Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1880 A child with one palm?

The next day, the news that all the gangsters who invaded the institute were arrested spread throughout Japan through TV stations and newspaper reports. At the same time, there was also news that 'the bacteria were not taken out of the institute'.

The people who had been nervous for a week were finally relieved. People who were originally confined or rarely went out also dragged their families to go out to relax, and many families made travel plans.

As the hosts, Hattori Heiji, Toyama and Ye took a group of people to play in the bustling Osaka for two days before sending the group back on a flying boat.

On the date when the airship returned to Tokyo, the weather was still clear, and nothing happened along the way. It arrived at the departure point safely, and the car arranged by Suzuki Jirokichi took the guests back.

Under the excited suggestion of the three children, the new team building dinner of the Boy Detective Team was arranged at Dr. A Li's house.

Chi Feichi did not follow, and asked the driver to drive him to the office building of the Manike Group in Tokyo, took the approved documents, and went to Ueno Zoo.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Dr. Ali's home.

Okiya Subaru, as "Chi Feichi's cooking apprentice", put on an apron when Chi Feichi didn't arrive in time, stood in front of the cooking table and waved a spatula, and was surrounded by other people.

Mitsuhiko carefully observed Okiya Subaru's every move, recalled Chi Feichi's cooking movements, and commented, "Mr. Subaru's cooking process doesn't seem to be very smooth."

Okiya Subaru smiled helplessly, picked up a bottle of seasoning, squinted his eyes, and sprinkled it into the pot, "Mr. Chi sent me a lot of recipes for Chinese cuisine. I haven’t tried all of them, and I’m only learning these few dishes recently, but I’m not very proficient.”

"That can't be helped," Dr. A Li said with a smile, "It's very simple to cook, but it's not easy to do it well. Like Fei Chi, you can put the seasoning to the right level without paying close attention. At least You have to practice for several years!"

"Brother Chi should have started cooking very early, right?" Ayumi smiled and said, "A boy who can cook is very handsome."

Mitsuhiko and Yuantai looked solemn.

Should they learn it too?

"That..." Mitsuhiko looked left and right, and it took a long time to find Haibara Ai who was sitting on the sofa reading a book behind him, "Haibara, do you think so too?"

Huihara Ai is not very interested in this kind of topic, and originally wanted to be perfunctory, but when she remembered something, she raised her eyes to Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was watching with the children, "I agree, where is Miss Nanatsuki? "

"Ah? Ask me what I think?" Koshimi Nanatsuki was stunned when she was suddenly called on, and soon thought of Chi Feichi standing in the open kitchen cooking, and thought of Chi Feichi's calm and focused expression at that time , couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "It's really handsome."

Mitsuhiko and Yuanta looked at each other.

Girls big and small say that, shouldn't they learn it too?


As the car drove through the gate, the three children heard the familiar engine sound of the Lexus SC, their eyes lit up, and they turned their heads and chattered.

"Is brother Chi here?"

"Is Feichi here too? Why don't you go play a game with the handle before dinner?"

"I don't know if Wuming or Feimo has come..."

Dr. A Li walked to the door. After opening the door, he was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and smiled mysteriously at a group of people, "We have a very rare guest today!"

Conan, Haibara Ai, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the three children cast their attention towards the door, and even Okiya Subaru looked sideways.

"Doctor," Chi Feichi entered the door with two big bags, greeted Dr. Ali, and explained, "I brought juice and some snacks for everyone, and..."

Behind, a giant panda standing upright followed the door, with its two front paws folded in front of it, holding a fruit bag and a few bamboos, every step it took, the black and white fluffy body twisted All of a sudden, it's cute.

"Duanzi brought fruit as gifts for everyone."

Chi Feichi's last words were drowned out by the children's cheers.

"Ah! Tuanzi!"


Soon, Tuanzi was surrounded by a group of people, not only the three children ran forward, but also Haibara Ai, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Dr. Ari and Conan all came over, reached out to touch, tried to hug, one by one There are overjoyed smiles on their faces.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

He just heard about the subletting of the giant panda by the Chi family, but he didn't expect to see it today.

Now he not only wants to lick Mr. Chi's cat, but also wants to lick Mr. Chi's giant panda...

After all, not even the FBI has a panda.

Seeing that he was immediately forgotten by others, Chi Feichi didn't care, put the snacks and juice on the table, and walked to the cooking counter, "I don't know what kind of wine you want to drink, so I bought some beer and sake .”

"Ah, beer and sake are fine," Okiya Subaru returned to his senses, turned his head and continued cooking, but felt that the giant pandas and children's laughter over there disturbed him quite a bit, making him have to work hard to concentrate , "If Mr. Chi wants to drink whiskey, I have quite a few over there. You can go over and get it later."

Chi Feichi looked at the prepared ingredients on the cooking table, guessed what Okiya Subaru was going to do, and helped to cook other dishes beside him.

There was no one onlookers at the cooking table, the dumplings were serving fruit, and he looked up at the cooking table, leaving the biggest portion for his master.

A group of people saw that the dumpling was sitting obediently, and the fruit was also put aside. They stretched out their hands, stroked and hugged them, and reluctantly stopped after a long time.

