Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1879 help each other, harmony and friendship

"That ring? Of course no problem!" Suzuki Jiroji nodded and agreed after being stunned. He looked at Fujioka Takamichi who was on the ground, took the plastic bag on the table, and looked down, "This guy threatened me to take the ring. I took it off, when I was tying him up just now, when I searched him for other weapons, I threw them into the bag together with those daggers..."

Conan: "..."

Throwing the jewelry in directly, this uncle really doesn't feel bad.

"Found it!" Suzuki Jirokichi handed the jewelry ring to Chi Feichi with a curious expression on his face, "But..."

"Mr. Chi, what do you want this thing for?" Nakamori Ginzo stepped forward and looked at the ring caught by Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi raised the mobile phone held in his left hand so that others could see the email displayed on it, "I just received this..."

[Dear Mr. Chi:

I am an uninvited guest who boarded the ship without permission, an outsider who has nothing to do with the incident of hijacking the flying ship, and an innocent person who has been misunderstood and disgusted by you.

Please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, but because of my early departure, I have obtained new information that you are interested in.

If you want to get the criminal mastermind, please exchange it with a lady, but you can only come here alone. If I find that there are policemen or other people following you, I believe that the serious consequences will not be what you want have witnessed.

If you are willing, be sure to reply to me in time, and I will notify you of the place to meet and trade. The time is urgent, and I hope you can make a decision within five minutes. 】

After seeing the words "uninvited guest" and "farewell without saying goodbye", Nakamori Yinzo probably guessed who sent the email, and imagined in his mind that a white-clothed thief said these words in a pretentious tone, making himself so angry Tie Qing, "Phantom Thief Kidd...!"

"We don't need to exchange jewels for a criminal mastermind, right?" Mouri Kogoro Banyueyan said, "As long as we all stay together, with weapons and hands, he can't do anything to us, so he can only hide in the air." Somewhere on the ship, after the flying ship lands, the police who board the ship and search will be able to find both of them!"

"Actually, I promise to come down first, and it's not impossible to set a trap to catch them," Suzuki Jirokichi touched his chin and said, "After the flying ship lands, the thief will probably use some means to get away. Anyway, I don't think the police can catch them." hold him..."

Nakamori Ginzo glanced at Suzuki Jirokichi.

After the flying ship landed, it is a fact that Kaito Kidd will be more difficult to catch, he admitted, but what do you mean by "don't think the police can catch him"?

They are the main force in catching Kidd. For many years, for example, if they don't rely on their police, do they rely on this old man?

Chi Feichi took back his mobile phone and replied to this email, "I will promise him, and I can only bring the jewelry there, and I can't prepare any traps... Yue Shui and Xiao Ai are alone, and they even drank the medicine that had been given sleeping pills. Water, you may not be able to wake up now."

The others were startled, and soon their expressions all changed.

That's right, a group of them gathered together. There are machine guns, pistols, police, and military force. If Fujioka Takamichi is not stupid, he probably won't rush over here again.

But what if Fujioka Takamichi went to find Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai who were asleep?

Now that Takamichi Fujioka wants to get away, he probably has no choice but to find the two girls who may be alone, hold them hostage, and force the police to give up the pursuit after the flying ship lands. May be hurt.

Looking at it this way, they can no longer let Takamichi Fujioka hang around, they must find and catch Fujioka as soon as possible!

The fastest way is to trade with Phantom Thief Kidd.

After Chi Feichi replied to the email, he looked at the location mentioned in the new email, put away his mobile phone and jewelry ring, turned around and walked out the door, "I will bring the jewelry back."

Nakamori Ginzo did not want to miss this opportunity to set up a trap, but he also knew that the situation was special, so he could only sigh regretfully, and said to his two subordinates, "We will wait here!"

"Boy Feichi, be careful, it doesn't matter if you lose your jewels!" Suzuki Jiro yelled at Chi Feichi's back, and when the others felt their hearts warm, he laughed, "Anyway, I don't have any shortages that can be given to you." That thief took the bait!"

other people:"……"

Suddenly, he was dazzled by showing off his wealth.


B deck, guest room corridor.

Chi Feichi walked all the way along the corridor to the end, and stretched out his hand to lift the curtain blocking the front.

The curtain was printed with a real picture of the end of the corridor, hanging from the ceiling at the top of the corridor to the ground, which is the essence of magic props.

Behind the curtain, Takamichi Fujioka was tied with a rope and placed in a corner, leaning his head against the wall, apparently unconscious.

On the side, Kaito Kuroba, dressed in a white phantom thief, sat on the open window, leaning against the window frame, with most of his body hanging outside, only his right leg and half of his body on the ground were still in the corridor.

Kuroba Kaito looked sideways at the scenery outside, and after hearing the movement, he asked in the gentle tone that Kaito Kidd should have, "Did you bring what I want?"

Chi Feichi took out the jewelry ring from his pocket, threw it away, and walked forward to look at the scenery outside the window.

After nightfall, the bright moonlight outside the window shines on the white surface of the flying boat, reflecting a hazy light like a white pearl.

As the flying ship slowly moved forward, the lights on the high-rise buildings in the city in front drew closer and were gradually blocked by the huge hull of the flying ship.

As far as the scenery is concerned, the night scenery seen on the flying boat is not much worse than the daytime scenery.

