that, we have no other agreement, nor have we agreed where to meet up in case of an accident, after all..." The mercenary leader looked at Conan, paused, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes, "We thought the plan was absolutely Can't fail."

Chi Feichi turned his head sideways and pressed the cigarette butt on the table, took out his mobile phone to read the email he just received, and asked without raising his head, "Bacteria are fake, right?"

"That's right," the mercenary leader noticed that Suzuki Jirokichi, Mori Kogoro, and Nakamori Ginzo had stepped forward and found a new target of attention. After thinking about it, he chose Nakamori Ginzo, a policeman, and looked up with sincere eyes. In the past, "We invaded the Institute of Bacteria, but did not bring out the bacteria. It is too dangerous to do so. If we are not careful, we will be infected first. Therefore, after we invaded the Institute, we just drove the researchers outside and imprisoned them." , blew up the laboratory of the institute with a bomb, and left ampoules in the parking lot, making the police think that we stole the bacteria in the institute, and the rash on your body is because our people smoked in advance The room was sprayed with raw lacquer."

Mori Kogoro frowned puzzled, "Then your purpose..."

"Sorry, teacher, please continue to ask about the situation." Chi Feichi stood up suddenly, threw the pistol to Mori Kogoro, and then turned to Suzuki Jirokichi, "Mr. Woman' use it."

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