The three children also dragged the giant panda doll in Dr. Ali's house to Tuanzi's side, and talked to Tuanzi with a smile.

"Tuanzi, look, there are many giant panda dolls in the doctor's house!"

"Tuanzi, you can come out to play with Brother Chi in the future, right? Be sure to come and play with us more often!"

"Hee hee, that's great..."

Tuanzi thought that he would be taken out of the zoo by Chi Feichi in the future, and he was in a good mood. He stretched out his paw and patted the floor in front of him with a 'bang bang', and roared very proudly, "In the future, if someone bullies you outside, come find me!"


Dr. A Li fell silent when he saw the cracked floor.

The three children stared blankly at the roaring dumpling, not daring to move.

Conan, Huihara Ai, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't dare to move anymore, and turned their heads to Chi Feichi in front of the cooking counter for help.

Could it be that they were too noisy and made the dumpling lose their temper? Now how to do? Will Tuanzi 'slap a child'?

Waiting online, very urgent.

Chi Feichi turned his head to look, then continued to put the prepared food into the oven, "It's nothing, it's just an expression of kindness."

"Uh..." Yuantai, who was sitting next to the dumpling, looked up at the dumpling, then looked at the dumpling's figure, and then looked down at his own figure, "The way the dumpling expresses its kindness, shouldn't be too violent, right?"

Okiya Subaru couldn't help casting a concerned gaze.

The giant panda's size, strength, and even its claws are quite lethal. Not only did Mr. Chi have a big heart, but he also had a big heart who didn't think about safety at all just now.

"I believe the dumpling won't hurt us," Hui Yuanai reached out and touched the fluffy back of the dumpling, withdrew his hand reluctantly, stood up and reminded, "However, let's not keep arguing around it, it's too noisy It might be annoying too.”

Seeing that the group of people had calmed down, Tuanzi touched a piece of bamboo, hugged it and lay down on the ground, started to gnaw it, and hummed to Chi Feichi in a low voice, "Master, it turns out that it is really difficult to deal with people who are too enthusiastic." It consumes a lot of energy."

After the others backed away, they watched Tuanzi lying down and hugging the bamboo with all fours on the ground. They were silent for a while, and they didn't want to back away.

This looks too cute...

They are not noisy, they just look at it.

After all the food was served, the group of people watching the dumplings still had no intention of eating, as if they couldn't get enough of it, and they were always eager to get closer.

Tuanzi was used to being surrounded, and found that Chi Feichi had started pouring juice and wine, so he put the half-eaten bamboo aside, touched another bamboo, walked to the dining table with self-consciousness, and poured the bamboo to the side. Throwing the chair on, and then quickly climbed up.

Only then did the onlookers return to the dining table and sit down. They didn't focus on eating at first, and only after eating did they turn their attention back to the food.

After finishing the meal, Dr. A Li went to the laboratory to bring out a bunch of homemade fireworks, and called a group of people, big and small, to go upstairs. While playing snakes and giant pandas, they also set off fireworks in the dark.

Okiya Subaru and Chi Feichi were sitting by the guardrail drinking beer, and found that Tuanzi ran over and sat down while the children were setting off fireworks, and reached out to stroke the hair on Tuanzi's head.

Under the night sky, watching the children set off fireworks, sitting on the roof and blowing the wind, listening to the laughter over there, and drinking and chatting with me, the key is that I can also pet giant pandas. This kind of life is simply not too enjoyable.

He worried that sooner or later his will would be corrupted by the comfortable life.

However, compared to Wuming's unwillingness to be touched by him, Tuanzi is very casual and can be touched as he pleases.

Well, he touched it again...

Chi Feichi saw that a certain fanmao was attacking his giant panda frequently, and asked aloud, "Does Mr. Chongya also like giant pandas?"

Okiya Subaru saw that the dumpling was still lying down for him to touch, and he squinted his eyes and smiled to help smooth the hair, "It's hard for someone not to like such a cute animal, right?"

Chi Feichi didn't care anymore, picked up the glass and continued to drink beer, and began to wonder if Fenmao's will would be corrupted by the comfortable life.

Tuanzi waited for Okiya Subaru to feel comfortable, got up lazily, and showed off his sharp claws in front of Okiya Subaru, Le Diandian ran behind Chi Feichi, jumped up suddenly, hugged his shoulders, and lay down.

Okiya Subaru saw Chi Feichi leaning forward under the pressure of the dumpling, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he raised his wine glass to clink with Chi Feichi, and admired sincerely, "Mr. Chi's physical fitness is really outstanding!"

Chi Feichi clinked glasses with Okiya Subaru, "After all, we have to bear a burden that ordinary people cannot bear."


Okiya Subaru laughed happily, but he didn't care if he attracted the attention of other people over there.

Tonight he suddenly doesn't want to care about his will, it's good to be happy.

Conan was pulled to set off fireworks, and secretly looked at Okiya Subaru again.

Mr. Akai is very happy today. It can be seen that he let go of all stress and troubles and is sincerely happy.

It seems that happiness is indeed contagious, Chi Feichi also...

Uh, let's forget about Chi Feichi, he can't tell from the reaction that he's not happy at all, so he just assumes that Chi Feichi is happy.

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