"Didn't you bring other people here?" Kaito Kuroba held the 'Lady in the Sky', raised his hand to the moonlight, and focused on the luster on the lapis lazuli, "You should really thank me this time Oh, when I found this guy, he was breaking down the door of the guest room, luckily he wasn't wearing a gas mask, hypnosis gas would do it, he had a pistol on him, if I rushed up, maybe it wouldn't work Handle."

"I sealed the door lock of that room with glue from the inside," Chi Feichi said while looking at the night scene, "I also moved the table, chairs and cabinet behind the door to block the door."

Hei Yu was stunned for a moment, and said speechlessly, "With his size, it seems that he can't crawl into the room through the ventilation duct, so he can't sneak into that room at all."

"If he tries to inject poison gas into the room, there's nothing he can do about it," Chi Feichi said, looking back at the unconscious Fujioka Takashi, "although he doesn't look like he's carrying poison gas."

"Well, it seems that I should say thank you to you," Kui Yu Kaidou guessed that Chi Feichi had no choice but to agree to his conditions, but just wanted to help him by the way. He couldn't help being moved, and smiled and put the jewelry ring on the table. Handed it to Chi Feichi, "It's not this one, take it back and return it to old man Jirokichi!"

"Don't be so polite," Chi Feichi put the jewelry ring into his pocket, leaned over to check the rope tied to Takamichi Fujioka, and pulled a loop, "I also hope that this time there will be a beginning and an end, and I will catch the last one back Tie it on."

"Then I'll go first. If I leave after the flying boat lands, the policemen will run after me again," Kaito Kuroba saw that Chi Feichi was about to leave, and he also jumped out of the window, with the paraglider behind him. Zhang Kai, "I'll see you another day! By the way, help me tell that lady from the Maori family that I lied to her. I'm sorry, but I'm doing it for self-protection, and I hope to get her understanding~"

This action should make Mr. Terai happy: mutual help, harmony and friendship.

"Don't do that kind of misleading thing with Conan another day."

Chi Feichi left behind a sentence, dragged Takamichi Fujioka to lift the curtain and leave.

Kuroba Kaito flew downwind to the city ahead with his hang glider, his eyes were filled with resentment and he turned his head frantically.

It's all a misunderstanding, so Brother Feichi can't pretend he didn't see anything?


After Chi Feichi returned, he returned the jewelry ring to Suzuki Jirokichi, and tied Takamichi Fujioka to the handrail. Looking at all the members of the criminal group tied up in a string, he was very satisfied.

Neat and neat, not a single one.

And this action should make Mr. Terai happy: he and Kaito help each other, and the farewell is harmonious and friendly.

Before Yueshui Nanatsuki and Hui Yuanai woke up, Chi Feichi returned to the room, helped untie the rope, moved the table, chairs and cabinets blocking the door, and violently dismantled the door locked by glue.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huihara Ai slept until the flying boat landed safely, and were sleepily called up by Chi Feichi, got off the flying boat, looked blankly at the policeman who was bringing criminals down from the flying boat, and listened to Suzuki Sonoko. After describing it vividly and vividly for a long time, I realized what happened.

They seem to have missed a lot of things during their sleep time?

Hui Yuanai listened, raised his hand and yawned, then rubbed his eyes.

Forget it, don't care, it's all settled anyway.

Sonoko Suzuki said that he was still proud, and turned to ask Chi Feichi out of curiosity, "But brother Feichi, why did Kidd say in the email that he was an innocent person who was misunderstood by you, disgusted and inexplicable? What did you misunderstand him? Why do you hate him?"

Conan's face froze, and he looked up at Chi Feichi.

Mao Lilan, who had been absent-minded all this time, came back to her senses, and also looked at Chi Feichi, feeling worried.

On the flying boat, Kaitou Kidd actually told her that he was Kudo Shinichi. Although she didn't feel right, she grabbed that face and didn't change his face. It was indeed exactly the same as Shinichi. Know the secrets she and the new one or two people know...

Brother Feichi won't also find out that it's Shinichi, right?

Chi Feichi recalled the previous events, and looked down at Conan, his complexion unavoidably revealing a complex expression of 'unexplainable and somewhat disgusted', and he quickly looked away, "It's nothing."

Hui Yuanai noticed Chi Feichi's look at Conan, and was surprised, but also looked at Conan with probing eyes.

It was the first time she saw Brother Feichi's eyes so rich and incomprehensible, what happened before? It seems to be related to Edogawa?

Conan pretended to be nonchalant and looked at the police who got off the flying boat.

He wished Chi Feichi could keep it a secret, so how could he tell it by himself?

Chi Feichi looked at Mao Lilan with a complicated expression again, "Xiao Lan, Kidd told me to tell you that I lied to you. He is sorry, but he did it entirely for self-protection. I hope to get your understanding."

"Cheated, lied to me?"

Mao Lilan was taken aback, thinking that the fact that Kidd could lie to her in order to protect herself should be the fact that "Kidd is Kudo Shinichi", her face suddenly became ugly, her fists were clenched, and her eyes seemed to be blazing. "I don't forgive!"

Conan: "..."

Did that bastard Kidd do something gross to Lan?

other people:"……"

How do you feel that there are still many little secrets that they don't know about this flying boat trip? (To be continued.)

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